verdict - the decision of a jury in a civil or criminal cause upon an issue which has been submitted to their judgement.
nolens (l) - being unwilling + nolens volens (l) - willing or unwilling.
bruma (l) - winter, midwinter
whereon - following which
pick out - to take out by picking
tribunal - a court of justice; a judicial assembly
scotfree - exempt from injury, punishment, etc.
tomme lommer (Danish) - empty pockets
tunic - a garment resembling a shirt or gown, worn by both sexes among the Greeks and Romans; In modern costume. A close, usually plain body-coat.
therein under - after, before, below in that document, statute, etc.
show off - to display with ostentation or pride
an't - ain't
plase (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - please
rael (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - real
genteel - a genteel person; a gentleman (obs.)
Swiss - native to, or coming from, Switzerland + The Swiss Guard are the Pope's own troops.
bobby - policeman + bodyguard - a guard for the person (esp. of a sovereign or dignitary); a retinue or escort.
curial - of or pertaining to a royal court, courtly + The Curia (Lat, "court") Romana comprises the administrative and judicial institutions of the Roman Catholic Church.
courtlike - elegant, courtly
commodo valeo (l) - I am seasonably well + quomodo valeo (l) - how I am well, how am I well + commodo (l) - seasonably, in time + quomodo (l) - how? + vale (l) - be well + valeo (l) - I am strong, I am well + Quomodo vales hodie, Arator generose? (l) - How fares your health today, noble gentleman? (Motif: How are you today, my dark/fair sir?).
heri (l) - yesterday + O'Hara
firewater - strong alcoholic beverage
raudonas (Lithuanian) - red + Rhodanum (l) - the Rhône river.
Thomas Aquinas
clap clap - the sharp sound, applause + cap - head.
gush (Slang) - smell
burner - the part of lamp or other fluid burning device where the flame is produced + Gas from a burner. [Trieste]: s.n., 1912. Joyce had this broadside printed in Trieste, where he was living at the time, and sent it to his brother Charles to distribute in Dublin. It is a highly personal attack on the publisher who refused to print Dubliners + REFERENCE
advocatess - a female advocate
brief - a formal or official letter, concise statement of a client's case made for instruction of counsel in a trial at law.
Krieg (ger) - war
shun - to shove, push
soccer - the game of football as played under Association rules
poser - one who poses (to assume a certain attitude)
impromptu - without preparation or premeditation; off-hand, on the spur of the moment.
rightaway - at once, immediately, strightaway
hame = home + make a hames of (Anglo-Irish) - make a mess of.
gratias agamus (l) - let us give thanks + (notebook 1924): 'Gratzagam' → gratiasagam (grot'esogum) (gael) - nickname for St. Patrick, from his reiteration of Latin gratias agamus (when King Daire presented Saint Patrick with the gift of a cauldron, the latter is said, according to the former's retelling, to have answered 'Gratzacham' as thanks, from Latin Gratias agamus: Let us give thanks).
donatrices (l) - pl. of donatrix (a female donor or donator)
viz - videlicet
dingy - dirty, shabby
venuson... dovetimid - [allusion to Aeneas] son of Venus (and Anchises). Doves are associated with Venus (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).
Esau - brother of Jacob, who sold his birthright (for a 'mess of pottage'); one that sacrifices permanent for immediate temporary interest. When Isaac was old and blind, he sent Esau to hunt and bring him venison. On Rebecca's advice, Jacob (a smooth man) put on a goatskin and carried venison to his father, who said, "The voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau."
dear - dear one, darling + phrase timid as a deer.
at bottom - in reality + bottom - the sitting part of a man, the posteriors + William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream I.2.75: 'BOTTOM:... I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove'.
shat - p. of shit (to defecate) + sat - p. of sit.
chasser (French Slang) - to flirt
conclamo (l) - to cry together; to call to arms
gift of the gab - a talent for speaking, fluency of speech
farver (Danish) - colours
gridando (it) - shouting
hon - sweetheart, dear; honourable + honte (fr) - shame.
verge (fr. slang) - penis + vergogna! (it) - shame!
naire (nare) (gael) - shame
putor - foul smell, stench + pudor (l) - shame.
skam (Danish) - shame
artha (hind.) - wealth or property; the pursuit of wealth (one of four traditional aims in life).
kama (hind.) - pleasure and love
dharma (hind.) - moral law, justice, righteousness, ideal truth, nature
moksa (hind.) - salvation of finite existence
kavya - poetic composition in Sanskrit
kay = key
plaint - audible expression of sorrow, lamentation
plause - applause + plausy (Anglo-Irish) - flattery (from Anglo-Irish plás).
litter - odds and ends + litir (lit'ir) (gael) - letter + letter
sooner the better
eyebrow pencil - a kind of crayon or pencil-like stick of colouring matter, for tinting the eye-brows, eyelashes, or lips, for theatrical or cosmetic purposes.
lipstick + stipple - the method of painting, engraving, etc. by means of dots or small spots, so as to produce gradations of tone.
penned - written (with a pen)
borrow - to make temporary use of (words, idioms, etc.) from a foreign language or people.
beg the question - to fail to deal with or answer effectively the point that is being discussed.
steal one's thunder - to adapt for one's own ends something effective + tinder - fire; a spark.
Rosaleen, Dark - personification of Ireland, like Poor Old Woman, Cathleen Ni Houlihan, etc. Mangan's poem begins, "My dark Rosaleen, do not sigh, do not weep..."
louche (fr) - squint
the beam in one's eye - a blemish as palpable as a house beam + Thomas Moore: song Lesbia Hath a Beaming Eye.
lone - solitary, lonesome
J. J. Callanan's poem, "Gougane Barra" ('There is a green island in lone Gougane Barra / Where Allua of songs rushes forth like an arrow') + Barry, Kevin (1902-20) - the first Republican to be executed by the British since the leaders of the Easter Rising. Barry was sentenced to death for his part in an IRA operation which resulted in the deaths of three British soldiers. A ballad bearing his name, relating the story of his execution, is popular to this day + song The Arrow and the Song.
anagram - a transposition of the letters of a word, name, or phrase, whereby a new word or phrase is formed + Ingram, John Kells (1823-1907) - Irish poet, author of "The Memory of the Dead," which begins: "Who fears to speak of ' 98?/Who blushes at the name?"
Sullivan, T. D. - wrote "God Save Ireland," sung to the tune of "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp." Joyce may confuse him with his brother, A. M. Sullivan, also a versifier.
trumpet - to announce or publish as by sound of trumpet; to proclaim, celebrate, or extol loudly.
Dufferin, Lady (1807-67)
- R. B. Sheridan's granddaughter, author of "Lament of the Irish Emigrant," which begins: "I am sitting on
the stile, Mary."
Kathleen Mavourneen - in the song "Kathleen Mavourneen": "It may be for years and it may be forever. . ." + mavourneen (Anglo-Irish) - my darling.
mebbe - maybe
Curran, John Philpot (1750-1817) - Irish lawyer, defended several United Irishmen, father of Sarah Curran, author of "Mother Machree".
mo chreatuir (mukhretur) (gael) - my [poor] creature + machree (Anglo-Irish) - my heart.
Philadelphia - ("brotherly love") was an ancient city of Asia Minor, is the capital of Pennsylvania to which Irish emigrants like Paddy Leary, in "Off to Philadelphia," used to go + Ptolemy II Philadelphus (308-264 B.C.) - second Macedonian king of Egypt, founded Library at Alexandria.
leery - alert, knowing, wide awake; empty, hungry + Leary, Paddy - subject of song "Off to Philadelphia in the Morning."
Lover, Samuel (1797-1868) - Irish songwriter and novelist; wrote song Molly Bawn.
molly - a pampered darling
saunter - a leisurely, careless, loitering walk or ramble; a stroll + song The Bowld Sojer Boy.
O'Fionnagain (o'finegan) (gael) - descendant of Fionnagan (dim. of Fionn, "fair"); anglic. Finnegan + song Finnegan's Wake (originally 'Tim Finigan's Wake', written in the early 1860's in New York City by John F. Poole, American-Irish playwright, songwriter and theatre manager).
soul + samhail (souwil) (gael) - ghost, apparition + phrase More power to your elbow!