exute - to strip (a person) of, to divest of + exutio (l) - an exclusion + [a venia] exutio (eccl. l) - they who are excluded from divine forgivenness, the utterly reprobate (St. Ambrose) + exutoire (fr) - outlet, release [(notebook 1924): 'exutoire'].

fluor - a flow or flowing; pl. = flowers

sparse - to spread or disseminate (a rumour, doctrine, etc.) + speach

(notebook 1924): 'had the vocabulary royal Irish -' (dash dittoes 'vocabulary')

Peter, Jack, Martin - in Swift's Tale of a Tub, they are the Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran churches. In FW they are also the Three. 

suet - suit


copperas - protosulphates of copper, iron and zinc

unaccountably - inexplicably

crystallization - the action of forming crystals, or of assuming a crystalline structure.

alum - a whitish transparent mineral salt, crystallizing in octahedrons + Adam

to strike fire - to produce (fire, a spark) by percussion, esp. by the percussion of flint and steel + Joyce's note: 'stick fire' + lit. Feuer anzustecken (ger) - to light a fire.

in fact + feacht (fyokht) (geal) - turn, time, occasion.

drip - Of a person or object: To have moisture or liquid falling off in drops; to be so copiously wet or saturated with as to shed drops; to complain, grumble.

pipkin - a small earthenware pot or pan, used chiefly in cookery

coold = cold

crown lawyer - a lawyer in the service of the Crown; a lawyer who practises in criminal cases.

P.C. - police constable 

Robert (Slang) - a policeman

alias + FDV: It was attempted to show that having come to rubbed some dirt on his face to disguise himself he was at the door fair of a Monday with a pig this animal ate some of the doorpost, King selling it because it ______ ate the woodwork off her sty. An eyewitness said he remembered the fifth of November [which was going to go down in the annals of history] & one thing that particularly struck him was he saw or heard unquestionably a man named Pat O'Donnell beat & murder another of the Kings, Simon, but when the ambush was laid there was not as much light as wd light dim a child's altar and to the perplexedly uncondemnatory bench, the first King, Festy, declared through his interperter on his oath & before God & their honours that he did not fire a stone either before or after he was born up to that day & this he supplemented had the neck to supplement in the same language by postasserting that he wd impart he might never ask to see sight or light of this world or the next world [or any other world] if ever he took or threw the sign of a stone either before or after being baptised up to that blessed & holy hour.

crowbar - an iron bar with a wedge-shaped end + crowbar brigade (Slang) - Irish constabulary.

milk + melecky (Arabic) - king + melekh (Hebrew) - king.

impersonate - to represent in a personal or bodily form; to personify; to play the part of.

pieces + pix (l) - tar.

peat moss - moss from which peat is forming

pluck (Anglo-Irish) = pluc (pluk) (geal) - cheek

puss (Anglo-Irish) = pus (Irish) = pusa (puse) (geal) - lips, mouth

clane = clean

Middle White - a Yorkshire breed of pig

(notebook 1924): 'Eng. villages / White Ladies Aston / Martyr Worthy / Swine / Foulmire / Mucking / Mudford / Barton in the Beans / Great Snoring / Eggbuckland / Toft Monks / Nether Wallop / Toller Porcorum / Huish Champflower'.

of (Dublin Colloquial) - on (when referring to days of the week)

thoor (Anglo-Irish) - tower

feast + feis (fesh) (geal) - festival, convention.

peeler (Slang) - policeman

rab (rob) (geal) - hog

Anthony - the patron saint of swine heards + Anthony (Slang) - smallest or favourite pig of a litter.

telephone book - a book containing an alphabetical list of the names, addresses, and numbers of telephone subscribers.

allegedly - in an alleged manner (cited, quoted, asserted but not proved)

pedigree - having a pedigree or recorded line of descent

unlicensed - unauthorized by license, lawless

hyacinth - bulbous plant with bell-shaped six-parted flowers, of various colours

cry crack - to give up, to desist

paddle wheel - a wheel used for propelling a boat or ship + song Paddy Whack (This old man, he played one, / He played knick-knack on my thumb. / With a knick-knack, paddy whack, / Give a dog a bone, / This old man came rolling home.) + paddywhack - a spank or spanking.

trifling - frivolous, trivial, insignificant

amidst - in or into the middle or centre of

greybeard - an old man

suckling - an infant that is at the breast or is unweaned; a young animal that is suckled; esp. a sucking calf.

pauper - a person destitute of property or means of livelihood, a beggar.

matron - a married woman, usu. with the accessory idea of (moral or social) rank or dignity.

meg - woman, a country girl, boisterous woman

meddle - the action of meddling; a medley + middle

convene - to come together, to assemble; to cause to come together, to convoke [(notebook 1924): 'convened'].

pastoral - of or pertaining to shepherds or their occupation

muck - the dung of cattle (usually mixed with decomposing vegetable refuse) used for manure + muc (muk) (geal) - pig.

Joyce's note: 'looked me in face'

attend - to present oneself, for the purpose of taking some part in the proceedings, at a meeting for business, worship, instruction, entertainment; to turn the mind to, give consideration or pay heed to, regard, consider. 

larry - confusion, noise, excitement

despite - in spite of

distinctly - clearly, plainly, unmistakably

scattery - scattered, marked by scattering

bally - bloody (a vague epithet expressing anger, resentment, detestation) + Ballybricken Green in Waterford City was once a suburb where lived the pigjobbers who purchased the pigs for Waterford's bacon factories (John Garvin) + (notebook 1924): 'Ballybricken pigs (Waterford)' Freeman's Journal 3 May 1924, 10/6: 'By the Way': 'Not far from the picturesque and busy Quay at Waterford is the far-famed Ballybricken, the heart of the bacon industry, and the home of the best-known body of pig-buyers in Ireland'.

cock of the walk - one that dominates a group or situation esp. overbaringly

the fancy (Slang) - prizefighting

main - a principal channel, duct, or conductor for conveying water, sewage, etc. along the street of a town + mains (Slang) - cockfights.

doorway - the opening or passage which a door serves to close or open; the space in a wall occupied by a door and its adjuncts + Weg (ger) = weg (Dutch) - way + doorweg (Dutch) - way through.

pikey - a vagrant, a tramp (i.e. King)

ratepayer - taxpayer + the gentleman that (or who) pays the rent - a pig.

sty - an enclosed place where swine are kept, usually a low shed with an uncovered forecourt + {Festy}

(notebook 1924): 'stragglestreet'

TROY - Ancient Troia, Ilion, on Ilium; city in the Troas, North-West Asia Minor, South of Dardanelles, modern Hissarlik; Troia, It "sow," slang "whore" + Hic Stat Troia (l) - Here Stands Troy + qui sta Troia (it) - here is Troy + questa troia! (it) - what a whore! + trņia (it) - sow.

to pay off - to give all that is owing to and thus settle accounts with

doubloon - a Spanish gold coin (33 to 36 shillings)

arrear - moneys due, debts

villain - Originally, a low-born base-minded rustic; a man of ignoble ideas or instincts; in later use, an unprincipled or depraved scoundrel; a man naturally disposed to base or criminal actions, or deeply involved in the commission of disgraceful crimes [(notebook 1924): 'villain'].

rumbler - one who makes a rumbling noise

rent - a tribute, tax, or similar charge, levied by or paid to a person

anon - soon, in a short time, in a little while; at once, instantly

Wesleyan - of or pertaining to Wesley or his (methodist) teaching

plain clothes - unofficial clothes

situate - situated

null null (ger) - zero zero, sign for toilet

peagreen - (of) a colour like that of fresh green peas, a nearly pure but not deep green.

sullenly - in a sullen manner, with gloomy or morose ill-humour