Gemini - a mild form of oath or exclamation
FDV: What is the view which now takes up
second position, tell it, please? You notice it in that
rereway because the male
partially masks the female
famcovert. It is called
for its discord the meseedi
meseedo. Do you ever
hear the story of
about Helyus Croesus,
gold and white
white and gold Elephant
amid our
zoopark? You
astonish me by it. Is it not that we have here from back, woman permitting,
a profusely fine birdseye view from beauhind this park?
Finn's park has been much the admiration
of many
of the strangers
stranger ones, Greekish & romanos,
who arrive to here. The road in
down the centre (see
map) bisects
bisexes the park which is said to be
the largest of its kind in the world. Towards
On the
right prominence you
confronts you the handsome viceregal lodge while,
turning to
turn we the other [supreme piece of]
cheek, exactly opposite is the equally handsome chief secreatory residence.
discordance - disagreement, want of concord + (MARK'S VIEW).
entail - land received by fee tail + FDV: You notice it in that way rereway because the male imposition entail partially masks the female famcovert.
eclipse - fig. To cast a shadow upon, throw into the shade.
feme covert - a woman under cover or protection of her husband; a married woman
In fixed-do system of solmisation, mi=E, si=B (or H in German terminology), do=C; therefore, mi-si-do = EHC + Joyce's marginal note from previous page: HCE - CEH / Sodomy - EHC / ____ - HCE + FDV: It is called for its discord the meseedi meseedo.
helios (gr) - sun + Tim Healy, Irish Governor-General.
Creosus - the Latin form of the name of a king of Lydia in the sixth century b.c., who was famous for his riches
white elephant - a rare albino variety of elephant which is highly venerated in some Asian countries; fig. A burdensome or costly possession (from the story that the kings of Siam were accustomed to make a present of one of these animals to courtiers who had rendered themselves obnoxious, in order to ruin the recipient by the cost of its maintenance).
zoo in Phoenix Park + FDV: Do you ever hear the story of about Helyus Croesus, only the gold and white white and gold Elephant in amid our zoo zoopark?
command a full view (notebook 1923)
fullback - (Football), position in the field behind the other 'backs'.
profusely - in profusion or abundance; wastefully, lavishly
behind + beau (fr) - handsome (masculine) + FDV: You astonish me by it. Is it not that we have here from back, woman permitting, a profusely fine birdseye view from beauhind this park?
Grekish - obs. ff. Greekish (Greek, Grecian) + FDV: It Finn's park has been much the admiration of many all of the strangers stranger ones, Greekish & romanos, who arrive to here.
relief map - a map model with elevations and depressions representing hills and valleys, typically on an exaggerated relative scale. + REFERENCE
bisect - to cut or divide into two equal parts + FDV: The road in down the centre (see map) bisects bisexes the park which is said to be the largest of its kind in the world.
prominence - that which is prominent, a protuberance
confound - to throw into confusion of mind or feelings
sacristan - the sexton of a parish
church (obs. or arch.) + FDV: Towards
On the
right prominence you
confronts you the handsome viceregal lodge while,
turning to
turn we the other [supreme piece of]
cheek, exactly opposite is the equally handsome chief secreatory residence.
amiably - lovably, agreeably, so as to attract love or admiration (obs.)
tufted - Of plants: Growing in dense clumps or tufts.
bewonder - to wonder at, regard wonderingly, admire
boskage - a mass of growing trees or shrubs
frisco - a brisk movement in dancing, a caper + alfresco - taking place or located in the open air.
enliven - to make 'lively' or cheerful; to impart liveliness to, relieve the monotony of, diversify agreeably (circumstances, conditions) + Warburton, Whitelaw & Walsh: A History of the City of Dublin II 1311: (country round Phoenix Park is) 'highly embellished with country seats'.
housing - a house or building
hundredary = hundreder - the bailiff or chief officer of a hundred.
super (l) - over + above ten thousand (people).
have reason - to be right (esp. in making a statement) (obs.)
wort - a plant, herb, or vegetable, used for food or medicine + talord (Danish) = Zahlwort (German) - numeral.
jointoil - a transparent viscid lubricating fluid
papoose - a young North American Indian child
paynim - a pagan, a heathen; a non-Christian; esp. a Muslim, a Saracen (arch. and poetic.)
tis (Czech) - yew-tree + it is.
firtree + membrum virile (l) - penis.
Tannenbaum (ger) - pine-tree + boom (Dutch) - tree.
rood (Archaic) - representation of the cross on which Jesus died + rood (Dutch) - red.
norland - the north-country, the land in the north
FDV: The black & blue markings indicate the presence of sylvan sylvious belts beltings. Grassrides [hereabouts herearound] lend themselves out for rustic cavalry cavalries. Some Any pretty deers are to be caught inside. A daisy dandelion now shows the site when a first murder formerly a the first murder took were wanted to take place. Some An Some hystorical [leaves leavings leavesdroppings] may also be gathered garnered up with [[Sir] Shemus] Swiftpatrick [at in archfieldchaplain of Saint Lucan's.]
athwart - from side to side of, transversely over; across in various directions, all over
weald - a wooded district or an open country
sylvan - relating to or characteristic of wooded regions; a spirit that lives in or frequents the woods + serious
belting - beating, thrashing + beings.
therewithal - along with or together with that; besides, or in addition to that
shady - shaded, protected by shade
roads + FDV: Grassrides [hereabouts herearound] lend themselves out for rustic cavalry cavalries.
rustic - of or pertaining to the country (as opposed to the town) + Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana (Rustic Chivalry).
sprite - a supernatural, incorporeal, rational being, usually regarded as imperceptible at ordinary times to the human senses, but capable of becoming visible at pleasure, and freq. conceived as troublesome, terrifying, or hostile to mankind + Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies: song: The Mountain Sprite: 'In yonder valley there dwelt, alone' [air: The Mountain Sprite].
deers + FDV: Some Any pretty deers are to be caught inside.
beauty + cities of the plain (of Jordan) - Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim and Zoar.
plain - an expression of pain, grief, or discontent + pain + (notebook 1924): 'quiet little city of the plain' → Connacht Tribune 29 Mar 1924, 4/7: 'Mountbellow Agricultural Show': 'The number of visitors to the show stood at 4,000 in 1923. It is hoped to double this number in 1924. It is a credit to the "quiet little city of the plain" that it is capable of achieving so much by initiative, energy, and enthusiasm'.
scarlet pimpernel - A small plant (Anagallis arvensis) of the primrose family, with scarlet flowers that close in rainy or cloudy weather (PICTURE); the name assumed by the hero of a series of novels by Baroness Orczy (1865-1947), a dashing but elusive Englishman who rescued potential victims of the French Reign of Terror. He ties to the hidden, wily, elusive Parnell.
rules + "Is the strays world moving mound or what static babel is this, tell us?" [499.33-34]
take root - to settle properly in the ground; to spring from something + (Phoenix Park murders, 1882) + FDV: A daisy dandelion now shows the site when a first murder formerly a the first murder took were wanted to take place.
feud - Feudal Law. An estate in land (in England always a heritable estate), held on condition of homage and service to a superior lord, by whom it is granted and in whom the ownership remains.
Fingal - Finn's name in Macpherson's Ossian poems. Fingal is a Scottish hero who comes to Ireland and fights the Danes. The Irish called certain Norse invaders, fingal or fingall, meaning "fair stranger" + fionghal (Irish) - fratricide, the murder of a relative or fellow-tribesman.
talking tree Afr (Joyce's note) → Crawford: Back to the Long Grass 74: 'stately Mupundu tree with its genuine carved memorial in Africa by an African. "Talking trees," the native calls any such with a cut-out name on it' (Crawford found the tree with Livingstone’s name carved in it, and the date and place, with the characters grown and deformed over the years. Trees in Africa that have words carved into them are called ‘talking trees’).
historical + hysterikos (gr) - suffering in the womb; hysterical + (notebook 1924): 'hysteric historic'.
eavesdrop - the space of ground which is liable to receive the rain-water thrown off by the eaves of a building. Chiefly used with reference to the ancient custom or law which prohibited a proprietor from building at a less distance than two feet from the boundary of his land, lest he should injure his neighbour's land by 'eavesdrop'; to listen secretly to (conversation); formerly also, to listen within the 'eavesdrop' of (a house) + (Tristan sent carved bark and twigs into a stream as messages to Isolde).
garner - fig. To collect or deposit as in a garner, to make a store of + to garner up - to store or lay up.
Swift, Dean of Saint Patrick's Cathedral + FDV: Some An Some hystorical [leaves leavings leavesdroppings] may also be gathered garnered up with [[Sir] Shemus] Swiftpatrick [at in archfieldchaplain of Saint Lucan's.]
advenement (obs. rare.) - that which comes or happens; an event, incident + événements (fr) - events.
naked + snake eyes.
hoor eens! (Dutch) - listen!
FDV: At the lowest end mark is do not fail to see and to point to yourself a depression, called the Hollow. It is often quite gloomy gloamy and gives to bad thoughts to the head but the band of the Metropolitan Police Policingforcers plays bassoons into it on Satursday afternoons afternoon windy Woodensdays their wellsounding tones wolvertones.
bodom - obs. form of bottom + bod (bud) (gael) - penis.
fundus - Anat. The base or bottom of an organ, the part remote from the external aperture + fundus (l) - bottom; piece of land.
tvećgget (Danish) - double-edged
saxum (l) - stone + shy Asian.
guardeen - guardian + gairdin (gard'in) (gael) - garden + Gardinen (ger) - curtains.
astride - with one leg on each side, as when a person is on horseback + sit-astrides (Slang) - horse riders.