cholera morbus - severe gastroenteritis characterized by severe colic and vomiting and diarrhea + collera (it) - anger + morbous - causing disease, of or pertaining to disease.
Mangan, James Clarence (1803-49) - Irish poet, author of "Dark Rosaleen" and "The Nameless One," used in Ulysses to indicate Noman or the nameless narrator of "Cyclops". Joyce wrote an essay about Mangan. Mangan was known as "The Man in the Cloak," and he died of cholera morbus. La cloaque is French argot for "brothel" + Mann (ger) - man + cloaca (l) - sewer.
starr = star - an ornament representing a star, worn as a part of insignia of an order of knighthood
Girton = Girton College, one of the two Cambridge colleges for women + the garter - the badge of the highest order of English knighthood + STAR AND GARTER - the insignia of the Order of the Garter.
draper - a dealer in cloth, and now by extension, in other articles of textile manufacture
deane = din; dain + Dean Swift: Drapier Letters.
will of the wisp - a delusive goal or hope
Barney-the-Bark - G. B. Shaw, who, like Yeats, was awarded the Nobel prize (Sweden)
mangold - a variety of beet (cultivated as a food for cattle)
Bond, Oliver - United Irishman of 1798, condemned to death, but died beforehand of apoplexy
frey = fry - young fish
Seumas (Irish) - James (Pronunciation 'shaymus') + James Stephens: The Adventures of Seumas Beg (James Stephens was rather short and had a large bald crown).
Tibert - The name of the cat in the apologue of Reynard the Fox; thence, used as a quasi-proper name for any cat, and (as a common noun), a cat + Tiber - river in Italy + libertine's
Clongowes Wood College + Congo - second largest river in the world by volume of water discharged, though it has only one-fifth the volume of the world's largest river, the Amazon.
Cross of Cong - processional cross now in National Museum, Dublin + Cross - main river in southeastern Nigeria + Joyce's note: 'cross or pile'.
Sunny Jim - Mr Atherton says, an advertising figure for a breakfast food, "Force." Joyce was called "Sunny Jim" as a child + FDV: [a cross & a pile for Lucky Joe:].
spare me days! - an exclamatory ejaculation
bravo - a daring villain, a hired soldier or assassin + Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies: War Song: Remember the Glories of Brien the Brave + Rio Grande (known in Mexico as Río Bravo) - river that forms part of the Mexico – United States border.
pente = paint + pente (gr) - five.
lub- (l) - [stem meaning] desire + ljubi (Serbian) - to kiss + lashings (Anglo-Irish) - plenty, lots + Lubilash or Sankuru - major river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Olona is Italian "Magdalene", Lena is Russian, Magdalena is Latin American + Olona - river in Italy.
lena (l) - procuress, bawd + Lena - easternmost of the three great Siberian rivers that flow into the Arctic Ocean.
Magdalene - appellation of a disciple of Christ named Mary, 'out of whom went seven devils' (Luke viii. 2). She has commonly been supposed to be identical with the unnamed 'sinner' of Luke vii. 37, and therefore appears in Western hagiology as a harlot restored to purity and elevated to saintship by repentance and faith + There were Magdalen Asylums (for fallen women or "magdalens") in Donnybrook and Leeson Street Lower. In 19th-cent Dublin, fallen women were "saved" by putting them to work as laundresses; hence for FW the Two Washerwomen are the "maggies." Also, reference is to character 'Mary' in THE PRIEST, THE WOMAN AND THE CONFESSIONAL, by Charles Chiniquy + Magdalena - principal river of Colombia.
Camilla (l) - Volscian heroine in the Aeneid + camilla (l) - a girl of unspotted character + Kamila (Serbian) - camel + Milla (stem Mill) - a female given name derived from Finnish Emilia, Swedish Camilla or Russian Ljudmíla; Ljudmila (Slav.) means “pleasant with people”.
dromo (gr) - running + Drôme - river in southeastern France.
mamilla (l) - breast, nipple + Camilla and Mamilla - Robert Greene heroines.
SHANNON - The longest (230 miles) river in Ireland + FDV: to Nancy Shannon a lucky Tuam brooch:
dora (gr) - gift
riparia (l) - frequenting river-banks + Dora Riparia - Italian river, a left-hand tributary of the Po.
douche (fr) - shower + FDV: for Dora Hope Hopeandwater [a coolingdouche &] a warmingpan:
warmingpan - a long-handled covered pan holding live coals to warm a bed
blarney - smoothly flattering or cajoling talk. Also, nonsense + BLARNEY - Town, County Cork, 4 miles North-West of Cork City. In the 15th-century castle is the Blarney Stone, believed to make anyone who kisses it proficient in blarney (smooth-talk).
brag - an instance of boastful talk + breeks - breeches, trousers + Joyce's note: 'wore out two pairs of Blarney trousers' → V. William J. Fitz-Patrick, The Life of the Very Rev. Thomas N. Burke. Father Tom is quipping, ''with his wonted humour'' that a certain mission was so hard work, ''that it had the effect of wearing threadbare two pairs of the finest Blarney cloth garments which he had just bought'' + FDV: for Wally Meagher a couple of pairs of Blarney breeks:
wally - an unfashionable person; one who is foolish, inept, or ineffectual. Also as a mild term of abuse.
Meagher, Wally - seems to have inherited a pair of family trousers in bad condition and to have been involved in some kind of "troth." (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake) + William Meagher - Lord Mayor of Dublin in 1884.
hairpin - a kind of pin used in dressing and fastening up the hair
slatepencil - a pencil of soft slate (or soapstone) used for writing on a slate + pencil (Slang) - penis.
(notebook 1922-23): 'Elsie Oram' → Eilis Oram - character in Tipperary folklore and notorious liar.
toby - a drinking mug in the shape of a stout man wearing a three-cornered hat + FDV: & a slate pencil for Elsie Oram to scratch her toby, doing her sums:
do one's best - to do the best one can do
vulgar fractions - those fractions in which the numerator and denominator are represented by numbers placed the one above, the other below, a horizontal line + (notebook 1924): 'Volga craft built for 1 downstream voyage & then sold' (only first word crayoned) + Volga - largest river in Europe.
bellezza (it) - beauty
(notebook 1924): 'bluebag' → blue bag - a bag containing a cakes or blue powder for laundry use.
(notebook 1924): 'the blues' → blues - an informal term for a state of depression.
fitz - son + "Not where the Finn fits into the Mourne..."
Missa pro Messa (eccl. l) - Mass for the Harvest + Misa - river in Latvia.
Taff - A familiar nickname for a Welshman + Taff - large river in Wales + mishe/tauf (motif).
jill - a lass, wench
spoon (Slang) - flirt, sweetheart
Jack and Gill - lad and lass
broth of a boy (Anglo-Irish) - a real (essential) boy + (notebook 1923): 'a slip of a boy - broth -'.
Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin
Friday - Robinson Crusoe's native friend + Joyce's note: 'Robinson (Rubinstein)'
Caducus Angelus (eccl. l) - Fallen Angel
Rubicon (l) - river between Italy and Cisalpine Gaul, crossed by Caesar (49 B.C.) to start civil war
poplin - a mixed woven fabric, consisting of a silk warp and worsted weft, and having a corded surface + 366 = a year and a day; a leap year.
tie + Atkinson's warehouse on Wellington Quay stored poplin ties + Tyne - river in North East England.
revery = reavery, reverie + every
warp - yarn arranged lengthways on a loom and crossed by the woof + one
weaver - one who weaves textile fabrics
woof - the threads that cross from side to side of a web, at right angles to the warp; the texture of a fabric
Victor Hugo + Victor Hugonot - Dublin tie salesman + Huguenots introduced poplin manufacture in Dublin.
steaded - placed in position (obs.) + stead (Archaic) - to help or benefit. 'To stand (someone) in good stead' means to be useful or of good service to (someone).
rake - a long-handled tool with a row of teeth at its head, used to move leaves or loosen soil
VARIAN AND CO - Brush manufacturers, long at 91-92 Talbot Street (trademark is a pig).
muck - the dung of cattle (usually mixed with decomposing vegetable refuse) used for manure [Joyce's note: 'muck'] + muc (Irish) - pig.
Kate (*K*) + Katherine Strong - 17th century Dublin scavenger [079.27]
Hosty [044.08] + when a singer forgets the next verse of a song he may say 'There's a hole in the ballad' [253.20]
JFX Reserverd Coppinger = Majesty (from Joyce's list of characters) + Walter A. Copinger - 19th century lawyer and bibliographer of incunabula (books printed before 1501, Latin 'things in the cradle').
ten pound ten
on the pop of - about to, on the point of
daulphin - dolphin; dauphin (the title of the oldest son of the King of France) + Dolphin's Barn - district of Dublin.
squib - firework consisting of a tube filled with powder (as a broken firecracker) that burns with a fizzing noise + quid - a sovereign, one pound sterling + Ulysses.8.383: 'give every child born five quid'.
infanta - a daughter of the king and queen of Spain or Portugal; spec. the eldest daughter who is not heir to the throne
Maggy = Cad's Wife (Joyce's list of characters) + The Letter: "well how are you Maggy & hopes soon to hear well & must now close it with fondest to the twoinns with four crosskisses".
ashpit - a hole beneath a fire-place or furnace into which the ashes fall
hefty - large, heavy, and powerful; of considerable weight and size ("a hefty dictionary")
LUSK - Village, North of Dublin.
ferry - the ferry boat
spas - a person with spastic paralysis; a fool; plural of spa + spas (Serbian) - salvation, redemption + spes (l) - hope.
speranza (it) - hope
symposium - a drinking party; a meeting or conference for discussion of some subject + Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section 1780: 'Simpson's Hospital for the reception of poor, decayed, blind, and gouty men, incorporated'.
decayed - physically wasted or impaired
equestrian statue of Sir Hugh Gough, who was blind and partially deaf, in Phoenix Park
nave - the main part or body of a church + naves (l) - ships.
Joyce's note, Eolus: 'a Joyce of evils'.
ARMORICA - Ancient name for region in North-West France comprising the coast of Gaul between Seine and Loire Rivers. Inhabited by Cymric Celts, later a Roman province; extreme North-West part invaded in 5th century AD by Britons and thereafter called Brittany; East part became Normandy. Letters, I, 247: "Amory Tristan [first Lord of Howth] b. in Brittany (North Armorica)" + Armoricus (l) - an Armorican, person from Armorica.
Sir Amory Tristram, first Earl of Howth, changed name to Saint Lawrence + Amur - world's ninth longest river, forming the border between the Russian Far East and Northeastern China.
Saint Lawrence - personification of indolence; martyr who told his tormentors to turn him round on his gridiron + Saint Lawrence's day - 10th August.
guillotine - an instrument used in France (esp. during the Revolution) for beheading, consisting of a heavy knife blade sliding between grooved posts
Reuben - The personal name Reuben applied to suggest the conventionally conceived figure of a farmer or rustic; a country bumpkin + Robin Redbreast.
hempen - made of hemp; related to hempen ropes, i.e., to hanging as capital punishment
suspenders - a pair of straps passing over the shoulders to hold up the trousers
Brennan on the Moor - outlaw hero of Irish ballad, betrayed by a woman, hung
oaken knee + OCONEE - River and county, Georgia, US; it flows through Laurens County and its county seat, Dublin.
conditor - a founder, an institutor
Jonathan Sawyer founded Dublin, Georgia, United States, on the Oconee river
mosquito bites + Musquodoboit - Canadian river located in central Nova Scotia.
Scott - river in California, United States
C3 - unfit (according to World War I classification of men) + Joyce's note: 'C3 arm (weak)'.
peduncle - the stalk of a flower or fruit, or of a cluster of flowers or fruits; a slender part or joint by which some part or organ is attached to another + Joyce's note, Ithaca: 'peduncle'.
karma (Sanskrit) - action, occupation (in Buddhism and Hinduism, action as determining one's fate, destiny as determined by one's actions) + Carmelite order - a Catholic religious order perhaps founded in the 12th century on Mount Carmel. The charism, or spiritual focus, of the Carmelite Order is contemplative prayer.
sunless - not illuminated by the sun
Seamus O'Seain (shemus o shan) (gael) - James descendant of John
jackal - an animal of the dog kind, about the size of a fox + Anubis - Greek name for a jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in Egyptian mythology. In the ancient Egyptian language, Anubis is known as Inpu, (variously spelled Anupu, Ienpw etc.) + Jekyll - The name of the hero of R. L. Stevenson's story, 'Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' (published 1886), who appears as a benevolent and respectable character under the name of Jekyll and the opposite under the name of Hyde.
BROWNE AND NOLAN - Printers, publishers, and booksellers; at 24-25 Nassau Street at the turn of the century, now in Dawson Street, with works at Clonskeagh; owners of the Richview Press + Sodality Priest = Shem C (Joyce's list of characters).
Donn (doun) (gael) - Brown
William De Morgan: Joseph Vance (James Joyce: Letters I.101: letter 09/04/17 to Ezra Pound: 'some time ago a person gave me a two-volume novel to read, Joseph Vance. I read it at intervals for some time, till I discovered that I had been reading the second volume instead of the first').
WESTMORELAND LOCK HOSPITAL - Opened 1792 for treatment of venereal disease in Donnybrook Road; limited to women patients about 1820. Usually called "the Lock." + lock stable door - i.e. Lock the stable door when the steed is stolen. To take "precautions" when the mischief is done.
Honor Bright - prostitute found murdered in 1925 at Ticknock crossroads, County Dublin, probably for having infected some relation of her slayer with venereal disease (nickname derived from her use of phrase 'Honour Bright' in reply to most remarks).
meretrix (l) - harlot, prostitute + "It would be skarlot shame to jailahim in lockup, as was proposed to him by the Seddoms creature what matter what merrytricks went off with his revulverher" [60.04-07]
Lambeg drums on anniversary of Battle of Boyne, 1690.
William III, Battle of Boyne, 1690 (King Billy).
Dun-buinne (dunbwini) (gael) - Fort of the Flood; town, Co. Meath + FDV: & a big drum for Billy Dunboyne:
bellows - an instrument or machine constructed to furnish a strong blast of air
Ida - Gertrude Stein's short sketch, composed in 1937, published as a novel in 1940. Ida is a girl of dual personality who has a twin self, Ida-Ida + Aida (an Arabic female name meaning "visitor" or "returning") - opera in four acts by Giuseppe Verdi + In Greek mythology, two sacred mountains are called Mount Ida, the "Mountain of the Goddess": Mount Ida in Crete, and Mount Ida in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), which was known as Phrygian Ida in Classical times. Both are associated with the mother goddess in the deepest layers of pre-Greek myth.
hushaby - tending to quiet or lull + Rock-a-bye Baby (nursery rhyme)
rocker - a cradle
elle trouve tout (fr) - she finds all + Il trovatore (The Troubadour) - second Verdi's opera of the so-called "trilogia popolare" of Rigoletto, Il trovatore and La traviata.
William Shakespeare: Two Gentlemen of Verona IV.2.39: 'Who is Silvia? What is she'
swilly - an eddy or whirlpool; addicted to swilling or heavy drinking
swash - to dash or splash (water) about, to dash water upon