tomtom = tamtam + Thonar or Thon - god worshipped in England and on the Continent, maybe a form of Thor because his name is that of the Teutonic word for "thunder" + 'Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin'.

thonder = thunder + "tauftauf thuartpeatrick".

put the wind up (a person) - to frighten someone

peeler - policeman; stripteaser; a plunderer, robber, thief

throw one's hat into the ring - to take up a challenge + Joyce's note 'hat in the ring'

prison - to put in prison

withers - In a horse, the highest part of the back, lying between the shoulder-blades + Joyce's note: 'piss up your legs & play with with the steam' Douglas: London Street Games 20: (quoting an argument between two children) 'Piss up yer leg, an play wiv the steam'. 

mikel = mickle - a large sum or amount + Michael.

nickel - a one cent piece partly made of nickel

slot - the opening in a slot-machine for the reception of a coin. Also (slang), a slot-machine.

sheila - a young woman, girl + Joyce's note: 'Sheila Harnett' Irish Times 6 Jan 1923, 5/6: 'County Kerry. Death Sentence. Several People Arrested': 'Peter O'Connell... who was tried... on a charge of taking part in an attack on National troops... was convicted and sentenced to death... Sheila Harnett... and... as well as... and... have been brought to Tralee from Kenmare, and lodged in the county jail'.

adam (Hebrew) - man + el (Hebrew) - god + AL (Chaldean) - Lit. "The"; a term for God, Great, Almighty. It is the technical title of Liber AL vel Legis (The Book of the Law) which was delivered to Crowley by Aiwaz in 1904.

ell - a measure of length varying in different countries. The English ell = 45 in; "L" + Douglas: London Street Games 89: (from the book's index) 'Adam and Ell, 55' 55: (listing girls' rope chants) 'Mademoiselle went to the Well (which is interesting because they have forgotten what 'mademoiselle' means and now call it Adam and Ell)'.

humble bee = bumble bee + Humpty Dumpty + Douglas: London Street Games 94: (from the book's index) 'Humble-bumble, 80'.

moggy - house cat, cow, calf + Douglas: London Street Games 96: (from the book's index) 'Moggies on the wall, 16' 16n: 'Moggies are cats' + By the Magazine Wall, zinzin, zinzin (motif) + Well, how are you Maggy? (motif).

Douglas: London Street Games 101: (from the book's index) 'Two's and three's, 25, 71'.

Douglas: London Street Games 89: (from the book's index) 'American jump, 26'.

Douglas: London Street Games 92: (from the book's index) 'Fox come out of your den, 6'.

Douglas: London Street Games 90: (from the book's index) 'Broken bottle, 21'

Punch - the name of the principal character, a grotesque hump-backed figure, in the puppet-show called Punch and Judy + Douglas: London Street Games 102: (from the book's index) 'Writing letter to Punch, 15' + Punch (periodical).

tiptop - top, summit, the highest class of society; excellent + Douglas: London Street Games 101: (from the book's index) 'Tip-top is a sweets store, 56' + (tip, signal word for Kate; zin, signal word for Maurice).

crump - humpback; thump, blow; bomb

Douglas: London Street Games 98: (from the book's index) 'Postman's knock, 77'

Val Vousden: song: 'Are We Fairly Represented?'

Douglas: London Street Games 100: (from the book's index) 'Solomon silent reading, 16'

Douglas: London Street Games 89: (from the book's index) 'Apple-tree, peartree, etc., 47' 47: 'Appletree, peartree, plumtree pie, How many children before I die?'

Douglas: London Street Games 94: (from the book's index) 'I know a washerwoman, etc., 32' 32: 'I know a washerwoman, she knows me, / She invited me to tea, / Guess what we had for supper -- Stinking fish and bread and butter'.

Douglas: London Street Games 94: (from the book's index) 'Hospitals, 56'

Douglas: London Street Games 89: (from the book's index) 'As I was walking, etc., 28' 28: 'As I was walking through the City / Half past eight o'clock at night, / There I met a Spanish lady / Washing out her clothes at night'.

Drumcolliher - "Hazelwood Ridge": Town, Co Limerick, South of Newcastle West. Percy French's song "Drumcolliher" praises Drumcolliher as a town which everyone should visit: "There's only one house in Drumcolliher / For hardware, bacon, and ten." 

Douglas: London Street Games 89: (from the book's index) 'Battle of Waterloo, 79'

Douglas: London Street Games 91: (from the book's index) 'Colours, 26' 26: 'some of the best girls' games are with skipping ropes. They have... Colours'.

Douglas: London Street Games 92: (from the book's index) 'Eggs in the bush, 68'

haberdasher - a dealer in small articles appertaining to dress, as thread, tape, ribbons, etc.; Formerly also a drink-seller + Douglas: London Street Games 93: (from the book's index) 'Haberdasher isher, etc., 55' 55: 'Haberdasher Isher Asher Om Pom Tosh'.

Douglas: London Street Games 100: (from the book's index) 'Telling your dream, 81'

Douglas: London Street Games 102: (from the book's index) 'What's the time, 79'

Douglas: London Street Games 96: (from the book's index) 'Nap, 6'

duck - avoid, evade, to plunge under water

mammy = mamma + Douglas: London Street Games 91: (from the book's index) 'Ducking mummy, 72, 88'.

Douglas: London Street Games 95: (from the book's index) 'Last man standing, 79'

Ali Baba - the name of the principal character in Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, from the Arabian Nights + baboon - as a term of abuse; cf. ape + Punch (July 2, 1887) calls the Parliamentary Parnellites "The Forty Thieves"; with Tim Healy; Teague is a common name for an Irishman, like Paddy

forky - divided in two or more branches

fickle - inconstant, uncertain, unreliable

futile - useless, ineffectual, vain + ficke eyes and fusiliers

handmaid - a personal maid or female servant + Barnaby Finegan (song): 'I married but once in my life, / But I'll never commit such a sin again' + (masturbated).

zip - to move or act with speed, to close or open with zipper + Old Zip Coon (song).

in the straw - in childbed, lying in (childbearing); (of corn) not yet threshed + Turkey in the Straw (song).

lusty - pleasing, pleasant (obs.) + song: 'Here we go gathering nuts in May, / On a cold and frosty morning... / This is the way we wash our hands'.

Millikin, Richard (1767-1815) - author of 'The Groves of Blarney' + Finnegan's Wake, chorus: 'Lots of fun at Finnegan's Wake'.

tooth-brush moustache - a bristly moustache (humorous)

Ulysses.7.403: 'It was Pat Farrell shoved me, sir'

graze - to scrape gently + grease - to smear or anoint with grease + Joyce's note: 'O lay by the fat for to grease the priest's boots' Irish Independent 8 Jan 1924, 6/5: 'The Shoe-Black Artists': 'city people only used polish. In the country boots were greased, and goose grease being the most fashionable and highly thought of was used by the clergy. An old ballad begins: "Oh! lay by the fat to grease the priest's boots"' + The Priest in His Boots (song).

Rembrandt - Dutch painter + Enniscorthy (song): 'and the steam was like a rainbow round McCarthy' + "while the scheme is like your rumba round me garden" [309.07]

notoriously - to a notorious degree

bludgeon - a short stout stick or club; to hit with a bludgeon, beat + (notebook 1922-23): 'surprisingly nice day' + FDV: it's now notoriously known that how when on that surprisingly bloody Sunday

Trinity Sunday - the Sunday next after Whit-Sunday (a festival in honour of the Trinity) + Joyce's note: 'bloody Sunday' → Bloody Sunday: 21/11/1920, when Black and Tans murdered civilians at Croke Park [.24]

Grand-Guignol - Paris theatre noted for scenes of horror + The Letter: "grand funeral".

gall (Irish) - foreigner + Germans and Gauls (French) + FDV: when the grand germogall fight battle all star bout was gaily raging between those fighting men extraordinary

all star - composed of stars or of outstanding players or performers + Ulster.

bout - a contest or match esp. of boxing or wrestling; attack + Joyce's note: 'star bout'.

Harry + merrily.

Finnegan's Wake 4 (song): 'Shillelagh law was all the rage' [originally, Poole: Tim Finigan's Wake: 'Shillalah-law was all the rage,']

Wellingtons + Tom + Tommy (Colloquial) - a private in the British army + (Joyce's note): 'fighting man extraordinary'

thick - a thick-headed or stupid person + Dick + paddywhack (Slang) - Irishman + pathetics + "petty lipoleum".

aisy (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - easy + La Marseillaise (song).

speak or look daggers - to speak or look fiercely, savagely or angrily + When Irish Eyes Are Smiling (song) + FDV: & Irish eyes [of blue] were smiling + SDV: & eyes of Irish blue were smiling up their sleeves

rot, weiss und blau (ger) - red, white and blue (French tricolour)

noir, blanc et rouge (French) - black, white and red (pre-1918 German tricolour)

green, white and gold (Irish tricolour)

Black and Tans - popular name for an armed force specially recruited to combat the Sinn-Feiners in 1921, so named from the mixture (black and khaki) of constabulary and military uniforms worn by them. 

categorically - absolutely, positively, unconditionally

imperative - expressive of command, authoritatively or absolutely directive + Kant defined an imperative as any proposition that declares a certain action (or inaction) to be necessary. A hypothetical imperative compels action in a given circumstance: if I wish to quench my thirst, I must drink something. A categorical imperative, on the other hand, denotes an absolute, unconditional requirement that asserts its authority in all circumstances, both required and justified as an end in itself. It is best known in its first formulation: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."

maxim - a rule or principle of conduct; type of gun

rank - unreasonably high in amount, ecessive

funk - cowering fear, a state of panic or shrinking terror + Rundfunk (ger) - radio.

get the better of - to win a victory over

scut - a contemptible fellow

fit - the manner in which clothing fits a wearer

pyjamas - loose drawers or trousers, usually of silk or cotton, tied round the waist, worn by both sexes in Turkey, Iran, India, etc., and adopted by Europeans in those countries, especially for night wear.

leveret - a young hare, strictly one in its first year

for dear life - so as to save, or, as if to save, one's life + Joyce's note: 'fly for his life'

talvi (Finnish) - winter

a hon (Hungarian) = a haza (Hungarian) - the fatherland + ahany haz annyi szokas (Hungarian proverb) - as many countries as many customs + honn (Hungarian) - at home + haza (Hungarian) - homeward + ochone! (Anglo-Irish) = ochón! (Irish) - alas!

without striking a blow - without a struggle

pig (Slang) - sixpence + pistol + Meillet & Cohen: Les Langues du Monde 142: 'Example (in Afar): ala yo-k bata wah ani-k ramili yo utuq: camel me to was lost I miss I am because sand me throw. "Throw me some sand, since I cannot find the camel that I have lost"' (sand throwing is a form of divination for finding lost items).

lag - to linger, loiter, steal; to serve as convict, to deport as convict (Slang) + to leg it - to use the legs, to walk fast or run.

dust (Slang) - money

shook (Slang) - stole, robbed.

Koskenkorva - a Finnish vodka + koska (Serbian) - bone + Meillet & Cohen: Les Langues du Monde 141: 'Couchitique' (French 'Cushitic'; Afar is an Eastern Cushitic language of North-East Africa) + FDV: he fled for his bare life corked himself up in his inkbottle much badly the worse for drink

The Inkbottle House - Church of the Seven Dolours, Botanic Avenue, Dublin (shape said to have been suggested by Swift)

go from bad to worse - to become worse + (notebook 1922-23): 'the worse for drink' Leader 11 Nov 1922, 319/1: 'Current Topics (on 'the drink evil')': 'poor fellows... make their way home as best they can in the small hours of the morning much the worse of drink... the constable arrived back at the barrack the worse of drink!'

boose - alcoholic drink, chiefly beer; U.S. esp. spirits + J.B.S. Haldane, the author of Daedalus, or Science and the Future, defends the cause of the chemical weapons:  "None of us was much the worse for the gas, or in any real danger, as we knew where to stop, but some had to go to bed for a few days, and I was very short of breath and incapable of running for a month or so." Joyce thanks to Haldane now changes the phrase, which was already there as 'the worse for drink', into 'badly the worse for boosegas'. (Robbert-Jan Henkes and Mikio Fuse)

afar - far, far away, at or to a distance + fear of his life.

box - to fight with fists; now mostly of purely athletic practice with boxing-gloves

fortepiano - loud than immediately soft (direction in music); An early name of the pianoforte (a musical instrument producing tones by means of hammers, operated by levers from a keyboard, which strike metal strings, the vibrations being stopped by dampers).

Bach, Blues (music) + black and blue.

bump - to strike heavily or firmly

bedtick - a large flat quadrangular bag or case, into which feathers, hair, straw, chaff, or other substances are put to form a bed

SWITZER'S - Long-established deptartment store on Grafton Street [Joyce's note: 'Switzers'] + Switzerland (neutral in World War I) + SDV: and hid under a bedtick with his face enveloped in an a dead warrior's overcoat

almanac - an annual publication containing tabular information in a particular field or fields arranged according to the calendar of a given year + Telemachus - Odysseus's son + Thelema - a religious philosophy that was developed by the early 20th century British writer and ceremonial magician Aleister Crowley based upon a religious experience that he had in Egypt in 1904. By his account, a possibly non-corporeal being that called itself Aiwass contacted him and dictated a text known as The Book of the Law or Liber AL vel Legis, which outlined the principles of Thelema. Franciscan monk François Rabelais in the 16th century used Thélème, the French form of the word, as the name of a fictional Abbey in his novels, Gargantua and Pantagruel. The only rule of this Abbey was "fay çe que vouldras" ("Fais ce que tu veux," or, "Do what thou wilt").


sunbonnet - a light bonnet with a projection in front and a cape behind to protect the head and neck from the sun + somnus (l) - sleep + somnolence - a very sleepy state.

whot = hot + (Joyce's note): 'Tintagel: hot water bottle' [hot bath - Kevin?] + (notebook 1923): 'hoht wahta bottle'.