yourn = yours
Juno Moneta (l) - "Juno the Reminder", in whose temple at Rome money was coined + Juno - in Latin mythology the wife of Jupiter, the goddess of marriage and child-birth; a woman resembling the goddess Juno, a woman of stately beauty + moneta (l) - money + On the North peak of Capitoline Hill in Rome, called Arx (Lat, "citadel") was the Temple of Juno Moneta, so-called because it was used as a mint.
Maria Theresa - (1717, Vienna-- 1780, Vienna), archduchess of Austria and queen of Hungary and Bohemia (1740-80). Upon her accession, the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48) erupted, challenging her inheritance of the Habsburg lands. This contest with Prussia was followed by two more, the Seven Years' War (1756-63) and the War of the Bavarian Succession (1778-79), which further checked Austrian power. Maria Theresa was a key figure in the power politics of 18th-century Europe. To the Habsburg monarchy, a dynastic agglomeration of disparate lands, she gave a measure of unity. A princess of engaging naturalness, she was one of the most capable rulers of her house and, according to one historian, "the most human of the Habsburgs" + Teheran, Iran + (notebook 1930): 'Marryann Teheresian'.
Salvatorius (l) - pertaining to the Savior
tradefully - commercially
tolc (tulk) (gael) - flood, torrent, overflow
slop - to spill or splash (liquid), to dash or lay on carelessly. Also with over.
cocoa - a moderate brown + (stutter).
contour - pl. The curves of the female body.
i hvad mig angaar (Danish) - in what concerns me
improbable - not likely to be true, not easy to believe; In pregnant sense: Unlikely to 'do', suit, etc. Also, that does not 'look the part'.
credit - to give credit to, put faith in, believe, trust (a statement, person, or thing)
mis- - incorrect, bad + traverse - a dispute, controversy; Law. The traversing or formal denial in pleading of some matter of fact alleged by the other side + Travers, Mary Josephine - young woman who, in 1864, sued Sir William Wilde for seduction and was awarded, by a Dublin jury, damages of a farthing + Hester Travers Smith - author of Psychic Messages from Oscar Wilde.
feather - anything of little strength or importance; attire, 'get-up'
inanity - lack of ideas or sense; frivolity, senselessness, silliness + Nannetti - Lord Mayor of Dublin, character in Ulysses.
OCTROI - Medieval French law surviving into the 20th century, authorizing municipalities to impose duty on goods, esp food, brought into the city for sale + octroy - (of governments) to grant, to concede + ochroid - ochre-yellow.
resolve + Isolde + resell (the slave).
exchange (notebook 1930) → The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXIII, 'Rio de Janeiro', 354d: 'The new Praça do Commercio (Merchants' Exchange)'.
melk - obs. form of milk + kart - obs. form of cart (a strong vehicle with two wheels, and without springs, used in farming operations, and for carrying heavy goods of various kinds) + Melkarth - tutelary god of the Phoenician city of Tyre, associated with Baal; The name is a slight compression of Phoenician Milk-Qart "the King of the City"; Also worshiped at Carthage (REFERENCE).
BRIXTON - (1) South London district, between Clapham and Dulwich, part of borough of Lambeth. Oscar Wide served his prison term in Brixton Prison. (2) Town, South-East of Plymouth, Devonshire, England + Joyce's note: 'Brixton' + (notebook 1924): 'best Bristol (slave)' → Riguet: Saint Patrice 168: 'Bristol where there was a busy market for slaves'.
high yellow - a half-caste of light yellow complexion; a very light-skinned African American (United States)
outing - an airing, excursion, pleasure-trip ("A few of these outing hats are rather elaborately finished by ribbon loops and aigrettes.")
cent per cent - a hundred for every hundred; interest equal in amount to the principal; loosely, a proportion which approaches this + cent pour cent (fr) - hundred percent.
horrible + honni (Old French) - shame + Hannibal - Carthaginian general.
crudelity = cruelty (obs.) + crudeltà (it) - cruelty + Flaubert's Salammbô, set in Carthage, was criticised for its cruelty when published.
wert - 2 sing. pa. ind. and subj. of be (v.) + Wert (ger) - worth.
tantamount - that amounts to as much, that comes to the same thing; equivalent + tenement.
nightlife - manifestations of life at night; spec. the activities of, or urban entertainments open to, pleasure-seekers at night + naakt lijf (Dutch) - naked body + nachtleven (Dutch) - nightlife.
scarab - a large beetle; Antiq. A gem (of carnelian, emerald, obsidian, etc.) cut in the form of a beetle (scarabæus), having on the flat under-side a design in intaglio. Scarabs were worn either as signet-rings or attached on a chain hung round the neck. They were common among the Egyptians, Etruscans, and the peoples of Western Asia + skatos (gr) - dung.
orgia = orgies (sometimes erron. as sing., with pl. orgiaes) + orgia (gr) - secret rites, secret worship; sacrifices, mysteries.
devour - to take in greedily and with eagerness the sense of (a book, discourse, or the like)
mediaeval - of, pertaining to or characteristic of the Middle Ages
ancient + enceinte (fr) - pregnant; a fortified wall + (notebook 1930): 'enceinte' → The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXVI, 'Teheran', 506b: 'in 1869 Nasr-ud-din Shah decided upon enlarging the city... an enceinte consisting of a ditch and 58 unequal bastions... was constructed and completed in 1874'.
cartage - the process of conveying by cart; the price paid for this + Carthage - great city of antiquity, traditionally founded on the north coast of Africa by the Phoenicians of Tyre in 814 BC.
improper - not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention; incorrect, inaccurate, erroneous, wrong + Improperia - Reproaches (of Christ from the Cross, Good Friday Service) + improbable.
chrusos (gr) - gold + Croesus - last Lydian king, world's richest man + Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe.
panis (l) - bread + penis.
clap (Slang) - gonorrhea
pencil (Slang) - penis
cassey - pavement + cassé (French) - broken + (notebook 1930): 'Castleknock' → Castleknock, west of Phoenix Park.
postern - a back door or gate
testey = teste - (So and so) being witness, on the authority or evidence of (So and so) + tasty - pleasing to the taste; appetizing, savoury; fig. Pleasant, agreeable, attractive + tester (Slang) - sixpence + testicle.
tickey - threepence + (notebook 1930): 'tickey' → The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XV, 'Johannesburg', 432a: 'The customary unit of expenditure is the threepenny-bit or "tickey".'
culprit - Law. Used only in the formula 'Culprit, How will you be tried?' formerly said by the Clerk of the Crown to a prisoner indicted for high treason or felony, on his pleading 'Not guilty' + (notebook 1930): 'culprik' (one of three entries inspired by Přikopy) + cul (French) - arse + prick (Slang) - penis.
coyn = coin (obs.)
ecu - a French silver coin; commonly regarded as equivalent to the English 'crown'
cunzie - a coining-house, a mint + howff - a place of resort; a haunt, a resort + (notebook 1930): 'Cunzie House howffs' → The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. VIII, 'Edinburgh', 939a: 'such old-world picturesque buildings as... the old Cunzie House, or mint... and even such "howffs" as Clerihugh's tavern'.
hemp - to halter, to hang + help
cash - money; in the form of coin, ready money
mint + mean it.
Meine Herren! (ger) - Gentlemen!
surdity - deafness (Now Path.) + absurdity - opposition to obvious reason or truth; folly.
choochoo - an imitation of the sound of a steam-engine + chouchou (fr. slang) - darling, favourite + too too + (stutter).
saumon = salmon
boyne - a flat shallow tub or bowl + (notebook 1930): 'Salmon Boyne alive Salmon water boyne alive' → Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 213: 'Another itinerant provision merchant who had a very distinctive cry was the seasonable salmon-vendor... he announced: Boyne salmon alive, Boyne salmon'.
tew - fishing-tackle; nets, fishing-lines, etc. + Tew - Lord Mayor of Dublin + tew (Cornish, Welsh) - fat, thick, gross, foggy + two (*IJ*)
cherrypicker - a nickname of the 11th Hussars, from their crimson trousers
Catherinettes - Mr Aubert says, in French folklore a girl who is unmarried at twenty-five and prepares St Catherine's headgear on her feast day, November 25 + Catherinettes - sisters from the Hospital of Saint Catherine in Paris who wash and shroud the cadavers in Paris morgue and transport them to the cemetery.
lizzie - a lesbian. Also, an effeminate young man.
fleshshambles - a place where meat is killed or sold; a brothel
moon - to go about, along, around (etc.) in a moonstruck or listless manner; to pass away (the time) in an aimless or listless manner; to expose one's buttocks to (someone).
aube = alb (obs.) - a tunic or vestment of white cloth reaching to the feet, and enveloping the entire person + aube (fr) - dawn.
Hesper = Hesperus (l) - the evening star + sperm + mún (Irish) - urine.
covin - a number of persons confederate together; spec. A gathering of witches, a 'convent' or company of thirteen witches.
guardiant - a guardian + common or garden - a jocular substitute for 'common', 'ordinary' + ingredient.
gretch - obs. form of grutch (to murmur, complain, repin) + wretched - very miserable or unhappy; contemptible in character or quality, despicable + Gretchen (ger) - pet name for Margaret (i.e. Maggy).
youngster - a young person who is not of age; a child, esp. a boy
A'dam - abbreviation for Amsterdam + not know a person from Adam - to have never met someone and not know anything about him.
suist - one who follows his own inclinations, a self-pleaser + Zuider Zee, Netherlands + sisters
heiress - a female heir
theirn - theirs
climbing + claiming.
aus (ger) - aut
FREIUNG (Joyce's note) → The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Vienna', 51b: 'the Mölkerhof, adjoining the open space called the Freiung' + Freiung (ger) - wooing.
Pfanne (ger) - pan + (to jump, leap, etc.) out of the frying-pan into the fire - to escape from one evil only to fall into a greater one.
myne = mine
foyer - hearth, home; a large room in a theatre, concert-hall, etc., to which the audience may retire during the intervals of the performances; the entrance hall of a hotel, restaurant, theatre, etc.
resemble - to be like, to have likeness or similarity to, to have some feature or property in common with (another person or thing) + rassembler (fr) - to gather, to reassemble.
mein (ger) - mine
enorm - to make monstrous + anomaly.
Shanks - Lord Mayor of Dublin + shake a leg - to dance; to hurry up + break the bank - Gambling. To clear out the amount of money which the proprietor of the gaming table has before him.
Conte (it) - Count + County Carlow + The Man That Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo (song).
cullions (Archaic) - testicles + Deucalion - equivalent of Noah in Greek mythology.
ich habe gehort (ger) - I have heard
uptake - to pick or take up; to raise from the ground, etc.; Sc. (and north. dial.) To take into the mind, to comprehend, understand + lit. annehmend (ger) - assuming.
innocence - an innocent person or thing
mit (ger) - with
sosie (fr) - double, counterpart + those infants.
odor - scent, smell; sometimes spec. sweet or pleasing scent; fragrance + oder (ger) - or.
chimbe = chime + Evening Times (newspaper).
something + schmutzig (ger) - dirty.
reverberant - reverberating, resonant + Revolverblatt (ger) - scandal sheet + Blatt (ger) - leaf + blotte (Danish) - to bare.
sten (Danish) - stone
Conga (kunge) (gael) - Strait; town, Co. Mayo; anglic. Cong + kongens (Danish) - the king's.
Schutzmann (ger) - policeman
Sehottenhof - block in the old town, Vienna; originally the abbey of the "Scoti" or Irish Benedictines + Joyce's note: 'SCHOTTENHOF' → The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Vienna', 51a: 'In the old town are the two largest of the Höfe, extensive blocks of buildings belonging to the great abbeys of Austria, which are common throughout Vienna. These are the Schottenhof (once belonging to the "Scoti," or Irish Benedictines) and the Mölkerhof' + Schottenhof (ger) - Scotch court.
ikke sandt? (Danish) - not so? + eke - also, moreover; in addition + said.
igen (Danish) - again
Gotham - the name of a village, proverbial for the folly of its inhabitants ('wise men of Gotham'); transf. Applied to: Newcastle, or New York + goddamn cheek.
shrubbery - a plantation of shrubs; shrubs collectively or in a mass; a beard or whiskers (joc.)
Howth Head
whitepot - a dish made (chiefly in Devonshire) of milk or cream boiled with various ingredients, as eggs, flour, raisins, sugar, spices, etc. + White hat (Finn MacCool).
ransom - payment for the release of someone + (notebook 1930): 'ransom of beeves' → Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin, Dublin Annals section 1029: 'Aulaffe Sitric, king of the Danes of Dublin, taken prisoner by Matthew O'Regan, and ransomed, on payment of 200 beeves, 80 horses, 3 ounces of gold, and a sword called Charles's sword'.
beeves - pl. of beef (q.v.); now usually poetic for 'oxen, cattle'
Freiheit (ger) - freedom
pelagos (gr) - sea + Pelagius (360-420) - theologian, heretic, probably Irish. His six errors appear on 358-59, as shown by Mr McHugh (AWN, VII, 2). Pelagius opposed the doctrine of original sin and total depravity. He was answered by Sts Augustine and Jerome.