Joyce's note: 'garden of Erin = Wicklow Mts'.
lave = leave + lave (fr) - wash.
Kilbride, County Wicklow, on the Brittas river (joins Liffey) + Rosmer is accused of having driven his first wife to suicide (by jumping off a bridge) in Henrik Ibsen's Rosmersholm. + "(Hal Kilbride v Una Bellina) Pepigi's pact was pure piffle" [576.06] → Henry VIII (who killed two of his brides) and Anne Boleyn (one of the two).
Horsepass Bridge, over the Liffey river, near Poulaphouca + a mythical white horse is believed to bring destruction to dwellers of Rosmersholm in Henrik Ibsen's Rosmersholm.
southwestern - Of the wind: Blowing from the south-west + Great Southern and Western Railway Company have lines running near Liffey in places [552.02]
windstorm - a storm characterized by high wind + storm - to blow violently, to rush with a violence of a storm.
Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland Co. - The main railway line between Dublin and Galway. Its tracks roughly parallel the Liffey on the North as far as Leixlip, where they diverge.
wend one's way - to go or journey in a certain way or direction
by and by - later, in the course of time; on and on, continuously (obs.)
Rebecca - The name given to the leader in woman's attire of those rioters who demolished toll-gates in South Wales in 1843-4 + Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.246: (of Gargantua's pissing) 'his urinary flood was so abundant "that it formed a little river, which is still called Robec nowadays"' + Rebekka West - character in Henrik Ibsen's "Rosmersholm". Rosmer is accused of having driven his first wife to suicide (by jumping off a bridge), and a mythical white horse is believed to bring destruction to dwellers of Rosmersholm.
spin - to move rapidly, to whirl round
grind - to scrape or rub against something, to smooth the surface of (by friction)
swab - to draw like a swab over a surface
thrash - to move or stir about violently + Marriage Ceremony: 'to have and to hold... for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer'.
lifey - full of life + Liffey - river in Ireland, flows through the centre of Dublin + life
BARLEY FIELDS - The old name for the area on which the Rotunda Hospital now stands + (notebook 1924): 'Barleyfields (Str)' → Freeman's Journal 11 Feb 1924, 8/6: 'By the Way': 'The Moores, from whom sprang the Earls of Drogheda, obtained a grant of a portion of the lands which were then lying waste and leading out to what were known as the "Barley Fields," on the northern side of Dublin'.
(notebook 1924): 'pennylands' → pennyland - a small piece of land once taxed about a penny a year + lot - a plot or portion of land assigned by the state to a particular owner + lotts - the embankment of the Liffey in the 17th and 18th centuries reclaimed the tidal flats behind the quays East of Butt Bridge, and these areas, parceled into lots, were known as North Lotts and South Lotts.
(notebook 1924): 'Humphreystown' → Humphreystown - townland, County Wicklow.
Town of the Ford of the Hurdles - Dublin + FDV: It was ages & miles before that in the county Wicklow, the garden of Erin, before she ever thought dreamt she'd end in the [barley fields &] pennylands of Humphreystown & she lie with a landleaper, well on the wane.
landleaper - one who runs up and down the land, a vagabond + (notebook 1924): 'landleapers' → Lawless: The Story of Ireland 56: (Thorgist or Turgesius, a Viking invader of Ireland) 'was not, unfortunately, the last of the Land Leapers!' (i.e. invaders).
Alice + alas + Lesse - river in the Ardennes, in the Walloon region of Belgium.
lago (it) - lake + (the last of her girlhood).
girly - girlish
for the love of - for the sake of, on account of
Dunav (Serbian) - Danube [river] + danas (Serbian) - today.
Bosut - river in eastern Croatia and northwestern Serbia, a 186 km long left tributary of the Sava river. The river is known as meandering and extremely slow, and it has a very small inclination in its basin - less than 10 m from Vinkovci until its mouth. Bosut is known for a phenomenon of being 'the river that flows backwards', because sometimes, with strong winds and being so slow, it appears as if the water is flowing backwards + first words sung by Tristan in Wagner's Tristan und Isolde: 'Was ist? Isolde?' (German: 'What's wrong? Isolde?').
sarthin shure (Anglo-Irish) - certain sure, confident + Sarthe - river in western France.
suir = sure + Suir - river in Ireland that flows into the Atlantic Ocean near Waterford + FDV: Was it, was it? Are you sure? Where in Wicklow?
Finn - river in Northern Ireland (Ulster) + four provinces [.09-.11] (motif).
MOURNE - The subject of Percy French's song, the Mountains of Mourne "sweep down to the sea," in South County Down, Ulster + Mourne - river in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland (Ulster).
NORE - River, rises in County Tipperary, flows East along South valley of Slieve Bloom Mountains, then South (Munster, Ireland).
lieve = leave + lieve (Dutch) - dear, sweet (inflected form of 'lief').
SLIEVE BLOOM - Mountain range, Counties Offaly and Laois, Munster, Ireland. The Nore River flows along the South and South-East borders in an easterly direction, then turns South-East away from the range; it "takes leave of Bloom" 2 miles South-West of Mountrath, County Laois + bloem (Dutch) - flower.
braye - a military outwork, a mound or bank defended by palisades and watchtowers + Bray - river in Leinster, Ireland.
divarts (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - diverts + John Dryden: Alexander's Feast: 'None but the brave deserves the fair'.
farer - a traveller
MOY RIVER - Rising in the Ox Mountains in County Sligo, (Connacht, Ireland) the Moy flows South-West and then North to Killala Bay, for some of its length paralleling Loughs Cullin and Conn.
CULLIN, LOUGH - In North County Mayo, South of the larger Lough Conn, with which it is connected by a short channel at Pontoon Bridge. Lough Conn drains into Lough Cullin, which drains into the Moy River which flows North just East of the lakes and parallel to them. At one time there was occasionally a reverse flow from Cullin to Conn.
tween - between
Neptune - Roman god of the sea, corresponding to the Greek Poseidon; The 8th planet of the solar system. Its satellite Triton was discovered only a month after the planet in 1846 + NEPTUNE ROWING CLUB - One of several rowing clubs whose boathouses were on Thorncastle Street, Ringsend, only a few blocks from Tritonvile Road, around the turn of the century.
scull - to proceed by means of a boat propelled with a scull or a pair of sculls
TRITONVILLE ROAD - In South-East Dublin, near Ringsend + row - to use oars, sweeps, or similar means, for the purpose of propelling a boat or other vessel.
Leander (l) - youth of Abydos who nightly swam the Hellespont to visit Hero until he drowned + *VYC* and *IJ*.
bump - to strike solidly, to come with a bump or violent jolt against; the act of striking the stern of the boat in advance with the prow of the boat following
Hero (l) - priestess of Aphrodite in Sestos on the Hellespont, beloved by Leander
Neya - river in Kostroma Oblast, Russia
ná raibh (Irish) - that was not + Narew - river in western Belarus and north-eastern Poland, tributary of the Vistula river.
Nen or Nonni - river in in Northeast China
nonne (l) - not?
nos - pl. of no + nos (Serbian) - nose.
ow - used to express sudden pain + Ow - River, County Wicklow; rises South of Lugnaquilla Mountains + ow (Anglo-Irish) - river (from Irish abha).
AVOCA (OVOCA) - River and valley, County Wicklow; formed by confluence of Avonmore and Avonbeg Rivers at the "Meeting of the Waters", celebrated as T Moore's "Sweet Vale of Avoca."
yst = is it + Ystwyth - river in Wales + east
wyst = wit (v.) + west
Yukon River is a major watercourse of northwestern North America.
dell - a young girl; a deep hole (obs.) + FDV: Tell me where, the very first time! I will if you listen.
ferse - to remove, forsake, to go away + Ferse (ger) - heel + very first.
dinkel - a species of wheat, Triticum spelta + dunkel (ger) - dark, obscure + dingle - a small wooded hollow + Dinkel - river in Germany and the Netherlands, left tributary of the Vecht.
dale - an open river valley (in a hilly area) + Dingley Dell - country village in Pickwick Papers + Dale - river in Western Australia + FDV: There was a holy hermit You know the glen there near Luggelaw.
LUGGELA (LUGGALA) LAKE - Lake in Wicklow Mountains, 16 miles South of Dublin. Fed by Annamoe River, it empties into Lough Dan to the South. This is where Saint Kevin ran first to escape Cathleen before going to Glendalough (in both places he was tempted by Cathleen and rejected her; she drowned in the second) + Joyce's note: 'Luggelaw' + Thomas Moore: No, Not More Welcome [air: Luggelaw].
Joyce's note: 'the local (pub / priest)'.
hermit - one who from religious motives has retired into solitary life + Eremit (ger) - hermit.
The Letter: "poor Father Michael" + FDV: Well once there dwelt a hermit and one day in July June in smiling mood and so young & shy & so limber she looked he put his two plunged both of his blessed hands up to his wrists in her flowing hair, that was rich red like the brown bog and he couldn't help it, thirst was too hot for him, he cooled his lips time after time again kiss after kiss at Anna Livia's freckled cheek.
many a time - often, frequently
asperse - to sprinkle, scatter (liquid, dust, etc.); to charge falsely or with malicious intent, to attack the good name and reputation of someone
lavabo - the ritual washing of the celebrant's hands at the offertory, accompanied in the Roman rite by the saying of Ps. xxvi. 6, beginning Lavabo inter innocentes manus meas + lavabrum (l) - bathtub + bib - a napkin tied under the chin a child while eating + {with many a sigh I’ve washed his lovely bibs}
dies Veneris (l) - Venus's day: Friday
Juno (l) - chief Roman goddess, wife of Jupiter, guardian of women and marriage, protectress of childbirth + FDV: Well once there dwelt a hermit and one day in July June
limber - flexible, pliant, supple
nance - an effeminate male, homosexual
nixie - a supernatural creature in german folklore having a form of half woman and half fish or woman, dwelling in fresh water in palace and unfriendly to a man
Lescaut, Manon - title, heroine of Prévost's novel, she seduces a youth who is studying for the priesthood + Ninon l'Enclos - 17th century French courtesan.
kindling - the act of setting on fire or catching fire + Joyce's note: 'kindling (firewood)' + Joyce's note: 'the kind you can't stop kissing'.
anointment - having had oil poured on (as a sacred rite), consecrated, sacred
core - the 'heart' of anything, the central or innermost part
cushla = acushla - darling + cushla (Anglo-Irish) = cuisle (kushle) (gael) - pulse, vein (endearment).
saffron - the orange yellow colour + FDV: in smiling mood and so young & shy & so limber she looked he put his two plunged both of his blessed hands up to his wrists in her flowing hair,
streams + James Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian: Lathmon: 'Strumon' (glossed in a footnote: 'stream of the hill') + Struma - river in Bulgaria and Greece.
soothe - to affect in a tranquilizing and agreeable manner, to say in a soothing manner
mingle - to mix, blend
ample - abundant, excellent
bog - bog-land, boggy soil + Bug River flows from central Ukraine to the west, and empties into the Narew + (notebook 1924): 'deepred' + FDV: that was rich red like the brown bog
sundown - the going down of the sun, the time when the sun goes down, the glow of the sunset
VAUCLUSE - Department, South-East France; named after Petrarch's fountain of Vaucluse, which gives rise to the Sorgues River. Petrarch, Francesco or Francesco Petrarca (1304-74), is best known for the lyric poetry of his "Canzoniere" and is considered one of the greatest love poets of world literature. In Petrarch's poems, it is common to find metamorphoses into stream (Sorgue), tree (laurel), stone (petra).
Lycidas (Edward King) - drowned but not dead in Milton's poem, which is echoed here (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake) + Thomas Moore: 'By That Lake, Whose Gloomy Shore' (song about Glendalough).
arranged arround (orange coloured)
galbus (l) = gelb (ger) - yellow.
enamel - to form a glossy surface upon + John Milton: Lycidas 139: 'enameld eyes' + emerald (green).
undergo - to work under, so as to impair or destroy; to undermine + Inder (ger) - Indian + indigo.
vierge - the Virgin + vierge (fr) - virgin + verge [of violation]
violation - defilement of chastity, etc.; in later use esp. by means of violence; desecration or profanation of something sacred + violet.
wish (Dublin Slang) - vulva + (wish on seeing rainbow) + mishe/tauf [.30]
mavro (gr) - dark
laurel - the foliage of Bay-tree as an emblem of victory or of distinction in poetry, etc. + John Milton: Lycidas 1: 'ye Laurels'.
Daphne - river nymph, turned into laurel tree + tauf.
Petrock, St - 6th-century Cornish saint; with St Peter, St Patrick + Matthew 16:18: 'thou art Peter and upon this rock' + On April 6, 1327, Petrarch first saw the lady Laura in the church of Santa Clara at Avignon, and became enamoured of the beautiful vision. His passion was the inspiration of nearly all his poetry, both during the twenty-one years she lived and more than ten years afterwards.
Maas, Joseph (1847-86) - English tenor who sang Des Grieux to Marie Roze's Manon + Meuse (Dutch: Maas) - a major European river.
music + maji (Kiswahili) - water + magick.
waves + wavu (Kiswahili) - net.
elfu (Kiswahili) - thousand + 1001.
meshes of a net
simba - a lion; a warrior, a leader + simba (Kiswahili) - lion + Sindbad the Sailor - hero in The Thousand and One Nights who recounts his adventures on seven voyages + Siva the Slayer - Hindu god of destruction.
oga (Kiswahili) - to bathe; cowardice, fear
Thurso - river in northern Fiordland, New Zealand + FDV: and he couldn't help it, thirst was too hot for him,
rub up - to caress (a person) in order to excite him or her sexually
smooth - to render (the mind, etc.) calm or tranquil, to soothe, to hush up
bias - give a settled and often prejudiced outlook to + baiser (fr) - kiss + Baïse - a 188 km long river in south-western France.
lippe = lip + Lippe - a river in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
coisceadh (kushke) (gael) - stop, enough + Kiso - river in Japan + Kushk - river which used to form the southernmost border of the Russian Empire + FDV: he cooled his lips time after time again kiss after kiss at Anna Livia's freckled cheek.
niver - never + Nive - French river that flows through the French Basque Country.
nevar (Portuguese) - to snow + raven + Neva - river in northwestern Russia flowing from Lake Ladoga to the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland.
Dion Boucicault: Arrah-na-Pogue [279.F08]