rede - to put in order; interpret, explain; to relate, tell + Rede - river in Northumberland, England.
trouver (fr) - to find
poule - prostitute + poule (fr) - hen.
parco (it) - park
tummeln (ger) - to move, hurry, prance + tummel (Danish) - tumult, turmoil, commotion + Tummel - river in Scotland + tell + FDV: How does it go? Well, listen now.
turn + Tarn - river in southern France.
øre (Danish) - ear + Ore - river in Scotland.
ouse - ox + auris (l) - ear + Ouse - river in North Yorkshire, England + out
lesson one + listen in + inne - in; inn + Essonne - 97 km long French river + Inn - river in Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
brandnew - conspiciously new and unused, quite new, perfectly new
bankside - the margin of sea, lake or river + (notebook 1924): 'Really I want a new backside badly an one I have my seat backside is worn out sitting down doing nothing' ('an' not clear).
bedamp = bedamn - damn + FDV: [[By earth & heaven but] I want a new brandnew backside badly, bedad [and] I do, [and a plump one plumper at that.]
plumper - that which plumps or makes plump; a downright lie
at that - as well
putty - a light shade of yellowish grey; sticky mud at the bottom of a body of water + petty.
affair - any object or collection of objects not clearly distinguished or only vaguely specified
yap - to talk idly or loquaciously + FDV: For the one putty affair I have is worn out [so it is] sitting down [doing nothin yawning &] waiting for the my old Dansker Dane the dodder dodderer
Dane - a native or subject of Denmark; in older usage including all the Northmen who invaded England from the 9th to the 11th c.
hoddy doddy - a henpecked man, cuckold, fool, simpleton + Hodder - river of the northeastern South Island of New Zealand + dodder - one who dodders, a feeble or inept person + Joyce's note: 'Dodder' → Dodder river, Dublin.
Joyce's note: 'life in death companion'.
frugal - Of things, esp. food: Sparingly supplied or used.
larder - a room or closet in which meat (? orig. bacon) and other provisions are stored
joint - junction by which parts or objects are joined together, Anatomy: The point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton.
doze - a short slumber + FDV: [my [frugal] key of the pantry larder, my hump of the camel much altered camel's hump, my jointspoiler, [my maymoon's honey,] my faithful true fool to the last Decemberer, ] to wake up [out of his dumps doze] & shout [at me me down] like he used to.
anywhere + Irwell - river in North West England.
lord of the manor - the person having the seignorial rights of a manor [Joyce's note: 'lord of manor']
Knight of the Shire - a gentleman representing a shire or county in parliament; originally one of two of the rank of knight [Joyce's note: 'Knights of Shire'].
strike - to make one's way, go
dip - to put down or let down temporarily or partially in or into a liquid + give
dace - a small fresh-water cyprinoid fish, Leuciscus vulgaris; twopence (Slang)
worshipful - distinguished, honourable
run out of - to use up or come to the end of tha available supply of
horsebrose - a dish made by pouring boiling water on horsemeat, seasoned with salt and butter + FDV: Is there any old chap lord of the head manor at all 'd give a soft job few pounds pound or two I wonder for washing his shirts socks for him now that we're run out of everything meat & milk?
only for - except for, but for, were it not for
BRITTAS - river which drains Glen of Kilbride and flows South into Liffey just above Blessington Reservoir
lep = leap
off with - go away + off with you! - be off!
slob - mud, esp. soft mud on the sea-shore [Joyce's note: 'slob']
della (it) - of the, pertaining to
TOLKA - The little river of North Dublin, flowing through Glasnevin and Drumcondra to Dublin Bay, through the former sloblands of Fairview [Joyce's note: 'Tolka'] + Tolca (tulke) (gael) - Flood, Torrent.
plage - the beach or sea-front promenade at a seaside resort + plage au (fr) - beach at.
feel + Feale river rises in the Mullaghareirk Mountains of County Cork in the southwest of Ireland and flows through County Kerry before finally emptying into the Mouth of the Shannon by Ballyduff.
aire - nobleman in early irish society + Aire - river in Yorkshire, England + FDV: Only [for] my bed is so as warm as it smells it's up I'd be leap & off with me to the Bull of Clontarf to get the [kind] air of the Dublin bay & the [race of the] seawind up my hole.
Dublin Bay - embraced by Howth on the North and Dalkey on the South, Dublin Bay has often been compared with the Bay of Naples
sea wind + say (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - sea.
embouchure (fr) - mouth, river mouth + (notebook 1924): 'get some fresh sea air up my hole' + ambush + (vulva).
onon = anon + Onon gol - river in Mongolia and Russia.
tegn (Danish) - sign + Teign - river in England + everything + FDV: O go on & tell me more. Tell me every single thing little bit. I want to know every single thing.
Ingul - a left tributary of the Southern Bug river of Ukraine
potter - a vendor or hawker of earthenware + 'pigs might fly' - Said of something very unlikely to happen ("We might have fine weather for our holidays." "Yes, and pigs might fly!")
Jagst - right tributary of the Neckar in northern Baden-Württemberg + Jack's
veslo (Serbian) - oar + Vesle - river on which the city of Reims stands. It is a fourth order river of France + vessels + weasels.
vet (Dutch) - greasy
homa (Kiswahili) - fever (especially malaria) + (homesickness).
*S* + man of the house - the chief male in a household + Mathghamhain (mahun) (gael) - Bear + Mahon river flows from the Comeragh Mountains in County Waterford, Ireland. Falling down the 80-metre Mahon Falls and proceeding past the "Fairy Bush", the river then passes through the village of Mahon Bridge and on past Flahavan's Mill and under the 8-arched rail bridge in Kilmacthomas. Finally ending its journey at Bunmahon (literally "the bottom of the Mahon") on Ireland's south coast, the river drains into the region of the Atlantic Ocean known as the Celtic Sea.
hard - p. of hear (obs.)
bunduki (Kiswahili) - gun, rifle + boi (Kiswahili) - houseboy, servant (from English 'boy').
mit (ger) - with + (fight)
Askari - native soldiers of East Africa + askari (Kiswahili) - soldier.
hazel - any of several shrubs or small trees of the genus Corylus bearing edible nuts enclosed in a leafy husk + Hazelhatch - townland, County Dublin (on Grand Canal) + FDV: Well, now comes the childer's part.
hatchery - a place for hatching eggs; spec. one for hatching the ova of fish by artificial means + (notebook 1924): 'alevin (baby salmon) hatchery' → Irish Times 29 Mar 1924, 9/5: 'A Salmon Hatchery': 'This is a salmon hatchery, and here the baby salmon spend the first portion of their existence... The Alevins, as the young fish are now called, are so tiny that one of them could easily be covered by a threepenny bit'.
Clondalkin (Irish: Cluain Dolcáin, meaning "Dolcan's meadow") - village, County Dublin (on Grand Canal)
King's Inns Quay, Dublin
freshet - a stream of fresh water running into sea, a great rise of a stream caused by heavy rains or melted snow + fishnet.
alevin - a young fish, the newly hatched salmon + -een (Anglo-Irish) - (diminutive) + élève (fr) - schoolchild + elevens.
tool - a bodily organ, spec. the male generative organ + in all + FDV: How many childer has she at all?
rede - interpret, explain, guess; to teach or give (one) a knowledge of (something) (obs.) + FDV: I can't rightly tell you that. God only knows.
confine - to relegate to certain limits
one + wan (Chinese) - ten thousand; a large number + Joyce's note: '*A* has 111 children - 3 -' (first dash dittoes 'has', second dash dittoes 'children'; only first four words crayoned).
mia na kumi na moja (Kiswahili) - 111 (literally 'hundred and ten and one') + FDV: I hear she has 111. She can't remember half their names.
aleph (A) = 1; lamedh (L) = 30; pe (P) = 80 (1 + 30 + 80 = 111) [Hebrew letter values]
kirkyard = churchyard - a burial ground for the parish or district, a cemetery
smack - to open or separate (the lips) in such a way as to produce a sharp sound; to bring, put, or throw down with a smack or slap; to strike (a person, part of the body, etc.) with the open hand or with something having a flat surface.
boxing - the action of fighting with fists + boxing the bishop (Slang) - masturbating + (notebook 1924): 'buttermilk bishop boxing -' → Irish Rivers, The Tolka 399/1: 'the "last" bishop of Kildare, with whom the see was extinguished... He was an amiable man, but excited some popular dislike by establishing a large dairy, of which he sold the milk. He was then christened by the dairy boys "the buttermilk bishop." He once got into personal collision with a drayman, who was at the wrong side of the road, and a caricature was published of him as "the boxing bishop"'.
infallible - Of things: Not liable to fail, unfailing + (notebook 1924): 'infallible slipper (Adrian IV) *A*'.
slipper - type of loose, light indoor footwear, late 15c., agent noun from slip (v.), the notion being of a shoe that is "slipped" onto the foot; an instrument of punishment with which a child (etc.) is disciplined by beating.
kund (ger) - known + K...E...Y (*VYC*)
elf (ger) - eleven + Henrik Ibsen: "Little Eyolf" + apple of eye.
ayther = either + ayther, nayther (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - either, neither.
Yakov (Hebrew) - Jacob
yea = yes + James J (Joyce).
rechristen - to christen again, to rename + FDV: A hundred & how? They did well to call christen her Plurabelle. O my! Such a flock!
Hure (ger) - prostitute
Lorelei - In German legend, a beautiful woman with long blonde hair who sat on the Lorelei rock and with her fine singing distracted boatmen, so that they drowned when their ships foundered on the rock.
Loddon - river, tributary of the River Thames
lode - a water course or way; a metallic vein
heigh ho - an exclamation usually expressing yawning, sighing, weariness, disappointment + ho (Chinese) - river.
on the cards - within the range of probability
shed - to pour out, to emit, give forth