war loans
longsuffering - patient endurance of provocation or trial + SDV: dam fireproof fireworks, ohs ouis sees gras jas neys thaws ahs yeses and yeses and yeses,
longstanding - continuance for a long time in a settled and recognized position, rank, etc.; Chiefly in phr. of long standing.
oui (fr) - yes
si (it) - yes
ja (ger) - yes
jo (Swedish) - yes
già (it) - yes
ney (gr) - yes
tá (Irish) - yes
breakage - the action or fact of breaking; the results of breaking; Mus.The change in the quality of the voice in passing from one 'register' to another.
upheaval - a state of violent disturbance and disorder; Geol. A rise of land to a higher elevation.
distortion - twisting out of natural or regular shape; an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image
inversion - a turning upside down; reversal of the order of words; Mus. The action of inverting an interval, chord, phrase, or subject.
chamber music - that class of music specially fitted for performance in a private room, as distinguished from a concert-room, church, etc.
stand a fair chance - to be likely to meet with some (specified or implied) piece of fortune, some good or ill luck
grain - the smallest possible quantity + (Joyce's note): 'with a grain of goodwill we can see' → Czarnowski: Le Culte des Héros, Saint Patrick XVI: 'Although the Irish had the notion of being a nation and although one can with some good will, see in them the rudiments of a state, they did not constitute in reality but a vast confederation of clans, tuatha'.
There is one outstanding example of pure dance: that of the whirling dervishes, an art that has been practiced for more than seven centuries. The procedure is part of a Muslim ceremony called the dhikr, the purpose of which is to glorify God and seek spiritual perfection. Not all dervish orders dance; some simply stand on one foot and move the other foot to music. Those who dance or, rather, whirl are the Mawlawi dervishes, an order that was founded by the Persian poet and mystic Jalal ad-Din ar-Rumi at Konya, in Anatolia, in the 13th century. The performance, for which all of the participants don tall, brown, conical hats and black mantles, takes place in a large hall in the tekke, the building in which the dervishes live. The dervishes sit in a circle listening to music. Then, rising slowly, they move to greet the shaykh, or master, and cast off the black coat to emerge in white shirts and waistcoats. They keep their individual places with respect to one another and begin to revolve rhythmically. They throw back their heads and raise the palms of their right hands, keeping their left hands down, a symbol of giving and taking. The rhythm accelerates, and they whirl faster and faster. In this way they enter a trance in an attempt to lose their personal identities and to attain union with the Almighty. Later they may sit, pray, and begin all over again. The dhikr ceremony always ends with a prayer and a procession + Blavatsky: Isis Unveiled I.xxviii: 'Dervishes, or the "whirling charmers"... the Mohammedan devotee... will never reach beyond his second class of occult manifestations'.
tumult - great disturbance or agitation of mind or feeling; confused and violent emotion + Christ called James and John Boanerges ('sons of thunder', Mark 3:17).
selfexiled - exiled by one's own wish or decision + Joyce's note: 'self exiled' → Irish Statesman 2 Feb 1924, 664/1: 'Gossip of an Irish Book Lover': 'George Evans Bruce... plaintiff in a famous suit for libel... rather than pay... he self-exiled himself to Brussels and never returned'.
nightlong - through the whole night
red + redd (Norwegian) - afraid + Shem as a priest of Black Temple (3D Time, 1D Space) is "noondayterrorised" by White Temple (3D Space, 1D Time; Shaun) and Red Temple (Intersection of two hyperspheres; Red Dragon HCE defined as "Tesseract"). Maurice Mahan [Behan] is original dweller in Great Bear (cult of Black Temple, original Typhonian current), before constellation was taken by Shem (Seth). Draconian current has its source in cult of Red Temple, and although seems to be connected with constellation Draco, is really connected with Orion and original host(y) is HCE; myths of Orion, Osiris and Tristan are projections of original theme given in FW.
horrors + 'Red Terror' - Communist government repression in Hungary, 1919, followed by similar anti-Communist 'White Terror'.
noonday - the middle of the day; mid-day + Psalms 91:5-6: 'Thou shalt not be afraid... for the destruction that wasteth at noonday'.
skin and bone - denoting extreme emaciation or leanness + to the bone - to the inmost point + Joyce's note: 'bone & shadow' → Nation and Athenæum 22 Apr 1922, 125/1: 'Mr. Joyce's Ulysses' (review of Ulysses by John M. Murry): 'he seems to have dropped the illusion of truth for the truth, the effect of truth for the fact, which is, in art, to drop the bone for the shadow'.
ineluctable - impossible to avoid or evade + (afraid of his own shadow) + Joyce's note: 'ineluctable' → Crépieux-Jamin: Les Éléments de l'Écriture des Canailles 190: 'the link between depression and inhibition, so common among the diseased, is not ineluctable; they are two different phenomena' + Ulysses.3.412: 'I throw this ended shadow from me, manshape ineluctable, call it back'.
shaper - the Creator or Maker [of the universe] (obs.) + "The Great Deep One, the Great Illusionist of Shape, had not been shaped still, for he existed after the nothingness of the Naxyr. Later, he was called Yog-Sothoth, the shapeless Demon, who is master of all shapes. He is the reverse thirteen, the inverted triangle, the Nemesis of life which is not unlife." (Frank G. Ripel: The Magick of Atlantis: Sauthenerom, the Source of the Necronomicon)
mercery - a term for expensive fabrics (initially referred to silk, linen, and fustian textiles imported to England in the 12th century) + mercury + mercy.
history + SDV: To which [if one has the stomach] add [the] breakages, upheavals, inversions, distortions, of [all] this chambermade music & one [stands a fair chance of] actually sees seeing the whirling dervish, exiled in upon his ego, [noonday terrorized by an ineluctable shadow,] writing the history of himself in furniture.
future + (i.e. writing in 3D Time).
valet - a manservant performing duties chiefly relating to the person of his master; to wait upon, to attend or serve, as a valet + No man is a hero to his valet (proverb) - a valet of a famous person or celebrity will not have the same high views of their boss as the general public.
get up - to prepare, make ready, generate, bring into existence
STOURBRIDGE - Town, West of Birmingham, England, known for fire-clay and fire-brick works
kitchenette - a room combining a very small kitchen and a pantry, with the kitchen conveniences compactly arranged, sometimes so that they fold up out of sight and allow the kitchen to be made a part of the adjoining room by opening folding doors.
lithargyros (gr) - monoxide of lead + galena (gr) - lead ore; dross left after smelting lead + Galen, Chaudius (b.130) - cebebrated ancient medical writer + gallina (it) - hen + galeno (sp) - doctor.
fowlhouse - henroost, henhouse + FDV: Furthermore the low creature was a selfvaletter, having got up a kitchenette & fowlhouse for the sake of the eggs in what was meant for a closet
for the sake of - on account of one's interest in; out of desire for, in order to attain + SDV: Of course the our low creature hero was & had to be a selfvaleter so he got up what whatever is meant by a kitchenette & fowlhouse for the sake of eggs in what was meant for a closet.
eggs + Nun, the primordial, dark, everlasting, inert limitless ocean is not creative nor created. It has been always there and it will always be there. There is no escaping from it. It permeates every thing, and creation as a whole. The gods themselves have to deal with it. After the First Time, degeneration is thus inevitable, and if left by itself, creation would relapse into high-entropy (disorder of absolute chaos). Every energy or process of nature is doomed to be depleted without the quasi-eternal, limitless power of genesis, the moment between the hatching of Atum and the emergence of the first land. Atum, the genetic potential, actualizes as genesis, the First Time before actual creation. He is creative nor created, but self-created. Contrary to Nun, the Egyptians envisaged Atum in two possible modes : "floating in Nun", as a diffused, passive and dormant genetic potential, versus "hatching out of his egg", as a contracted, active, one-pointed, solitary creator-god, causa sui, one who is awake and conscious.
dumper - one who 'dumps' or deposits rubbish, etc. + appletree + The apple does not fall far from the tree (proverb) + Humpty Dumpty (nursery rhyme).
moro- (gr) - foolish-, silly- + melodos (gr) - musical + moromelodos (gr) - foolishly musical + moro (it) - black + Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies.
jokesmith - a manufacturer of jokes + jig - a lively, rapid, springy kind of dance; a rapid lively dance-tune; a joke, a sportive trick or cheat + 'The Harmonious Blacksmith', harpsichord music by Handel.
in defiance of - with daring disregard of, setting at nought
preservation - the activity of protecting something from loss or danger
game - wild animals or birds such as are pursued, caught or killed in the chase
poultry - domestic fowls collectively
Lalla Rookh - title, heroine of Thomas Moore's poem
cookerybook - a book of receipts and instructions in cookery + Ben Travers: Rookery Nook (play) + rookery - a place where rooks nest or breed; a colony of rooks.
dodginess - evasivenes, artfulness
lantern - a transparent case, e.g. of glass, horn, talc, containing and protecting a light; magic lantern (an optical instrument by means of which a magnified image of a picture on glass is thrown upon a white screen or wall in a darkened room) + Diogenes, Cynic philosopher, looked with a lantern for an honest man.
brool - a low roar, a murmur + broil - to grill + brûler (fr) - to burn.
cock - to strut, swagger, to turn up + cooked
potch = poach - to cook in a liquid kept just below the boiling point
athanor - a digesting furnace used by the alchemists, in which a constant heat was maintained by means of a tower which provided a self-feeding supply of charcoal
white - the translucent viscous fluid surrounding the yolk of an egg
whote = wit (v.) + (this is the truly eternal cycle of Atum, each time rising and setting as the creator of a new universe).
Fruhling (ger) - spring + frullino (it) - egg whisk + frula (Serbian) - pipe, flute → "He thought of the ancient legends of Ultimate Chaos, at whose centre sprawls the blind idiot god Azathoth, Lord of All Things, encircled by his flopping horde of mindless and amorphous dancers, and lulled by the thin monotonous piping of a demoniac flute held in nameless paws." (H.P. Lovecraft: The Haunter Of The Dark)
freddon - to hum, warble, quaver + fredonner (fr) - to hum (tune).
mas blanca que la blanca hermana (Spanish) - whiter than the white sister + Meyerbeer: Les Huguenots (opera): song: Plus blanche que la blanche hermine (French 'Whiter than the white ermine').
amarilla (Spanish) - yellow; a gold coin + Giulio Caccini: Amarilli, mia Bella (song) + {whites whiter than his white sister and the yolk like a gold coin}
muy bien (Spanish) - very good, very well
cinnamon - the inner bark of an East Indian tree, dried in the sun, and used as a spice
locust - grasshopper + Matthew 3:4: 'his meat was locusts and wild honey'.
beeswax - the wax secreted by bees as the material of their combs
liquorice - deep-rooted coarse-textured plant native to the Mediterranean region having blue flowers and pinnately compound leaves, widely cultivated in Europe for its long thick sweet roots.
carrageen - a kind of seaweed, also called Irish moss, common on the British coasts, of a cartilaginous texture and a purplish colour, becoming yellowish-white when dried. It yields on boiling a nutritive demulcent jelly, used for food and in medicine.
blaster - one who blows; one who blights or ruins + plaster of Paris.
Swift's Stella and Vanessa both had name Esther
Huster (ger) - cougher + (cough mixture) + Hastur.
mixture + micturio (l) - to make water.
embrocation - a liquid used for bathing or moistening any diseased part + Elliman's Universal Embrocation (yellow).
Reverend Pilkington - friend of Swift [.25] and Sheridan [.24]
patty - a thin, round piece of food, such as a hamburger patty or a peppermint patty
stardust - innumerable minute stars, likened, as seen in the telescope, to particles of dust
accordant to - agreeing, consonant, conformable + akures (gr) - unfortunate + cure-dent (fr) - toothpick.
Sheridan, Thomas (1687-1738) - R.B. Sheridan's grandfather, "a punster, a quibbler, a fiddler and a wit," author of The Art of Punning
panning - cooking in a pan
regale - a choice or sumptuous repast, feast
legs (French) - legacy + The Girl I Left behind Me (song).
leven (Dutch) - life; to live + Laetitia Van Lewen became Mrs Pilkington, friend of Swift; Delany called her 'Letty'.
cantrap - a witch's trick, a spell of necromancy
abracadabra - a cabalistic word, formerly used as a charm, and believed to have the power, when written in a triangular arrangement, and worn round the neck, to cure agues, etc. Now often used in the general sense of a spell, or pretended conjuring word.
kaluptra (gr) - veil, head-dress, bride's veil + colubra (l) - snake
culorum (l) - of the posteriors
oeufs à la (fr) - eggs in the style of
Église de Saint-Gabriel, Paris
Auge (ger) - eye + avga (Modern Greek) - eggs.
mein (ger) - my + Felde (ger) - field.
Eier (German) = eiers (Dutch) - eggs
usque ad mala (l) - until the apples (dessert at meals) + ab ovo usque ad mala (l) - from the egg to the apples: from the beginning to the end (of a Roman feast) + usque ad mala (l) - even as far as evils (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).
ciel (fr) - sky + pomme de terre (fr) - potato.
oves (l) - sheep (pl.) + ovum, pl. ova (l) - egg, pl. eggs
uova (it) - eggs + ubh (Irish) - egg + uvo (Serbian) - ear.
Sade, Marquis de (1740-1814) - French author of Juliette, Justine, etc. + sulphate de soude (fr) - sodium sulphate (a.k.a. Glauber's salt) + uova sode (it) - hard-boiled eggs + soude (fr) - soda.
ochiuri (Rumanian ) - poached eggs + occhio (it) - eye + ochi (Serbian) - eyes.
sauté (fr) - tossed in the pan
saumon (fr) - salmon
monseigneur (French) - monsignor
suffusion + soufflé - light fluffy dish of egg yolks and stiffly beaten egg whites mixed with e.g. cheese or fish or fruit.
oog (Dutch ) - eye + eggs
sonka (Hungarian) - ham + some cat on toast.
tojas (Hungarian) - egg + toast - slices of bread that have been toasted.
POULARD, MERE - Hotel and 1-star restaurant, at Mont-Saint-Michel, North-West France; its specialty is Omelette "Mere Poulard"
Carême - French gastronome + Carême (French) - Lent.
closet - a room for privacy or retirement, esp. such a room as the place of private devotion; 'water-closet'
infant - to give birth to (also fig.)
Mathew, Father Theobald (1790-1856) - Irish temperance advocate. He always doubles with Matt Gregory (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).
le père (fr) - the father
Nobel - lion in Reynard cycle (emblem of the evangelist Mark) + ALP.
Pastor Lucas (l) - the Shepherd Luke
padre (it) - father, priest
águila (sp) - eagle (emblem of the evangelist John)
Baldwin - ass in the Reynard cycle + baudet (French) - ass.
costive - retaining fecal matter in the bowels, having too slow a motion of the bowels, constipated
antimonian - containing antimony in combination
manganese - a hard brittle grey polyvalent metallic element that resembles iron but is not magnetic
limo- - 'clayey and ...' + limus (l) - mud + limo- (gr) - hunger- + litos (gr) - simple + limolitos (gr) - hungrily frugal + litmus paper (for acidity testing).