O'Maolmhuaidh (o'mwelui) (gael) - descendant of Maolmhuadh ("noble-chief"); anglic. Mulloy (hereditary bearers of English standard in Ireland) + Milord + FDV: So may the law forget him their trespasses against Mr O'Reilly here in my bed getting up.
Reilly - [A common Irish surname] In colloq. phr. the life of Riley, a comfortable, enjoyable, and carefree existence + O'Raghailligh (o'rayeli) (gael) - descendant of Raghallach ("[strong-]fore-armed") + Persse O'Reilly.
fann (foun) (gael) - weak, languid + fionn (fin) (gael) - fair + fan (Swedish) - the devil + Huckleberry Finn.
hardiest + heartiest.
Culog (kulog) (gael) - Little Corner; N.E. Dublin suburb + Joyce's note: 'Coolock barony' → Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Howth section: 'Howth, an urban district in Coolock barony'.
Eire (ere) (gael) - Ireland + inis (inish) (gael) - island + Inis Meadhoin (inishman) (gael) - Middle Island; one of Aran Islands; anglic. Inishmaan + mhan (wan) (gael) - one + Irishman.
evig (Danish) - eternal
mate - one of a wedded pair, a husband or wife. Now only, a fitting or worthy partner in marriage. Also (rarely), a lover, paramour + first mate on ship, customarily in charge of the ship's cargo and deck crew + FDV: [A nought in nought Irrishmhan called Ervigsen by his first mate.
douter - one who or that which douts or extinguishes; an extinguisher + douter (fr) - to doubt + daughters
hame - obs. and Sc. f. home + Harriet Shaw Weaver came from Oldham, Lancashire (near Manchester).
fancied - contrived to suit the fancy or whim; formed or portrayed by the fancy, existing only in the fancy, imaginary
wedding + Widmung (ger) - dedication + FDV: May all similar douters have that fancied widming!]
twist - tobacco made into the form of a cord
Hibernia metal (Joyce's note)
by jings! = by jingo - a vigorous form of asseveration + Joyce's note: 'by jings' → Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, ch. 33: 'I will, by jings'.
carpus - the part of the skeleton which unites the hand to the fore-arm, consisting in the higher vertebrates of eight small bones. In man it forms the wrist + corpus (l) - body + corpse + FDV: For a pipe of twist or less we could let out and someone would make a carpus of somebody with the greatest of pleasure by private shootings.
contravention - violation, infringement, transgression
slatter - one whose work consists in laying slates + slatters (Dialect) - waste, spillings + Joyce's note: 'Slatters of him' + letters.
Peeter - obs. form of Peter + Peter the Packer - Lord Peter O'Brien, Chief Justice of Ireland, who packed juries against the Land League + Peter the Painter - anarchist, involved in Siege of Sidney Street + FDV: [And not enough left for Peeler the Picker.
drei (ger) - three + Joyce's note: '3/75 th' ('th' not clear) & '...37 & 5 over' + "fissure and fracture lines, seven five threes up, three five sevens down, to get out of his way," [386.32-.33]
ninth part of a man - An epithet for a tailor [316.11]
Gud ved (Danish) = God weet (Dutch) - God knows! + Joyce's note: 'Good as wheat' → Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, ch. 33: 'Good as wheat!'
delicious + délit (fr) - crime, offence.
sultans + O'Suileabhain (o'sulevan) (gael) - descendant of Suil-dubhan ("black-eyed"); anglic. Sullivan + suil (sul) (gael) - eye + bhean (van) (gael) - woman.
Turkey + Dealg-inis (d'alginish) (gael) - Thorn Island, on S. Dublin Bay; Norsified Dalkey.
surprisement (obs. rare.)
= surprise + Parnell: 'When you sell, get my price' + FDV:
How delitious for the three Sulvans of Dulkey
and what a
sellpriceget the two Peris of Monacheens!
peri - In Persian Mythology, one of a race of superhuman beings, originally represented as of evil or malevolent character, but subsequently as good genii, fairies, or angels, endowed with grace and beauty. Hence transf. 'a fair one'.
Monach - as Mr Senn says, a 3d-century Irish chieftain whose name was given to County Fearmanagh. Irish monach is "monk" + Moin a'chaointe (monakhinte) (gael) - Peat bog of the lamentation + monachina (it) - little nun + een (Dutch) - one + County Monaghan.
sugar of lead (Joyce's note) → sugar of lead - lead acetate, a poisonous white substance used in dyeing cotton and in making enamels and varnishes.
chlôra (gr) - pale green + potassium chloride.
valency - importance, significance; Chem. The power or capacity of certain elements to combine with or displace a greater or less number of hydrogen (or other) atoms + Joyce's note: 'valency'.
beholding - the action of looking at; contemplation, sight
eyebrows + FDV: Peace! He possessing from a child [for our privileges beholdings] ever hairy of chest, hands and eyebaes in pursuance to salesladies affectionate company.
pursuance - the seeking after or aiming at something; endeavour to attain; search
saleslady = saleswoman - a woman who sells goods (e.g. in a shop) + Joyce's note: 'Royal Div' → W.G. Wills: A Royal Divorce (play about Napoleon and Josephine).
devote = a devotee - a person zealously devoted to a particular party, cause, pursuit, etc.
wriggling - that wriggles or squirms, writhing
take notice - to give heed, bestow attention + FDV: Wriggling reptiles take notice!
exgusto (l) - to taste out of, to eat a little of
snig - a young or small eel; a covetous or avaricious person (obs.) + snakes + FDV: Whereas we exgust all such sprinkling sniggs.
prostituting + pest - an annoying person or thing, a nuisance.
not withstanding
as I simply agree to it (Joyce's note)
'Commit no Nuisance' (posted notice) + FDV: They are pestituting the whole time neverwithstanding we simply agree upon the committee of amusance! or would [above] bring under [same] notice for it to be able to be seen.
FDV: About that erogenal hun. First he was a Scholar Skulksman at one time and then Cloon's fired him through guff. Be sage about sausages. Stuttutistics show the old firm fatspitters are most eatenly appreciated by metropolonians. While we should like to drag your attentions to this lot of floorwalkers. The magnets of our midst being foisted upon by a plethorace of parachutes. Did speece permit the bad example of setting before the military to the best of our belief in the earliest wish of the one in mind was the mitigation of the king's evil. Once you are balladproof you are unperceable to haily, icy and missilethroes. Order now before we reach Ruggers' Rush. [As we now must close hoping all in the best.] Moral. Mrs Stores Humphreys: So you are excepting trouble, Pondups, from the domestic service question. Mr Stores Humphreys: Just as there is a good in evin, Levia, my cheek is a compleet bleenk.] Plumb. One two three four. Finckers. Up the hind nose of hizzahs hizzars.]]] Whereupon our best thanks to a hundred and eleven ploose one thousand and one other blessings will now conclude concloose thoose epoostles to your great kindest, well, for all at trouble to took. We are all at home for ourselfsake, that direst of housebonds, whool wheel be true unto loves end so long as we has a pockle full of brass. Impossible to remember persons in improbable to forget position places. Who would pellow his head off to conjure up a, well, particularly mean stinkerlike funn make called Foon MacCrawl? brothers, mystery man of the pork martyrs? [Force in gidderish.] Tomothy and Lorcan, the bucket toolers, both are Timsons now they've changed their characticuls during their blackout. Conan Boyle Boyles will push pudge the daylights out through him, if we they are correctly informed. Fing! One must simply laugh. Fing him aging! This Well, this ought to wake him to makeup. Gilly in the gap. The big bad old sprowly all some uttering foon! Has now stuffed last podding. His fooneral will sneak pleace by creeps o'clock toosday. Kingen will commen. Pens picture [at Manshem House Horsegardens shown] in Morning Post as from Boston Transcript Transcripped. [Femelles will be preadominant as from twentyeight to twelve. To hear that lovelade parson, of case, a bawl gentlemale and give pore forther moracles.] Don't forget. The grand fooneral will now shortly occur. Remember. The remains must be removed before eight hours shorp. With earnestly conceived hopes. So help us witness to this day, to hand in sleep. From Of Mayasdaysed most duteoused.
hun (Danish) - she + original (erogenal) sin.
eggcup - a cup made to hold an egg that is to be eaten from the shell + Joyce's note: 'how does a hen know the size of an egg cup' → How Does a Hen Know the Size of an Egg Cup? (song from 1938).
silkman - one who makes or deals in silks + skulk - to keep out of sight, typically with a sinister or cowardly motive + salesman + FDV: First he was a Scholar Skulksman at one time and then Cloon's fired him through guff.
O'Cluain (o'klun) (gael) - shortened O'Cluanaigh: descendant of Cluanach ("deceitful") + cloon (Irish) - piece of fertile land + Cloon - townland near Glencree, County Wicklow.
guff - empty talk, nonsense, 'stuff', 'blather'
sage - a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is renowned for profound wisdom; aromatic fresh or dried gray-green leaves used widely as seasoning for meats and fowl and game etc.
teacups + hiccups.
teatable - a table at which tea is taken, or on which tea-things are placed for a meal
spitter - a young deer with simple unbranched horns; one who spits or ejects saliva. Also fig. + (notebook 1922-23): 'spits fat' → sausages spit fat when fried.
metropolitan - one who lives in a metropolis + polony - Polish sausage + FDV: Stuttutistics show the old firm fatspitters are most eatenly appreciated by metropolonians.
wolk (Dutch) - cloud + Workman's Compensation Act, 1897.
compensation - amends or recompense for loss or damage; attrib. and Comb., as compensation act, water, etc. + FDV: While we should like to drag your attentions to this lot of floorwalkers.
foist - to practise roguery, to cheat + hoist - to raise aloft, to set or put up.
plethora - fig. Over-fullness in any respect, superabundance + FDV: The magnets of our midst being foisted upon by a plethorace of parachutes.
speece = variant of spece (obs.) - appearance, form, likeness + space
king's evil - scrofula, formerly supposed curable by regent's touch + FDV: Did speece permit the bad example of setting before the military to the best of our belief in the earliest wish of the one in mind was the mitigation of the king's evil.
stair (obs. rare.) - to ascend
Manannan MacLir - Celtic sea-god
brad - obs. form of bread; roasted, broiled (obs.) + brad (brod) (gael) - thieving.
wishy washy - feeble or poor in quality or character; unsubstantial, 'milk-and-watery'; Of drink (or liquid food): Weak and insipid.
unpierceable - that may not be pierced + The Ballad of Chevy Chase - The ballad tell the story of a large hunting party ("chase") in the Cheviot Hills, hence 'the chevy chase'. The chase is led by Percy, the English Earl of Northumberland. The Scottish Earl Douglas had forbidden this hunt, and interprets it as an invasion of Scotland. In response he attacks, causing a bloody battle which only 110 people survived + Ballad of Persse O'Reilly [044.24]
haily - consisting of or characterized by hail or hailstorms + holly, ivy and mistletoe + FDV: Once you are balladproof you are unperceable to haily, icy and missilethroes.
rugger (obs. exc. arch.) - a plunderer, depredator, robber + beggar's bush - a bush under which a beggar finds shelter (name of 'a tree near Huntingdon, formerly a noted rendezvous for beggars'---Brewer), fig. beggary, ruin + FDV: Order now before we reach Ruggers' Rush.
The Letter: must now close & hopes to soon hear + FDV: [As we now must close hoping all in the best.]
573 ft h S Laurence 30m b (Joyce's note) → Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Howth section: 'It forms a promontory 573 feet high... In 1177 Sir Amorey Tristram landed here with a large force, and signally defeated the Danes, and by it gained the lordship of Howth, of which his descendants have continued in possession ever since, by the name of St. Lawrence, lately the property of William, thirtieth Baron, and last Earl of Howth'.
all the best - an expression of goodwill, used as a toast or a valediction
dine with Duke Humphrey - to go dinnerless. Of this phrase the origin is not altogether clear. In the 17th c. it was associated with Old St. Paul's, London, and said of those who, while others were dining, passed their time walking in that place, or sitting in 'the chair of Duke Humphrey', or 'at Duke Humphrey's table'.
pondus (l) - weight
domestic service - the condition or occupation of a household servant + (is the servant girl pregnant by him?) + FDV: Moral. Mrs Stores Humphreys: So you are excepting trouble, Pondups, from the domestic service question.