Weib (ger) - woman, wife
bang - a sudden, violent or explosive noise
worldwide - 'as wide as the world'; extending over or covering the whole world.
fama (l) - tale; news; that which people say, rumor, gossip + Fama (l) - goddess, daughter of Terra, swiftfooted, all-seeing, growing as she runs.
ether - etar, the clear sky, heaven
noise + Nose (ger) - nose + (notebook 1924): 'noise or silence drove *E* mad'.
dreven (Danish) - driven
blem (ger) - crazy + blem-blem (Slang) - crazy.
Schema (ger) - scheme
slough off - to cast off, throw off, to get rid of; of diseased skin, tissue, etc. to come off.
sidle - to move sideways + Earwickers of Sidlesham in the Hundred of Manhood - this is a real-life family that has lived in Sidlesham since the 18th century. "Manhood" is the name of the extreme southwest Hundred (county division) of Sussex.
via - by way of, by route which passes through or over (a specified place); by means of.
subteranean - an underground cave or room, cavern
shore - to serve as a shore to, to border + FDV: He had left the country by via subterranean tunnel lined shored with bedboards.
bedboard - a stiff thin wide board inserted between bedspring and mattress + (notebook 1922-23): 'tunnel shored with bedboards' → Daily Mail 13 Jan 1923, 7/5: 'Prison Tunnel': 'A bold attempt by Republican prisoners to escape from Galway Gaol... The tunnel has been constructed with considerable skill and it had been shored with bed boards and other materials from the cells'.
stowaway - a person who hides in a ship in order to escape payment of passage-money, to get to sea unobserved, or to escape by stealth from a country.
anker = anchor - to take up a position; to cast anchor, to come to anchor
tank - a compartment in a ship for holding water, oil or liquids
haud (l) - not at all, by no means
islamitic - rel. to islamism, muslim
Magrath, Cornelius (1736-60) - Irish giant, exhibited on Dublin's College Green, befriended by Bishop Berkeley + (notebook 1924): '*C* lived 7 generation & was then killed' → Lamy: Commentarium in Librum Geneseos I.255: 'From which follows the opinion of the ancient interpreters, handed down by Saint Ephraem, that Cain had carried the stain of his crime till the seventh generation and was then killed' (Genesis 4:15).
karakter (Danish) = karakter (Turkish) - character
theater = theatre
key - a scheme of notes related to each other
flat - music. rel. low in pitch
sharp - a musical note one half step higher than named note + B sharp - Mus. sign used to counteract a flat.
piaster - The English (French, German, etc.) name (It., Sp. piastra) of a small Turkish coin.
buik - the belly, abdomen + danseuse - a female dancer + buikdanseuse (Dutch) - belly dancer.
omnibus box = omnibus - a large box in a theather adapted to contain many persons + omni - - all, universally.
arab - a homeless little wanderer, a child of the street; one of the Semitic race inhabiting Saudi Arabia and neighbouring countries.
street door - the chief external door of a house, giving immediate access to the street.
bepester - to pester (annoy, trouble persistently) greatly, harass
bashaw - The earlier form of the Turkish title pasha (a title formerly borne in Turkey by officers of high rank, as military commanders, and governors of provinces).
alms - charitable relief of the poor, charity
para - a small Turkish coin, the fortieth part of a piastre
term - a limit, boundary
till - to
soggarth - a priest + saggarth (Anglo-Irish) = sagart (Irish) - priest (from Latin sacerdos) [Joyce's note: 'saggarth'] + (notebook 1924): 'family priest' → Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 45 (sec. 44): 'For 'chaplain' we have handpreost or hiredpreost ('family-priest')' (Old English).
resign - to relinquish, surrender, give up, or hand over (one's life, being, soul, etc.)
put off - to take off, rid oneself of
remainders - remains, esp. of ancient buildings. (Common in 17th c.)
scrap heap - discard, oblivion, the place to which useless things are relegated; to consign to the scrap heap.
chirping - the action of the verb chirp (lit. Of birds and certain insects)
cross - to intersect, contradict, meet
infamous - of shameful badness, vileness, or abominableness; of a character or quality deserving utter reprobation + FDV: [An infamous private ailment (variovenereal) (variolovenereal) had claimed him.]
vulgo - commonly, popularly + vulgo (l) - publicly, universally, everywhere + varius (l) - diverse, varying + venereus (l) - of or belonging to sexual love.
vicious circle - a situation in which action and reaction intensify each other; a self-perpetuating process of aggravation.
snap - a quick, sharp sound or report
jam - a jar designed for holding jam
jar - to produce a harsh or grating sound; to vribrate or shake; to quarrel
ornamental - serving as an ornament or decoration + FDV: [He had walked into a pond while intoxicated up to that point where braces meet buttons braced shirts meet knickerbockers.] Ten The helping hands of five had rescued him from seven feet of semifresh water.
lily pond - a pond in which water lilies are grown + (notebook 1923): 'drowned in a pond while intoxicated'.
inebriated - intoxicated, drunken
knickerbockers - loose fitting breeches, gathered in at the knee
wang (Chinese) - king
buoyant - lightly elastic; Of liquid, having the power of keeping bodies aloft on its surface + Thomas Moore: song As Vanquish'd Erin [air: The Boyne Waters].
rodman - an angler
several - private property or possession; separate, particular + several fishery - a right to fish derived through or on account of ownership of the soil + (notebook 1922-23): 'rescued from 7 ft of water'.
frisch (ger) - fresh
mush - a formless mass, anything soft and pulpy. Also, anything reduced to or resembling a mass of powder; a kind of porridge + mush (Slang) - umbrella.
pump - a kind of light shoe, originally often of delicate material and colour, kept on the foot by its close fit, and having no fastening.
a piece of wood - a contemptuous appellation for a stupid person, a blockhead
fas (l) - possible, right
ekename - additional name, nickname + Budge: The Book of the Dead civ: 'to provide the deceased with hekau, "words of power"... magical formulae, the recital of which will enable him to carry out all his wishes and supply all his needs'.
acnomina (l) - pl. of acnomen = surname, name acquired by a person to signalize some accomplishment, e.g. Scipio Africanus, Fabius Cunctator.
ecnumina (l) - outside of the divine will, outside the power of the gods.
Hansard - a merchant of one of the hansa towns; the official report of the proceedings and debates of the Houses of Parliament; colloq. so called as having been compiled for a long period by Messrs. Hansard.
gar - to compel, forse + to gar do, make, etc. - to cause to be done, make, etc. + gar (ger) - even; cooked.
ganz (ger) - whole, entire, all
dub - a clumsy or stupid person
cittą (it) - city
batty - crazy, insane
baton - a staff or stick used as a weapon, sometimes also of iron or iron-tipped; a club, cudgel, or truncheon.
hod - an open receptacle for carrying mortar, and sometimes bricks or stones, to supply builders at work.
Heer (ger) - army + Herr (ger) - gentleman, Mr. + Heer (Dutch) - master, lord.
pencil-sharpener - an instrument for sharpening a black-lead or slate pencil by pushing or rotating it against a cutting edge.
cup and ball - a toy consisting of a cup at the end of a stem to which a ball is attached by a string, the object being to toss the ball and catch it in the cup or on the spike end of the stem. Also the game played with this.
Reme - potential city that might have been founded by and named after Remus had he killed his brother Romulus.
wiege (ger) - cradle
waage (ger) - weighing machine, balance + Reference to a joke that man says to young lady, "Wenn ich eine Weige hatte, wurde ich etwas wagen" (If I had a cradle I'd dare something) instead of "Wenn ich eine Waage hatte, wurde ich etwas wiegen" (If I had a scale I'd weigh something).
immer (ger) - always
immoror (l) - to tarry in, to stay at, to linger near + immor (imor) (gael) - very big.
wager - to contend for a prize
casket - money-box or 'chest'; a small box or chest for jewels, letters, or other things of value, itself often of valuable material and richly ornamented.
toties testes quoties questus (l) - how often complaints, so often witnesses (a witness will appear each time a complaint is made).
maple - any of the trees or shrubs of the genus Acer, flourishing in northern temperate regions, many of which are grown for shade or ornament, some valued for their wood, and some for a sugar product.
willow - any plant of the genus Salix, which consists of trees and shrubs of various sizes, widely distributed in temperate and cold regions, growing for the most part by the side of watercourses, characterized by very pliant branches and long narrow drooping leaves.
hickory - a North American tree of the genus Carya, closely allied to the walnut, with tough heavy wood.
yew - a tree of the genus Taxus (N.O. Coniferæ) widely distributed in the North Temperate Zone, esp. T. baccata, the common yew of Europe and Asia, having heavy elastic wood and dense dark-green foliage; often planted in churchyards, and regarded as symbolic of sadness.
chirrup - Of birds, etc.: To chirp, esp. with a more sustained and lively effect, approaching to twittering or warbling.