stoke - supply with a fuel or something resembling fuel + store + "A warrior cannot be helpless," he said. "or bewildered or frightened; not under any circumstances. For a warrior there is time only for his impeccability; everything else drains his power. Impeccability replenishes it." (Carlos Castaneda: The Tales of Power)
Marian - pertaining to the Virgin Mary, or characterized by special devotion to her + The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk (Ulysses.10.585) + Mon Khmer language [178.15-.16]
monothematic - having a single dominative theme + monothema (gr) - sole treasure, horoscope; solitary tomb + monotone.
tarn - (ger) - camouflage, mask + Yankee Doodle (song): 'I see another snarl of men / A digging graves they told me, / So 'tarnal long, so 'tarnal deep, / They 'tended they should hold me... / ...And every time they shoot it off, / It takes a horn of powder, / and makes a noise like father's gun, / Only a nation louder.'
ampullar - resembling or rel. to an ampulla (a small nearly globular flask or bottle, with two handles) + ampulla (l) - flask.
padre - 'father': a title applied in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Spanish America, to the regular clergy + Padraig (padrig) (gael) - Patrick + Patrick's Purgatory - a cave on an island in Lough Derg, which Christ revealed to St Patrick, saying that whoever spent a day and a night there would witness hell's torments, heaven's bliss. It was a favorite resort of pilgrims, but was closed by the pope's order on St Patrick's Day, 1497. Also, according to legend it was the last stronghold of the devil in Ireland until St Patrick drove the devil out by 40 days of fasting and prayer).
bloke - man, chap, fellow + Genesis 4:13: 'And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear' + knickerbocker + SDV: moaning feebly that his punishment was more than a nigger man could bear,
tong - a deep sound given out by a large bell; a secret society esp. among chinese formerly notorious for gang warfare and associated with racketeering, gambling and drugs; attrib., esp. in tong war.
shemozzle - a confused situation or affair, mess, quarrel, row [Joyce's note: 'shemozzle']
Hail Mary + Daily Mail (newspaper).
joss (Pidgin) - God + Litany of Blessed Virgin Mary: 'Hail Mary, full of grace. Holy Mary, mother of God'.
his trousers changed colour (notebook 1923) + (shitting himself in fright) + "The mystery or the secret of the sorcerers' explanation is that it deals with unfolding the wings of perception." He put his hand over my writing pad and said that I should go to the bushes and take care of my bodily functions, and after that I should take off my clothes and leave them in a bundle right where we were. (Carlos Castaneda: The Tales of Power)
gat - a revolver or other gun (gangsters' slang, 1920s) + FDV: semiparalysed by [all] the shemozzle where under the sacred shield of coward with his face his face & trousers changing changed colour every time a rifle spoke gat croaked.
croak - to utter a deep, hoarse, dismal cry, as a frog or a raven + (notebook 1924): 'croak with a gat (shoot)' + SDV: hemiparalysed by all the shemozzle, his face cheeks & trousers changing colour every time a gat croaked.
James Joyce: Letters I.139: letter 13/03/20 to Frank Budgen: (at the end of a long paragraph about the design of the Oxen of the Sun episode of Ulysses) 'How's that for High?' + "At one moment I had an inconceivable sensation. I was fully and soberly aware that I was standing on the edge of the rock with don Juan and don Genaro whispering in my ears, and then in the next instant I was looking at the bottom of the ravine." (Carlos Castaneda: The Tales of Power)
laity - the body of the people not in orders as opposed to the clergy; unprofessional people, as opposed to those who follow some learned profession, to artists, etc. + SDV: How is that for low, ladies and gentlemen laymen?
Christian + ...who allegedly had heard him blaspheme Muhammad, whereupon the Turk is reported to have said: "That dog of a Christian shall die by my hand." + Crossguns Bridge, Dublin.
continents rang (Joyce's note)
Karakorum - ancient capital of Mongolia, established by Genghis Khan + Cairo + Koran - the sacred book of the Muslims, consisting of revelations orally delivered at intervals by Muhammad, and collected in writing after his death + koira (Finnish) - dog.
Sheol - the underworld; the abode of the dead or departed spirits, conceived by the Hebrews as a subterranean region clothed in thick darkness, return from which is impossible + shoal - a large number of persons thronging together, a troop, crowd.
houri - a nymph of the Muslim Paradise. Hence applied allusively to a voluptuously beautiful woman.
chemise - the under-garment, usually of linen, worn by females + Joyce's note: 'chem(ise)' → Freeman's Journal 23 Jun 1924, 1/6: 'CLERYS SOME WONDERFUL BARGAINS FOR THIS SUMMER': (of chemises) 'Useful Chem. In good quality Longcloth, daintly trimmed Swiss work with V or square shaped neck. Bargain Price 1/11'.
divan - Oriental couch
stella (l) - star + stella (it) - star + Swift's Stella and Vanessa.
vespertine - rel. to evening, blossoming in the evening + revolsae stellae vespertinae (l) - violated stars of the evening.
scaly - having the body covered or partially covered with thin horny plates, as some fish and reptiles + "You must fix your gaze on the nagual" he said. "All thoughts and words must be washed away." He repeated it five or six times. His voice was strange, unknown to me. It gave me the actual feeling of the scales on the skin of a lizard. That simile was a feeling not a conscious thought. Each of his words peeled, like scales. There was such an eerie rhythm to them. They were muffled; dry; like soft coughing; a rhythmical murmur made into a command. (Carlos Castaneda: The Tales of Power)
ribald - rogue, rascal + ryba (Russian, Polish) = riba (Serbian) - fish.
police + poisse (French Slang) - bad luck + poisson (French) - fish.
SDV: But would anyone believe it out short of a madhouse believe it? Nero or Nabuchadonosor himself never nursed such a spoiled opinion of his monster marvellosity as did this mental defective who bragged was known to brag on one occasion to an interlocutor he used to pal around with in a gipsy's bar that he was aware of no other person either exactly unlike or precisely the same as what he fancied or guessed he was himself he himself was.
New York Times Book Review 28 May 1922, 6: 'James Joyce's Amazing Chronicle' (review of Ulysses by Joseph Collins): (of Joyce) 'He is the only individual that the writer has encountered outside of a madhouse who has let flow from his pen random and purposeful thoughts just as they are produced'.
cherubim - one of the second order of angels of the Dionysian hierarchy, reputed to excel specially in knowledge (as the seraphim in love); In modern art, a cherub is usually represented as a beautiful winged child; Applied to persons: a beautiful and innocent child + Joyce's note: 'clean little cherubs' → Sporting Times 1 Apr 1922, 4: 'The Scandal of Ulysses' (review of Ulysses by Aramis): 'Joyce is more than a bit like that himself. Lenehan and Boylan are clean little cherubs compared with him'.
Nero - the fifth Roman emperor (AD 54-68). He became infamous for his personal debaucheries and extravagances and, on doubtful evidence, for his burning of Rome and persecutions of Christians.
Nebuchadrezzar II - the second and greatest king of the Chaldean dynasty of Babylonia (reigned c. 605 - 561 BC). He was known for his military might, the splendour of his capital, Babylon, and his important part in Jewish history + no book is honester + (notebook 1924): 'Nobookishonester (Nabucco)' → Nebuchadnezzar II was subject of Verdi's Nabucco.
nurse - to hold in one’s heart or mind, keep in memory or consideration
New York Times Book Review 28 May 1922, 6: 'James Joyce's Amazing Chronicle' (review of Ulysses by Joseph Collins): (of Bloom's thoughts) 'the product of the unconscious mind of a moral monster'.
defective - a person who is subnormal physically or mentally + detective + (notebook 1923): 'mental defective'
Vanessa + quintessence + Nephthys is the Greek form of an epithet (transliterated as Nebet-het, and Nebt-het, from Egyptian hieroglyphs). The origin of the goddess Nephthys is unclear but the literal translation of her name is usually given as "Lady of the House," which has caused some to mistakenly identify her with the notion of a "housewife," or as the primary lady who ruled a domestic household. This is a pervasive error repeated in many commentaries concerning this deity. Her name means quite specifically, "Lady of the [Temple] Enclosure" which associates her with the role of priestess. She is the sister of Isis and companion of the war-like deity, Set. As the primary "nursing mother" of the incarnate Pharaonic-god, Horus, Nephthys also was considered to be the nurse of the reigning Pharaoh himself.
lowness + love-nest.
grogner (fr) - to grunt, grumble + FDV: Nabuchadonosor himself had not such a high & mighty opinion of himself as had this mental defective who bragged on one occasion to an interlocutor in a bar that he was aware of no other person either exactly unlike or precisely the same as what I know or imagine I am myself.
grognard (French) - a grouser, a grumbler
interlocutor - one who takes part in a dialogue, conversation, or discussion
a latere (l) - from the side, aside; in intimate association with + (notebook 1924): 'a latere †i' → a latere Christi (l): from the side of Christ (a term applied to a type of highly-ranked papal legate; usually just 'a latere').
pal - keep company, to become pals + to fool around - to 'hang about' aimlessly.
kavehaz (Hungarian) - cafe, coffee-house + SDV: to an interlocutor he used to pal around with in a gipsy's bar
davy - affidavit
Castor and Polux - twin sons of Leda and Jove, hatched out of one egg (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).
hambone - a performer doing an imitation of negro dialect; negro in American comic strip; amateur (Slang)
pseudo - false, counterfeit, pretended, spurious
agnomen - additional name subsequently acquired + give a dog a bad name and hang him (phrase).
BEDDGELERT - "Gelert's Grave"; village in North Wales, named after the legend of the hound Gelert, who was left by his master King Llewelyn to guard his infant son. Returning to find Gelent covered with blood, his master slew him before he discovered the body of the wolf Gelert had killed in protecting the baby. "Beth-Gelert" is a doggerel poem on the subject by William Robert Spencer (1769-1834) + {with that private secretary, Davy Brown-Nowlan [Bruno of Nola], his twin with the pseudonym Bethgelert [a dog's grave]}
archway - an arched or vaulted passage, the arched entrance to a castle, etc. + porch - an exterior structure forming a covered approach to the entrance of a building.
Gipsy Bar, Paris, frequented by Joyce
blaspheme - to utter profane or impious words, talk profanely
Holy Writ - holy writings collectively; spec. the Bible or Holy Scriptures
billy - fellow, companion; brother
manjack - individual man, single one, man
congregant - one that congregates with others, a member of a congregation + (notebook 1924): '1 congregant'.
sou (French) - a five centimes coin
nex (l) -
murder + last next month + MS 47474-27v, LPS: every lust of the mouth
bolly - a bogy, hobgoblin
as sure as there's a tail on a cat (phrase)
taste - a trying, testing; a trial, test, examination + a taste - a little.
story + storico (it) - historic + starik (Russian) - old man + Stoics' fortitude.
ony - any + only
minny - minnow (a sort of fish) + minutes
moe - more
- good friend, fine fellow, brother, companion, 'mate' + Joyce's note: 'Bully!'
→ lust of the mouth ^+lass of nexmouth bully, ^+Bully,+^+^
| JJA 47:408 | 1924-5 | ).
Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molière: Le Malade Imaginaire
dub - to invest with a dignity or title
water clock - an instrument designed to measure time by the fall or flow of water + waterclosets + In 1917, Joyce was approached by a man called Jules Martin to rewrite a screenplay entitled 'Wine, Women, and Song' (obviously so named after J.H. Voss: 'wine, women and song').
guy = Guy Fawkes - an effigy habited in grotesquely ragged and ill-assorted garments and traditionally burnt on the evening of November the Fifth, usu. with a display of fireworks.
fink - squeal, inform + thinks and talks + fucks.
batty - the buttocks or anus; mad, crazy, silly; resembling a bat + Woon, Basil - asked Joyce to write on "What you feel and do when you are going blind?" (Letters, I, 237).
maistre = master
plume (fr) - feather, pen + Thackeray: Diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq. (contains letters with many comical misspellings).
Shakespeare + "Ah, there's only one man he’s got to get the better of now, and that’s that Shakespeare!" (Nora Joyce).
exactly + (notebook 1924): 'exactly unlike or precisely the same as what I know or imagine myself to be' → Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 139 (sec. 135): (quoting Charles Dickens) 'they are exactly unlike. They are utterly dissimilar in all respects'.
polar - directly opposite in character, action or tendency
antithesis - an opposition or contrast of ideas; the direct opposite, the contrast
same + Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 136 (sec. 133): 'More than in anything else the richness of the English language manifests itself in its great number of synonyms, whether we take this word in its strict sense of words of exactly the same meaning or in the looser sense of words with nearly the same meaning... Sometimes the Latin word is used in a more limited, special or precise sense than the English, as is seen by a comparison of identical and same'.
woops - exp. of mild apology, surprise or dismay + (hiccup) + SDV: that he was aware of no other person either exactly unlike or precisely the same as what he fancied or guessed he was himself he himself was.
greet = great
scoot - a drunken spree, a bout of drunkenness + Scott, Sin Walter (1771-1832) - Scottish poet, novelist.
ducking - prompt bowing or bending of the head or body + Scott, Dickens and Thackeray.
thuggery - the system of robbery and murder practised by the Thugs + Tom, Dick and Harry.
foxed - cheated + Wyndham Lewis: The Lion and the Fox (1927, about Shakespeare) + fixed face to face.
bunny - a pet name for a rabbit; vulva (Slang)
Roger - Used as a generic or special name for persons + roger (Slang) - to fuck + rod (Slang) - penis + Charles Dickens: Barnaby Rudge.
teashop - tearoom, lunchroom, cafe + bishop.