boosy - an ox- or cow-stall, a crib + boos (Dutch) - angry + Wilde affectionately called Lord Afred Douglas 'Bosie'.
feeler - Biol. One of the organs with which certain animals are furnished, for trying by the touch objects with which they come in contact, or for searching for food. slang. That with which one feels + feeler (Slang) - hand.
beggar's bush - a bush under which a beggar finds shelter + BEGGARSBUSH - The area of Dublin in the vicinity of the present Ballsbridge, on the Dublin-Blackrock Road. Near the present Haddington Road was once a large bush where beggars congregated and often ambushed travelers.
At Trinity Church I Met My Doom (song): 'I was an M-U-G'
Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies: song: We May Roam through This World [air: Garryone]
maroon - to put (a person) ashore and leave him on a desolate island or coast (as was done by the buccaneers and pirates) by way of punishment; to place or leave in a position from which one cannot escape + Joyce's note: 'maroon (marine)'.
world + Oscar Wilde.
Lord Ardilaun of Guinness's
wappin - obs. Sc. form of weapon + wapping (Cant) - copulating, fornicating + Waffenstillstand (ger) = wapenstilstand (Dutch) - armistice.
pip - to reject or disqualify + Pipette + Ppt (motif).
retrousse - turned up + retroussé (fr) - Of skirts: Tucked up.
Frosch (ger) - frog + thrush.
flounce - a strip of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim
gunner - one who goes shooting game (Sometimes used contemptuously in contradistinction to sportsman) + 'The cat came back... thought he was a gonner' (song).
corkiness - state or quality of being 'corky' (fig. Light, trifling, frivolous; buoyant, lively.) + 'corkiness' of sherry.
joy (Dublin Slang) - ale from Mountjoy Brewery
fino - the driest Spanish sherry + fino (sp) - fine; Of sherry: Dry.
oloroso - a sherry of golden color and medium sweetnes + oloroso (sp) - odorous; Of sherry: Sweet + doloroso (sp) - sorrowful + FDV: lets spy on that old honeysuckler after His Corkiness Exexex paid for the 3 bottles of joy, and his fine fino oloroso.
am I right?
freer - one who frees or sets free; obs. and Sc. dial. form of friar + Brown Friars.
dolour - mental pain or suffering; sorrow, grief
fine + O Sole Mio (song).
idly - in an idle or lazy way
SEAPOINT - Residental area between Blackrock and Monkstown, South-East of Dublin.
neath - beneath
each + the ilk - the same person or persons.
eke - an addition, increase; a piece added on
anathema + anthem's.
banned - cursed; prohibited, forbidden
hofft (ger) - hopes + hoofd (Dutch) - head.
welkin - the apparent arch or vault of heaven overhead; the sky, the firmament + welchem (ger) - to which + welken (ger) - wilt + welcome.
varsel (Danish) - warning + wassail - to drink plentiful amounts of alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way.
Holy Mary + The Holly and the Ivy (song) + FDV: Were you there, holly and ivy, where you were when he? Did Can you climb the yon creeper's wall? cling Cling to it, remember now mantling mantle him, the then Yule remember me. O. Why were Were you in the your prickly hedges, redcoat robin robins, roundface chumberries? Answer by your numbers. 1 to 3. Were you then, in the eyeful hollow in hollow deeping [in deeping lane]?
hoer (Dutch) - whore
Atkins = Tommy Atkins - familiar form of Thomas Atkins, as a name for the typical private soldier in the British army + Fred Atkins - a blackmailer at Oscar Wilde's trial.
trooper - a soldier in a troop of cavalry, a horse soldier
mounded - having the form of a mound; heaped up into a mound
wolken - obs. ff. welkin (a cloud; the sky, the firmament) + Wolken (German) = wolken (Dutch) - clouds.
umber - a brown earth used as a pigment; also, the colour of this
fulmen - a thunderbolt; thunder, esp. as the attribute of Jupiter + Joyce's note: fulminating silver → Freeman’s Journal 23 May 1924-8/5: By the Way […] King Billy Again.[…] At midnight, on the night of 7th April [1836], a light appeared suddenly on the side of the statue, and a few minutes afterwards the figure of the King was blown several feet into the air, accompanied by a deafening explosion […] The mutilated representative of his Majesty was next day conveyed to College street Police Station, where an investigation was held. No important information, however, was elicited but a hole being found bored in the horse. It was sapiently concluded that “gun-powder or fulminating silver” had been employed. MS 47482a-42v, ILA: ^+the [fullmenb???] ^+[fulmenbomb]+^. Full+^| JJA 60:102 | Oct-Nov 1925 | (Mikio Fuse and Robbert-Jan Henkes)
number two (Slang) - defecation
mean - moderate in amount, or in degree of excellence
pitter - pit a pat (succession of light rapid pats); to make a rapid repetition of a monosyllabic sound in quality approaching short i, as in the sound made by the grasshopper, or by a thin stream of water running over stones.
sprinkling - fig. A small or slight quantity or amount.
tingle + Treackle Tom.
pall (Slang) - stop + pull.
dell - a deep natural hollow or vale of no great extent, the sides usually clothed with trees or foliage + "In the early Egyptian version of the myth, Budge writes, Isis finally discovers the body of Osiris in the papyrus swamps of the Nile Delta. Also in FW, Isis searches through the delta: "Izzy's busy down the dell!" (Mark L. Troy)
Mizpah - an expression or token of association ('The Lord watch between me and thee'), esp. used attrib. to designate an ornament with 'Mizpah' inscribed upon it, as given by a lover + mitspeh (Hebrew) - watchtower.
number one (Slang) - urination
humidity - moistness, dampness + humility.
misled - led astray, misguided, ill-conducted
peerless - unequalled, matchless + peeress - the wife of a peer.
mistletoe + listen to.
noel - a Christmas carol + now
esch - obs. Sc. form of ash + esh (Hebrew) - fire.
dulce (l) - sweetly + Book of Common Prayer: Burial of the Dead: 'Ashes to ashes, dust to dust'.
arrah - exp. of surprise or excitement + Boucicault: Arrah-na-Pogue.
pogue - a bag, purse, wallet or container + Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies: song: Oh! Arranmore, Lov'd Arranmore [air: Killdroughalt Fair].
Edmund Burke
O'Brien, William Smith - leader of the Irish insurrection of 1848
rowantree - the mountain ash, Pyrus Aucuparia + Archibald Hamilton Rowan - United Irishman.
corneltree - the Cornelian cherry tree + Daniel O'Connell.
windy - Of places, etc.: Full of, exposed to, blown upon or through by the wind + WINDY ARBOUR - District, South-East Dublin, North of Dundrum. Site of Central Mental Hospital.
arbour - a garden of fruit-trees, an orchard
Mac an Ghoill (mok ungil) (gael) - son of the foreigner; anglic. Gill
dendron (gr) - tree + megalodendron (gr) - big tree.
mór (Irish) - big
trembled + Were You There When They Crucified My Lord? (song): 'tremble, tremble, tremble'.
humbly - in a humble manner; with humility, meekly
stoppress - (of an issue of a newspaper or a particular column), containing late news inserted after printing has begun
Urwald (ger) - jungle + Illustrated Sunday Herald - London paper + FDV: when they read heard the stoppress in to from the their Someday's Herold.
FDV: Tiss! Two little pretty mistletoes mistletots, ribboned to a tree, up stood liberator and, fancy, they were free. Four witty missywives, winking under hoods, made lasses & lads like maypoleriding & dotted the green with tricksome couples, fifty fifty, their children's childern's hundred. The childish pence took care of their parent parents pounds and money made money the usual way of the world and roads rushroads to riches crossed slums of the poor lice & he put forged himself a head ahead like a blazing urbanorb, brewing trouble to drown grief, giving & taking mayo and tuam, playing milliards with his three golden balls, making his capital grow out of landed selfinterest, light on the a slavey & but weighty on the bourse, with his sons our huge commercial emporial, with his sons booing him from afar and his daughters bridling up by at his side.
mistletoe - parasitic plant of Europe, Viscum album (N.O. Loranthaceć), growing on various trees (in Britain, frequently on the apple-tree, rarely on the oak) and bearing a glutinous fruit, from which a birdlime is prepared. This plant was held in veneration by the Druids, esp. when found growing on the oak. It is still used in England in Christmas decorations, a bunch of it being commonly hung from the ceiling of a room or hall.
witty - crafty, cunning, artful
missy - pertaining to, resembling, or characteristic of a miss or young lady