pish - exp. of disdain or contempt + pis (pish) (gael) - vulva + pious wish + SDV: but you have thwarted the simple wish of the godmother who gave you it & them

co- - 'joint' + godparent - godmother, godfather (a man who sponsors a person at baptism).

sophist - one of a class of men who taught eloquence, philosophy, and politics in ancient Greece; especially, one of those who, by their fallacious but plausible reasoning, puzzled inquirers after truth, weakened the faith of the people, and drew upon themselves general hatred and contempt.

elench - a specious but fallacious argument, a sophism + elenchus - a logical refutation + elencho (gr) - to cross-examine; to convict or prove.

malice - a depraved inclination to mischief + Chiniquy: The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional 45: (priest speaking to Mary in the confessional) '"My dear sister," I answered, were I free to follow the voice of my own feelings I would be only too happy to grant your request; but I am here only as the minister of our holy Church, and bound to obey her laws. Through her most holy Popes and theologians she tells me that I cannot forgive your sins if you do not confess them all, just as you have committed them. The Church tells me also that you must give the details which may add to the malice or change the nature of your sins'.

transgression - the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle

alternate - to reverse, as of direction, attitude, or course of action

morosity - sullen melancholy + Ulysses.3.385: 'Morose delectation Aquinas tunbelly calls this' + SDV: & have reckoned added the morosity of your delectations

delectation - a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction + Desmond MacCarthy: Criticism (1932): (of Ulysses) 'a morose delectation in dirt' [174.04] [183.22]

philtre - to charm with a philtre or love-potion; fig. to bewitch + the love philtre drunk by Tristan and Isolde.

tryst - to engage (a person) to meet one at a given place and time + 'And every evening, by Brangien’s counsel, Tristan cut him twigs and bark, leapt the sharp stakes and, having come beneath the pine, threw them into the clear spring; they floated light as foam down the stream to the women’s rooms; and Iseult watched for their coming, and on those evenings she would wander out into the orchard and find her friend. Lithe and in fear would she come, watching at every step for what might lurk in the trees observing, foes or the felons whom she knew, till she spied Tristan; and the night and the branches of the pine protected them.' (M. Joseph Bédier: The Romance of Tristan and Iseult)

tantrum - an outburst or display of petulance or ill-temper; a fit of passion + (notebook 1923): 'Trist uses warpath words: tantrums' ["you bloody bitch" in extension?].

small "ps"

PENMARK - Village and peninsula in Brittany, France M. Joseph Bédier: The Romance of Tristan and Iseult: 'But at Carhaix Tristan lay and longed for Iseult’s coming. Nothing now filled him any more, and if he lived it was only as awaiting her; and day by day he sent watchers to the shore to see if some ship came, and to learn the colour of her sail. There was no other thing left in his heart. He had himself carried to the cliff of the Penmarks, where it overlooks the sea, and all the daylight long he gazed far off over the water.' + penn = pen.

sponsibility - responsibility, respectability

passibility - capability of suffering, aptness to feel or suffer

stability - fixity of resolution or purpose; firmness, steadfastness + prostabilis (l) - able to stand forth, able to project; able to prostitute one's self.

Sir John Lubbock: The Pleasures of Life + SDV: among the to Lubbock's pleasures of life — —


Butler's Lives of the Saints

extrude - to urge or force out, to thrust out

strabismal - squinting; (fig.) displaying perversity of intellectual perception

apologia - an apology or a defense, justification of the acts of a persons life

legibly - so as to be easily read + Joyce's note: 'legible depressed' (may be two separate units) Crépieux-Jamin: Les Éléments de l'Écriture des Canailles 283: (of a handwriting sample) 'of the commonplace calligraphic kind that we call official because it is imposed by administrations in order to ensure greater legibility'; 288: 'the small thread-like strokes of the depressed'.

depressed - pressed down, put or kept down by preasure or force; in low spirits

popeyed - having bulging or prominent eyes; wide-eyed (with amazement, etc.) + Popeye - of "Thimble Theatre", American comic strip + Joyce's note: 'popeyed world'.  

scribblative - hastily written writing + Joyce's note: 'scribblative' Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 125 (sec. 123): 'Adjectives are formed in -ative:... scribblative'.

cantred - a hundred (an obsolete Welsh territorial unit, a district containing a hundred townships) + (notebook 1923): 'cantred (hundred)' → Fitzpatrick: Ireland and the Making of Britain 66: 'The secular education of Ireland was reorganized by this parliament which erected a chief bardic seminary or college for each of the five kingdoms, and under each of these mother establishments a group of minor schools, one in each tuath or cantred, all liberally endowed'.

Cathleen, Countess - title heroine of Yeats's play, who sells her soul to the devil so that starving Irish can be fed. The Irish found this an insult to Ireland and rioted at the Abbey Theatre + colleen (Anglo-Irish) - girl. 

mannish - masculine, resembling a man + (having a lion's mane).

manful - brave, resolute + Minne (ger) - love + minne (Dutch) - love; wet nurse.

congest - to collect or gather into a mass or aggregate, to bring together

rood - a superficial measure of land, properly containing 40 square poles or perches, but varying locally

pole - 3014 square yards; a perch, a rod

perch - a superficial measure of land, equal to a square of which each side is a lineal perch; a square perch or pole (normally 1160 of an acre).

fluctuant - moving like a wave, varying and unstable


accomplished - complete, perfect; esp. in acquirements, or as the result of training + Chiniquy: The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional 31: 'In the beginning of my priesthood, I was not a little surprised and embarrassed to see a very accomplished and beautiful young lady, whom I used to meet almost every week at her father's house, entering the box of my confessional.'

educandus (l) - fit to be educated + educande (it) - girl-boarders in convent schools + Chiniquy: The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional 105: 'I purposely say "the rich and well-educated woman," for I know that there is a prevalent opinion that the social position of her class places her above the corrupting influences of the confessional, as if she were out of the reach of the common miseries of our poor fallen and sinful nature. So long as the well-educated lady makes use of her accomplishments to defend the citadel of her womanly self-respect against the foe—so long as she sternly keeps the door of her heart shut against her deadly enemy—she is safe.'

arrivisme - the attitude or behaviour of an arriviste (a pushing or ambitious person, a self-seeker) + arrivisme (fr) - unscrupulous ambition + Edward Moore (1712-57): The Gamester II.2: 'rich beyond the dreams of avarice'.

deterred - inhibited + Chiniquy: The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional 71: 'A young educanda was in the habit of going down, every night, to the convent burying-place, where, by a corridor which communicated with the vestry, she entered into a colloquy with a young priest attached to the church. Consumed by an amorous passion, she was not deterred by bad weather or the fear of being discovered.'

amorous - affected with love towards one of the opposite sex

possess - to put in possession of, to take possession of

bush - (A bushy growth of) pubic hair (slang) + books.

Sorge - acconding to some medieval romances, the son of Tristan and Isolde of Ireland + Sorge (ger) - worry, sorrow.

King Anguish - father of Isolde, according to Malory

solus cum sola - alone with an unchaperoned woman + solus cum sola sive cunctim cum omnibus (l) - [a man] alone with [a woman] alone or else collectively with everybody + Chiniquy: The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional 228 (l) - (quoting Saint Jerome in Latin) 'Solus cum sola, secreto et absque arbitrio, vel teste, non sedeas... Never sit in secret, alone, in a retired place, with a female who is alone with you'.

best man - the only or principal groomsman at a wedding ceremony

vying - competing eagerly so as to gain something + eyeing + mutely saying 'yes'.

(marriage) + SDV: and this with cantreds of overplussing sisters congested round & about you for acres, roods & poles & or perches mutely braying what for what would not cost you the price of a pang one the oldest song in the wide wide world accompanied by a plain gold band.

obituary - a notice of someone's death + debit (l) - he [she, it] owes + Chiniquy: The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional 290 (l) - 'imo ut non servetur debitum vas, sed copula habeatur in vase præpostero' (Latin 'even if the obligatory vessel is not observed, but the bond is had in the wrong vessel'; i.e. sodomy).

bolivar - monetary unit of Venezuela

collarwork - work in which a horse has to strain hard against the collar, as in drawing a heavy load or going up hill; fig. Severe and close work.

lilt - a song or tune, esp. one of a cheerful or merry character

trill - to utter or sing (a note, tune, etc.) with tremulous vibration of sound

an old song - a very small or trifling sum, amount or value

woo - to entreat or solicit alluringly + wide wide world.

'tu-whit, tu-whoo!' (owl's cry) → 'Then nightly sings the staring owl / Tu-whoo! / Tu-whit! tu-whoo! A merry note! / While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.' (William Shakespeare: Love's Labours Lost)

(notebook 1923): 'the plain gold band' (i.e. ring) O. Henry: The Four Million 207: 'Sisters of the Golden Circle': 'Thus does one sister of the plain gold band know another... bride knoweth bride at the glance of an eye. And between them swiftly passes comfort and meaning'.

Morna - as Mr Senn says, mother of Fingal, Finn MacCool James Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian: Fingal II: 'Thy spouse, high-bosomed heaving fair!' (referring to Cuthullin's wife); Fingal I: (of Fingal's mother) 'Morna, fairest among women' (glossed in a footnote: 'a woman beloved of all'). 

gladsome - experiencing or expressing gladness or joy

take share of - to share (something) with another

groom - short for bridegroom

carrion - the dead and rotting body of an animal

premature - uncommonly early or before the expected time

gravedigger - one whose employment it is to dig graves; one who digs up or violates graves + (notebook 1924): '*C* 1st gravedigger' → Cain was the first gravedigger, having killed and buried Abel.

fast - to abstain from food, or to restrict oneself to a meagre diet, either as a religious observance or as a ceremonial expression of grief + (notebook 1924): 'who sleeps on the vigil & fasts on the feast'.

dislocated - separated at the joint [(notebook 1924): 'dislocated reason *C*'].

Japhet - one of the sons of Noah

pore - to look intently or fixedly, to gaze

scald - a burn or injury to the skin or flesh by some hot liquid (or by steam)

blister - an elevation of the skin filled with serous fluid

impetiginous - scabby, pustular (from 'impetigo': a pustular skin disease) + (notebook 1924): 'impetiginous disorders'.

sore - a wound or bruise that become infected, ulcer

pustule - a small conical or rounded elevation of the cuticle, with erosion of the cutis, inflammatory at the base and containing pus

auspice - an observation of birds for the purpose of obtaining omens; a sign or token given by birds

raven - of the color raven black, intensly dark or gloomy + Nephthys (*J*).

augury - the practice of divining from the flight of birds

dynamitism - destruction by the use of dynamite and similar explosives

colleague - one who is associated with another (or others) in office, or special employment + SDV: Sniffer of carrion, you have foretold death & disaster the dynamitising of friendship friends,

record - a document, monument, etc., on which such an account is inscribed + The Irish Public Record Office in Four Courts, Dublin, was obliterated in 1922 + Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section 1304: 'A great fire in which most of the public records were burned in St. Mary's-abbey'.

reduced to ashes (Joyce's note) → Schuré: Woman the Inspirer 23: (letter from Richard Wagner to Mathilde Wesendonck) 'Once more I inhale the magic perfume of those flowers that thou didst pluck for me in the garden of thy heart... In olden times they were strewn over the hero's body, before it was reduced to ashes by the flames'.

The Custom House, Dublin, was burned down in 1921 + Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section 1833: 'A dreadful fire broke out in the Custom House stores, on the 9th of August, by which property to a large amount was destroyed'.