proverb The more the merrier (it is more fun with more people.)
twill - a woven fabric characterized by parallel diagonal ridges + twins + twillinger (Danish) - twins.
trill - a tremulous utterance of a note or notes, as a 'grace' or ornament + trillinger (Danish) - triplets.
spoil five - a card game
Nord (fr) - North
Sud (fr) - South + sever (Serbian) - North.
aye - yes, an affirmative vote
nein (ger) - no
to the letter - to the minutest detail, to the fullest extent
messa (it) - Mass
knave - In playing-cards: The lowest court card of each suit, bearing the representation of a soldier or servant.
joker - an odd card in a pack, either left blank or ornamented with some design, used in some games, counting always as a trump and sometimes as the highest trump.
heehaw - a loud rude laugh, guffaw
gadabout - one who gads about esp. from motives of curiosity or gossip + gad - to wander about with no serious object, stopping here and there + FDV: She must have been a gadabout in her day, so she must. So she was, you bet.
Joyce's note: 'more than most'
shoal - a place where the water is of little depth; a large number of fish, porpoises, seals, whales, etc. swimming together + sure
gid Gud (Danish) - God willing
few men + flame + flumen (l) - river, stream, flood.
own + oven + owen (Anglo-Irish) - river (from Irish abhainn).
nightmare - a feeling of suffocation or great distress felt during sleep, from which the sleeper vainly endeavours to free himself.
zoe mou, sas agapo (gr) - my life, I love thee (last line of 'Maid of Athens' by Lord Byron) + moe - more.
agape (gr) - love
how come? - how did it come about that? + cam - dial p. of come + The Battle of Camlann (Welsh: Cad Camlan) is best known as the final battle of King Arthur, where he either died in battle, or was fatally wounded fighting his enemy and relative Mordred + FDV: Tell me, tell me how did she come through [all] her fellows, who was the 1st that ever burst? [That's a thing I always wish to know.]
come through - to succeed, attain an end, to succeed in giving a favourable impression + camlin = camlet - beutiful and costy eastern fabric, a garment made of camlet + Cam-line (koumlini) (gael) - Crooked Line; name of several rivers.
necker - one who indulges in caresses and fondling
divelination - divination by aid of the devil
to cast pearls before swine - to offer or give a good thing to one who is incapable of appreciating it, but may defile or abuse it + Matthew 7:6: 'pearls before swine'.
swain - a country gallant or lover, a man of low degree
fons in monte (l) - the spring on the mountain: Hippokrene, fountain near Mt. Helikon, sacred to the Muses + fonte in monte (it) - the spring on the mountain.
tiding - event, happening, message, news, a tidal flow or ebb
til havet (Danish) - to the sea
link - to pass (one's arm) through or in another's, to go arm in arm or hand in hand.
knock - to make a strong impression on
flank - the fleshy or muscular part of the side of a man between the ribs and the hip.
jutty - a pier, breakwater, or embankment + jetty - jet black, a very dark black.
pall - to fight (one's way) through + pal - to become or be a 'pal' of another, to keep company, associate (with); Often with in, on, up.
peter - (orig. U.S. Mining colloq.) To diminish gradually and cease, to run out and disappear (as a stream, a vein of ore), to die out, give out, fail, come to an end; Hence petering-out.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner II.23: 'We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea'.
whoever - whatever person or persons; any one who, or any who + huebra (sp) - day's work + (notebook 1924): 'Somebody, whoever you are,'.
tactic - of or pertaining to (military or naval) tactics
single combat - an encounter or fight between two armed persons, a duel.
tinker - a craftsman (usually itinerant) who mends pots, kettles, and other metal household utensils + nursery rhyme 'Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief'.
tiler - one who covers the roofs of buildings with tiles, a tile-layer.
pieman - a baker or cook who specializes in making pies, a pie vendor.
policeman + postman + (notebook 1922-23): 'polishman (DMP)'.
always + (notebook 1930): 'Elwy R'.
uphill - situated on high ground, elevated
Grattan, Henry (1746-1820) - Anglo-Irishman who worked for a separate parliament and moderate reforms.
Flood, Henry (1732-91) - Irish politician, associate of Grattan. W. H. Grattan Flood wrote A History of Irish Music.
host - to serve as a host, to receive (any one) into one's house and entertain as a guest.
"Fidelis" is a Latin term meaning "faithful" + fides (l) - faith
niemand (ger) - nobody
nirgends (ger) - nowhere
nihil (l) - nothing
why are
foh - exp. of contempt + for
ALBERT NYANZA - Lake (nyanza) in central Africa; receives the Victoria Nile from Lake Victoria (Victoria Nyanza) and is the source of the Albert Nile; albern (ger) - silly, foolish.
anser - a genus of birds comprising the geese
unde gentium festines? (l) - from country are you hurrying? whence on earth are you hastening? + untie - to undo, unfasten (a cord, knot, etc.) + gemman - Vulgar pronunc. of gentleman + gemma - bud + fistnote - in Printing, matter of particular importance signalled by a symbol in the shape of a hand with the index finger extended.
nuance - a subtle quality, nicety + nice + VICTORIA NYANZA - Lake (nyanza) Victoria, in central Africa, the source (through the Albert Nynaza) of the White Nile.
to put (one's) hand on - to lay hands on; to get hold of, seize (also fig.)
song Tipperary: 'It's a long long way to Tipperary, It's a long way to go'
loon - a worthless person; a rogue, scamp; a boy, lad, youth
row - an array or set of persons (or things) of a certain kind
annals - a narrative of events written year by year, historical records generally + FDV: She says herself she never hardly knew who he was or what he did or when he crossed her. She was a young thin pale slip of a thing then & he was a heavy lurching Carraghman as strong as an oak the oaks down there used to be that time in [killing] Kildare that first fell across her. You're wrong there. You're all wrong. It was ages & miles before that in the county Wicklow, the garden of Erin, before she ever thought dreamt she'd end in the [barley fields &] pennylands of Humphreystown & she lie with a landleaper, well on the wane. Was it, was it? Are you sure? Where in Wicklow? Tell me where, the very first time! I will if you listen.
gravel - to confound, perplex, puzzle; to bury in gravel or sand, to overwhelm with gravel; to run (a ship) aground on the gravel or beach, mud, etc.
dynast - a hereditary ruler; a ruler, chief, lord + Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section 1431: 'McMorogh, dynast of Leinster, makes an incursion into the English pale, and defeats the forces sent against him, but is finally defeated with great loss'.
wolf - a sexually aggressive male, a would be seducer of women + a wolf of the sea ~ Murchadh (murukhu) (gael) - Sea-warrior; patronymic of Diarmaid Mac Murchada, Leinster king who invited Anglo-Norman invasion.
jump (Slang) - fuck
give away - an inadvertent betrayal or revelation of oneself, of plans, the truth, etc.
slip - a young and slender person, a long narrow strip of material
sauntering - strolling about; dawdling, trifling + Joyce's note: 'S'aunter (aventurer)' → Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 103 (sec. 104): 'saunter, where the French reflective pronoun has become fixed as an inseparable element of the word, from s'auntrer, another form for s'aventurer 'to adventure oneself''.
silver moon light + silva (l) - forest.
trudge - to walk laboriously, wearily, or without spirit, but steadily and persistently; to perform (a journey) or travel over (a distance) by trudging [Joyce's note: 'dredge trudge'.
lurching - lurking, 'sneaking'
lie abroad - to lodge out of one's house or abode; to reside in a foreign country.
curragh - marshy waste ground; spec. the proper name of the level stretch of open ground in Co. Kildare, famous for its racecourse and military camp + Joyce's note: 'curragh' + churchman - a clergyman + currach (Anglo-Irish) = curach (Irish) - coracle, a small wickerwork boat.
to make hay while the sun shines - to lose no time, to seize or profit by opportunities.
oaktree - oak
peat - vegetable matter decomposed by water and partially carbonized by chemical change, often forming bogs or 'mosses' of large extent + peace
rustle - to act or move with great energy, to hustle, push one's way
dyke - a wall or fence; a raised causeway; dike + Joyce's note: 'dyke'
Forst (ger) - forest + Fell (ger) - skin, hide + fossefald (Danish) - waterfall + -foss (Norwegian) - (denotes waterfall) + First cascade created by fallen tree across the stream.
plash - the noise made when any body strikes the surface of water so as to break it up + (notebook 1924): 'plashed woods' ('shed' not clear).
neath - beneath + (notebook 1924): 'goes underground'.
nymphet - a young nymph, a sexually precocious girl
tiger's eye - a yellowish brown quartz with brilliant lustre, used as a gem + tigris (l) - tiger + Tigris - river in Mesopotamia.
wish (Dublin Slang) - vulva
anachronism - an error in computing time, or fixing dates; the erroneous reference of an event, circumstance, or custom to a wrong date + Acheron - "The stream of woe": a river in the Underworld.
nullah - a watercourse that is often dry; gully, ravine, river bed + nulla (l) - none