catchment - appropriated to the catching and collection of the rainfall over a natural drainage area, in catchment basin, area (also transf. and fig., as the region from which a hospital's patients, a school's pupils, etc., are drawn).
free and easy - unconstrained, natural, easy-going; (morally) lax, permissive
hip - An exclamation used (usually repeated thrice) to introduce a united cheer; the projecting part of the body on each side formed by the lateral expansions of the pelvis and upper part of the thigh-bone.
hurrah - to shout 'hurrah'; a shout expressive of approbation, encouragement, or exultation; used esp. as a 'cheer' at public assemblies or the like.
dentelle (fr) - lace
parr - a young salmon + pair + Parr, Thomas, "Old Parr" (1483-1635) - lived in the reigns of ten princes, got a girl with child when oven a hundred.
frill - an ornamental edging made of a strip of any woven material, of which one edge is gathered and the other left loose so as to give it a wavy or fluted appearance + Joyce's note: 'frill'.
trip - to move lightly and nimbly on the feet, to caper
sightsee - to go about seeing sights of interest
belvedere (i) - beautiful view + BELVEDERE COLLEGE - In Great Denmark Street; a Jesuit preparatory school since 1841. James Joyce attended it, 1893-1898, and was an "exhibitioner" throughout, winning cash prizes in all-Ireland competitive exhibitions, or exams, in 1894, 1895, 1897, and 1898 (didn't compete in 1896).
exhibitioner - one who holds an exhibition (pecuniary assistance given to a university student) at a university.
cruise - a voyage in which the ship sails to and fro over a particular region. spec. a voyage taken by tourists.
oar - a rowing boat
hoo - a natural exclamation, used to express various feelings, as a call to attract attention, etc.
band - to join or form into a band or company, to unite
whoa ho ho - used to call attention from a distance
buck - to butt into or against + song What Ho, She Bumps! (a song about boating).
nubile - of a wavy or serpentine form, like the edges given to conventional representations of clouds; represented in the form of a cloud + jubilee - exultant joy, general or public rejoicing, jubilation + REFERENCE
(notebook 1924): 'LK'
thread - that which guides through a maze, perplexity, or difficulty; a fine cord composed of the fibres or filaments of flax, cotton, wool, silk, etc. spun to a considerable length + (notebook 1924): 'red thread mark'.
link - to couple or join with or as with a link (in or into a chain, in amity, etc.); to be coupled, joined, or connected (e.g. in friendship, marriage, etc.).
flush - Of a high colour: blushing, ruddy, flushed + calor (l) - heat + flush-coloured
Anas + Anna Perenna (l) - goddess of the returning year.
exe = axe + x
Bell, Laura (b.1829) - bailiff's daughter from Co. Antrim who became a Dublin lady of pleasure and "Queen of London Whoredom" in the 1850s, and, thereafter, a London preacher against sin.
diabolo - a game in which an hourglass shaped top is balanced and spun on a string streched between the tips of two sticks + diabolos (Modern Greek) = diablo (Spanish) - devil.
twisk = tusk - a tuft (of hair) + twist
safety pin - a pin for fastening clothing, bent back on itself so as to form a spring, and with a guard or sheath to cover the point and prevent its accidental unfastening [(notebook 1924): 'safety pin'] + Seife (ger) - soap.
Mammon - The Aramaic word for 'riches'; the word was taken by mediæval writers as the proper name of the devil of covetousness.
Douglas: London Street Games 38: (a girls' rope-chant) 'Then he tears the leg of my drawers'
Joyce's note: '*A*'s drawers'
phrase pull my other leg, the one with the bells on it (A jocular expression used to express disbelief. An extension of the phrase, and response to having, someone pulling my leg (teasing or goading by jokingly lying); the implication is that one leg has been pulled, and the joker will have more fun with the other one due to the bells.)
rinse - to put through clean water in order to remove the soap used in washing + Joyce's note: 'rinse'
(notebook 1923): 'Where did I stop? (read - Is)'
cordial - vital, tending to revive, cheer or invigorate, sincerely or deeply felt + misericordia (l) - pity, mercy + FDV: Well after it was put in the papers everywhere ever you went [on and every bungh bung ever you dropped into] or wherever you scoured the countryside you found his picture upside down or the cornerboys burning his guy so she made a plan, this mischiefmaker, the like of it now you never heard. What plan. Tell me quickly! What the mischief did she do? Well she borrowed a bag, a mailbag, from one of her sons, Shaun the Post, and then she went & made herself up. O, God of gigglers, I can't tell you. It's too funny. O, but you must. You must really. I'd give my chance of going to heaven to hear it all, every word. Here, sit down, go easy, be quiet. Tell me slowly. Take your time. Breathe deeply. That's the way. Slowlier.
mendicant - a beggar, one who lives by begging + Joyce's note: 'Beggars' Monday J' + (notebook 1924): 'Beggars' Journal' → Irish Independent 25 Jan 1924, 6/5: 'Three Curiosities of Journalism. A Beggars' Newspapers': 'Perhaps the strangest publication in the history of the Press was the "Mendicant's Journal," which made its last appearance a few weeks ago. This extraordinary paper was published in Paris every six months, and catered exclusively for the beggars of the French capital' (a very similar article appeared in Freeman's Journal 26 Jan 1924, 10/4).
dag (Dutch) - day
zindah (Sanskrit) - alive + Sunday
Schrift (ger) - writing, written document + Wochenschrift (ger) - weekly magazine + witchcraft
for once - for one occasion
sully - to pollute, defile; to soil, stain, tarnish
kidglove - glove made of skin of a young goat + with kid gloves - with special consideration.
to chew the cud - to ruminate; to recall and reflect meditatively on things said, done, or suffered.
to mind out - to look out, be careful
snee = sny - to swarm + snow + sne (Danish) - snow.
Snowdon - one of the six Scottish heralds + snowed on + SNOWDON, MOUNTAIN - Mountain, North Wales, the highest (3560 ft) in Wales.
hoar - to become hoary or greyhaired
(notebook 1924): 'a skunner against'
thaw - the melting of ice and snow after a frost
The Sava is a river in Europe, a right side tributary of Danube at Belgrade. It is 945 km long and drains 95,719 km² of surface area. It flows through four countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (making its northern border) and Serbia.
chuff - boor, churl + chief
bung - a brewer, or landlord of a public house + pub
cit - an inhabitant of a city + city
addle - to make addle; to spoil, make abortive
PHOENIX TAVERN - 18th-century Chapelizod public house
POWER'S INN - 18th-century public house in Booterstown, South-East Dublin.
Jude (ger) - jew
scour - to move about hastily or energetically; esp. to range about in search of something, or in movements against a foe.
NANNYWATER - River, North County Dublin, flowing through Duleek to sea at Laytown North of Balbriggan. Often used as boundary line: as the boundary of Viking power; and into the 20th century as the boundary of admiralty jurisdiction.
porta (l) - gate + PORTA LATINA - One of the gates (now closed) in the Aurelian walls of Rome + porta (it) - door.
lateen - A phonetic spelling of latine
quarter - a particular division or district of a town or city, esp. that appropriated to a particular class or race of people; spec. the Latin Quarter of Paris.
ikon = icon - an image, figure, or representation; a portrait
etch - to engrave (metals, sometimes glass, stone) by 'eating away' the surface with acids or other corrosives; Hence, to produce (figures), copy or reproduce (pictures, drawings, etc.), represent or portray (subjects) by this method.
upside down - inverted, overturned
cornerboy - one who lounges about street-corners, a street 'loafer'
cammock - a field hockey stick, a crooked staff + mocking
guy - an effigy of Guy Fawkes traditionally burnt on the evening of November the Fifth + REFERENCE
Morris - the name of William Morris (1834-96), poet and craftsman, used attrib. of styles of furniture, wallpaper, etc., designed by him + (notebook 1923): 'Pat the Man'.
Rolls-Royce - a Rolls-Royce motor car; any product considered to be of the highest quality + E.W. Royce appeared as title role in Turko the Terrible, the first Christmas pantomime at the Gaiety Theatre, Dublin (Ulysses.1.258).
terrible Turk - a cruel, rigorous, or tyrannical man; one who treats his wife hardly + turgeo (l) - to swell; to be enraged + turrible = terrible.
chic - 'stylish', in the best fashion and best of taste
unskimmed - not covered with a skim coat (a final usu. white coat of plastering applied to walls and ceiling).
suit - pattern, style of workmanship or design; occas. colour
yogurt - Properly, a sour fermented liquor made from milk, used in Turkey and other countries of the Levant + yaourt (fr) - yoghurt.
hammam - a Turkish bath + hamman (Persian) - bath.
adam (Persian) - person
Fatima - Mohammed's daughter
reel - to dance a reel (a lively dance, chiefly associated with Scotland, usually danced by two couples facing each other, and describing a series of figures of eight); to sway unsteadily from side to side, as if about to fall.
rail - to scoff, jest, banter
the local - the public house in the immediate neighbourhood
pipe - to blow or play on a pipe
twang - to produce a ringing note by or as by plucking a string or stringed instrument.
Oddfellow - a member of a society, fraternity, or 'order', organized under this name, with initiatory rites, mystic signs of recognition, and various 'degrees' of dignity and honour, for social and benevolent purposes, especially that of rendering assistance to members in sickness, distress, or other need + (notebook 1922-23): 'oddfellows Hall' → Irish Times 6 Nov 1922, 8/6: 'Many Outrages in Dublin': 'National troops, in the course of a raid on the premises formerly known as the Oddfellows Hall... arrested 14 young men... found in one of the rooms... let last week as a social club'.
the triple tiara - a high ovate-cylindrical or dome-shaped diadem worn by the pope, surmounted by the orb and cross of sovereignty, and encircled with three crowns symbolic of triple dignity, and usually richly wrought with jewels. Hence transf. the position or dignity of pope, the papacy.
busby - a tall fur cap, with or without a plume, having a bag hanging out of the top, on the right side; worn by hussars, artillerymen, and engineers + Joyce's note: 'busby'.
rotunda (l) - round + rink - to skate on a rink + (notebook 1922-23): 'Rotunda rink' → Irish Times 7 Nov 1922, 4/6: 'The Rotunda Rink': 'The destruction of the building known as the Rotunda Rink'.
Pate-by-the-Neva on Pete-over-Meer - St Petersburg and New York City + Meer (ger) - sea + meer (Dutch) - lake; more.
Haussmann, Baron (1809-91) - leading spirit in the rebuilding of Paris + Hausmann (ger) - tenant, lodger + nursery rhyme The House That Jack Built: 'This is the priest all shaven and shorn, That married the man all tattered and torn... That tossed the dog, That worried the cat'.
paven = paved + pave - to lay or cover with a pavement.
stoned - paved with stones; lascivious; drunk
crib - to confine to a small area, restrain, to lay as in a crib; to pilfer, purloin, steal
cabin - a prison, a small room on a ship, a small one story low roofed dwelling
cock - to lift and place high, to stick or turn up
henad - a unit, monad (in the Platonic philosophy) + henned + In Greek mythology, Chronos in pre-Socratic philosophical works is said to be the personification of time. His name actually means "time." Not to be confused with Cronus, a Titan. Chronos was imagined as an incorporeal god, serpentine in form, with three heads - that of a man, a bull, and a lion. He and his consort, serpentine Ananke (Inevitability), circled the primal world-egg in their coils and split it apart to form the ordered universe of earth, sea and sky. He was depicted in Greco-Roman mosaics as a man turning the Zodiac Wheel.