whisping - slight blast or a low rustling sound + lisping

delicious + FDV: Is it not delicious really, I am enjoying it still, I swear I am. Why do you prefer it in the dark, if I may ask, my sweety?

before you + isn't it bad for you?

misi (l) - I sent + mise (mishi) (gael) - I, me (emphatic) + (mishe/tauf motif) + [mishe] Draconian cult of Khem, the Cult of the Dragon, or Fire Snake, based on Atlantean magic of the Red Temple.

seal - a token or symbol of a covenant; a vow of secrecy; esp. the seal of confession or the confessional + "I will tell You what did Nyarlathotep, when there was Great Chaos and when Universe Manifested as such. He, the Voice of the Gods, was growing in Strength and Wisdom and wanted to acquire Dreadful Secret hidden behind the other side of the Stars. He arrived at the foot of the Mountain. He asked for a Sign and Triple Sword forged of steel was hurled above Him, and stuck before his feet. He, anchored, proceeded with ascent. When He reached the Top he found Nuhr and He refused Him. Then Nyarlathotep Seven Times said double Word of Secret power: Yach-Dahn. This Word is Hidden in enchanted Forest, in deepest Kingdom of Dream, where everything Is and Is Not. From that World there is no escape. Only Way towards the exit is to confront Mysterious Guardian who is Hidden on the other side of Abyss across the Fire Star. And He rose in all His Might and confronted the young God who wanted to obtain the Secret known as the Seal of OTH. But God blew it all away with an Enchantment and the Guardian drew back. And He, astride the Shantak, crossed the Bridge of Infinity and, brandishing the Flaming Sword, his symbol, He passed through the Great Door of Black Stone. And He saw the Seal, Mighty, Flaming, Destructive. And a Voice full of Majesty was heard, coming from the Center of Infinite Nothingness. Thundering, Booming, like a Flaming Dart thrown across the Skies, Great Nadur broke forth in all His Glory. And He bestowed on the young God who came to this point, the Great Seal. A lightning flashed in Nyarlathotep's mind. And He was Created, Impregnated by Himself. In front of Him the Eons were promulgated. And in front of Him, Nadur spoke Their Names, and thus the Circle of the Gods was created. And Their Kingdom shall last by Day and Night into Infinity." (Frank G. Ripel: The Magick of Atlantis: Sauthenerom, the Source of the Necronomicon)

nights + [tauf] "There exists in a remote part of the magickal universe a place from which emanates the magickal web-work of the transcendental id. This realm is entirely within the body of the Mother Spider, and hence is derived from the internal interactions of the kalas of her own magickal anatomy. Within this sphere of magick, as there are so many magickal forms of monadic and auric eggs resting, rise all of the several powers of the divine fire of chaos... So let the seeker after the mysteries come to the hyper-ideal spaces of the mysteries where the ophidian magick is lived and forms the basis of all existence. Let such a son of the fire return to the place of primeval chaos, which the gods call "the seat of the gnosis". There in that realm the doors will open without command because they know who is approaching." (Michael Bertiaux: The Voudun Gnostic Workbook).

shsh - an extended sh!

longeared bat or owl + The principal symbols of Draconian and Typhonian Traditions of pre-dynastic Egypt: Number 7, the Cat, Jackal, Hyena, Pig, Black Snake, the Bat and other forms of webbed or winged nocturnal creatures.

ennoy - to do harm, annoy + FDV: No, sweetest, why would that annoy me but don't!

Duvetyn - a smooth lustruous velvety fabric with napped surface, used for women's dresses + duvetyne - a heavy black cloth used in the motion picture and film industry to block out unwanted light + (do not smear dress with sperm) + FDV: Your lips, love, be careful! Mind my dress above all!

golded - made of gold, golden

princess dress - a lady's robe of which the lengths of the bodice and skirt are cut in one piece; also applied to modifications of this shape; so princess cut, frock, line, etc.

Rutland - county in Ireland + Molloy: The Romance of the Irish Stage II.230: (in the late 18th century, when Charles Manners, fourth Duke of Rutland, was Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland) 'A newly-built square was given the name of Rutland; a new dye was spoken of as the Rutland blue; the carriage his Grace had introduced was known as the Rutland gig'.


chare - an occasional turn of work, an odd job, esp. of household work + charis (gr) - grace, beauty; kindness, gratitude + chère (fr) - dear.

Ship Street, Dublin, originally Sheep Street

conversation lozenge - a lozenage with an inscribed motto

Juliett = Juliet (heroine from "Romeo and Juliet") + jewels + FDV: So, so, my precious. If I sell you who, dear? I wouldn't for all the jewels above us.

twinkly - twinkling, beaming + milky + William Wordsworth: Daffodils: 'twinkle on the milky way'.

snap - to bring down by a quick shot; to catch, or seize quickly, suddenly, or by surprise

intended - an intended husband or wife

shshsh - an extended sh! + FDV: Shshsh! Don't start like, you wretch! I thought you knew everything.

actor + auctor (l) - creator, maker, author + author

explike - to unfold in words, to narrate at length + expliquer (fr) - explain.


nieu (Provençal) - cloud + nieuw (Dutch) - new.

niveus (l) - snowy + nivoulan (Provençal) - cloudy sky.

lead - graphite, or plumbago (only with reference to its use as a material for pencils)

Brian Boru - high king of Ireland from 1002 to 1014 + brinbrou (Provençal) - a commotion.

troucho (Provençal) - trout + treacherous + Joyce's note: 'damned old devil' + FDV: It's only another queer fish in the damned old river.

Goths and Visigoths

give (som.) a rest - to stop thinking or talking about + gibo (Provençal) - a hump + gibous (Provençal) - hunchbacked.

bosso (Provençal) - a hump

swearing - the use of profane language + FDV: Excuse me for swearing, love! I swear I didn't mean to!

seraphin - one of six-winged angels who guard god's throne + shorrashim (Hebrew) - roots + Saracen words in Provençal.

tron (Provençal) - thunderclap + tron (Swedish) - throne.

uiau (Provençal) - lightning + Iron.

alpin (Provençal) - Alpine

armlet - an ornament or band worn round the arm + Joyce's note: 'Swear on armlet' Account 21: "To the south of Watlinga-Street, which had already often been agreed upon between the Danish conquerors and the Anglo-Saxon kings as the boundary between the Danish and Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, Edmund Ironsides received his share of England by agreement with Canute... Near Waresham, in Dorsetshire, Alfred purchased peace with a host of the latter, who swore on their armlets to observe it; but, though this oath was regarded by the Danes as very sacred, they are said to have broken it immediately."

canntal (kontel) (gael) - sorrow + FDV: Did you really never speak clothse to a girl before?

chambermaid - a female servant in a house or inn, who attends to the bedrooms (Nora was one when she met Joyce) + charmer - one who uses spells and enchantments; one who possesses great attractiveness.


doting - foolishly or extravagantly fond + FDV: Of course I believe you, my own sweet dear darling liar, when you tell me!

liss - tranquility, peace, rest, joy, delight + list

muss - to make untidy, disarrange; to mutter or murmur indistinctly + must

whiss - to make a sibilant sound of some kind, to whistle, hiss; wish + muss wissen (ger) - must know.


go through - to examine and discuss, to scrutinize thoroughly

matchless - that are not a match or pair (obs.); peerless

forbidden fruit (Genesis)

Frucht (ger) - fruit + Chiniquy: The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional 156: (of a woman's premarital sex with her confessor) 'the only child I have had is the fruit of that sinful hour'.

with + Anglican marriage ceremony: 'With this ring I thee wed'.

bound - to enclose, confine, contain

Amory Blaine - hero of Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise (1920). He has a girl named Isabelle, but it is Rosalind to whom he mutters these erotic nothings: "I love you, Amory, with all my heart." / "Always, will you?" / "All my life" - "Oh Amory" + Sir Amory Tristram from Armorica (Brittany), one of Ireland's Norman conquerors, founder of the St Lawrence family of Howth (Joyce: "Sir Amory Tristram 1st earl of Howth changed his name to Saint Lawrence, in Brittany (North Armorica)".

mórán mó (Irish) - much more

so long as - often nearly equivalent to 'provided that', 'if only'

locksmith - an artificer whose occupation is to make or mend locks + George Colman the Younger: Love Laughs at Locksmiths + FDV: Never! Never in my whole sweet life! Always of till Always love! As long lone as the stars look the lucksmith laughs!

binge - uninhibited indulgence in alcoholic beverages; a servile bow or obeisance + Rhythm of Thomas Campbell song 'The Exile of Erin': 'Then came down to the beach a poor exile of Erin, The dew on his robes was heavy and chill; For his country he sighed when at twilight repairing, To wander alone by the wind-beaten hill. But the day-star attracted his eye's sad devotion, For it rose on his own native isle of the ocean, Where once, in the flow of his youthful emotion, He sang the bold anthem of Erin go bragh').

aching exile + aching eyes (Joyce) + FDV: If you met on the binge a poor acheseyed from Ailing 

ailing - the fact of ailing; bodily or mental indisposition; disorder, sickness + Ealing - a district in west London, England + Erin

shake a shimmy - to perform a lively modern dance resembling a foxtrot + FDV: when the tune of his tremble shook shimming shimmy and shin

shin - the front part of the human leg between the knee and the ankle; to borrow money

contrary - the exact opposite or reverse of what has previously been mentioned, an opponent + country + FDV: while his contrary soughed to in the squeak weak of his wailing like a rugilant pugilant Lyon O'Lynn,

wake (aftermath)

rutilant - glowing, shining, glittering with either a ruddy or golden light + rugio (l) - to roar + rugir (fr) - to roar.

pugilant - boxing, fighting + pugilor (l) - to fight with a fists, to box.

Brian O'Linn - Irish ballad hero, first to wear clothes, make them of simple materials like sheepskin, shells, etc. + Lion and the Fox - Wyndham Lewis' book about "the role of the hero in the plays of Shakespeare", 1927. Like most of Lewis' books it arouses expectations of interest that it does not fulfill and is surely named at 148.36-149.1, which is a portrait of W. Lewis and names most of his books. The Lion and the Fox sets out to be a study of Shakespeare's use of Machiavelli, whose ideal prince (modeled on Cesare Borgia), is to model himself on the lion (strength) and the fox (cunning) (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake.

maunder - to beg, to ramble in speech

misline - to print with lines omitted or arranged in the wrong order + misli (Shelta) - to walk + mislier (Shelta) - walker, tramp + FDV: if he maundered in misery plaining his plight,

plain - to complain, to make a doleful sound, mourn