mien - dignified manner or conduct + gentlemen.
rearing - the action of erecting, building up, etc. + rear - the back part of something, esp. a building or vehicle + hearing of a Norway (earwig).
weeny - exceptionally small
teeny - tiny
comme ceci (French) - like this
het - hot, heat, 8. letter of Jewish alphabet + wis - know + wiss- (ger) - know + het was of ie wist (Dutch) - it was as if he knew it.
newt - a small tailed amphibian (Triton), allied to the salamander + FDV: It was of a night. Lissom! lissom! I am doing it.
lissom - supple, limber + listen + REFERENCE
corne - a musical instrument, a horn; a corner + corne (fr) - horn.
entreat - to ask earnestly for (a thing), to beseech, implore
harp + FDV: Hark, the corne entreats! And the larpnotes prittle.
prittle prattle = prattle - to talk or chatter in a childish or artless fashion.
FDV: It was one night at a long time ago when Adam was delvin & his madami madamene spunning watersilts Sir Howther had his burnt head up in his brain hive lamphouse with laying [cold] hand on himself. And his two little jimminies were not yet kicking on the oil cloth of van [homerigh] the cashel homecashel earthshouse earthenhouse, Tristopher & Hilary. With their dummy.
lang - long
auld - old + stane - stone.
eld - age, old age, antiquity + old stone age.
delve - to labour with a spade in husbandry, excavating, etc.: to dig.; to work hard, slave, drudge + "When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then a gentleman?" - a line taken from a sermon by the 14th century priest John Bal.
-een (Anglo-Irish) - (diminutive, often pejorative) + 'Madamina' - song from Don Giovanni.
spin - to revolve or gyrate, to whirl round
silt - fine sand, clay, or other soil, carried by moving or running water and deposited as a sediment on the bottom or beach + spin one's wheels - to do nothing productive.
MONTENOTTE - (name means 'night-mountain'; also district of Cork) Village, East of Genoa, Italy. 1st battle of Napoleon's Italian campaign, 11 April 1796, where he defeated the Austrians.
leal - loyal, true; lawful (Archaic)
rivers had their own way (notebook 1924) → Canon W. Fleming: St Patrick 48: 'The network of rivers, tributaries of the Loire... must have exposed the country to periodical inundations in those days, when rivers had at all times their own way' + ain (Scots) - own + ain (Hebrew) - none, no, void.
billy - lad, fellow
biddy - woman
jarl - a medieval scandinavian noble ranking immediately below the king + Earl of Howth (Scandinavian/Dutch) + FDV: Sir Howther had his burnt head up in his brain hive lamphouse with laying [cold] hand on himself.
burnt - set on fire; excited; that had suffered injury from fire + (burnt match).
jiminy - used as a mild oath; alt. of gemini (pair, couple) + gemini (l) - twins.
ourn (Middle English) - ours
Tristopher and Hillary - Mr Tindall pointed out that Tristopher and Hillary and their mingling exemplify Bruno's motto: 'In tristia hilaris hilaritate tristis'(Latin 'In Sadness Cheerful, in Gaiety Sad'; appears on the title page of his play 'Il Candelajo') (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).
kick one's heels - to have nothing to do esp. while being kept waiting + kick up one's heels - to have a lively time.
dummy - doll
oilcloth - a canvas of various degrees of thickness, painted or coated with a preparation containing a drying oil, used for table-cloths, floor-cloths, etc.
flure - floor
Vanhomrigh, Bartholomew - Vanessa's father, Lord Mayor of Dublin in 1697. According to the Dublin Annals, he "obtained from William III a royal donative, a collar of SS in lieu of that lost in 1688." The SS collar is (was?) the mayor of Dublin's chain of office.
earth house - a dwelling built into or covered with earth + earthen - made of earth + FDV: And his two little jimminies were not yet kicking on the oil cloth of van [homerigh] the cashel homecashel earthshouse earthenhouse, Tristopher & Hilary. With their dummy.
Diarmaid (Dermot) (*Y*) and Grania (*I*) - equivalent of Tristan and Isolde in Fenian myth (Finn MacCool (*E*) is equivalent of King Mark).
keep - central tower of a medieval castle (serving as a last defence), a tower + As Babalon, [Maat] utters the word S, the background hiss, the ophidian spanda (vibration) of cosmic creation. Its number is 60, which is that of BChN, a 'watch-tower', from the Egyptian word bekhn, a 'tower' or 'fortress' (Kenneth Grant: Outside the Circles of Time) → Behan, Manservant, *S*.
inn - a dwelling place, a house + (innkeeper).
niece in law - the wife of one's nephew + (notebook 1924): 'niece-in-law' → Freeman's Journal 16 Feb 1924, 4/4: 'Publican's Story': 'Witness then asked his niece-in-law, Mary Maher, to go for the priest'.
prank - a practical joke or mischievous act + quean (archaic) - a harlot, whore; a woman of worthless character; a saucy girl + FDV: And who come to the keep of his inn but the niece of his a prankwench.
rosy - having the crimson or pink colour of a rose; rose-coloured
wit - mental capacity, understanding, intellect + to make one's wise - to do what one can + wit (Dutch) - white.
fornenst - right opposite to, over against; facing + FDV: And the prankwench picked a rosy one & made her wit foerenenst the dour.
dour - hard to move, stubborn, obstinate, sullen + dour (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - door.
Ireland + (notebook 1923): 'S Patrick's vision 1 All I ablaze' → Flood: Ireland, Its Saints and Scholars 43: 'An ancient Irish manuscript of unknown authorship divides the Saints of Ireland into three great orders. The First Order was in the time of St. Patrick... The Second Order... flourished during the latter half of the sixth century. The Third Order of Saints lived in Ireland for a period which extended for about seventy years from the end of the sixth century. The writer of the manuscript says that "the First Order was most holy, the Second Order holier, and the Third holy... These Three Orders the blessed Patrick foreknew, enlightened by heavenly wisdom, when in prophetic vision he saw at first all Ireland ablaze, and afterwards only the mountains on fire; and at last saw lamps lit in the valleys"'.
ablaze - on the fire, radiant with light
petty - of small importance, inconsiderable, insignificant, trivial + Le Petit Parisien - a journal of the 1920s; the title is French for 'The Little Parisian'.
Parisian - the French spoken in or associated with Paris + Parisienne - a Parisian woman.
wan - one + wans (Dublin Slang) - girls + King Mark, Tristan's uncle.
poss = post (?); an act of 'possing', a thrust or knock + a pot (glass) of porter, please + FDV: And spoke she to the dour in petty perusienne: Why do I want like a cup poss of porter porterpease.
porter - one who has charge of a door or gate, esp. at the entrance of a fortified town or of a castle or other large building; a kind of beer, of a dark brown colour and bitterish taste, brewed from malt partly charred or browned by drying at a high temperature.
skirmish - a petty fight or encounter
antwoordde (Dutch) = antwortete (ger) - answered + FDV: But the dour handworded her grace [in dootch nossow]: Shut. (i.e. made a sign with the hand).
native - native liquor, native language + NASSAU - German duchy until 1866. William the Silent, founder of the Dutch Republic, inherited the title of Nassau-Dillenburg from his father, of Orange-Chalons from his cousin, and was 1st prince of Orange-Nassau. He fought on Wellington's side at Waterloo.
A person's shadow, Shut (,
'šwt' in Egyptian), was always present. It was believed that a person could not
exist without a shadow, nor a shadow without a person, therefore, Egyptians
surmised that a shadow contained something of the person it represents. For this
reason statues of people and deities were sometimes referred to as their
shadows. The shadow was represented graphically as a small human figure painted
completely black as well, as a figure of death, or servant of Anubis.
malice - the desire to injure another person, active ill-will or hatred + Grace O Malley - 16 c. pirate chieftainess (REFERENCE)
kidnap - originally, to steal or carry off (children or others) in order to provide servants or labourers for the American plantations; hence, in general use, to steal (a child), to carry off (a person) by illegal force.
shandy - wild, boisterous; also visionary, empty-headed, half-crazy + Tristram Shandy - title, hero of Sterne's novel. "Shandy" is "boisterous mirth," and, therefore, the name exemplifies opposites - hilarity and sorrow (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).
wilderness + (Grace O'Malley was a princess of Connacht)
run + FDV: So she her grace o'malice snapped up Tristopher and she ran, ran, ran rain, rain, rain.
wireless - to send a message by wireless
lovecall - a call or note used as a means of amorous communication between the sexes + Dubh-gall (Irish) - Dark foreigner (i.e. Dane).
deef - deaf + dief (Dutch) - thief + thief & dear + 'Stop, Thief!' - the title of a protest letter against Samuel Roth's pirating of Ulysses, signed by many famous people, as it appears in Transition #1 (where an early version of I.1 also appears).
Come Back to Erin (song) + FDV: And Sir Howther warlissed after her in his Finngallese: Stop deef stop. Come back to my Earin Stop.
svarede (Danish) - answered + FDV: But she sware swareded at to him: Unlikely Unlikelyhood.
unlikelihood - something improbable, improbability
brannew - brand new (quite new, perfectly new) + ail - trouble, ailment + branne (Danish) - fire + Grannuaile - one of the numerous transliterations of Grace O’Malley's Irish name, Gráinne Ní Mháille.
sabbath - Saturday + sabaoth (Hebrew) - armies, hosts (Romans 1:1, Hebrews 5:4) + FDV: And there was a brandnewwail [that same sabbaoth] somewhere in Erio.
Eria - the old name for the small island outside Dublin Bay now known as Ireland's Eye was Eria's Island. Eria was a woman's name and this became confused with Erin, an Irish name for Ireland. The Vikings substituted the Old Norse word 'Ey' (Island) and so the island became known as 'Erins Ey' and ultimately 'Ireland's Eye'.
TIR NA MBAN - In the 10th-century text of The Voyage of Bran, Bran and his followers stay so long on the enchanted island of Tir na Mban, the Land of Women, where a century is like a year, that when they return to land the 1st man to step on shore collapses into a pile of ashes. If the Prankquean spends "forty years" there between visits to Howth, she is absent from Howth for 21 weeks + 'Le Tour du Monde en Quatre-Vingts Jours' (Around the World in 80 Days) - a novel by the French author Jules Verne.
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, or Diarmuid "of the Love Spot" was the foster-son of the Irish love god Aonghus. His mortal father gave him to the god as a child, a gift that was returned when Diarmuid received the famous love spot as a young Fenian warrior. One night, when out hunting, Diarmuid and three companions took shelter in a small hut in a wood. There a beautiful young woman received them but chose to sleep only with Diarmuid. She told him that she was Youth, and that the love spot she put on his forehead would make him irresistible to women. As a consequence, Diarmuid's life was almost continuously troubled by desperate women, the worst being Grainne, the passionate daughter of High King Cormac Mac Art.
suddle - a stain, spot + Gulliver's Travels + FDV: Then the prankwench went for a hundred forty years walk and she washed the scabs blessings off the jiminy and she had her four [owlers] monitors for to taught him his tickles
owler - one engaged in the illegal exportation or 'owling' of wool or sheep from England + old master - a 'master' who lived before the period accounted 'modern'; chiefly applied to painters from the 13th to the 16th or 17th century.
tickle - an act of tickling
converted + convortare (l) - to turn around; to transform + (*V* changed into *C*).
allgood - sort of plant + Allgood, Sara (1883-1950) - Irish actress who gave a reading of "Anna Livia Plurabelle" (see Letters, III, 261).
Luder (ger) - carrion, carcass; scoundrel + Lutheran - a member of Lutheran church + ludraman (Irish) - lazy idler, loafer + letterman
in a brace of shakes - in a very short time = in two shakes + FDV: and brought him she was back came raining back through the westerness again in a brace of samers back to Sir Howther another night at another time.
pinafore - a covering of washable material worn by children, and by factory girls or others, over the frock or gown, to protect it from being soiled. Also, a low-necked, sleeveless fashion garment worn by women and girls, usu. over a blouse or jumper.
hostelry - an inn, a hostel + Henry II granted Dublin to the citizens of Bristol + bristols = bristol cities (Cockney Rhyming Slang) - titties (breasts) + FDV: And where did she come but to the bar of his bristolry.
Bartholomew Vanhomrigh - father of Swift's Vanessa + bruised heel (Genesis 3.14-15): "And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
cellar - an underground room or vault + malt - barley or other grain prepared for brewing or distilling by steeping, germinating and kiln-drying + FDV: And Sir Howther had his heels down drowned in his cellarmalt shaking [warm] hands with himself
*V* shakes hands with self (notebook 1924) → Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 65: (of William Rathborne, a competitor in the Feis Ceol) 'I saw him take his left hand in his right and press it with congratulatory fervor... that act of Rathborne's of shaking hands with himself on his assumed victory struck me as a trifle previous'.