swamp - a piece of wet spongy ground; a marsh or bog

bogoak - oak that has become dark from long burial in a peat bog + (notebook 1923): 'bog oak' →  Flood: Ireland, Its Saints and Scholars 112: (the Cross of Cong) 'is made of oak covered with plates' + gravy - the fat and juices which exude from flesh during and after the process of cooking.

chicken hearted - timorous and cowardly as a chicken, faint-hearted + Greek, Jew (Leopold Bloom in 'Ulysses').

Jude (ger) - Jew + SDV: None of your inchthick blueblooded beef steaks or juicejelly legs of molten mutton or greasilygristly pigs' feet or slice upon slab of luscious goose bosom with lump after load of plum pudding stuffing in a swamp of bogbrown gravy for him.

rosbif - roast beef, beef roasted in the English manner

ZEALAND (SEALAND, SJAELLAND) - largest of the islands of Denmark (contains Copenhagen) + Fielding: 'Oh! the roast beef of old England' + New Zealand.

attouch - to touch (lightly)

somato- - body, corpse + -phage - one that eats + scatophage - a scatophagous (feeding upon dung) insect or animal + somatophagos (gr) - body-devourer, corpse-eater.

merman - an imaginary marine creature with a man's head and trunk, and a fish's or cetacean's tail instead of the lower limbs

take someone’s fancy - to cause a person to develop a liking for something + {See what happens when you mate a merman with a swan?}

virga (l) - twig, switch, rod + virgin + vegetarian

run away with - to accept, believe (an idea, etc.), hurriedly, without due reflection

hun (Danish) - she + '*C* ran away at 6' (notebook 1924).

pharsun (farsun) (gael) - parson + (notebook 1924): 'farsoonerite' + far (Danish) - father + sønner (Danish) - sons + forsone (Danish) - to atone.

muddle through - to blunder through, to succeed in one's object in spite of one's lack of skill and foresight

hash - a dish consisting of meat which has been previously cooked, cut small, and warmed up with gravy and sauce or other flavouring

lentils - the seed of a leguminous plant (Ervum lens, Lens esculenta); also the plant itself, cultivated for food in European countries + Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage of lentils (Genesis 25:34).

meddle - to concern or busy oneself, to deal with

split pea - rhyming slang for 'tea' + SDV: He preferred the mess hash of Europe's lentils lentils in Europe to Ireland's tight little pea.

piscivorous - feeding on fishes

citron - a fruit resembling a lemon, but larger, and pleasantly aromatic + SDV: Once when in a state of helplessly hopeless intoxication he tried to lift the peel of a citron to either nostril and hiccupped, apparently impromptu, that he could live all his days by the smell, as the citr, as the cedron, as the cedar, of the founts, on the mountains, with lemon on, of Lebanon.

impromptu - to compose off-hand; to improvise, extemporize + (notebook 1924): 'apparently impromptu'.

habit + hiba (Hungarian) - defect, deformity, fault + hibat (Persian) - giving, bestowing.

glottal stop - a sound produced by the sudden opening or shutting of the glottis with an emission of breath or voice

kukka (Finnish) - flower + cuckold + could + (Joyce ate very little).

flourish - Of persons: To prosper, do well + (notebook 1922-23): 'live on the smell' Psalms 92:13: 'The innocent man will flourish as the palm tree flourishes; he will grow to greatness as the cedars grow on Lebanon' + James Joyce, Dubliners: 'Ivy Day in the Committee Room': 'He'd live on the smell of an oil-rag'.

KEDRON - Stream and valley, in Jordan, between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives. 'Cedar' is said to derive from Kedron + Cedar of Lebanon - An evergreen coniferous tree growing up to 40 m tall, with a trunk up to 2.5 m diameter; it is native to the mountains of the Mediterranean region, Lebanon, western Syria and south central Turkey. 

fount - a spring, source + FDV: Once when in a state of helplessly hopeless inebriation he tried to lift the peel of a citron to his nostrils & hiccupped apparently impromptu he could live all his days on the smell of it, as the citr, as the cedron, as the cedar on the founts on the mountains, lemon on, of Lebanon. The O, the lowness of him was beyond all that was ever known sunk to.  

firewater - any strong liquor or ardent spirits

firstshot - weak poteen of first distillation + shot - a small drink of liquor + first come, first served (phrase).

gullet - the throat, neck

Barett (ger) - beret + W.C. Barrett and Company, distillers, Dublin + Bluebeard (pantomime about a wife-killer, based on a literary folktale by Perrault) + FDV: No firewater or first shot or gutburning gin or honest red or brown beer. + SDV: honest ruddy beer either.

jester - a person given to uttering jests or witticisms, a joker; any professed maker of amusement, esp. one maintained in a prince's court or nobleman's household.

sob - to soak, saturate, sop

wheywhig - a beverage made of whey flavoured with herbs + (white light).

rhubarb - plant having long green or reddish acidic leafstalks growing in basal clumps; stems (and only the stems) are edible when cooked, leaves are poisonous + (red).

mandarin - a small flattened deep-coloured orange; a colour resembling that of the mandarin orange + (7 colours of rainbow).

blue funk - extreme nervousness, tremulous dread + funkel- (ger) - sparkle + funkle (Danish) - sparkle + dunkelblau (ger) - dark blue.

windigo - In the folklore of the northern Algonquian Indians: a cannibalistic giant, the transformation of a person who has eaten human flesh + indigo

iodine vapour is violet

apllejack - brandy derived from cider

grapefruit (Joyce's note) + sour grapes (phrase) + grape juice (i.e. wine).  

sedimental - of the nature of sediment + FDV: No. O no. But he botched up sobbed himself sick on some kind of a wheywhinging rhubarbarous yallagreen decoction of sour soured grapes & according to to hear him retching off in his sentimentality cups to his disreputable with swillers who [when they found they cd not carry another drop] were rightly indignant at his hospitality it came straight from the noble white fat, the most noble wide sat her white hide that, from the winevat of the lovely exquisite archduchess, Fanny Urinia.

betwixt the cup and the lip - while a thing is yet in hand and on the very point of being achieved + There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip (proverb) - Implies that between the time we decide to do something and the time we do it, things often go wrong + cupshot (Slang) - drunk.

gulf down - to swallow in large draughts or morsels hastily or with greediness

gourd - a bottle or cup

retch - to stretch (oneself); to make efforts to vomit, to throw up in vomiting + (notebook 1922-23): 'retch off' → Lawrence: Aaron's Rod 264: 'when any number of musical notes, different notes, come together, harmonies or discords. Even a single chord struck on the piano. It makes me feel sick. I just feel as if I should retch. Isn't it strange? Of course, I don't tell Manfredi'.

swill - to drink freely, greedily, or to excess, like hogs devouring 'swill' or 'wash' + compotores (l) - drinking companions (literally 'withdrinkers'). 

indignant - moved by an emotion of anger mingled with scorn or contempt + (notebook 1924): 'offended by his hospitality'.

wretch - a vile, sorry, or despicable person, a mean or contemptible creature

drop - a small quantity of drink or intoxicating liquor + (Joyce's note): 'carry another drop' → Gilbert: Old England 99: 'Playing dominoes or darts or seven-card nap. When you think you couldn't carry another drop A walk in the fresh air brings you round again'.

jo - used informally to address a man whose name the speaker does not know, guy, fellow + jo (Hungarian) - good, nice, pleasant + jo (Danish) - yes (as a reply to a negative question or assertion).

winevat - a vat in which the grapes are pressed in wine-making

majesty + magyar (Hungarian) - Hungarian.

archdiocese - the diocese of an archbishop + One night drinking with Ottocaro Weiss, who had returned from the army in January 1919, Joyce sampled a white Swiss wine called Fendant de Sion. This seemed to be the object of his quest, and after drinking it with satisfaction, he lifted the half-empty glass, held it against the window like a test tube, and asked Weiss, 'What does this remind you of?' Weiss looked at Joyce and at the pale golden liquid and replied, 'Orina.' 'Si,' said Joyce laughing, 'ma di un'arciduchessa' ('Yes, but an archduchess's'). From now on the wine was known as the Archduchess.

duchess - a lady holding in her own right a position equal to that of duke; a woman of  imposing demeanour or showy appearance (Slang) + douche (fr) - shower + (duke, duchess).

fever + fervour - warmth or glow of feeling, passion, vehemence, intense zeal; an instance of the same + feherbor (Hungarian) - white wine.


fanny - buttocks; the female genitals; a tin for holding anything to be drunk

Urania - muse of astronomy, planet, Aphrodite as spiritual love + urine + Orion + {what are you grinning at, you could fancy it [was her urine]}

swell - stylish, 'great', 'fine'

pea-mengro (Gipsy) - drunkard

any God's quantity - abundance, large amount + (notebook 1923): 'any dog's quantity'.

ooze out - to emit or give forth (moisture, etc.) slowly or gradually

blacking - the action of making black by applying some substance + black beetle - beetle (coleopterous insect) of black colour + black bottle.

tulach (tulokh) (gael) - hill

cold blood - coolly, without excitement

Kodak - the proprietary name of a range of cameras produced by Kodak Ltd. + "Where the photograph, taken through the open-eyed lens of the camera lucida (171.32), seeks to freeze the plentitude of the present in all its fleeting detail, the Wakean "scotograph," taken through "blackeye lenses" (183.17) kept as firmly "SHUT" beneath "a blind of black sailcloth" (182.32-33) as those of the eyes in sleep, seeks to capture only the absent." (John Bishop: Joyce's Book of the Dark).

as yet - up to this time, hitherto; nevertheless, notwithstanding

unremunerated - unrewarded, not compensated (for a work done)

apostate - a person who has renounced a religion or faith + New York Times Book Review 28 May 1922, 6: 'James Joyce's Amazing Chronicle' (review of Ulysses by Joseph Collins): (of Bloom's thoughts) 'the product of the unconscious mind of a moral monster, a pervert and an invert, an apostate to his race and his religion'.

gunshy - afraid of a gun + FDV: Lowness visibly oozed out from this dirty little beetle for the very first instant the Thornton girl with her Kodak saw him the as yet unremunerated national apostate who was genuinely guns gun & camera shy, walking taking a short cut when returning from a funeral into a Patatapapaveri's fruiterer & florist by the wrong [goods] entrance, she knew he was of a bad fast man by his walk on the spot.

camerashy - not liking to be photographed or filmed, fearful of cameras

fondly - affectionately, lovingly, tenderly. Also, with show of affection, caressingly.

short cut - a path or a course taken between two places which is shorter than the ordinary road

caer (Cornish) = caer (Welsh) - town, castle + Caer, worshipped by Aengus, was obliged to change into a swan every winter.


steam ship - a ship propelled by steam

Prydwen - King Arthur's ship in The Spoils of Annwfn

bury the hatchet - to put away strife, settle a quarrel; to cease from hostilities

exeunt - (Latin: "they go out") a stage direction signifying that at this point two or more actors leave the stage + FDV: when returning from a funeral into a Patatapapaveri's fruiterer & florist by the wrong [goods] entrance, + {he tried to escape to South America via the goods exit of a fruit shop}

nummer = number