alcove - an arched recess or niche in the wall of any building or apartment, a recessed portion of a room or a small room opening into a larger one + SDV: Naturally he never needed such an alcove alcohove for his purpose and when George W Robber, the paper stat paper king, boycotted him of all stationery & muttonsuet candles for any purpose he went away & made synthetic ink for & unruled foolscap parchment for it himself with out of his wits' ends. How? Let [the manner & the matter of] it [for these [our] sporting times] be veiled cloaked up in the language of blushing blushfed cardinals lest that [the] Anglican cardinals cardinal, [not] reading his own words rude speech, [may always] behold the scarlet [brand] on the brown of the her of Babylon yet feel not the pink one in his [own damned] cheek Primum ...

MAUNSELL AND CO - Printing firm in Parliament Street, publisher of the Daily Express and other newspapers. George Roberts, the managing director, had bitter disputes with Joyce over deletions after the sheets of Dubliners were printed, and in September 1912 the sheets were destroyed by the printer, John Falconer; Joyce said by burning, Roberts said by "guillotining and pulping." 

pulping - the destruction of paper records by dissolving them in a liquid reagent. The product of pulping, a raw paper fiber slurry, is recycled into new paper based products + pulpit + public + SDV: when George W Robber, the paper stat paper king, 

nudge - to touch or push (one) slightly with the elbow for the purpose of attracting attention

codex - a system or collection of rules or regulations on any subject; blockhead (Slang)

podex - the fundament, the rump, posterior, arse (slang)

benefaction - an act intending or showing kindness and good will + benediction - the act of praying for divine protection.

pastor - a shepherd of souls, bishop, priest

flammeus (l) - flaming, fiery

falconer - one who hunts with falcons; a keeper and trainer of hawks + John Falconer - Dublin printer. 

boycott - to combine in refusing to hold relations of any kind, social or commercial, public or private, with (a neighbour), on account of political or other differences, so as to punish him for the position he has taken up, or coerce him into abandoning it.

muttonfat candle - a candle made of mutton-fat

home rule + SDV: boycotted him of all stationery & muttonsuet candles for any purpose he went away & made synthetic ink for & unruled foolscap parchment for it himself with out of his wits' ends.

stationery - materials for writing (paper, pens, ink, etc.)

wing - to use one's wings, fly; to sail + (Icarus).

wild goose chase - a pursuit after something unattainable, a futile chase

kathartic = cathartic - cleansing, purifying, purging + "katharsis" (James Joyce: The Holy Office).

synthetic sugar (Joyce's note)

sensitive paper - paper prepared for photographic purposes

waste - refuse matter, any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted

Sam Hill - a euphemism for hell; used especially in expressions of impatience or irritation preceded by in or the with an interrogative word + where in Sam Hill (United States phrase) - 'where in the world' (popular 19th century expression).

sporting - characterized by sport or sportsmanlike conduct + SPORTING TIMES - The weekly "chronicle of racing, literature, art, and the drama," known as "The Pink 'un," published in London 1865-1931; had a hostile review of Ulysses in April 1922.

cloak - to hide under a false appearance

porporate - clad in purple + corporates (P/K split) + purpurandus (Vatican Latin Slang) - one fit to be purpled, i.e. made a cardinal + SDV: Let [the manner & the matter of] it [for these [our] sporting times] be veiled cloaked up in the language of blushing blushfed cardinals

Anglican - English; of or peculiar to the English ecclesiastically + Chiniquy: The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional (offers some extremely sexually-explicit extracts from the alleged writings of Catholic theologians in the Latin only, supposedly to shield his readership from the smut; the book is mentioned in Ulysses.15.2548).

ordinal - a book containing directions for roman catholic services every day in the year (in full, 'The Anglican Ordinal') + cardinal and ordinal numbers + SDV: lest that [the] Anglican cardinals cardinal, [not] reading his own words rude speech,

teanga (t'one) (gael) - tongue, language + Dönsk tunga (Icelandic) - Danish tongue.

scarlet - a brilliant vivid red colour, inclining to orange + Revelation 17:4-5: 'the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour... and upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS' (Puritans applied this to the Roman Catholic Church).

whore of Babylon - Church of Rome + SDV: [may always] behold the scarlet [brand] on the brown of the her of Babylon yet feel not the pink one in his [own damned] cheek

The Pink 'Un - subtitle of Sporting Times + (so that no-one is embarrassed).

cheek - insolence in speaking to any one + Luke 6:41: 'and why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?'

opifex (l) - artificer + REFERENCE

alt (German) - old + Altus Prosator - a hymn attributed to Saint Columcille.

prosator (l) - a prose writer (in Dante and Renaissance latinits) + (notebook 1924): 'Altus Prosator'  James Joyce: A Portrait V (l) - 'Old father, old artificer'.

prosy - lacking wit or imagination

crap - excrement, defecation

Joyce's note: 'noir animal (sterco)' [.19]

Litany of Blessed Virgin Mary: 'vas honorabile' (Latin: 'honourable vessel')

Medard and Gildard - French saints, erroneously believed to be twin brothers, invoked to bring rain. French peasants say that the weather on Saint Medard's feast-day (8 June), rain or clear, will extend to the following forty days + Gogarty. 

Vulgate Psalms 45:2: 'Lingua mea calamus scribae velociter scribentis': 'My tongue is the pen of a scribe writing swiftly'.

exonerate - to relieve, in a moral sense, as of a charge, obligation, or load of blame resting on one + (mistranstlates Latin dejectiones and exoneratus [.18-.19]).

Orion + orina (l) - urine.

fake - to plunder, steal; to feign or simulate + fecit Orionis (mistranstlates Latin fecit and Orionis [.24-.25]) + Joyce's note: 'HCE pissed a wall by three O'Ryans'.

indelible ink - ink that cannot be deleted, blotted out, or effaced + SDV: (made O'Ryan the devil's own ink).

pius Aeneas (l) - dutiful Aeneas (frequent formula in Vergil's Aeneid)

conformant - in accordance with a set of specifications

fulminant - flashing forth like lightning; occurring suddenly, rapidly, and with great severity or intensity

firman - an edict or order issued by an Oriental sovereign, esp. the Sultan of Turkey; a royal order or grant + fir (Irish) - men.

enjoin - to give instructions to or direct somebody to do something 

tremolous - trembling, quivering or shaking

nychtemeros (gr) - lasting a night and a day + nychthemeron - period of twenty-four hours ('Ulysses' spans one day and one night) + hemera (gr) - day (i.e. 'nonday' → "This nonday diary, this allnights newseryreel" [489.35]) + Apollonius of Thyana: Nychthemeron (an occult treatise which contains some reference to Ourania) + America + nightmare.

unheavenly - not heavenly, sinful

uncertain - about which one cannot be certain or assured; subject to doubt

obscene - disgusting, repulsive, filthy; expressing or suggesting unchaste or lustful ideas; impure, indecent, lewd

kopros (gr) - dung + copyright ('Ulysses' was not protected by copyright in the United States and pirated editions appeared).

Ouranian - of or pertaining to heaven or the upper regions + Urania - muse of astronomy, planet, Aphrodite as spiritual love + Ourania (gr) - 'Heavenly', muse of astronomy + ouron (gr) - urine (Orion was originally named Ourion because generated from Greek ouron: urine).

dood (Dutch) - dead; death

bethank - to thank

bedung - to befoul with dung

double dye - to dye twice + double-dyed villain (phrase) + SDV: With the double dye he wrote minutely, appropriately over every part of the only foolscap available, his own body, till one integument slowly unfolded universal history the [varied progressive] reflection from his [individual] person of lived life unlivable transaccidentated in the slow fire of consciousness into a dividual chaos, perilous, potent, common to all flesh, mortal only, & that self which he hid from the world grew darker & darker in its outlook.   

blood heat - the ordinary heat of blood in the healthy human body

gallic acid - a white crystalline acid. With iron salts it gives a deep blue-black colour, the basis of writing ink. 

iron ore - the ore of iron; any crude form in which iron is found in the earth + solution of gallic acid & solution of a ferrous salt = blue-black ink.

misery - distress caused by privation or poverty; a condition characterized by a feeling of extreme unhappiness; miserable or wretched state of mind + (notebook 1924): 'thro' bowels of Thy Mercy' Kinane: St. Patrick 134: 'O God, through the bowels of Thy mercy... grant me a love of prayer'.

flashly - in a flash manner, handsomely, elegantly

faithly - with fidelity, faithfully, steadfastly

nastily - in a nasty ill-tempered manner

appropriately - in a manner properly suited; fittingly


Menshevik - a member of the political group or party forming the smaller part of the Russian Social-Democratic Party after the split with the Bolsheviks in 1903 and denounced as counter-revolutionaries after the 'October' Revolution of 1917 + + mensch (Dutch) = chovek (Serbian) - man + havik (Dutch) - hawk.

alchemist + Shem. 

foolscap - a writing paper made in sheets, ordinarily 16 x 13 inches, and folded so as to make a page 13 x 8 inches

corrosive sublimate - mercury(II) chloride, an poisonous compound of mercury once used as a photographic intensifier. When applied to a negative, the mercury(II) chloride whitens and thickens the image, thereby increasing the opacity of the shadows and creating the illusion of a positive image.