stage - conventionalised, stereotyped + stage Irishmen.
bring down the house - to evoke such demonstrative applause as threatens or suggests the downfall of the building
bravo - capital! excellent! well done!
Sir Charles Russell at Parnell inquiry trapped Pigott by asking him to spell 'hesitancy'.
letter perfect - correct to the smallest detail
colossal - magnificent, stupendous + cul (fr) - arse.
Lewis Waller played Prince Lucio (Satan) in adaptation of Marie Corelli's The Sorrows of Satan.
spache (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - speech + Sprache (ger) - language, speech.
toe - to kick with a toe + SDV: Yet he the bumpersprinkler used to boast aloud to himself how he had been put out of all the best families of the Klondykers who had settled in the capital city after its metropoliarchialisation ordered off the premises in nine cases out of ten on account of his smell which all the cookmaids objected to as resembling sinkwater the smell that came out of the sink.
shick (ger) - stylish + schicken (ger) - to send + schicker (Yiddish) - drunk.
Klondike (gold mines)
pioupiou - a popular name for a French private soldier + Reich (ger) - country, kingdom + (Switzerland) + (notebook 1924): 'Pioupiouland Swabspays Land of Nod Shruggers Country Danubier pension - Home Barbaropolis'.
Pays Bas (fr) - Netherlands + swab (Slang) - uncouth fellow + Schwabia, Germany.
land of Nod - the state of sleep + Genesis 4:16: 'And Cain [after killing Abel] went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden'.
shrug - to raise (and contract) the shoulders, esp. as an expression of disdain, indifference, disclaiming responsibility, etc.
pension (fr) - boarding-school, boarding-house + (notebook 1924): 'Pension Danubierheim'.
Danube river + Austria, Hungary.
Barbarou polis (gr) - Barbarian's city + barbarus (l) - foreign, savage
stratify - to divide or arrange into classes, castes or social strata
hebdomadary - occuring every seven days
metropolis (gr) - mother-city + archi- (gr) - chief + hebdomodary metropoliarchialisation (gr) - making-the-mother-city-a-capital (allusion to the Easter Week Rebellion of 1916) + (notebook 1924): 'metropoliarchialisation' → Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 161 (sec. 159): 'When we examine these coined words, we find that by far the greater number of them are framed on classical lines, for instance... metropoliarchy... deanthropomorphization'.
blister - to be or become covered with blisters + blistered (Slang) - drunk + (Sunday).
plaster - to treat medicinally with a plaster + plastered (Slang) - drunk + (Monday, day of the moon).
gory - covered with gore, stained with blood, bloody + gory-eyed (Slang) - drunk + (Tuesday, day of Mars).
wheedle - to entice or persuade by soft flattering words + reeling (Slang) - drunk + (Wednesday).
jovial - characterized by hearty mirth, humour, or good fellowship + jolly, joyous (Slang) - drunk + (Thursday, day of Jove).
lecherous - lustful, lewd + litch - body + lit (Slang) - drunk + (Friday, day of Venus).
full (Slang) - drunk + (Saturday: sated, full).
order off - to dismiss, get rid of + FDV: Low wretched tutor that he was he used to boast that he had been put out of all the best Klondyker families who had settled in the capital city after its metropoliarchialisation generally in most cases on account of his smell which all cookmaids objected to.
cookmaid - a maid or female servant employed in cooking, or as assistant to a cook
eminent - exalted, dignified in rank or station
abominable + "He locked away the Necronomicon with a shudder of disgust, but the room still reeked with an unholy and unidentifiable stench. 'As a foulness shall ye know them,' he quoted..." (H. P. Lovecraft: The Dunwich Horror)
puzzo (it) - stench, stink
well - to issue or flow forth or out, to emanate out of
pozzo (it) - cesspool, privy
tutor - to give special or individual instruction to (Joyce's occupation in Trieste) + FDV: In place of tutoring the these best outlander families plain wholesome handwriting (a thing he never possessed of his own)
household - the inmates of a house collectively; an organized family, including servants or attendants, dwelling in a house
pothook - a curved or hooked stroke made in writing, a scrawl; now usually applied to a hooked stroke, as an element of handwriting, made by children in learning to write
Nigerian - of or pertaining to Nigeria or its inhabitants + niger (l) - black, wicked, false + Afro-Atlantean cults of Nigeria practised in Ado (presiding diety: Odadua), Woro near Badagry (Elegba), etc.
vulgarian - a vulgar person; freq., a well-to-do or rich person of vulgar manners
study with fruit (notebook 1924) + FDV: what do you think he did but copy studied with stolen fruit how to copy all their various styles of signature they had so as to utter large forged cheques in public for his own profit
cutely - in a cute (acute, clever, keen-witted) manner
James Townsend Saward, nicknamed Jim the Penman, forged signatures on money orders and cheques
epical - of the nature of an epic, or of epic poetry + (Finnegans Wake).
forged (Joyce's note) → Freeman's Journal 10 Jan 1924, 7/3: '"No Volition of His Own". Novel Defense of Man Charged with Forgery': 'a charge of forging three cheques' + James Joyce: A Portrait V: 'to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race'.
on the public - publicly, openly; without concealment
dustbin - a bin or receptacle for the dust, ashes, and other refuse of a house + Dublin
scullerymaid - a maid concerned with the care of the plates, dishes, and kitchen utensils + James Joyce: A Portrait V: 'a church which was the scullerymaid of christendom'.
househelp - a domestic servant or 'help' + FDV: until, as just related, the Dublin United Scullerymaids & house helps kicked him the source of annoyance out of the place altogether in the heat of the moment on account of his stink? making some remark as they did so about the way he stunk.
sorority - a body or company of women united for some common object
sluttery - sluttishness, filthiness, dirtiness, untidiness
melted + owl (Slang) - prostitute.
Futt (ger, slang) - vagina + Slattery's Mounted Foot (song).
turn down - to reject, refuse to accept
taytotally (Anglo-Irish Dialect) - utterly, entirely
in the heat of the moment - without thought, while being influenced by excitement
conk - the nose
scrub - to clean (esp. a floor, wood, etc.) by rubbing with a hard brush and water + (notebook 1924): 'scrubwomen'.
Turk - a native or inhabitant of Turkey + Carlyle: 'the unspeakable Turk'.
amenable - open and responsive to suggestion, easily persuaded or controlled + Wilde on fox hunters: 'The unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable' + Armenia occupied by Turks from 1405.
whiff - to inhale, sniff; to smell
polecat - a small dark-brown coloured carnivorous quadruped
point to point - direct, straight, categorical
prospect - a thing considered to be suitable for a particular purpose; aspect, a view
aboon - above + about
SDV: Instead of tutoring those best families plain wholesome handwriting (a thing he never possessed of his own) what do you think he did but study with stolen fruit how best to copy all their various styles of signature so as one day to utter a colossal forged cheque in public for his own private profit until, as just related, the Dublin United Scullery maids' & Housekeeps' Sorority, treated him kicked the source of annoyance out of the place altogether in the heat of the moment, making some pointed remarks as they did so about the low way he stunk.
hear - to receive a message or letter from
wadmel - a coarse rough woolen fabric used for warm clothing
jumper - a sleevess dress or skirt with a bib for women worn usu. with a blouse or sweater
culotte - a divided skirt + culottes (fr) - woman's knickers.
William Shakespeare: Hamlet I.5.188-189: 'The time is out of joint. O cursed spite That ever I was born to set it right!' + In the Osirian mythology Set was married to Nephthys, but their marriage was not a happy one. However, Set had many other wives/concubines. According to one myth he lived in the Great Bear, a constellation in the northern sky - an area which symbolized darkness, and death. He was restrained with chains and guarded by his wife Taweret, the hippo goddess of childbirth. He was given the two foreign goddesses Anat and Astarte as wives in compensation for Ma´at´s (or Neith´s) ruling that Horus should rule Egypt. However, he had no children, despite being married to the goddess of childbirth and a Cannanite fertility goddess as well as Nephthys and Neith.
(he has a wife)
"The oldest [Hens] being always reckoned the best Sitters, and the youngest the best Layers."; "The hens are of a bad breed and are infrequent layers."
get the boot - to 'kick out', dismiss + (also lost his job).
advertisement + abortion.
status quo - the existing state of affairs + ante- - before + status quo ante (l) - the position in which [affairs were] before [some event] + SDV: One cannot even begin to imagine how really low such a creature really was.
excommunicate - (Eccl.) To cut off from communion; to exclude, by an authoritative sentence, from participation in the sacraments and services of the church, or from religious rites in general.
Drumcondra - district of Dublin (Joyce spent part of his youth living there) + hypochondriac + Draconian (cult).
natus (l) - born + née (French) - born (feminine).
hamis (Hungarian) - false, base, counterfeit + Ham.
..."how many unsigned copies of original masterworks, how many pseudostylic"... (The same cheat, probably as the one in FW 180.21. The printer of This Quarter again jumps down before having finished his line. From line 22 of the typscript, with two and a half words to go, he surreptitiously cuts the corner after "how many" and continues, as if his nose bleeds (as we say in Holland: acting as though it's no concern of his), one lap down after the "how many" there and finishes the five words left on line 23. I don't think Joyce ever proofread with the old text next to the new, so these mistakes, that don't ruin the sentence grammatically, are not so easy to notice.) Robbert-Jan Henkes, 22.05.2002
pseudo- - false, pretended, counterfeit, spurious + FDV: Who knows how many unsigned first copies of original masterpieces, how many pseudostylous shamiana, how few of the most venerated public impostures, how very many palimpsests slipped from that plagiarist pen?