oft - often

OLD SARUM - North of Salisbury, England. Ancient British fortress, later town and bishopric; declined after New Sarum (Salisbury) built in 13th cent. Before the Reform Bill of 1832, Old Sarum sent members to Parliament but had no voters at all, the worst of the rotten boroughs + Sarah and Abraham. 

terminal - a terminal point of a railway, a place or town at which it has a terminus (orig. and chiefly U.S.).

cities + statio (l) - a standing still; station.

Railway companies servicing Dublin (Terminus; Province): Great Northern (Amiens Street; Ulster); Great Southern and Western (King's Bridge; Munster); Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford (Westland Row; Leinster); Midland Great Western (Broadstone; Connacht).

set up

minster - a monastery, a Christian religious house; the church of a monastery

pro and con - (now usu. in pl., pros and cons.) Reasons for and against; reasonings, arguments, statements, or votes on both sides of a question.

stave church - a church built with walls of upright planks or staves, of a type mainly built in Norway from the eleventh to the thirteenth century + kirk - the Northern English and Scotch form of the word church, in all its senses + Stavekirke - wooden church in Oslo.

nicely + Norse.

Roger de Hoveden says Henry II built outside Dublin 'a royal palace constructed with wonderful skill of peeled wands'.

Chattahoochee - river flowing through or along the borders of the U.S. states of Georgia, Alabama, and Florida

fest (ger) - solid + (notebook 1930): 'ere loose brick and free stone' ('loose' and 'free' are interpolated into the entry) The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Wellington', 513b: 'Wood was originally in favour as a building material, owing to the prevalence of earthquakes, but brick and stone subsequently took its place in the construction of the principal buildings'.

mason - to build of stone (or brick, etc.); to build up or strengthen with masonry + Freemasonry.

ark - to shut up in an ark (a chest, box, close basket, or similar receptacle; the large covered floating vessel in which Noah was saved at the Deluge; hence fig. a place of refuge).

covenanter - one who covenants or enters into a covenant with others + ark of covenant

shinner - one who 'shins round', an active person + sinners + Shinner (Slang) - member of Sinn Féin (nickname used by Loyalist and British troops).

rifugio (it) - refuge + Litany of Blessed Virgin Mary: 'Refuge of sinners'.

descent - a going or coming down; downward motion (of any kind)

Hagia Sophia - "Holy Wisdom": cathedral built at Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey) under the direction of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I + (notebook 1930): 'Creamy Santa Sofia' → Ferguson: The Confusion of Tongues 288: (of the Liberal Catholic Church) 'Each large division of the service makes its contribution toward the completed edifice... until we have a creamy Santa Sofia which no one can see'.

Astralia (l) - Starland + astra (l) - stars + Australia.

orison - a paryer + (notebook 1930): '1st Canticle = pavement / Introit = walk & roof / Kyrie = Bowls & cupolas / Gloria = Central Dome' Confusion of Tongues 289: The edifice swells up from below like a bubble that is being blown, Broadly speaking, it may be said that the opening Canticle provides its pavement and the Introit the material for its walk and roof, while the Kyrie supplies the subsidiary bowls or cupolas, and the gloria the great central dome.

nave - the main part or body of a church, extending from the inner door to the choir or chancel, and usually separated from the aisle on each side by pillars

absida (l) - arch, vault + ABCDs.

aeon (l) - age, eternity + eis tous aionas ton aionon (gr) - for ever and ever.


circuitize - to make the circuit of (rare.)

Shemite = Semite - a person belonging to the race of mankind which includes most of the peoples mentioned in Gen. x. as descended from Shem son of Noah, as the Hebrews, Arabs, Assyrians, and Aramæans + Ham and Shem - sons of Noah.

retrace - to trace back to an origin or source, to track through preceding stages; to go back upon (one's steps, way, etc.); to trace again in memory, to recall

barkey - a little bark + Barkey - Lord Mayor of Dublin + (silence in cathedral, no dogs)

truant - idle, lazy, loitering + truande (French Slang) - whore + trull - a low prostitute or concubine; a drab, strumpet, trollop + trolls.


rubbel - obs. form of rubble (to poke or crawl about among rubbish or refuse)

gnome - one of a race of diminutive spirits fabled to inhabit the interior of the earth and to be the guardians of its treasures; a goblin, dwarf

go go

Cassels, Richard - German architect, brought to Dublin in 1727. He designed Tyrone House, the Rotunda Hospital, the dining-hall and printing house at Trinity College and Leinster House [(notebook 1930): 'Cassels']. 

Redmond, Mary - Mr Mink says, she made the Father Mathew statue in O'Connell street, unveiled in 1893 [(notebook 1930): 'Redmond']. 

Gandon, James - 18th-century Dublin architect, designed the Custom House and the Four Courts (both burned), and the east front of the Parliament house [(notebook 1930): 'Gandon'].

Deane (notebook 1930) → Sir Thomas Deane - Dublin architect (National Library and National Museum).

Shepperd, Oliver - sculptor of dying Cuchulain in GPO, Dublin, Mr Mink says [(notebook 1930): 'Shepperd']. 

Smyth, Edward - did the sculptures at the Customs House [(notebook 1930): 'Smyth'].

Neville (notebook 1930) → Parke Neville - Dublin architect (Vartry Waterworks).

Heaton (notebook 1930) → Thomas Heaton - Dublin architect (Findlater's Church).

Stoney, B. B - Thom's, 1895, lists him as engineer of Dublin's Port and Docks Board, in change of rebuilding Carlisle (O'Connell) Bridge and Butt Bridge [(notebook 1930): 'Stoney']. 

Foley, John Henry (1818-74) - Irish sculptor. He made statues of Goldsmith and Burke for Trinity College; he also made the O'Connell monument [(notebook 1930): 'Foley']. 

Farrel (notebook 1930) → Sir Thomas Farrell - Dublin sculptor (William Smith O'Brien's statue).

Van Nost, John - sculptor of the equestrian statue of George II which stood on Stephen's Green. It was blown up [(notebook 1930): 'van Nost'].

Thorneycroft, William Hamo (1850-1925) - English sculptor [(notebook 1930): 'Hamo Thorneycraft'].

Hogan (notebook 1930) → John Hogan - Dublin sculptor (statue of O'Connell in City Hall).

sprite = spirit

gobelin - obs. form of goblin (a mischievous and ugly demon) + (notebook 1930): 'Gobelins' The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XX, 'Paris', 813c: 'the famous tapestry factory and dye-works (with a tapestry museum) at the Gobelins'.

tectum (l) - roof + protect.

tilery - a place where tiles are made; a tile-field or -kiln + (notebook 1930): 'tileries My keep' The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XX, 'Paris', 808a: 'the palace of the Tuileries (so called in allusion to the tile kilns which occupied its site)' + TUILERIES GARDENS - Famous Paris gardens, between the Louvre and the Place de la Concorde. Laid out in the 17th century, the gardens were named (tuile, Fr "tile") from the fine-clay formerly taken from the site.  

gentes - pl. of gens (Roman Antiq. A clan or sept; a number of families united by the ties of a supposed common origin, a common name, and common religious rites.)

keep - Hist. The innermost and strongest structure or central tower of a mediæval castle, serving as a last defence; a tower; a stronghold, donjon.

peace of the four great ways (notebook 1930) Hine: The History of Hitchin I.277: (of safety from highwaymen) 'there was of course 'the peace of the four great ways,' in which, standing as it did upon the Icknield Way, the township of Hitchin shared. But the peace was by no means apparent. The 'enormities' seem as frequent here as in the unprotected regions'.

infernal - an inhabitant of the infernal regions, or of hell; an infernal deity; a fiend, devil; (Usually in pl.)

booth - a temporary structure covered with canvas, or the like; a tent + boost + William Booth founded the Salvation Army and wrote In Darkest England and the Way Out.

arcane - hidden, concealed, secret

celestial - an inhabitant of heaven; fig. A heavenly being + Emmanuel Swedenborg: Arcana Coelestia.

Emanuel Swedenborg - a Swedish scientific and religious writer (1688-1772)

Walhalla - var. Valhalla (in Old Northern mythology, the hall assigned to those who have died in battle, in which they feast with Odin) + Valhalla is reached by rainbow bridge.

wynd - a narrow street or passage turning off from a main thoroughfare; a narrow cross-street; a lane or alley + winds.

trail - to mark out (a trail or track), to trace out

maze - to bewilder, perplex, confuse; Often with some notion of a figurative maze or labyrinth.

saving clause - a clause in an instrument or law exempting something from its operation if part is held invalid, a statement making a reservation or expressing a condition + 'As I was going to Saint Ives, I met a man with seven wives, and every wife had seven sacks' (nursery rhyme) + close - conclusion, cessation, ending, end.

flag - ? to fly level, without soaring

gust - a sudden violent rush or blast of wind

hoop - a finger-ring

hat off - admiration, congratulations + (effects of gusts).

ruffle - a disturbed state (of the mind); disturbance, perturbation, excitement

NIBLO'S GARDEN - A well-known 19th-cent music hall in New York City, razed 1895 + Nebel (ger) - fog.

James Joyce: A Portrait I: 'Balbus was building a wall'

altering + Apocryphal Susanna was propositioned by two Elders.

ewig (ger) - ever, eternal

smuggy - grimy, smutty (obs. rare.) + smukke (Danish) - beautiful.

piggie - a little pig, or animal so called; also playfully applied, with various connotations, to a child

locked - having locks or tresses. (Cf. the parasynthetic derivatives golden-locked, long-locked) + (notebook 1930): 'Coolock' → Coolock - North-East Dublin suburb.

auburn - orig. Of a yellowish- or brownish-white colour; now, of a golden-brown or ruddy-brown colour.

quail - Of persons: To lose heart, be cowed or discouraged; to give way through fear.

paddy - cushion-like; soft, mild; also, 'comfortable', placidly self-satisfied + Petit Palais, Paris + Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, restored by Benjamin Lee Guinness.

crossknolls (notebook 1924) Walsh: Scandinavian Relations with Ireland during the Viking Period 48: 'Olaf's wife, Authr, daughter of Ketill, was one of the most zealous of these early Norse converts: "She used to pray at Crossknolls, where she had crosses erected, because she was baptized, and was a good Christian".'

Sexton - Lord Mayor of Dublin 

clais (klash) (gael) - choir + cloisint (kloshint) (gael) - hearing, listening to + cloche (fr) - bell + (bell chiming six).

duomo (it) - cathedral

muezzin - in Muslim countries, a public crier who proclaims the regular hours of prayer from the minaret or the roof of a mosque + mezzatinta (it) - half-tint.

Commander of the Faithful - a title of the caliphs, first assumed (c 640) by Omar I + comminare (it) - threaten + fitful - characterized by irregular fits of activity or strength; coming and going by fits and starts; full of irregular changes; spasmodic, shifting, changing, capricious.

Orgel (ger) = orgel (Dutch) - organ + orage (fr) - storm + oracle + Angel of the Lord (Matthew 1:20) + Luke 2:9: 'And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them'.

laud - pl. The first of the day-hours of the Church, the Psalms of which always end with Pss. cxlviii-cl, sung as one psalm and technically called 'laudes' + laudo (l) - I praise.

TELFORD AND TELFORD - Organ builders, formerly at 109 Stephen's Green, West. 

thereunto - unto or to that place; unto that thing, matter, subject, etc.; in addition to that (obs.)

laver - a vessel, basin, or cistern for washing; the baptismal font

slub - to draw out and twist (wool, cotton, etc.) after carding, so as to prepare it for spinning

hellfire - the fire of hell + Hellfire Club, Dublin.

posy - a short motto, originally a line or verse of poetry, and usually in patterned language, inscribed on a knife, within a ring, as a heraldic motto, etc. (obs. or arch.) + rosied.

oriel - a projecting bay window corbeled or cantilevered out from a wall (PICTURE) + Persse O'Reilly.

Gospodi pomilui, Khriste pomilui (Old Church Slavonic) = Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison (Greek) - Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy + gospelly - in accordance with the gospel; truthfully.

Hristos (Russian) - Christ

sackbut - a type of Renaissance trumpet

ALGIERS - Largest city and capital of Algeria. The Bab Azoun ("Gate of Grief") gave its name to one of the principal streets and to the now demolished Fort Bab Azoun + baba (French Slang) - astounded. 


Tara - ancient Irish capital + rolled.

sass - to talk impudently or disrespectfully + Sasanach (sosenokh) (gael) - Englishman + sass (ger) - sat; from sitzen (to sit) + hernach (ger) - afterwards + sasso (it) - stone + sass (Rhaeto-Romanic) - stone, rock.

chilly (bare) bottom + I love my Chilibombom (song). 

'Forty Bonnets' - nickname of Mrs Tommy Healy of Galway + Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.

altarstone - a stone forming part of an altar; especially, the slab forming the top or table + (notebook 1924): 'wife sat on altar Clonmacnois' Lawless: The Story of Ireland 55: (the wife of Thorgist or Turgesius, a Viking invader of Ireland) 'took possession of the High Altar at Clonmacnois, and used it as a throne from which to give audience, or to utter prophecies and incantations' + a pagan king of Norse Dublin had his wife seat herself naked on the altar.

mossy - overgrown or covered with moss, abounding in moss + Mosse, Bartholomew - 18th-century Dublin doctor, built the Rotunda Hospital + May the Lord have mercy on us. 

hoke - a device which elicits mirth from audience and impels persons to a desired action, hocus-pocus + Hoch (ger) - Hail!

all hail! + hail, snow, drizzle, sleet.

SNAEFELL, MOUNTAIN - (1) Highest (620 m) peak on Isle of Man. (2) Snaefellsjökull: mountain and glacier, North-West of Reykjavik, Iceland. Snaefellsness, in West Iceland, figures in the Eyrbyggla Saga + (notebook 1930): 'Snaefell' + Fell (ger) - hide, fur + snowfall. 

drizzle - small, fine, spray-like rain

sleet - partially melted snow (or a mixture of rain and snow); a storm or shower of sleet + Showers of Blessings (song) + (notebook 1930): 'showers of blessing' Ferguson: The Confusion of Tongues 288: (of the Liberal Catholic Church) 'ritual is carefully designed with a view to perfecting the spiritual machinery through which showers of blessings, to use the Methodist phrase, are drawn upon the waiting communicants'.

calix (l) - goblet, cup + chalice.

eller - obs. or dial. form of elder (n.) + eller (Danish) - or.

vestry - a room or part of a church, usually situated in close proximity to the chancel or choir, in which the vestments, vessels, records, etc., are kept, and in which the clergy and choir robe for divine service.

fairskin - a fair-skinned person + Fagrskinna - compendium of lives of Norse kings + foreskin.