crust - Geol. The outer portion of the earth; a more or less hard coating, concretion, or deposit on the surface of anything; an incrustation + 'Fragments of the True Cross' hawked abundantly in Middle Ages + can be produced at a fragment of their true cost.
plase (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - please + place
deletery - deleterious, noxious, poisonous + demilitarize - to disarm.
dressy - having more or less fancy or formal details
affair - loosely and familiarly of things material, in which use affair freq. serves merely as a peg to support an epithet, 'a poor affair,' etc.
ethel - type of dress
instep - the upper surface of the human foot between the toes and the ankle
three shillings and ninepence
muffin cap - a flat woollen cap
tone - to make harmonious in color, appearence or sound
angelskin - a dull waxy smooth finish, a fabric with a smooth waxy face
ostentatiously - in a way calculated to attract notice, with boastful parade or display
hem - to border, to finish with a hem
apologetically - by way of apology
avidous = avid - ardently desirous, extremely eager, greedy
'it' (Slang) - sex appeal (Clara Bow)
Ovid (43 B.C~-A.D. 17) - Roman poet (Metamorphoses, Ars Amatoria) + evidently
thrilled - feeling intense pleasurable excitement
dolly - attractive, fashionable (usu. applied to a girl); babyish
pram - a hand-carriage, with three or four wheels, for one or two young children, pushed from behind
movie - a cinema
mixed - compounded of (different ingredients)
childe - a child or youth wellborn or of noble birth
chaplain - the priest, clergyman or minister of a chapel + Chaplin, Charlie - English comedian. Lucia Joyce had an admiration for "Charlie Chaplain", wrote an article in praise of him, did imitations of him. Wyndham Lewis, however, felt Chaplin the apotheosis of the "child" cult, otherwise represented by Anita Loos, Gertrude Stein, Proust, James Joyce. In Chaplin, Lewis says, the emancipated woman sees her little child hitting his bullying Dad.
verge (Slang) - penis (literally 'rod')
gutter - a hollowed channel running at the side or (less commonly) along the middle of a street, to carry away the surface water
bobbedhair - with bobbed (cut short and even all round) hair
toddler - a young child
thes mê thes mê thes (gr) - want-not-want-not-want
domestic - a household servant + (*IJ*)
aspire to - to have a fixed desire, longing, or ambition for something at present above one; to seek to attain
shover - Jocular alteration of chauffeur
butler - a servant who has charge of the wine cellar and dispenses the liquor + bootlegger - someone who makes or sells illegal liquor + Joyce's note: 'bootleg stuff'.
sectary - a member of a sect + secretary + (*VYC*).
The Letter: "well Maggy/Madge/Majesty" + Ulysses.13.396: 'Of course his infant majesty was most obstreperous at such toilet formalities' + Two-year old Duke Godefroid III of Brabant is the sovereign behind the legend of the Manneken-Pis (accompanied his army to the battlefield and was hung in the branches of a tree for three days, passing water from time to time).
pule - to cry in a thin or weak voice, as a child + paulus (l) - small, little + Wyndham Lewis: The Childermass: mocks Joyce in the person of 'James Pullman' ('Pulley') + Paul + (toddler).
post - a station or position to which a person is assigned
little man - a young male child
board of education - a number of persons in council for the management of business, trust, institutions, etc.
voted - vowed, devoted; established or assigned by vote
disciple - one who follows, or is influenced by, the doctrine or example of another; one who belongs to the 'school' of any leader of thought
infantulus (l) - a little baby boy
publicly - in the presence or with the knowledge of people generally; in public, openly
seducens infanta (l) - misleading infant girl + seducente infanta (it) - seducing infant + sedicente (it) - so-called, would-be.
flaunt - to display ostentatiously, to make an impudent show of
frivol - frivolous, of little account, paltry, not worthy of serious attention
finery - especially fine or decorative clothing
ninnion (gr) - baby
tota mulier (l) - all woman, complete woman
musculus (l) - muscule; a little mouse + muscula (l) - a little fly.
verum (l) - truth + virilis (l) - manly + verus vir (l) - a real man.
parturience - the action of giving birth
maitre (fr) - master + matres (l) - (Acc. pl.) mothers + males
micturate - to urinate + mictorius (l) - urinative.
mite - a very small living creature, as a tiny child
stand over - to await consideration or settlement at a later date
tackle - to attack; encounter (a person) physically; to try to solve (a problem)
tickler - a person difficult to deal with or understand; a teaser
hussy - an ill-behaved, pert, or mischievous girl; a jade, minx
alack - exp. of sorrow or regret + FDV: Margareena she's very fond of Burrus but, alick and alack! she velly fond of chee.
velly - A representation of a Chinese pronunc. of 'very'; also used joc.
cheese + Joyce's note: 'Mary Ann she is very fond of flirting, Mary Ann she is very fond of tea'.
butyrum (l) - butter; said to be Scythian word, but probably Greek. Butter was an exotic to the classical world, but common to Asian nomads. (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake)
flavoured - mixed with some ingredient used to impart a flavour + FDV: The [important] influence on everything of this eastasian import has not till now been fully favoured [, but we can distinctly taste it here].
tay (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - tea + FDV: I shall come back for more in after a short brief space.
Cleopatran - pertaining to or characteristic of Cleopatra, a famous queen of Egypt
contend - to strive in rivalry with another (for an object)
implicate - to bring into intimate and incriminating connection