Washington, George (1732-99) - 1st president of the United States.

honorary - holding a title or position conferred as an honour, without emolument, or without the usual duties, obligations, privileges, etc.

L.S.D. - abbreviation for 'pounds, shillings, and pence'; hence often used = 'money'.

nugget - a rough lump of native gold

sloppy - splashed or soiled with liquid, wet from slopping, covered with slops; messy.

slut - a woman of a low or loose character; a bold or impudent girl + PICTURE

unmentionability - underpants, and (chiefly joc.) underwear, esp. women's.

raincoat - a coat worn as a protection against rain; used attrib. of someone or something thought to be lewd or unseemly.

proteiform - changeable in form, or assuming many various forms, like the fabled Proteus; protean, multiform, extremely variable or various + Ei (ger) - egg + In Greek mythology, Proteus is an early sea-god, one of several deities whom Homer calls the "Old Man of the Sea", whose name suggests the "first", as protogonos is the "primordial" or the "firstborn". He became the son of Poseidon in the Olympian theogony (Odyssey iv. 432), or of Nereus and Doris, or of Oceanus and a Naiad, and was made the herdsman of Poseidon's seals, the great bull seal at the center of the harem. He can foretell the future, but, in a mytheme familiar from several cultures, will change his shape to avoid having to; he will answer only to someone who is capable of capturing him. From this feature of Proteus comes the adjective protean, with the general meaning of "versatile", "mutable", "capable of assuming many forms".

graph - a kind of symbolic diagram (used in Chemistry, Mathematics, etc.) in which a system of connexions is expressed by spots or circles, some pairs of which are colligated by one or more lines; a visual symbol representing a phoneme or a segment or feature of speech; esp., a letter, or one of its occurrent forms, or a combination of letters.

polyhedron - a solid figure contained by many (i.e., usually, more than six) plane faces + FDV: The proteiform graph itself is a polyexigetical piece of scripture. There was a time when naif alphabetters would have written it down the tracing of a pure deliquescent recidivist possibly ambidexterous, snubnosed, probably, and having a fairly profound rainbowl in his (or her) occiput. Closer inspection of the bordereau would however reveal a multiplicity of personalities inflicted on the provoking document and a prevision of virtual crime or crimes might unwarily be made before any suitable occasion for it or them had presented arisen. But under the very eyes of inspection the inspector the traits which feature the sympathetic page chiaroscuro coalesce, their contrarieties eliminated in a stable somebody, as by the providential warring of housebreaker on with heartbreaker, & of dram drinker with freethinker society our social something bowls along bumpily through generations, more generations & still more generations. Who in hell wrote the durn thing anyway? Standing, seated, on horseback, against a partywall, below zero, by the use of quill or style, with perturbed or pellucid mind, accompanied or the reverse by mastication interrupted by visit of person to scriptor or of scriptor to place, rained upon or blown around, by a regular racer from the soil or a whittlewit laden with the loot of learning?  

scripture - the sacred writings of the Old or New Testament, or (more usually) of both together; the study of the Bible and the Christian religion as a school subject; In generalized use: Written composition.

naif - naive, neutral, artless + FDV: There was a time when naif alphabetters would have written it down the tracing of a pure deliquescent recidivist possibly ambidexterous, snubnosed, probably, and having a fairly profound rainbowl in his (or her) occiput.  

alphabetarian - one learning his alphabet, or the mere rudiments of any subject; a beginner; an abecedarian; also, one who studies alphabets + Bett (ger) - bed.

tracing - drawing, delineating, marking out; concr. That which is produced by tracing or drawing; the procedure of making a list of all the headings under which a given item occurs in an index or catalogue.

deliquescent - Humorously. Dissolving (in perspiration); Chem. That deliquesces; having the property of melting or becoming liquid by absorption of moisture from the air; Biol. Melting away in the process of growth or of decay; Bot. Branching in such a way that the main stem or axis is, as it were, dissolved in ramifications.

recidivist - one who relapses (to fall back into wrong doing or error); esp. one who habitually relapses into crime.

ambidextrous - able to use both hands alike; fig. More than usually dextrous, or clever.

snub nosed - having a snub nose; fig. Stumpy; short and broad at the front; abbreviated.

occiput - the back or hinder part of the head

hardily - boldly, stoutly, courageously

entomophilous - applied to plants in which fertilization is effected through the agency of insects + entomo - - Occurring with sense 'insect' in many scientific compounds of modern formation + entomos (gr) - [a thing] cut in pieces + entoma (gr) - insects (pl.) + philos (gr) - friend, lover + entomophilos (gr) - lover of something cut into pieces; insect-lover.

sexmosaic - Biol., an individual some of whose cells are of one sex and the rest of the other.

nymph - an insect in that stage of development which intervenes between the larva and the imago + nympheusis (gr) - bridal, marriage.

chimera - a horrible and fear-inspiring phantasm, a bogy; an unreal creature of the imagination, a mere wild fancy.

Orion - in Greek mythology, a giant and very handsome hunter who was identified as early as Homer with the constellation known by his name. His first name was Urion because his birth was caused by three gods making water on a bull's hide. Like Medard, he was associated with rain. 

lief - dear, beloved; leaf

sault - leap, jump + salt

sensory - belonging to sensation; carrying or transmitting sensation

to be coupled with - to interact with, to be influenced in (its) behaviour by

God's truth - the absolute truth

bewilder - to confuse in mental perception, to perplex, confound

effluvia - Chiefly applied to the (real or supposed) outflow of material particles too subtle to be perceived by touch or sight; concr. a stream of such outflowing particles.

song Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye: 'and guns and drums'

fondler - one who fondles (here, something which fondles)

forceps - an instrument of the pincers kind, used for seizing and holding objects + forceps (Slang) - hands.

persequor (l) - to follow perseveringly, to pursue + stella (l) - star + persequestello (l) - to follow a star (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).

vanessa - a genus of butterflies (brightly colored)

flore - floor

chameleon + kidout'iun (Armenian) - science, knowledge.

wherein - in which (place, material thing, writing, etc.); where

madenakrout'iun (Armenian) - literature, bibliography + keroution (gr) - horn.

lour - Chiefly of the clouds, sky, a tempest, etc.: To look dark and threatening + lour (Armenian) - news.

lore - that which is learned; learning, scholarship, erudition. Also, in recent use, applied to the body of traditional facts, anecdotes, or beliefs relating to some particular subject.

herou (Armenian) - far, distant

kisher (Armenian) - night + notte (it) - night.

hasard = hazard + 101 + hazar (Armenian) - thousand.

arere - arear; arrear + arear - to rise up, to set up, erect.

grope - to attempt to find something by feeling about as in the dark or as a blind person.

zero hour - the hour when something is at its lowest ebb; the hour from which the time of day is measured + zereg (Armenian) - day.

pou - pull + poor + pou (Armenian) - owl.

giaour - infidel, unbeliver, one outside the muslim faith + Lord Byron: 'The Giaour' + gouyr (Armenian) - blind.

salve - to clear up, solve, explain

aught - anything whatever; anything

eyesore - something permanently offensive to the sight; a cause of annoyance, offence, or vexation; an object of dislike or disgust + aysôr (Armenian) - today.

amazing + amousin (Armenian) - husband.

bordereau - a memorandum, detailed statement, schedule; spec. that which Capt. A. Dreyfus (a Frenchman of Jewish descent who was convicted of treason in 1894 and declared innocent in 1906.) was accused of transmitting + FDV: Closer inspection of the bordereau would however reveal a multiplicity of personalities inflicted on the provoking document and a prevision of virtual crime or crimes might unwarily be made before any suitable occasion for it or them had presented arisen.

a multiplicity of - the great number of, the very many or numerous

inflict - to afflict, assail, trouble (a person) with something painful or disagreeable

prevision - foresight, foreknowledge; a prophetic or anticipatory vision

virtual - that is so in essence or effect, although not formally or actually; admitting of being called by the name so far as the effect or result is concerned.

trait - a stroke made with pen or pencil; a short line; a touch (in a picture) + FDV: But under the very eyes of inspection the inspector the traits which feature the sympathetic page chiaroscuro coalesce, their contrarieties eliminated in a stable somebody, as by the providential warring of housebreaker on with heartbreaker, & of dram drinker with freethinker society our social something bowls along bumpily through generations, more generations & still more generations.

chiaroscuro - the style of pictorial art in which only the light and shade, and not the various colours, are represented; fig. Used of poetic or literary treatment, criticism, mental complexion, etc., in various obvious senses, as mingled 'clearness and obscurity', 'cheerfulness and gloom', 'praise and blame,' etc.

coalesce - to unite or come together, so as to form one

warring - The action of the verb

housebreaker - one who breaks open and enters a house with intent to commit robbery.

dramdrinker - one addicted to drinking drams (a small draught of spirituous liquor), a tippler.

freethinker - one who refuses to submit his reason to the control of authority in matters of religious belief.

to bowl along - to move on wheels

bumpily - in a bumpy (causing or giving bumps or jolts, full of difficulties) manner.

prearranged - arranged beforehand + (notebook 1924): 'experienced a jolt' Freeman's Journal 21 May 1924, 7/7: 'Girl's Sad Fate': 'Did you experience any jolt in the quarter-mile about where the accident took place? No, everything was perfectly smooth' + (notebook 1924): 'life a series of prearranged disappointments'.

semper (l) - always + simple

oxhouse - a house for the sheltering or stabling of oxen + Hebrew letters: aleph means 'ox', beth means 'house', gimel means 'camel'.

baron (Armenian) - Mr

lousadour (Armenian) - light-giver

Hagel (ger) - hail + Hegel (1770-1831) - German philosopher + khaghal (Armenian) - to play + FDV: Who in hell wrote the durn thing anyway? Standing, seated, on horseback, against a partywall, below zero, by the use of quill or style, with perturbed or pellucid mind, accompanied or the reverse by mastication interrupted by visit of person to scriptor or of scriptor to place, rained upon or blown around, by a regular racer from the soil or a whittlewit laden with the loot of learning?  

durn - damn, damned