bob - to move up and down like a buoyant body in water, or an elastic body on land.

round up - to gather in or bring together + the last round-up - death, resurrection, or the Last Judgement.

Easter eve - the evening, and hence the day, before Easter sunday + hesternus (l) - yesterday's + Hister, Ister (l) - Danube.

marigold - the name of several plants having golden or bright yellow flowers.

cobbler - one whose business is to mend shoes

strain - pedigree, lineage, ancestry, descent

drain - a channel by which liquid is drained or gradually carried off; esp. an artificial conduit or channel for carrying off water, sewage, etc. + to go (etc.) down the drain - to disappear, get lost, vanish; to deteriorate, go to waste + Joyce's note: 'drain'.

Bachelor's Walk - Quay, North side of Liffey, West of O'Connell Street. Named for Batchehor, an early property owner in area, although it is pop believed to come from its supposed former use as a promenade for bachelors. 

Meagher, Wally - seems to have inherited a pair of family trousers in bad condition and to have been involved in some kind of "troth." (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).

in the loop de jaren (Dutch) - in the course of years

prefixed - fixed or placed before something else

in troth - truly, verily, indeed

orar por Orbe y por las Animas (sp) - to pray for the Earth and for the Souls

usa (use) (gael) - easier + 'uise (ushi) (gael) - well, indeed (interj.)

olla (ule) (gael) - splendid

umbra (l) - shadow

Massa - Representing master in the written form of Black speech + maise (mashi) (gael) - well, indeed (interj.) + musha (Anglo-Irish) - well, indeed (from Irish muise).

deluge - a great flood or overflowing of water

Ufer (ger) - bank, shore, coast + over

spond - a bed or couch + spondeo (l) - to promise solemnly, to pledge + sponda (it) - bank, shore.

earwadding + wadding - a small bundle of soft, flexible material esp. for use as a plug.

stoke - to pierce, stab (a person), to thrust + stuck

aar = ere + ears + aars (Dutch) - arse.

all but - almost, very nearly, well nigh

least + Lethe (gr) - "Forgetfulness": river from which Shades drink to forget the past.


Oronoco - river in S. America

kimono - a long Japanese robe with sleeves + FDV: Is that the Dunboyne on his statue behind you there riding his high horse? That! Throw the cobwebs from your eyes, woman, & spread your linen proper. What is at all but a blackberry growth or a the grey mare ass them four old fellows codgers own. Do you mean Tarpey & Lyons & Gregory? I do the four codgers themselves and old Johnny MacDougal along with them.

to ride the high horse - said of a person affecting airs of superiority, or behaving pretentiously or arrogantly + high horse - the horse used in battle and tournament, the war horse.

fornenst - right opposite to, over against + Hengst (ger) = hingst (Danish) - studhorse, stallion + In describing the fifty or so years preceding his account of Arthur, Geoffrey of Monmouth tells us about Vortigern and the arrival of the Saxons under the leadership of Hengest and Horsa, an obvious assimilation of the earlier arrival of the Votadini and Sarmatians to Wales to drive out the Irish. 

Father of Waters - the Mississippi

FALLAREES COMMONS - Townland, part of Ballymore Eustace, barony of S Naas, Co Kildare. It is on the Liffey + falairin (falerin) (gael) - diminutive of falaire: ambler, pacing horse.

ASTLEY'S AMPHITHEATRE - Equestrian circuses, originating in London in late 18th century. The Dublin Astley's Amphitheatre was erected 1787 at the Darby Square. An Astley's Amphitheatre for horsemanship opened in Peter Street in 1789; in 1815, the Molyneux Asylum for Blind Females took over its buildings.  

amphitheatre - a natural situation consisting of a level surrounded in whole or part by rising slopes; an oval or circular building, with seats rising behind and above each other, around a central open space or arena.

bobby - A slang nickname for a policeman

restrain - to prevent from some course of action, to place under arrest

sugarstick - a stick of sweet stuff

pout - a protrusion of the lips, expressive of pique or annoyance

The White Horse of the Peppers - a novel by Samuel Lover

washing - washed clothes

slop - an act of spilling or splashing, a quantity of water spilled or splashed; sentimentality; nonsense, rubbish + (notebook 1924): 'sloppy style'.

father Mathew, temperance advocate: ''Ireland sober is Ireland free''.

Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee + Joyce's note: 'grease'

to lift one's elbow - to drink immoderately + Joyce's note: 'lifting yr elbow'

glazy - glass like, glassy, glittering like glass [(notebook 1924): 'Shiny cheeks'].

Carrigacurra - town on Liffey where Conway had a beer house  

canteen - a kind of sutler's shop in a camp, barracks, or garrison town, where provisions and liquors are sold to soldiers and non-commissioned officers + Joyce's note: 'canteen'.

(notebook 1924): 'hobblesides'

butt - a buttock

(notebook 1924): 'up since dawn'

marthared (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - martyred

Corrigan's pulse - the peculiar 'jerking' or 'collapsing' pulse of aortic regurgitation

varicose veins - unnaturally swollen or dilated veins [(notebook 1924): 'varicose veins'].

pram - a shortened form of perambulator

jane - a woman, girl, girlfriend

mongrel - the offspring of two different breeds of dog. Chiefly, and now only, a dog of no definable breed, resulting from various crossings.

run over - Of a vehicle, etc.: to knock down and pass over (someone); to injure or kill by knocking down. 

soak - to lay or place in, to wet with, a liquid so as to produce thorough saturation, to steep.

bleach - to whiten (linen, etc.) by washing and exposure to sunlight, or by chemical processes.

boiler - a vessel in which water or any liquid is boiled

rags - personal clothing or garments of any kind + Joyce's note: 'boiler rags'

cold sweat - sweating accompanied by a feeling of cold, esp. as induced by fear or the like.

Joyce's note: 'widows'

deck - to clothe in rich or ornamental garments; to cover with what beautifies; to attire, adorn.

laundry - an apartment or establishment, where linen, etc. is washed and 'got up'.

lavender = lavandière (French) - a washerwoman, laundress; the colour of lavender-flowers, a very pale blue with a trace of red + Joyce's note: 'lavender' + lavandaria (l) - things to be washed, laundry. 

flannels - underclothing made of flannel; garments of flannel, for boating, cricket, etc., spec. flannel trousers + Joyce's note: 'flannel'.

limpo (Portuguese) - clean

husky - a strong, stoutly built person

hussar - one of a body of light horsemen organized in Hungary in the 15th c., and long confined to the Hungarian army; hence, the name of light cavalry regiments formed in imitation of these, which were subsequently introduced, and still exist, in most European armies, including that of Great Britain.

slur - a fault, mistake, blunder (obs.); a mark, stain, or blot; a discredit (incurred by or cast upon a person, etc.).

CARLOW - County and town, Leinster province. Ceathramba-loch, In "fourfold lake"; there is no trace of the 4 lakes which according to tradition were formed by the Barrow River. Song: "Follow Me Up to Carlow."  

scamander - to wander about, take a devious or winding course + XANTHOS - River, South-West Asia Minor (modern Turkey), flows South-West and South to Mediterranean. Aka Scamander; In the Iliad, Xanthos is the river and plain of Troy: "the great deep-eddying river who is called Xanthos by the gods, but by mortals Skamandros" (Iliad XX, 74).  

sar = savour; serve; sore + saw

golden balls = three (golden) balls - the sign of a pawnbroker + Golden Falls - On the Liffey, 1 mile West of Poulaphuca, Co Wicklow.

mercy on us! - exp. of surprise, fear or the like + icis (l) - you strike, you have struck.

seint = saint

subdue - to reduce the intensity, force, or vividness of

blackberry - the trailing shrub Rubus fruticosus, the bramble + (notebook 1922-23): 'blackberry growth'.

Gray, Dwyer (d. 1888) - Irish nationalist, editor of the Freeman's Journal (which also employed L. Bloom and F. Higgins), Lord Mayor of Dublin.

ass - donkey + (notebook 1924): 'grey mare ass'.

codger - A familiar or jocosely irreverent term applied: originally to an elderly man, usually with a grotesque or whimsical implication; In more general application: Fellow, chap.

meyne = mean

drave = drive

stray - a domestic animal found wandering away from the custody of its owner.