marinus (l) - pertaining to the sea + Marinuzza (it) - diminutive of Marina + marine blue.
ion eidos (gr) - like a violet + (7 colours of rainbow).
debauch - to seduce (a woman) from chastity
Charles Haliday - author of The Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin
sacrilege - violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred
Michael Cerularius (d. 1058) - patriarch of Constantinople under whom final breach was made between Greek and Latin Churches despite mediation of Constantine Monomachos (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).
vulgo - commonly, popularly
curate (Irish) - publican's assistant + FDV: Gillia has been early debauched by Honuphrius and Magravius knows that Anita has formerly committed double sacrilege with Micheal, a subst perpetual curate who wishes to seduce Eugenius.
molest - to pester or harass (someone), typically in an aggressive or persistent manner
sulla - a leguminous plant, Hedysarum coronarium (also called French honeysuckle), with flowers resembling those of the red clover, found in some Mediterranean countries + Sulla, Lucius Cornelius (138-78 B.C.) - bloodthirsty Roman dictator, who watched a strangling on his deathbed + *Y*.
orthodox - holding right or correct opinions, i.e. such as are currently accepted as correct, or are in accordance with some recognized standard; the specific epithet of the Eastern Church.
mercenary - one who receives payment for his services; chiefly, and now exclusively, a professional soldier serving a foreign power
Sullani (l) - partisans of Sulla + Sullivani (l) - Sullivans + O'Suileabhain (o'sulevan) (gael) - descendant of Suil-dubhan ("black-eyed"); anglic. Sullivan + *O*.
procure - to obtain (women) for the gratification of lust + Tristan wished to procure Isolde for King Mark.
Gregorius (l) - "Shepherly": name of 16 popes
Leo (l) - "Lion" (beast of Mark)
Vitellius, Aulus - Roman emperor from 2 January to 22 December 69. "Viteilus" means veal or calf in old Latin, and the name is applied to Luke Tarpey who, as St Luke, is symbolized by ox or calf (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).
Mac Dubhghaill (mok dugil) (gael) - son of Dubhghall ("black-foreigner," i.e., Dane).
excavator - a person who removes earth carefully and systematically from an archaeological site in order to find buried remains
render - to provide (a service) + FDV: Magravius threatens to have Anita molested by Sulla, a bandit, who desires to procure Felicia, if he will not yield to him and also deceive Honuphrius by rendering duty when demanded.
lewdness - the trait of behaving in an obscene manner + FDV: Anita, who has claims to have discovered incestuous temptations from Jeremias & Eugenius, would yield to the lewdness of Honuphrius in order to save the virginity of Felicia for Margravius when converted by Micheal after the death of Gillia, though she fears that by doing so wishing to allow him marital rights she will encourage provoke reprehensible conduct between Eugenius & Jeremias.
appease - to pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands
mercenariness - the quality of being mercenary (Of persons: Working merely for the sake of monetary or other reward; actuated by considerations of self-interest).
Gilbert, Stuart - helped translate Ulysses into French, wrote James Joyce's Ulysses (1930), in which the elaborate scheme of Ulysses was first published. Gilbert and Budgen wrote the two best books about Ulysses + J.T. Gilbert: History of Dublin.
dispense - to release from an obligation + FDV: Micheal, who has formerly debauched Anita, warns her particularly against dispenses her yielding to Honuphrius who pretends publicly to possess her in all manners for his Carnal pleasure hygiene whenever he has rendered himself impotent for consummation by subdolence
conjunct - the action of joining together (obs.); marriage union (obs.)
thirty-nine articles of Anglican Church (High Church of England)
turpiter (l) - ignominous, scandalous, infamous
ex cathedrâ - 'from the chair', i.e. in the manner of one speaking from the seat of office or professorial chair, with authority + ex cathedris (l) - from the chairs.
geront (gr) - old man + gerontes (pl.) (l) - old men; senators.
Cambronses (pl.) (l) - of Cambronne (le mot de Cambronne = "merde") + Giraldus Cambrensis (l) - Gerald of Wales, chronicler (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake)
consummate - to complete marriage by sexual intercourse
subdolus (l) - sly, shrewd, crafty + subdolens (l) - somewhat painful + subdolentia (l) - moderate pain + indolence - inactivity resulting from a dislike of work.
comminate - to threaten (with Divine vengeance), anathematize
reserve - Eccl. To set apart, keep back (cases for absolution) to be dealt with by a superior authority. Const. to, for.
Guglielmus (l) - William
pious fraud - a deception practised for the furtherance of what is considered a good object; esp. for the advancement of religion
affrication - 'rubbing upon or against' (obs. rare.); the conversion (of a sound) into an affricate (a speech sound comprising occlusion, plosion, and frication, as either of the ch- sounds in church and the j- sound in joy.).
wadding - any loose, fibrous material for use as a padding, stuffing, quilting, etc. Now chiefly, cotton-wool formed into a fleecy layer + Wadding, Luke (1588-1657) - Irish Franciscan, historian, author of the Annales Minorum.
nullity - the condition of being null or nought; a state of nothingness + FDV: & comminates her with reserving her case for the ordinary even should she practise pious fraud during affrication which, from experience she knows to be inefficacious a nullity.
vitellus (l) - calf (beast of Luke)
reunite - to come together or cause to come together again after separation or disunity
depravity - perversion of the moral faculties; corruption, viciousness, abandoned wickedness
turpissimus (masc.), turpissima (fem.) (l) - most foul, most filthy, most shameful
Canicula (l) - "Little Bitch": the lesser dogstar, Canis Minor
simoniac - a buyer or seller of benefices, ecclesiastical preferments, or other spiritual things + "Every night as I gazed up at the window I said softly to myself the word paralysis. It had always sounded strangely in my ears, like the word gnomon in the Euclid and the word simony in the Catechism." (The Sisters) + Simony is the practice of trading in spiritual goods; Dante places the Simonists in the Eight Circle of Hell. Father Purdon's sermon, which will no doubt coax a pound or two from the newly spiritualised accountants, is a case of simony in the traditional sense. The politicians who traffic in votes, influence and memory of Parnell (Ivy Day in the Committee Room) are simonists by extension. Writers who use their artistic gifts for profit are simonists too... + "Simony" is named after Simon Magus also known as Simon the Sorcerer.
abnegate - to renounce or reject (something desired or valuable) + abnegans (l) - being unwilling, refusing + FDV: Fortissa, however, encourages Anita by describing the chastisements of Honuphrius and the depravities of Canicula, the deceased wife of Mauritius with Sulla, who repents.
hegemony - leadership, predominance, preponderance + FDV: Has he hegemony & shall she submit?
lex (l) - law + lax - a salmon.
bradan = "salmon" (Irish)
in the goods of (Legalese phrase) - Indicates the name of a lawsuit brought in connection with the proving of a will.
Thomas Chatterton - (1752-1770), English poet
lay - Of persons: Belonging to the 'people' as contradistinguished from the clergy; non-professional, not expert, esp. with reference to law and medicine + lay reader - layman authorised to read public service of Anglican church, omitting absolution and benediction, and read sermons not of his composition + ladies and gentlemen.
umbrella - Of words, names, etc.: covering a number of meanings or associated terms; general, catch-all + (umbrella is a contraceptive symbol) + (umbrella-like lotus of the world arising from the sleeping god's umbilicus in Hindu mythology).