freckled - spotted, dappled, variegated

parse - to examine or analyse minutely

Sécheresse is French "dryness," "barrenness."

hielt (ger) - held + Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section 1452: 'The Liffey was entirely dry at Dublin for the space of two minutes' [625.28]

souff = sowff - to sing, hum, or whisle (a tune) softly + sauf- (ger) - drink, guzzle + souffler (fr) - to blow + herself

ruz (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - rose

Aisne - river in northeastern France + higher in her own estimation.

estimation - appreciation, esteem considered as a sentiment + aestuation - feverish disturbance, boiling up, ebulition + aestus (l) - undulating + aestuarium (l) - estuary.

steppe - an extensive plain, usually treeless + {She rose in her own estimation and steps as though on stilts ever since}

stilt - one of two stout poles with foot rests in the middle, used for walking high above the ground. Phrase, to walk on stilts.

Swahili (also called Kiswahili) is a Bantu language. The word "Swahili" was used by early Arab visitors to the coast and it means "the coast". It is the most widely spoken language of sub-Saharan Africa. More than 50 million people speak Swahili, but only 5-10 million of these are native speakers.

banter - humorous or good-humored raillery

balm - fragrant oil or ointment used for anointing

Titus Livius (59 B.C. - 17 A.D.) - Roman historian (wrote a history of Rome in 142 books) + FDV: O wasn't he the bold priest! O wasn't she the naughty Livia?

nautic - nautical (naval, marine, maritime)

naama (Finnish) - face + naam (Dutch) - name + 'Naam' is Hebrew "pleasantness," so I take Anna Livia's new name to be something like "naughty fun" or "felix culpa" or Eve (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).

navn (Danish) - name + FDV: [Naughtynaughty is her name. Two lads in [their] breeches went through her before that, [Jack Barefoot Byrne & Billy Wade,] before she had a [hint of] hair [there] to hide & ere that again she was licked by a hound while doing her pee, sweet and simple, on the side of a hill in the summertime shearing time but first of wall all & worst of all she ran down through a gap when the nurse was alseep & fell [before she found her stride] & wriggled under a cow.]

scout + Scots and Picts [.07]

breeches - Breeches are distinguished from trousers by coming only just below the knee, but dialectally (and humorously) breeches includes trousers.

barefoot - with the feet bare or naked, without shoes or stockings on + (notebook 1924): 'Wade across *A*'

William + FDV: [Jack Barefoot Byrne & Billy Wade,]

LUGNAQUILLA, MOUNTAIN - Highest mountain in County Wicklow, South of Dublin.

noblesse - noble birth or condition, the nobility; persons of noble rank + noblest peaks + noble Picts.

prick - a disagreeable or contemptible person + (notebook 1924): 'Sligo's noble 6' → Sligo's Noble Six - part of an anti-Treaty group killed by government forces on Ben Bulben in September 1922, allegedly shot after having surrendered.

fanny - the female genitals + FDV: before she had a [hint of] hair [there] to hide

birch - a genus of hardy northern forest trees (Betula), having smooth tough bark and very slender branches

canoe - a kind of simple, keelless boat + canoodler - one who canoodles (to indulge in caresses and fondling endearments).

Belgic - of or pertaining to the Belgæ; of or pertaining to the Netherlands

porterhouse - house where porter is sold

barge - a flat-bottomed freight-boat, chiefly for canal- and river-navigation, either with or without sails + Export Guinness is transported from the brewery to ships at the Custom House Quay and other quays below Butt Bridge by a fleet of Liffey barges.

Leda and the swan [.11] + Leda - river in north-western Germany.

unready + Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary (nursery rhyme).

buoy - to keep from sinking, to keep afloat

cygnet - a young swan

Po (ger) - posterior + FDV: & ere that again she was licked by a hound while doing her pee, sweet and simple,

pee - an act of urination

spur - a small ridge that projects sharply from the side of a larger hill or mountain

Joyce's note: 'Kippure' → Kippure - a granite mountain in Ireland, straddling the border between counties Dublin and Wicklow. The slopes of Kippure hold the sources of multiple watercourses, including the River Liffey, which rises in the Liffey Head Bog on the western slopes.

birdsong - the song of a bird + FDV: on the side of a hill in the summertime shearing time

shearing - the act or operation of clipping with shears or a shearing machine, as the wool from sheep; the act or operation of reaping (Scot.)

wiggly - having a twisting or snake-like or worm-like motion

sideslip - to slip sideways [(notebook 1924): 'slideslip']

gap - a break or opening in a range of mountains; a pass or gorge + FDV: but first of wall all & worst of all she ran down through a gap when the nurse was alseep

glen - a mountain-valley, usually narrow and forming the course of a stream + (notebook 1924): 'Liffey's detour devil's glen' → Devil's Glen - a valley in County Wicklow, where the Vartry river forms a waterfall and where Act II of Arrah-na-Pogue takes place (no obvious connection to Liffey).

Sally - The Salvation Army, a member of the Salvation Army + SALLY GAP - Pass in the Wicklow mountains South of Mount Kippure. Water from the North side of Sally Gap flows into the Liffey.

sloot - a deep usu. dry ditch produced by washing of heavy rains + (notebook 1924): 'sloot dry stream' → Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 156 (sec. 154): 'the Dutch... in South Africa... finding there a great many natural objects which were new to them, designated them either by means of existing Dutch words... or else by coining new words, generally compounds. Thus sloot 'ditch' was applied to the peculiar dry rivers of that country' (from Afrikaans to English).

fie fie - to say fie! (an exclamation expressing disgust; said to children to excite shame for some unbecoming action, and often used to express the humorous pretence of feeling 'shocked')

spillway - channel for overflow water + (notebook 1924): 'byewash spillway' → Freeman's Journal 25 Feb 1924, 6/3: 'Water Supply. How Dublin and District Are Provided For': (of the river Vartry reservoirs) 'the water had risen to within a few inches of the top of the reservoir and was being blowing over the bye-wash... the 7 ½ miles of the river, measured from its source to the new embankment, discharge the waters collected over the new by-wash or spillway'.

stagnant - Of water: Not flowing or running (often involving unwholesomeness) + Joyce's note 'stagnant (cow?)'

the name Dublin derives from Irish dubh linn: black pool

fallow - of a pale brownish or reddish yellow colour; uncultivated + (notebook 1924): 'fallow drab cow' + FDV: & fell [before she found her stride] & wriggled under a cow.]

Innisfree is a very small island, which is situated on Lough Gill in County Sligo. Lough Gill itself is about 8km long and 2km wide. The Lake Isle of Innisfree was made very famous by William Butler Yeats when he wrote a poem about it.

drove - a crowd, multitude + (notebook 1924): 'trees look at *A* nude legs in the air a whole grove is looking on' ('is' not clear).

look askance - to look with disdain, envy, jealousy or suspicion; to look at with mistrust

findhorn = finnan [haddock] - a haddock cured with a smoke + Findhorn - one of the longest rivers in Scotland.

In Kiswahili 'mtu' = man; 'mti' = tree, timber; 'mto' = river.

bugger + somebody was witness.

drip - to let (a liquid) fall in drops + tip - to impart a piece of information.

flenders = flinders - fragments, pieces, splinters + Flanders - The North-West portion of Belgium + Flinders - longest river in Queensland, Australia at about 1004 km.

frickle - a basket (for fruit) that holds about a bushel + FDV: But Why was she freckled? How long was her hair then? O go on, go on, go on! I mean about what you know. I know what you mean. I'm going on. Where did I stop? Don't stop. Go on, go on.

Marcel wave - a kind of artificial wave of the hair produced by using heated curling-tongs

trickle - to emit or give forth in successive drops or a thin fitful stream

weirdly - pertaining to, or suggestive of, witchcraft or the supernatural + weir (on river).

why + (which side did they drop their gloves).

droop - to become dejected, dispirited, or despondent; to cause to drop, fell, lay low + drop.

glow - warmth of feeling or passion; ardour + gloves + (clothes in their flurry).

flory (Archaic) - flower + hurry + in one's glory - in one's highest state of magnificence or prosperity; also colloq., in a state of unbounded gratification or enjoyment.

aback - backward, back, behind

wist - to know

affront - to front, to look toward, look out for

loth = loath

in the swim - in the current trend of affairs

rother - an ox, an animal of the ox kind + rotter - a thoroughly objectionable person + Rother - river which flows for thirty miles from Empshott in Hampshire to Stopham in West Sussex, where it joins the River Arun. There are two more Rother rivers in England.

coif - a close-fitting cap covering the top, back, and sides of the head

guimpe - an under-blouse designed to be worn with a low-necked frock, a nun's wimple

snouty - having a snout; insolent, haughty (Slang)

greasy - filthy, obscene; foul with grease

jub - a short coat or jerkin + job

Veronica - pious woman who gave Jesus hem handkerchief to wipe his brow when he was carrying his Cross. When he returned it, his image was impressed on the handkerchief.

wiper - handkerchief, something (as a towel or sponge) used for wiping

rance - a bar or baton, a prop or support + rancid - smelling of fermentation or staleness + Rance - river of northwestern France + rinsing

pinny - pinafore

surplice - a loose vestment of white linen having wide sleeves and, in its amplest form, reaching to the feet, worn (usually over a cassock) by clerics, choristers, and others taking part in church services + Joyce's note: 'surplice'.

Arran Quay, Dublin + arrah - but, now, really.

starch - a substance obtained from flour by removing some of its constituents used, in the form of a gummy liquid or paste made with water, to stiffen linen or cotton fabrics in the process of laundry-work.

vestry - storage room (for clothes) in a church + Vesdre - a river in eastern Belgium.

benediction - the utterance of a blessing, as a service in the Roman Catholic Church

eau de Cologne - a perfume consisting of alcohol and various essential oils, originally (and still very largely) made at Cologne + cul (fr) - arse + Colo - river in New South Wales, Australia.

oder = other + oder (ger) - or + Oder - river in Central Europe + odour.

Magra - river in Northern Italy + "But the most important linkages involve Mrs Magrath, whose drawers, initialled L.K., are being washed at 204.30-205.13. L.K., the narrative explains, stands not for Laura Keown but for 'Kinsella's Lilith'. Having just spoken of Magrath in her final letter, A proceeds 'The cad with the pope's wife, Lily Kinsella, who became the wife of Mr Sneakers for her good name in the hands of the kissing solicitor, will now engage in attentions' (618.03-6). It is unclear whether this means that Lily was married to the cad with the pipe of 1.2 prior to marrying Magrath, or whether the cad and Magrath are the same person." (McHugh, Roland / The sigla of Finnegans wake)

air - to expose to the open or fresh air

moist - moisture, moistness + just.

crease - a furrow in a surface (such as is caused by folding), a fold, wrinkle + (notebook 1924): 'crimps creases'.

lawn - a kind of fine linen + Crampton Quay, Dublin.

baptism - the application of water to a person, as a sacrament or religious ceremony, by which he is initiated into the visible church of Christ + Baptiste River + on entering confessional: 'Bless me, Father, for I have sinned'.