interlope - to intrude within the domain or sphere of action of another, to encroach on the rights of others, as in trading without a proper license + (notebook 1930): 'interlooping' Washington Irving: A History of New York, book VII, ch. IX: 'The reply of Colonel Nicholas, who commanded the invaders... declaring the right and title of his British Majesty to the province, where he affirmed the Dutch to be mere interlopers'.

cocksure - quite safe, with perfect security or certainty + James Joyce: Stephen Hero XXV: (of Stephen) 'He told Cranly that the clock of the Ballast Office was capable of an epiphany'.

ballast - fig. That which tends to give stability in morals or politics, to steady the mind or feelings, etc. + BALLAST OFFICE - The office of Ballast Master was created in the 17th century to carry out the extension of the embankment of the Liffey by walls and fill, or "ballast"; a direct telegraph line between the Dunsink Observatory and the Ballast Office made the latter's clock the most reliable one in Dublin, part of which was a time ball that dropped at one p.m. GMT (i.e. 12:35 p.m. Dunsink/Dublin Time, which was twenty-five minutes behind Greenwich Mean Time until 1917 + Ulysses.8.109: 'After one. Timeball on the ballastoffice is down. Dunsink time' (550.34-.35) + (notebook 1930): 'Ballast Office Ball' Haliday: The Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin cxvi: 'the Ballast Office wall (as the Lighthouse wall is here called)'.

Windsor - name of a town in Berkshire, on the right bank of the Thames. Windsor Palace, the royal residence founded by William the Conqueror, is still a royal residence + Among the most noted buildings in Petrograd is the Winter Palace + WINTER GARDEN PALACE - 19th-century tavern and dance hall, at the corner of Stephen's Green and Cuffe Street. It was one of James Joyce's favorite haunts when he was a student at University College down the street + Winterpalast (ger) - winter palace.

vampa (it) - blaze, flash + vampire.

elend (ger) - poor, miserable

[Ge]lubde (ger) - vow + lobtet (ger) - praised.

Gud (Danish) - God + sehr gut (ger) - very well.

ghoast - obs. form of ghost + The division into 'sheep' and 'goats' (saved and lost) at the Last Judgement (Matthew 25:31-46).

chauff = chafe (obs.) - to rub with the hand; esp. to rub (a person's limbs, etc.) in order to restore warmth or sensation + chauffer (fr) - to warm.

Fusse (ger) - feet + feu (fr) - fire + footsies.

WIGAN - Manufacturing and former coal-miming town in Lancashire, England. At the turn of the century most of the coal burned in Dublin came via Liverpool from the Wigan area. So jewels of Wigan = coal. 

skald - obs. form of scald (to affect painfully and injure with very hot liquid or steam); ancient Scandinavian poet

memories + murmurers (i.e. lips) + mermer (Serbian) - marble.

Sturlason, Snorri (1178-1241) - author of the Prose Edda

sago - the tree from which sago (a species of starch ) is obtained + saga - any of the narrative compositions in prose that were written in Iceland or Norway during the middle ages; a story of heroic achievement or marvellous adventure.

peacock + Paycock - of Sean O'Casey's Juno and the Paycock, 1924. 

Thronsaal (ger) - throne-room + (notebook 1930): 'Peacock throne' The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. VII, 'Delhi', 955a: (of a hall building in the imperial palace) 'It was in the recess in the back wall of this hall that the famous Peacock Throne used to stand, "so called from its having the figures of two peacocks standing behind it, their tails being expanded and the whole so inlaid with sapphires, rubies, emaralds, pearls and other precious stones of appropriate colours as to represent life"'.

domineer - to exercise or assert authority in an overbearing manner, to lord it

leck - to 'make water' + lecken (ger) - to lick.

icy - composed or consisting of ice

dormer window - a projecting vertical window in the sloping roof of a house

camis - a light loose dress of silk or linen; a chemise, shirt

rideau - a small ridge or mound of earth + rideau (fr) - curtain + (notebook 1930): 'rideau street' The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XX, 'Ottawa', 369d: 'Rideau Street'.

duanna (notebook 1930) The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XVIII, 'Mexico City', 345b: 'the old custom-house (aduana)' + duenna - an elderly woman chaperoning a young one + Diana.

merk = mark - to consider, to observe mentally, give heed or attention to. Often with well + merk- (ger) - notice + je merkt wel (Dutch) - you will notice + A-roving (song): 'In Amsterdam there dwelt a maid, Mark well what I do say'.

let wel! (Dutch) - mark you!

Pantocreator - With reference to God or Christ: the Almighty, all-ruler; hence, an artistic representation of the figure of Christ, esp. as a characteristic form in Byzantine art.


ritt (ger) - riding

redding - red ochre, ruddle. Now only dial. + Red Riding Hood, eaten by a wolf in a nursery tale and pantomime.  

cindery - resembling, or composed of, cinders + Cinderella.

tinsel - a rich material of silk or wool interwoven with gold or silver thread; fig. Anything showy or attractive with little or no intrinsic worth.

glitter - glittering or sparkling light; brightness, brilliance + Hansel und Gretel (ger) - Fairy tale.

Babes in the Wood (pantomime)

nusance = nuisance (obs.) + use.

Champ de Mars, Paris + d'amour (French) - of love.

peddle - to follow the occupation of a pedlar, to go about carrying small wares for sale; to work at something in a trifling, paltry, or petty way

scrub - stunted trees or shrubs, brushwood; also, a tract of country overgrown with 'scrub'; a disreputable woman, a prostitute (slang.)

fullmake - to complete, perfect

prevene - to take action before or in anticipation of (a person or thing)

haunt - a place of frequent resort or usual abode; a resort, a habitation

joybells - bells rung to celebrate a joyful event

lights o'love (phrase)

sturdy - Of persons or animals: Characterized by rough bodily vigour.


pelves ad homines sumus (l) - we are basins to men + Horace: Odes IV.7.16: 'pulvis et umbra sumus' (Latin 'we are dust and shadow') + hombre (sp) - man.

shiftless - helpless for self-defence (obs.); without a shift or shirt (rare.)

fodder - child, offspring (obs. rare.) + father

prater - an obnoxious or idle talker, one who speaks much to little purpose, a mere talker, a chatterer. Formerly also a boaster, an evil-speaker + The Prater is the great park of Vienna, between the Danube and the Danube Canal. 

chau = cha (obs.) - tea + ciao - An informal Italian greeting or farewell: hello, good-bye.

camerade - obs. form of comrade (one who shares the same room, a chamber-fellow, 'chum'; esp. among soldiers, a tent-fellow, fellow-soldier; a close companion, mate, fellow).

evangel - four books in the New Testament that tell the story of Christ's life and teachings

tidings - reports, news, intelligence, information + Luke 2:10: 'I bring you good tidings of great joy' (angel's speech).

healer - one who heals (wounds, diseases, the sick, etc.); a leach, doctor; also, one who heals spiritual infirmities; in early use, Saviour.

loathsome - In a moral sense: Hateful, distasteful, odious, repulsive.

whosoever will (Joyce's note) → In Darkest England 36: The Scheme of Social Salvation is not worth discussion which is not as wide as the Scheme of Eternal Salvation set forth in the Gospel.The Glad Tidings must be to every creature, not merely to an elect few who are to be saved while the mass of their fellow are predestined to a temporal damnation. We have had this doctrine of an inhuman cast-iron pseudo-political economy too long enthroned amongst us. It is now time to fling down the false idol and proclaim a Temporal Salvation as full, free, and universal, and with no other limitations than the "Whosoever will," of the Gospel. + Luke 9:24: 'For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it' (also Matthew 16:25).

regimentation - the action or process of regimenting or organizing; reduction to strict order or uniformity + (notebook 1930): 'regimentation' In Darkest England 35: the worst of all existing Schemes for social betterment by organisation of the skilled workers and the like is that they are founded, not upon "rock," nor even upon "sand," but upon the bottomless bog of the stratum of the Workless. It is here where we must begin. The regimentation of industrial workers who have got regular work is not so very difficult. That can be done, and is being done, by themselves. The problem that we have to face is the regimentation, the organisation, of those who have not got work, or who have only irregular work, and who from sheer pressure of absolute starvation are driven irresistibly into cut-throat competition with their better employed brothers and sisters.

organisation (notebook 1930) → Booth: In Darkest England and the Way Out 35: 'The problem that we have to face is the regimentation, the organisation, of those who have not got work, or who have only irregular work'.

augmentation - (Army). Promotion; growth, increase; the action or process of raising in estimation or dignity; exaltation, honouring.

annexation - the action or process of joining to or uniting: esp. of attaching as an additional privilege, possession, or territorial dependency

amplification - Of things material: enlargement; Of things immaterial: augmentation in extent, importance, significance, etc.

precipitation - headlong fall or descent; unduly hurried action, inconsiderate haste, rash rapidity + (notebook 1930): 'precipitation' The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Washington', 349c: 'an average annual precipitation of 43.1 in.'

lati- - wide, broad + -fication - making, production + latificatio (l) - a making wide, a broadening + lactification - the making or secreting of milk.

privation - want of the usual comforts, or especially of some of the necessaries of life

meed - merit, excellence, worth (obs.); one's merited portion of (praise, honour, etc.) + (notebook 1930): 'competence cheerfulness usefulness and the reward heaven' (the entry replaces a cancelled 'competence character usefulness & heaven'; 'the reward' is interpolated into the entry) In Darkest England 61: [on his release from jail, the narrator is unable to find a job] In this dire extremity the writer found his way to one of our Shelters, and there found God and friends and hope, and once more got his feet on to the ladder which leads upward from the black gulf of starvation to competence and character, and usefulness and heaven.

I Corinthians 15:22: 'For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive' + (notebook 1930): 'shall in the second Adam all be made alive' → Booth: In Darkest England and the Way Out 31: (of the unemployed) 'As well as discussing how these poor wanderers should in the second Adam "all be made alive," ought we not to put forth some effort to effect their restoration to that share in the heritage of lab our which is theirs by right of descent from the first Adam?'.

tow - a vessel that tows, a tug

tug - a small, stoutly built, and powerful steamer used to tow other vessels

steer - Of a ship: To be guided by the helm in a certain direction.

Grand and Royal Canals, Dublin

lighter - a boat or vessel, usually a flat-bottomed barge, used in lightening or unloading (sometimes loading) ships that cannot be discharged (or loaded) at a wharf, etc., and for transporting goods of any kind, usually in a harbour.

regalia - royal powers or privileges; the emblems or insignia of royalty + Virginia Water, near Windsor.

urbs (l) - town + rus in urbe (l) - A residence in or near town, with many of the advantages of the country; a bit of country in the city + urbs in rure (l) - a city in the countryside.

Minne (ger) = minne (Dutch) - love + min elskede (Danish) - my loved one.

brow - the eye-lid (Usually pl. obs.); 'the arch of hair over the eye'. Usually pl. + (notebook 1924): 'shiny brow Taliesin' → Taliesin - legendary 6th century Welsh bard, whose name means 'shining brow'.

astrolabe - an instrument formerly used to take altitudes, and to solve other problems of practical astronomy

observatory - a building or place set apart for, and furnished with instruments for making, observations of natural phenomena; esp., for astronomical, meteorological, or magnetic observations [(notebook 1930): 'observatory' The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXV, 'Stockholm', 935d: 'the observatory, on a rocky eminence'].

earthcloset - a substitute for a water-closet, in which earth is used as a deodorising agent + erd = earth (obs.)

ejector - Applied to various portions of machinery, etc. serving the purpose of ejecting + (notebook 1930): 'Shone's ejectors' The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXII, 'Rangoon', 891d: 'In 1892 was introduced the sewage system, which now includes... 44 Shone's ejectors'.

sabbath - a day of rest and worship: Sunday for most Christians; Saturday for the Jews and a few Christians; Friday for Muslims + SDV: and an earthcloset for her weekly sabbath needs

still - to silence, cause (a sound) to cease + Joyce's note: 'open noise W' Hardiman: The History of the Town and County of the Town of Galway 211: (quoting from a 16th century by-law) 'That no woman shall make no open noise of an unreasonable chree, after the Irishrie, either before, ne yet after, the death of any corpes'.

fest = fast (obs.) + fest (ger) - firmly + lit. feststellen (ger) - determine, establish.

mortarboard - a popular name for the academic or college cap, which consists of a stiffened head-piece surmounted by a square of 'board', the whole being covered with black cloth + (notebook 1930): 'mortar'.

gottlich (ger) - divine + gotta (it) - gout.

sophister - at Trinity College, Dublin, a student in his third or fourth year; at Cambridge, a student in his second or third year; = sophist (obs.); in ancient Greece, one specially engaged in the pursuit or communication of knowledge  + (notebook 1930): 'lifesizars sophister' The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. VIII, 'Dublin', 620a: (of Trinity College, Dublin) 'The undergraduate is called in his first year a junior freshman, in his second a senior freshman, in his third a junior sophister, and in his fourth a senior sophister'.

agen - a spelling representing the southern pronunciation of again, much used by the poets from 17th to beginning of 19th c.

sizar - in the University of Cambridge, and at Trinity College, Dublin, an undergraduate member admitted under this designation and receiving an allowance from the college to enable him to study [(notebook 1930): 'sizars' The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. VIII, 'Dublin', 620a: (of Trinity College, Dublin) 'Students after an examination are admitted as fellow-commoners, pensioners or sizars... Sizarships are awarded on examination to students of limited means, and carry certain relaxations of fees'].

rosette - an ornament resembling a rose in form, painted, sculptured, or moulded upon, attached to, or incised in a wall or other surface

stelle (gr) - pillar + stella (l, it) - star + stele - an ancient upright stone slab bearing markings.

Petite Egypte (notebook 1924) → Dupont: Les Légendes du Mont-Saint-Michel 171: (of gypsies) 'aux époques lointaines des grands pèlerinages, la Petite Egypte s'abattait aussi sur les foules dévotes au grand Archange; jongleurs, baladins, tire-bourses, vide goussets, faux éclopés, aveugles... aux yeux de lynx' (French 'in the long-gone days of the great pilgrimages, the Little Egypt also assailed the masses devoted to the Archangel; jugglers, mountebanks, pickpockets, fake cripples, blindmen... with the eyes of a lynx') + Little Egypt - a name given by Gypsies to their place of origin, usually associated with Greece.

"The rock-cut tombs or temples in Nubia"

reader - Used as a title for books containing passages for instruction or exercise in reading.

hieros (gr) - holy, divine

grego (l) - to collect into a flock or herd + gregos (Portuguese) - Greeks.

Democritus - a Greek philosopher of the 5th century B.C. (known as 'the laughing philosopher').

tris- - thrice + castellate - to build like castle, to grow into a castle + (notebook 1930): '3 castles'.

medallize - to represent on a medal (rare.) + bimetallism - a system of allowing the unrestricted currency of two metals as legal tender at a fixed ratio to each other.

dialled - measured or marked by a dial + Seven Dials - slum in Holborn, London.  

D.A. Chart - Dublin historian, author of The Story of Dublin

Ulysses + PRAGUE (PRAHA) - Capital of Czech and province of Bohemia; The former college of the Irish Frarciscans, founded 1629, is in Hibernskâ Ulice ("Irish Street").

threadneedle - a children's game, in which, all joining hands, the player at one end of the string passes between the last two at the other end, the rest following + Matthew 19:24: 'It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle'.

Newgate - the name of a celebrated London prison (pulled down in 1902-3); also, Dublin's first jail in Green Street + gade (Danish) - street.

vicus Veneris (l) - Venus's street, Venus's village + Vico + Love Lane, Dublin.

coincide + (doves associated with Venus).

camel walk - a ball-room dance resembling the walk of a camel

kolossos (gr) - giant statue; esp. as at Rhodes + kolossal (German, Dutch) - colossal + Xenophon: Anabasis IV.VII.24: 'Thalatta! Thalatta!'.

Sublime Porte - the Ottoman court at Constantinople; hence transf. the Turkish government + porte (fr) - door.

BENARES - Indian city and state on the Ganges River, 400 miles North-West of Calcutta; the holy city of the Hindus. The Ganges is lined with "ghats," or landing-places where pilgrims bathe in the sacred river.  

poll - to count heads, to enumerate (persons, etc.) (obs.); to take the votes of, register the suffrages of + hoi polloi (gr) - the many; the majority.

chouse - to dupe, cheat, trick + chosen + Matthew 20:16: 'So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen'.

voter - one who has a right to vote; esp. an elector + Vater (ger) - father + water.