sympathizer - one who or that which sympathizes; esp. one disposed to agree with or approve a party, cause, etc.; a backer-up.
dole - grief, sorrow, mental distress
anent - in respect or reference to, respecting, regarding, concerning
ministrate - to manage as a steward, to carry on, or execute (an office, affairs, etc.); to dispense, furnish, supply, or give (anything beneficial to the recipient).
to wit - Used to introduce a list or explanation of what one has mentioned
syphon = siphon
ehim (l) - ha!, what!
whissle = whistle + proverb It's too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Phyllls - in Joyce's library was The Law Concerning Draped Virginity, by Adrian, in which it says: "Though she make water often, Phillis wishes to be thought a virgin."
scarlet - Of an offence, hence occas. of an offender: Heinous, deep-dyed + Joyce's levels: Ehim! B>It is [4 ever 4] too late to [4 <whistle> whissle 4] when Phyllis wets herC>floods her<C stable.<B<A3][1 <it> It 1]would be [9 TD <a> 9][1[4 <crying> skarlot 4]1]shame[3[4 <A>, honour bright,<A> 4]3]to[4 <jail> 4][3him[4 <A>ehim> jailahim 4] in lockup<A3][10A>, as was proposed to him by the Seddoms personB>creature<B<A10][1[4 <A>no matter> what matter 4] B>what [3C>wrongdoing<C<B[4 <A>merry tricks he<A> merrytricks 4] 3] went [4 <on<A> off 4] 1][3A>with his [4 <revulveher.<A> revulverher 4] 3][1 <on account> in [4 <consequence> connections 4]1][4 <of> with 4][1hisA>bad[3B>him enjoying A>ehim B>being a norphan and<B enjoining<A3] such [3weak<B<AA>wicked<A3]1][3healthA>illth<A3][4 <.> , ehim! 4]
lock up - jail + Daily Sketch 14 Dec 1922: 'Petition for Reprieve of Bywaters is Ready To-Day': 'A barmaid in the West End: It would be a shame if Bywaters died'.
Seddon - English murderer
meretrix (l) - prostitute, harlot
go off - (of firearms) to be discharged, explode; to experience sexual orgasm
enjoin - to join, to take part in
illth - the condition of being economically unprosperous or miserable; ill being
Drom Cuill-Choille - Ir, "brow of a hazelwood" or "hazelwood ridge." According to Harris's History of Dublin (1766), "Drom-Chohl-Coil" was Dublin's original Irish name.
kitty - kitten; wench, a girl of easy virtue + Tyrrel, Kity - air to T. Moore's "Oh Blame Not the Bard".
(notebook 1924): 'B O.T Board Trade'
benklæder (Danish) - drawers
jury leg - a wooden leg (in the place of a disabled leg) + Joyce's levels: sisters B>daughters<B murmured in unison: God forgive the jury!
Brian O'Linn - Irish ballad hero, first to wear clothes, make them of simple materials like sheepskin, shells, etc. + FDV: Brian [Linsky], the boy curser, was questioned & immediately answered gave a snappy comeback: [I am for caveman sex life, curse it!] Them two whores ought to be get strangled or axed.
curser - one who curses + (notebook 1922-23): 'The boy curser'.
shooting box - a residence for temporary use while following a particular sport (e.g. shooting).
BALLYNABRAGGET - Townland, County Down. Baile na Bragoide, Ir "Town of the Pot-Ale." "Bragget" was the product of professional brewers.
snappy - quickly made or done, sudden
come-back (Slang) - verbal retort + (notebook 1922-23): 'a snappy comeback'.
paw - naughty, indecent, obscene; a natural exclamation of disgust + (onomat.)
(notebook 1924): 'Once more I say -'
caveman - cave-dweller + (notebook 1922-23): 'caveman style (Cyc)' + (notebook 1922-23): 'Jackie Coogan believes in caveman attitude to W' → Daily Sketch 21 Dec 1922, 6/1: 'Jackie Coogan Comes to London': (of Jackie Coogan, eight-year old film star) 'He believes in the cave-man attitude to women'.
leash - to beat or lash with a leash, to whip + (notebook 1922-23): 'that woman ought to be strangled'.
cave canem (l) - beware the dog + Joyce's levels: <curse them,> canem!
hog - wild boar or sow
hoar - a grey-haired man (obs.) + boar
sage Asita (also called Kala Devala) - King Suddhodana's teacher and religious adviser, who predicted that his child will become Buddha + sanitas (l) - health, sanity.
bracelet - an ornamental ring or band worn on the arm or wrist; a fetter for the wrist, hand-cuff + bracelets (Slang) - handcuffs.
grill - to subject to severe questioning; to broil on a gridiron over or before a fire.
sankhya - [calculation, number (Hind.)], an ortodox Hindu system based on dualism whose contact produces phenomenal world.
mango trick - an Indian juggling trick in which a mango-tree appears to spring up and bear fruit within an hour or two.
shady - shaded, producing or affording shade
upsara - (Hindi apsara) a celestial nymph, one of the wives of the Gandharvas (heavenly minstrels).
shadower - one who shadows, one who follows another in order to keep watch upon his actions.
torrify - to roast, scorch or dry by fire + terrified + torréfier (fr) - to roast, scorch.
bolt - a discharge of lightning, a thunderbolt
Indra - chief of the Vedic gods of India. A warlike, typically Aryan god, he conquered innumerable human and demon enemies and his weapons are lightning and the thunderbolt.
Cuxhaven - city, northwestern Germany, port at the mouth of the Elbe
tosh - neat, snug; sheer nonsense, bosh, twaddle
missioner - one sent on a mission, a missionary; esp. (in early use) a Jesuit missionary + FDV: Mrs Ida Wombwell, the 17 old girl daring [revivalist] preacher, said of him the fusiliers incident [with the rosiest of cheeks]: That man is a brute - but he is a magnificent brute.
revivalist - a clergyman who promotes religious revivals (renewed interest in religion); one who revives former conditions, methods, etc.
coincident - thing or event occuring at same time
interface - to come into interaction with + fizz - to exhibit strong excitement, to make hissing sound.
grenadine - a silk yarn, a moderate reddish orange, medium sized carnation + grenadier - Originally, a soldier who threw grenades. At first four or five were attached to each company, but, later, each battalion or regiment had a company of them. Though grenades went out of general use in the eighteenth century, the name of 'grenadiers' was retained for a company of the tallest and finest men in the regiment. Now, however, in the British army, the word is retained only in the name of the Grenadier Guards (colloq. Grenadiers), the first regiment of household infantry.
disgusted - feeling disgust or aversion
perpendicular - vertical + particular + the perpendicular pronoun - I, the first person.
Brut (Brutus) - great-grandson of Aeneas (legendary founderer of England) + brute - one of the lower animals as distinguished from man; a man resembling a brute in want of intelligence, cruelty, coarseness, sensuality, etc. Now (colloq.) often merely a strong term of reprobation or aversion, and sometimes extended to things.
Caligula (12-41) - Roman emperor. The name comes from caligae, foot-soldier's boots. Caligula led his troops to the coast opposite Britain (now the site of Boulogne) and ordered them to pick up seashells to be dedicated to the gods of Rome as spoils of the sea (see Letters, I, 245).
mrdal (Czech ) - he fucked
Magrath - seems to be the Cad, Gill, Snake; he is HCE's enemy, traducer, Anna Livia's special hate. His wife is Lily Kinsella, his servant is Sully the Thug (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).
bookmaker - one that makes books; a proffesional betting man
Australian + "Eastralia" was proposed by the Sydney Bulletin as a name for a name for a section of Australia.
SYDNEY PARADE AVENUE - Residential street in Sandymount, South-East Dublin. In James Joyce's "A Painful Case," Mrs Sinico is killed by a train at Sydney Parade Station.
bulletin - a broadcast report of news, weather, etc.
antipodal - diametrically opposite
here today and gone tomorrow - a catch-phrase indicating a constant change of events or someone (or something) remaining in a place for a short time + strive - to struggle, endeavour to make one's way, against a natural force, e.g. winds, waves + hodie (l) - 'today', fitting with the "here today, gone tomorrow" rhythm of the phrase + happening tomorrow.
wire - to send (a message) 'over the wires', to telegraph
splash - the prominent display in a newspaper of an advertisement, headline, or story + cash
cobbler - a clumsy workman, a mere botcher + brother + cabler - one who sends a cable message + cobber (Australian Colloquial) - mate, close friend.
padre - priest, a christian monk
Turridu - hero of Mascagni's opera Cavalleria Rusticana + turris dura (l) - a hard tower.
matador - in Spanish bullfights the man appointed to kill the bull + song Call Me Early, Mother Dear.
precentor - one who leads or directs the singing of a choir or congregation
S.S. - saints
SMOCK ALLEY THEATRE - Built 1662 in Orange Street, later Smock Alley, now site of church of SS Michael and John (1815), Exchange Street. It was the principal theater in Ireland for over a century, until it closed in 1788.
proverbial - that has passed into a proverb, or into common talk + proba verba (l) - good words, honorable language.
upsydaisy - Used to exp. reassurance to a small child when it is being lifted + upsy - In the phrases upsy Friese, Dutch, English, 'after the Frisian, German (or Dutch), English fashion' + ipse dixit (l) - he himself said (dogmatic assertion).
mutatis mutandis (l) - 'with the necessary or appropriate changes having been made'; 'with the necessary modifications'; with due alteration of details (in comparing cases).
lord - a husband; a master, ruler; the male head of the household
snuff box - a box for holding snuff; the nose (slang)
Morgan, Lady Sidney (1783-1859) - Irish novelist, author of such works as O'Donnell, The Wild Irish Girl.
to take sides - to have the same position or interests
dub - clumsy or stupid person + Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 31: '"Der Freischutz" was performed... The performers of the echoes were "supers." chosen from the Dublin Militia, then called the "dirty Dubs"... when Caspar calls "one," the echo should be "one! one! one!"... Mr. Calcraft... explained and told each man the order, saying, "You, Murphy, are first; you, Daly, are second; you, Callaghan, are third; and, mind you, give the echoes in this order"... Caspar called out "One!" "One!" said Murphy. "Two!" roared Daly'.
flies - pl. of fly - a horse drawn coach + flies - Theat. The space over the proscenium, including the upper mechanism and the galleries on each side from which it is worked.
drab - prostitute, whore