layen - obs. pa. pple. of lie (v) + lyen oves (i.e. eggs).
charm - fascinating quality; charmingness, attractiveness
hic sunt leones (l) - here live lions (unexplored regions) + hic sunt lenones (l) - here are pimps + Judge Michael Lennon attacked Joyce in Catholic World, 1931, despite their seeming friendship (James Joyce: Letters I.395: letter 06/08/37 to Constantine P. Curran: 'my fellow-countrymen... on the map of their island there is marked very legibly for the moment Hic sunt Lennones') + James Joyce: L'influenza letteraria universale del rinascimento: 'The compiler of atlases in the high middle ages did not lose his composure when he was in a quandary. He would write on the doubtful area the words: Hic sunt leones. The idea of solitude, the terror of strange beasts, the unknown were quite sufficient for him' (originally in Italian).
point blank - close to a target, direct, blunt
barrel - the metal tube of a gun, through which the bullet or shot is discharged + Joyce's note: 'found himself looking into barrel of revolver'.
irregular - not in accordance with what is usual or normal, abnormal + All shafts [2 in Queens and 2 in King's Chamber] bend, often several times. In addition, all the shafts begin, at their lower ends, with horizontal sections about 2 meters in length. So there is no way light from any source could ever have penetrated from the outside into either of the chambers. In several parts of the shafts, with the exception of the lower southern one, we even found extreme angle fluctuations. It is therefore ridiculous for anyone to claim that the shafts could ever have pointed precisely to certain stars. Given the many angle fluctuations, the shafts could be construed to be pointing at some 100 different stars, especially if construction of the pyramid is gratuitously redated to match specific stellar constellations. (Scientific report about the investigation of the so-called "air shafts" inside the Great Pyramid of Cheops)
bulldog - a pistol or revolver esp. one of large caliber and short barrel + FDV: [of the bulldog pattern]
a tin with a purpose (notebook 1922-23) → a 1922 advert for Bird's Egg Substitute referred to it as 'a tin with a purpose' (the purpose being making a housewife's task of baking a cake lighter) + SDV: & why he found himself at point blank range blinking into the barrel of an irregular revolver of the true bulldog pattern handled by and unknown quarreler
quarreller - one who quarrels + Unknown Warrior (grave, Paris) + "That must be performed before you erase you thought, since only from that point everything is possible. At first you must create Void. Than project yourself to the outside, go to the Star, enter her and absorb her Energy. After that you will have to erase your being. You must be able to create Void and to be Void. After you accomplished that, propel yourself into the Black Tunnel. Don't look; there is nothing to be seen. Only Void in Dragon's convolutions. You know the Sign! Do it! Don't hesitate! Than recite fourth verse from the Third book: glance back and you will see Past, Present and Future. Than you must call Yog-Sothoth to show you the Way. He knows from where they came in past times and when He reveals the Key, the Door will open. Open the Door! When you reach behind you will meet One-who-has-no-Shape and who hides behind the Mask of Impersonal Chaos. Call him! Become him! When you summon him, you will know his Name and also yours since he Is and Is Not. He will become. Rise your spirit and become part of everything. Join with Ultimate Father, Create and BECOME! ... But beware! If you do this although you were not forced to do so you will turn against yourself. (Angor's ritual, combined II and III chapter of Sauthenerom)
supposedly - by supposition, believed or reputed to be the case
tell off - to appoint to a particular task, object, position, or the like
shade - to cast one's shadow upon, to be close to
shiny - luminous, having a bright or glistening surface
look facts in face (notebook 1923)
hue and cry + hose - to water with a hose + crease - to make wrinkled or creased + FDV: of some unknown quarreler [who supposedly had been told off to shade Shem should he come stir out [awhile] to be creased]
jack - to do for, ruin + Jack the Ripper - popular name for a murderer of women in London in 1888, who mutilated the bodies of his victims + Up, guards, and at them! + {prior to being slaughtered [or raped?]}
SDV: before he got hosed & creased by 1 or 2 of the playboys.
para (Portuguese) - for + par exemple (French) - for example.
sao (Portuguese) - saint + by Saint Paul! + Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Deucalion - in Greek legend, the son of Prometheus (the creator of mankind), king of Phthia in Thessaly, and husband of Pyrrha. When Zeus, the king of the gods, resolved to destroy all humanity by a flood, Deucalion constructed an ark in which, according to one version, he and his wife rode out the flood and landed on Mount Parnassus. Offering sacrifice and inquiring how to renew the human race, they were ordered to cast behind them the bones of their mother. The couple correctly interpreted this to mean they should throw behind them the stones of the hillside ("mother earth"), and did so. Those stones thrown by Deucalion became men, while those thrown by Pyrrha became women.
incensed - angered at something unjust or wrong
privy - a small outbuilding with a bench having holes through which a user can defecate + Lares (l) [privy gods] - tutelary spirits of the Roman household, hearth and slaves' quarters.
licensed - provided with a license; privileged, recognized, regular
pantry - a small storeroom for storing foods or wines + Penates (l) [pantry gods] - guardian spirits of the larder in Roman households.
stator - sustainer, supporter (primarily an epithet of Jupiter) + Stator and Victor ("stand" and "vanquish") - epithets of Jupiter.
cut and run - to cut mooring cables and sail before the wind, to hurry off + kut (Dutch) - vulva.
mesa - isolated hill or mountain; a moderate brown + mesa (sp) - a table + mesa redonda (Portuguese) - round table.
redonda (sp) - district, province
Lourençao (Portuguese) - Laurence + Saint Laurence O'Toole, patron of Dublin.
Atlas Mountains - a mountain range across a northern stretch of Africa extending about 2,500 km through Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. The Atlas lion is often considered to be the heaviest of the lion subspecies. It survived in the wild in northwestern Africa in what is now current day Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco until about 100 years ago.
convocation - the action of calling together or assembling by summons; the state or fact of being called together + convocaçao (Portuguese) - convocation + invencao (Portuguese) - invention.
disinteresting - not interesting
calumnious - slanderous, defamatory
column - fig. Support or prop.
cloaca (l) - a sewer
Bengal fire - a kind of firework producing a steady and vivid blue-coloured light, used for signals + beacon - a signal; spec. a signal-fire.
bilis (l) - bile, anger, choler, ire + bilox (l) - bilious, angry.
Annamite - of or pertaining to Annam, a province of Vietnam, or its inhabitants
aper - the european wild boar; one that apes (to imitate, copy, mimic) + ape
atrocity + atrox (l) - dark, horrible, gloomy; cruel, savage.
precise - accurate, correct, punctilious in conduct or ceremony
quare (l) - how? why? + qualify + clarify.
SDV: What was this extremely low human type really engaged on? The answer is: a drug & drunkery addict megalomane at a loose end. This explains the litany of letters, honorific, highplaced, erudite, neoclassical which he loved to place after his name. It would have diverted much if ever seen the shuddersome spectacle of this zany in the grime of his den making believe to read his tattered eminently unreadable chapbook turning over 3 pages at a time sheets in the wind for what with the murky light, the botchy print, the tattered jacket the jigjagged page, [the itch jig in his ribs, the gush in his fundament,] the fumbling fingers, [the itch in his palm the tickle of his tail,] the scum in his eye, the drink in his pottle, the rats in his garret, the hullabaloo and the dust in his ears he was hardly fit to memorise more than a word a minute. Was there ever heard of such lowdown blackguardism?
diddy - teat, nipple (pl. diddies)
dedal - intricate, artistic, ingenious; an anglicized form of the proper name Dædalus; a skilful artificer or fabricator like Dædalus; a maze or labyrinth + dedal (Portuguese) - thimble + Stephen Dedalus.
flavoured - having been given flavor (as by seasoning) + favoured
elders - ancestors, predecessors + Elder Gods, "Dei Antichi" (Sauthenerom)
popa (Portuguese) - poop (of a ship) + preta (Portuguese) - black (feminine).
navigo (l) - to sail, to go by sea + navio (Portuguese) - ship.
navvy - an unskilled laborer; a labourer employed in the excavation and construction of earth-works, such as canals, railways, embankments, drains, etc.
flicker - to move by flapping the wings
flinder - to break into flinders or pieces
drunkery - a place to get drunk in; a contemptuous appellation of a public-house or drink-shop + Joyce note: 'drunkery'.
addict - to devote, give up, or apply habitually to a practice + Joyce note: 'drug addict'
megalomania - the insanity of self-exaltation
loose - inexact, indefinite, indeterminate, vague + FDV: A drug addict, too, his manner when he was at a loose end was to write strings of honourable, learned, highplaced neoclassical initials after his name while, if you could only have seen into his den, whenever he made believe to read one of his tattered chapbooks he did nothing but turn over three or 4 pages at a time growling because what with the bad light the dirty print, the torn page, the scum in his eyes, the drink in his stomach, the rats in his garret and the hullabaloo in his ears he was not fit to memorise as much as a word a minute Was there ever heard of such low down blackguardism?
litany - a prayer consisting of a series of invocations by the priest with responses from the congregation; any long and tedious address or recital
septuncial - of seven ounces, or seven parts of the whole + uncial - Of letters: capital + (notebook 1924): 'uncial' → Sullivan: The Book of Kells 16: 'The text of the Gospel according to St. Matthew follows in large uncial and minuscule combined' (Matthew).
trumpet (notebook 1924)' → Sullivan, The Book of Kells 15: (quoting Rev. Dr. Todd about the Monogram page) 'contains almost all varieties of design to be found in Celtic art... the divergent pattern known as the trumpet-pattern'.
honorific - conferring or showing honor or respect
highpitched - being lofty in tone or thought
erudite - learned, scholarly; Of literary productions, etc.: Characterized by erudition.
neoclassical - rel. to a revival or adaptation of classical style in literature
patricianly - in a patrician manner, aristocratically; related to the patricians of medieval Italy or ancient Rome; related to Saint Patrick
manuscribe - to write with one's (own) hand [Joyce's note: 'manuscribe']
divert - to turn away from any occupation, business, or study; to occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion + SDV: It would have diverted much if ever seen the shuddersome spectacle
shuddersome - marked by or producing shudders
demented - out of one's mind, crazed, mad + (notebook 1924): 'semi demented' → Nation and Athenæum 22 Apr 1922, 124/2: 'Mr. Joyce's Ulysses' (review of Ulysses by John M. Murry): 'an immense, a prodigious, self-laceration, the tearing-away from himself, by a half-demented man of genius, of inhibitions and limitations which have grown to be flesh of his flesh'.
zany - a fool, simpleton, 'idiot'; a comic performer attending on a clown, acrobat, or mountebank, who imitates his master's acts in a ludicrously awkward way; a poor, bad, feeble, or ludicrous imitator.
inspissated - brought to a thick consistence, thickened + (notebook 1924): 'inspissated' → Nation and Athenæum 22 Apr 1922, 125/1: 'Mr. Joyce's Ulysses' (review of Ulysses by John M. Murry): 'Every thought that a super-subtle modern can think seems to be hidden somewhere in its inspissated obscurities'.
grime - foul matter, rubbed in dirt, deeply ingrained sullying blackness
glaucous - of a dull green passing into grayish blue; having a frosted look from a powdery coating (as on plants: "glaucous stems", "glaucous plums")
den - a small confined room or abode; esp. one unfit for human habitation
uselessly - in a useless or fruitless manner; ineffectually + Ulysess
blue book - a book bound in blue + (notebook 1924): 'bluebook' → Manchester Guardian 15 Mar 1923, 39: 'Modern Irish Literature' (review of Ulysses by Stephen Gwynn): 'Seven hundred pages of a tome like a Blue-book are occupied with the events and sensations in one day of a renegade Jew'.
Eccles - town in Lancashire + Eccles Street, Dublin (Bloom's residence in Ulysses) + Kells.
édition de ténèbres (fr) - edition of darkness
Most Reverend + (not indifferent).
Ezra Pound, while editing the 'Calypso' chapter of Ulysses for publication in The Little Review, censorially deleted portions of the risqué text dealing with Bloom's visit to the privy.
bowlder - boulder + Bowdler, Thomas (1754-1825) - expurgated Shakespeare, Gibbon, and the Old Testament.
censor - an official in some countries whose duty it is to inspect all books, journals, dramatic pieces, etc., before publication, to secure that they shall contain nothing immoral, heretical, or offensive to the government; an adverse critic, one given to fault-finding.
three sheets in the wind - very drunk + SDV: turning over 3 pages at a time sheets in the wind
no (Portuguese) - in the + espelho (Portuguese) - mirror + mor (Portuguese) - bigger + mór (Irish) - great + {telling himself in the mirror}.
splurge - a showy display
vellum - a fine kind of parchment [Joyce's note: 'vellum']
blunder - to make a gross error or mistake + FDV: imagine telling himself fancying [over & over] that every splurge on the vellum he mumbled over was a vision more beautiful beauteousful than the last a rose cottage by the sea for nothing a year, or a ladies' hosiery sale at Arnott's, or a sewerful of pale gold wine or an entire theatre of noblewomen flinging all their clothes at him in wild enthusiasm for having sung the topnote in After the Ball or for seven & 1/2 minutes with a cocked hat & feathers on his head.
aisling - a poetical or dramatic description or presentation of a vision + aisling (ashlin) (gael) - vision, dream + (notebook 1924): 'aisling (vision)'.
tits - a woman's breasts + that is to say.
"My Love and Cottage Near Rochelle" is a 2nd act aria in the opera "The Siege of Rochelle" by Balfe + Schelle (ger) - bell + FDV: a rose cottage by the sea
cottage - a dwelling-house of small size and humble character; In U.S. spec. A summer residence (often on a large and sumptuous scale) at a watering-place or a health or pleasure resort.
for nothing - without payment or cost, free + FDV: for nothing a year,
try on - the act of trying on a garment
hosiery - hose collectively
raffle - a form of lottery, in which an article is assigned by drawing or casting of lots to one person among a number who have each paid a certain part of its real or assumed value.
at liberty - free + Liberty's - London silk goods firm, named for its founder + The Liberties - district of Dublin + FDV: or a ladies' hosiery sale at Arnott's,
sewer - an artificial channel or conduit, now usually covered and underground, for carrying off and discharging waste water and the refuse from houses and towns
guinea gold vine - evergreen vine widely cultivated for their large bright yellow single flowers + (Fendant [171.25]) + FDV: or a sewerful of pale gold wine
blancmange - a preparation of cornflour and milk, with flavouring substances + branco (Portuguese) - white + monge (Portuguese) - monk + puddingpie - a name for various forms of pastry; a tart made with pie-crust and custard.
billion - orig. and still commonly in Great Britain: A million millions; In U.S., and increasingly in Britain: A thousand millions.
bite - a piece bitten off (usually to eat), a mouthful
opera house - a theatre for the performance of operas
stamp - to bring down the foot heavily + standing room - accommodation for persons or a person standing; also in phr. standing room only, esp. in a theatre or similar place of resort.
prompt box - the prompter's box on the stage