The 16th-century "Annals of Loch Cé" includes an entry that resembles the third event chronicled on pages 13–14 ("Puppette her minion was ravisht of her by the ogre Puropeous Pious"):
The kalends [1st] of January on the 6th feria [Friday],
the 10th of the moon [waxing gibbous, half
a hat]; the age of the Lord thirty-two years, and
a hundred and a thousand [1132]. The abbot's
house of Cill-Dara [Kildare] was captured by the
Ui-Ceinnselaigh [Hy Kinsella] against the comarb
[counselor] of Brighid, and burned, and a
large part of the church, and a great many were
slain there; and the nun herself was carried off a
prisoner, and put into a man's bed.
It was Diarmaid Mac Murrough who led this especially violent raid that included the rape of the abbess of
Kildare, the embodiment of St. Bridget, herself the continuation of the goddess Brighid. His purpose
was the destruction of her authority, "Her Grace."
The act may or may not be directly related to Malachy’s mission to bring the Brighidine Irish
church in line with Roman rule. Diarmaid was, however, famed for his generosity to the church,
and Dublin was a center of support for Roman dominance. Whatever the larger politics, Diarmaid
by this manner became king of Leinster and his own kinswoman became abbess of Kildare.
Thirty-four years later, the last high king of Ireland, Rory O'Conor, took up the cause of a man whose wife was kidnapped by the same Diarmaid Mac Murrough. In exile, Diarmaid sought the help of the Normans, promising his kingship and his daughter to Strongbow, who came and conquered in 1169.
Eric Rosenbloom