boomslang - venomous tree-dwelling African snake (from Afrikaans 'tree-snake') + slang - to utter or make use of slang, to rail in abusive or vulgar language.

plug - a piece of cake or twist tobacco cut off for chewing, etc. + (Lotus-eaters).

contemplation - the action of beholding, or looking at with attention and thought

fluctuation - the action or condition of passing more or less rapidly and suddenly from one state to another; a motion like that of the waves, an alternate rise and fall

undificatio (l) - making of waves

filium (l) - a thread

loll - to recline or rest in a relaxed attitude, supporting oneself against something + (notebook 1924): 'lolling *A*' → O'Grady: Selected Essays and Passages 23: (of the stream of Irish history) 'here and there flowers lolling on those delusive waters'.

lease - to gather or pick up in small quantities, to scrape together; to tell lies + lazing

lazer = lazar - a poor or diseased person, esp. a leper + FDV: There was a gang of surfacemen [boomslanging & plugchewing [, lying & leasing,]] on Lazy Wall & as soon as they seen these seen who was in it says one to the other:

North Wall, Dublin + Waal is the main distributary branch of river Rhine flowing to the central Netherlands.

eelfare - the migration of young eels up stream + hellfire.

Duke of York + Júcar - river on the Iberian Peninsula.

yoick - a hunting cry used to urge hounds after a fox

meander - Of a river, stream, etc.: To wind about in its course; Of a person: To wander deviously or aimlessly.

maritime - of, or pertaining to, the sea

grass widow - a married woman whose husband is absent from her

weeds - mourning clothes

twig - to perceive, discern, catch sight of; to recognize + twig (Anglo-Irish) - get the point, realise, understand, notice (from Anglo-Irish tuigim: 'I understand').

archdeaconess - the wife of an archdeacon

bonnet - a head-dress of women out of doors; distinguished from a hat (at present) mainly by the want of a brim, and by its covering no part of the forehead

Avondale Forest - forest in County Wicklow, Ireland on the west bank of the River Avonmore. It contains the home of Charles Stewart Parnell which was built in 1777 + River Avon by the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire.

clarence - a close four-wheeled carriage with seats for four inside + Clarence - river in New South Wales, Australia + Joyce's note: 'Avondale Clarence Grillroom'.

poisson (fr) - fish + One man's meat is another man's poison (proverb).

says one to another + Anabar - river in Sakha, Russia, located just west of the Lena River.

Wit-upon-Crutches - anonymous poem published in a Dublin broadside in 1725 and rarely, if ever, reprinted since [at some point attributed, without much proof, to Swift] + (lame wit).

masturbate + Master Bates - Gulliver's surgeon-teacher in Swift's Gulliver's Travels.

sates (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - seats + (two bottoms) + FDV: Between you & me & the wall we are on beneath us as round as a hoop Alp has doped.

"The heaviest blocks are the granite blocks used to roof the King's Chamber; 0.91 m (3.0 ft) above the floor there are two narrow shafts in the north and south walls. The purpose of these shafts is not clear: they appear to be aligned on stars or areas of the northern and southern skies, but on the other hand one of them follows a dog-leg course through the masonry so there was not intention to directly sight stars through them. Longtime believed by Egyptologists to be "air shafts" for ventilation, this idea has now been widely abandoned in favor of the shafts serving a ritualistic purpose associated with the ascension of the king's spirit to the heavens. The coffer no longer has it's lid and the southeast upper corner has been broken away. It is also made from a single block of rose granite weighing about 3.75 tons. Its western edge sports three drilled pinion holes that were used to hold the lid in place after the interment. The lid would have weighed over 2 tons and was slid into place within angled grooves. The size of the coffer necessitates that the chamber was built with the coffin already in place – it would not have fit through the entrance, nor would it have fit through the lower section of the ascending passageway."

face lift - a surgical operation for more youthful appearence

doped - under the influence of narcotics

game - hunted animal, meat of hunted animal

baggy - puffed or bulging out, hanging in loose folds + (notebook 1922-23): 'mixed bag' (some shooting term).

hatty - of, relating to, or resembling, a hat + Bhāgīrathī - turbulent Himalayan river, source stream of the Ganges, India.

tembo - an alcoholic drink made in East Africa, usu. from the sap of the coconut palm + tembo (Kiswahili) - palm wine; elephant.

tumbo (Kiswahili) - belly

pilipili (Kiswahili) - pepper

pepperpot - a small box, usually cylindrical, with a perforated lid, used for sprinkling powdered pepper

saa (Kiswahili) - watch, clock, hour

taa (Kiswahili) - lamp, lantern, light; a kind of large flat edible fish + teas.


bizaa (Kiswahili) - merchandise, trade goods + bizari (Kiswahili) - a spice.

plunder - to take (goods, valuables, etc.) with illegal force, or as an enemy; to appropriate wrongfully, embezzle

efter - after + Just before the Battle, Mother (song) + After the Ball (song).

frisk - full of life and spirit, brisk + frisk (Danish) - fresh + (notebook 1922-23): 'get it while it's fresh'.

(notebook 1924): 'bet my beard' + Aube - river in France, right tributary of the Seine.

worthwhile - being worth the time or effort spent

poach - to put into a bag

worth one's while - worth doing, profitable

and I don't mean maybe - I am positive

good for - Of a promissory note, draft, etc., drawn for so much; valid for + goodfor (Slang) - promissory note.

say + Spey - river in the northeast of Scotland, the second longest and the fastest-flowing river in Scotland. It is important for salmon fishing and whisky production.

truth + Prut or Pruth - river in Eastern Europe.

tale - to say, tell + FDV: But what was the game in her mixed bag? Shake it up do, do! & I promise I'll make it worth yr while & [I don't mean maybe. Tell me all. Tell me true.] I want to get it while it's fresh.

arundo (l) - reed, cane + Arun - river in the English county of West Sussex +

Gironde - navigable estuary (often falsely referred to as a river), in southwest France + round and round.

Waveney - river in England + wavery.

lyne = line + Lyne - river in England.

aringa (Italian) - herring + roume (Finnish) - stream + Garonne (Latin: Garumna) - river in southwest France and northern Spain.

patter - to run with a rapid succession of short quick sounding steps

swing - to go along with undulating or swaying movement

sidle - to move or go sideways or obliquely; to edge along, esp. in a furtive or unobtrusive manner, or while looking in another direction

dribble - to propel by successive slight taps; to let saliva drivel from the mouth

narrow + Narva or Narova - major river flowing into the Baltic Sea, the largest river in Estonia.

moss - a bog, swamp, a peat bog

duileasc (Irish) - edible seaweed

vetch - any of several leguminous plants, of the genus Vicia, often grown as green manure and for their edible seeds

agin = again (against) + Thomas Moore: Where is the Slave (song): 'The friends we've tried Are by our side, And the foe we hate before us'.

curare - a blackish-brown resinous bitter substance, obtained as an extract from Strychnos toxifera, and other plants of tropical S. America; used by the Indians to poison their arrows + Curaray - river in eastern Ecuador, part of the Amazon River basin.

Medway - river in Kent, England

weser = wizard + Wesir or Asar (Osiris) + Weser - river in north-western Germany + where + (notebook 1924): 'which way to turn *A*'.

either + Eider - river in Germany.

chatta - umbrella + hoochie - a shelter or dwelling (esp. one that is insubstantial or temporary) + Chattahoochee - river in United States + chattering

ain - one, own + Ain - river in eastern France.

chi (Chinese) - chicken + (own children).

Santa Claus - a modern mythological figure who traditionally is believed to bring presents to people (especially children) at Christmas time

cree - to soften (grain) in a pulpy mass by boiling; to create + cri (fr) - a cry + croí (Irish) - heart (Pronunciation 'cree') + Cree - river in Scotland.

puny - inferior in strength or significance + (notebook 1924): 'call of the pale & puny'.

listening + Nisling - river in Yukon, Canada.

encircle - to form a circle round, surround

Isolabella - island in Lake Maggiore (lit. 'beautiful island')

reconcile - restored to friendship, harmony, etc.

Reim (ger) - rhyme + Remus.

lech - a look, glance + leech - carnivorous or bloodsucking aquatic or terrestrial worm typically having a sucker at each end + Lech - river in Austria and Germany.

dart - a light spear or javelin; also applied to pointed missiles in general, including arrows + (notebook 1930): 'R Dart' → Dart - river in Devon, England.

Clever Hans - first of Elberfeld Calculating Horses

spatter - a spatterdash or gaiter

Christmas box - a present or gratuity given at Christmas + According to the myth, Pandora opened a jar (pithos) in modern accounts referred to as "Pandora's box", releasing all the evils of mankind (greed, vanity, slander, envy, pining) leaving only Hope inside once she had closed it again. The Pandora myth first appears in lines 560-612 of Hesiod's (ca. 8th-7th centuries BC) epic poem, the Theogony, without ever giving the woman a name. After humans have received the gift of fire from Prometheus, an angry Zeus decides to give men a punishing gift to compensate for the boon they had been given. He commands Hephaestus to mould from earth the first woman, a "beautiful evil" whose descendants would torment the race of men. After Hephaestus does so, Athena dressed her in a silvery gown, an embroidered veil, garlands and an ornate crown of gold. This woman goes unnamed in the Theogony, but is presumably Pandora, whose myth Hesiod revisited in Works and Days. When she first appears before gods and mortals, "wonder seized them" as they looked upon her. But she was "sheer guile, not to be withstood by men." + Hesiodic myth continued: Works and Days

apiece - for each, to each

aisch = ash; ask + Aisch - river in Bavaria, Germany + FDV: Well, she pattered around like Santa Claus with a Xmas box apiece for each & every one of her children childer

iveryone (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - everyone

childer - children

Pandora ("all gifted") - the Greek Eve. Anna Livia is Eve-Pandora-Leda-Nemesis when she distributes gifts (Danish gift, "poison") to her children "for evil and ever." 'Her Pandora's box contains the ills flesh is heir to' (Letters, I, 213) (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).

Gabe (ger) - gift + gave

fleetly - swiftly, quickly + Fleet - subterranean London river, with history of flooding city.

matt = mat - an article intended to be placed near a door for persons entering to wipe their shoes upon

porch - an exterior structure forming a covered approach to the entrance of a building

rivulet - a small stream or river, a streamlet


Glashaboy - river in Ireland

polynautes (gr) - with many sailors or ships

pawnshop + [to leap, fall] out of the pan into the fire - to escape from one evil only to fall into a greater one.

pyr (gr) - fire.

juvenile lead - an actor who plays the leading youthful part in a play, etc. + FDV: & they all around youths & maidens, [stinkers & heelers, all her natural sons and daughters, 1001,]

ingenue - an artless, innocent girl or young woman; also, the representation of such a character on the stage, or the actress who plays the part + ingenuina (l) - belonging to an ingenua (free born woman).

slime - soft glutinous mud

slum - a district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions. Chiefly pl.

artesian well - well made by boring into the earth till the instrument reaches water, which, from internal pressure, flows spontaneously like a fountain. They are usually of small diameter and often of great depth.

welling - the flowing forth or out

rickets or rachitis - a deficiency disease resulting from a lack of vitamin D or calcium and from insufficient exposure to sunlight, characterized by defective bone growth

BIRD'S NEST INSTITUTION - Now in Blackrock, it was formerly in Kingstown (Dun Laoghaire). A Protestant boys' home for the care and conversion of destitute Roman Catholics. Its inmates also known as "Smyly boys."

vicereine - the wife of a viceroy

levee - a morning assembly or reception of visitors; embankment against river floods

vivi (it) - live!

Vienne - river in south-western France

Annchen (ger) - little Ann

vieillot (fr) - oldish

high life - full of life or spirit

solo + suras of Koran + Sula - left tributary of the Dnieper River.

susurrare (l) - to whisper + susurrus (l) - a whisper.

Ausones (gr) - primitive inhabitans of southern Italy; in Roman poetry: Italians, Romans, Latins + Ausonia si dulcis (l) - Italy so pleasant! (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).

nerve + timbre - the quality or tone distinguishing voices or instruments. In simple terms, timbre is what makes a particular musical sound different from another, even when they have the same pitch and loudness + Tambre - coastal river that crosses Galicia, in northwestern Spain.

chip - to cut small pieces from + clapping.

chir - an Indian tree + Chir - river in Rostov and Volgograd Oblasts of Russia + FDV: chipping her raising a jeer or cheer every time she'd dip in her bag sack & out with her maundy money.