Jim + Shem, son of Noah + FDV: Shem is short for Shemus as Jim is jokey for Jacob. A few are found still who say that Originally of respectable connections his back life simply won't stand being written about;

FDV: Cain - Ham (Shem) - Esau - Jim the Penman / wellknown for violent abuse of self & others. lives at expense of ratepayers in haunted inkbottlehouse infested with the raps [the worst, it is believed, in the western word for pure filth.] boycotted, local publican refuse to supply books, papers, synthetic ink, foolscap, makes his own from dried dung sweetened with spittle (indelible ink) writes universal history on his own body (parchment) hospitality, all drunk & rightly indignant. (Joyce had a great deal of difficulty evolving this character, as witness the disorganized state of his first draft)

shamus - a police officer; a private detective + Shemus - man in Yeats' Countess Cathleen who sells his soul to devil + James

DRAFT TWO: Shem is as short for Shemus as Jim is joky for Jacob. A few toughnecks are still found scattered who say that originally very originally he was of respectable connections (- - -  was among his cousins) but every honest to goodness man in the land of today knows that his back life will not stand being written about. Putting truth and lies together some shot may be made at how this hybrid actually looked.

joky - jocular

Jacobus (Low Latin) - James

roughneck (Slang) - a cruel and brutal fellow

getatable - approachable, accessible

pretend - to put forward as an assertion or statement, to allege; now esp. to allege or declare falsely or with intent to deceive

aboriginally - from the very beginning, in the earliest times or conditions known to the history or science

stemming - originating from (the action of the verb stem: to derive or take origin from)

outlet - issue + lex (l) - law + outlaw - one put outside the law and deprived of its benefits and protection + (illegitimate child).

Ragnar Lodbrok ("shaggy breeches") - Viking, saga hero who, tradition says, died in Ireland 

Bluebeard - a personage of popular mythology, so called from the colour of his beard. References are frequent in literature to the locked turret-chamber, in which hung the bodies of his murdered wives + blau (ger) - blue + barbe (fr) - beard.

Harald Fair Hair (Haarfager) (850-933) - first king of Norway, annexed Scottish isles + there's hair, like wire! (phrase) - there's a girl with a lot of long and stiff hair! (catch-phrase of the early 20th century) + horrid warfare.

inlaw - a relative by marriage. This term was used in a much broader sense than it is today, referring to any relationship created by legal means (normally a marriage). For example, a stepfather was normally called a father-in-law + [(notebook 1924): 'an in-law of'].

Sir George Birdwood: Sva (1910), xxi: 'there must be wars, and in the earlier stages of the evolution of humanity from savagery to barbarism... there was war in heaven; Michael and his angels, against the Dragon and his angels'  [114.13]

de trop (fr) - superfluous

Bloggs - mock English working-class name + (Shaun) + {lists four men: outlex between A and B, inlaw to C, and D was among his connections} 

distant relations (notebook 1924) → Sullivan: The Book of Kells 41: 'the zoomorphic, or animal, forms introduced in the decoration of the Manuscript... distant relations, as it were, of the lion, the calf, and the eagle, of the Evangelical symbols'.

honest to goodness - real, true, genuine

black and white - simple and direct + in black and white - in writing or in print.

put two and two together (phrase)

shot - a single photographic exposure, snapshot

get up - general composition or structure, outfit, costume

adze - an edge tool used to cut and shape wood + "In the stars of the Great Bear the Egyptians saw an adze or a fore-leg... The constellation of the Great Bear is the sign of Seth, as Orion is the star of Osiris and Sirius the star of Isis" H. Te Velde: Seth, God of Confusion + (notebook 1924): 'adze' → O'Grady: Selected Essays and Passages 67: 'The god rose out of the lake, bearing a brazen adze in his hand, and decided in favour of Cuculain' + (notebook 1924): 'adzehead with crookhead staff' Bury: The Life of St. Patrick 79: 'Adze-head will come with a crook-head staff' + St Patrick was called Adzehead by the Irish, probably because of the shape of his tonsure. Prophecy of the Druids: "Adzehead will come and build cities." 

gull + Tailcenn (talken) (gael) - Adze-head (name for St. Patrick, from tonsure or miter) + FDV: 1 eye halfopen, 1 arm, 42 hairs on his head, 17 on upper lip, 5 on chin, the wrong shoulder high [then the right], 3 teeth, all ears, no feet, 10 5 thumbs, ½ a buttock, ½ & ½ a testicle, - - when is man not a man? A forger, can imitate all styles, some of his own. 1st copies of most original masterpieces even the most venerated impostures were not spared slipped from his plagiarist pen. Sings hymn: lingua Lingua mea calamus scribae, veliciter scribentis.

eye + DRAFT TWO: His bodily makeup getup, it seems, included 1 halfopen an of an eye, 1 arm, 42 hairs on to his crown, 18 on from his upper lip, 5 on from his chin, the wrong shoulder higher than the right, all ears, no feet, 5 a handful of thumbs, 2 fifths of a 2 buttocks, a testicle stone & a half, so much so that in the very dawn of history even Shem himself seeing himself, when playing with words in the his garden nursery asked of his brothers brethren & sisters the first riddle of the universe: When is a man not a man?: offering a prize of a crabapple to the winner.

lark's eye - mischievous eye

the whole of = all + hole.

have something up one's sleeve - to have something in reserve, or at one's disposal

uncrown - to deprive of a crown, dethrone; to uncover, to display + one crown + Uncrowned king of Ireland - Parnell + DRAFT TWO: 42 hairs on to his crown, 

mock - sham, counterfeit, pretended + DRAFT TWO: 18 on from his upper lip,

trio - a group of three

barbel (OF) - 'little beard' + barbel - a filament hanging from the mouths of some fishes + DRAFT TWO (SDV): 5 on from his chin,

mega- (gr) - great- + meigead (Irish) - goat's chin and beard + Ulysses.15.3369: 'THE NANNYGOAT (bleats) Megeggaggegg!' + goatee - a small chin beard trimmed into a point [named for its resemblance to a goat's beard (Joyce had one at different times)].

saumon (French) - salmon

all ears (phrase)

not a leg to stand on - with no support whatever; with no chance of getting away with it + SDV: all ears, no feet, 5 a handful of thumbs,

handful - a quantity that fills the hand; a small quantity or amount. (Usually depreciative) + phrase: handful of thumbs (awkward).

loose - not rigidly or securely attached or fixed in place

fifth - one of five equal parts into which a quantity may be divided + FDV: ½ a buttock, ½ & ½ a testicle, + SDV: 2 fifths of a 2 buttocks, a testicle stone & a half,

gleet - sticky or greasy filth + steen - an earthenware container for liquids or foods + stone (Slang) - testicle + 1 stone = 14 pounds + Gladstone + 116.

avoirdupois - weight, degree of heaviness; the standard system of weights used, in Great Britain, for all goods except the precious metals, precious stones, and medicines

manroot - an herpaceous california vine with an enormous root; penis (Slang) + (notebook 1924): 'manroot ginseng' Perry: The Origin of Magic and Religion 153: (of the initiation rituals of the Ojibwa) 'use is made of ginseng, "man root," which is supposed to be of "divine" origin'.

I Timothy 6:10: 'the love of money is the root of all evil'

(salmon) kelts (notebook 1924) Irish Statesman 30 Aug 1924, 800/1: 'Salmon by the Million. A New View': 'The killing of kelts by the poacher is evidently not such a serious matter as we thought, for if the salmon as a rule only spawns once, the kelt as a rule will not return to the river' + kelt - a salmon or sea trout after spawning and before returning to the sea.

eel's blood - bad (notebook 1924)

distended + (trice distended) + Tristan.

debouch - to issue from a narrow or confined place, as a defile or a wood, into open country; hence gen. to issue or emerge from a narrower into a wider place or space

protohistory - a period between prehistory and history, during which a culture or civilization has not yet developed writing, but other cultures have already noted its existence in their own writings.

thistlebird - goldfinch (bird) + thistle (weeds) - any of numerous plants of the family Compositae and especially of the genera Carduus and Cirsium and Onopordum having prickly-edged leaves.

nursery - a place for young animals

grifo (it) - snout + brefotrofio (it) - foundlings' home, orphanage.

Threadneedle Street, London (Bank of England), once called Pig Street.

pilling - plundering, robbing; removal of the skin, bark, etc. + pill - trans. To dose with pills + feeling + *VYC* + pounds, shillings and pence.