excess - extravagant violation of law, decency, or morality; outrageous conduct (obs.) + Essex - county in England.

whereas - while on the contrary; the fact on the other hand being that

albeit - even though, although, though

filly - Applied to a young lively girl.

metropolitan - a bishop having the oversight of the bishops of a province + (notebook 1924): 'the metropolitan (police) (rlwy) (prelate)' → Martin: Saint Colomban 157: 'Constantius, élu métropolitain de Milan en 593' (French 'Constantius, elected metropolitan of Milan in 593') + (Dublin Metropolitan Police).

nuisance - anything obnoxious or annoying to the community or individual by offensiveness of smell or appearance, by causing obstruction or damage, etc.; a bothersome annoying person + (notebook 1924): 'detained by DMP in connection with death'.

arbitrary - based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice ("an arbitrary decision")

contravention - violation, infringement, transgression

board - a tablet upon which public notices and intimations are written, or to which they are affixed + Board of Public Works, Dublin, responsible for parks + (notebook 1924): 'school of forests & waters' → École des Eaux et Foręts - French institute of forestry, founded in 1824 in Nancy, France (literally 'school of waters and forests').

bylaw - a 'law' or ordinance dealing with matters of local or internal regulation, made by a local authority, or by the members of a corporation or association + SDV: as was detained by the metropolitan very properly very properly detained by the metropolitan in connection with this regrettable fact nuisance being in strict contravention of schedule in issued by the board of public works forests & waters bylaw

sparker - a beau, lover

sucker - a suckling, greenhorn

Naturpark (ger) - natural preserve + SDV: regulating amusements section of our beloved park in pursuance me and Frisky have approached a reverend gentleman of the name of [Mr] Coppinger

agency - active working or operation; action, activity + agence (fr) - bureau, agency + agents.

Return to Coppinger (Joyce's note) → Archdeacon J.F.X.P. Coppinger (motif).

fittings - furnishings and equipment (especially for a ship or hotel) + (the fender).

Sam - an oath, a promise + upon my Sam - a jocular mode of asseveration.

limitative - tending to limit; limiting, restrictive + types of logic propositions by quality: Affirmative, Negative, Limitative (or Infinite).

the merits (of a case, question, etc.) - chiefly in Law, the intrinsic 'rights and wrongs' of the matter, in contradistinction to extraneous points such as the competence of the tribunal or the like + merit - a commendable quality, an excellence; Chiefly pl. spec. in Theology, good works viewed as entitling to reward from God.

daisy (Slang) - a male homosexual + too old days (i.e oldtimers) → "black at the time as some of our olddaisers may still tremblingly recall) to ask could he tell him how much a clock it was that [035.17-18]

bisexual - sexually attracted to individuals of both sexes + (notebook 1924): 'early bisexualism'.

cite - to quote (a passage, book, or author); gen. with implication of adducing as an authority

lectionary - a book containing 'lessons' or portions of Scripture appointed to be read at divine service + SDV: as was most obliging in the matter of explanations given to me and Frisky concerning the gift merits of the natural early concupiscence bisexualism besides citing the example of a valued friend of the reverend Coppinger Mr J. P. Cockshot

J.P. - Justice of the Peace + (notebook 1924): 'that JP Cockshot'.

reticent - reserved; disinclined to speak freely; given to silence or concealment + resident

maisonette - a small house + (brothel).

quis (l) - who + quis ut Deus (l) - who like God (attributed to Saint Michael).

fronting - that fronts (to look forward to, having the front toward)

Sussex - an historic county in South East England corresponding roughly in area to the ancient Kingdom of Sussex

bluff - a cliff or headland with a broad precipitous face

assignation - an appointment to meet someone in secret, typically one made by lovers + SDV: as he owns a pretty maisonette fronting on to the south bluffs as was telling us how Mr Cockshot

deedpoll - a legal document binding only to a single person or several persons acting jointly to express an active intention, and distinguished from an indenture by having the edge of the parchment or paper cut even, or polled as it was anciently termed, instead of being indented. It is, strictly speaking, not a contract because it binds only one party and expresses an intention instead of a promise. The most common use is a name change through a deed of change of name (often referred to simply as a deed poll).

indenture - a legal contract between two parties, particularly for indentured labour or a term of apprenticeship but also for certain land transactions. The term comes from the medieval English "indenture of retainer" — a legal contract written in duplicate on the same sheet, with the copies separated by cutting along a jagged (toothed, hence the term "indenture") line so that the teeth of the two parts could later be refitted to confirm authenticity (PICTURE). Each party to the deed would then retain a part. The term is used for any kind of deed executed by more than one party, in contrast to a deed poll which is made by one individual.

hypothetic - involving or of the nature of hypothesis, conjectural + types of logic propositions by relation: Hypothetical.

reckon - to consider, judge, or estimate by, or as the result of, calculation; to regard in a certain light (obs. rare.) + SDV: he tells him the reverend Coppinger as how he reckoned up to seven mile of a school of herring

disjunctively - separately, alternatively, not in combination + types of logic propositions by relation: Disjunctive.

keep one's weather eye open - to be watchful and alert, keep one's wits about one + inward + Windward Islands, Polynesia + ey (Danish) - island.

cuneiform - having the form of a wedge, wedge-shaped; spec. Applied to the characters of the ancient inscriptions of Persia, Assyria, etc., composed of wedge-shaped or arrow-headed elements.

school - a shoal or large number of fish, porpoises, whales, etc. swimming together whilst feeding or migrating

supernatant - swimming above, floating on the surface (as a lighter liquid on a heavier)

bloater - a 'bloat' or bloated herring

naze - a promontory or headland + The Naze, headland, Essex + SDV: passing the Bloater Bay point from 12.A.M. on by the silent hour

maraud - to raid and plunder (a place)

the Silent hours (notebook 1924) + (midnight).

butt - to strike, thrust, shove; Now almost always to strike or push with the head or horns, or with allusion to that sense.

charge - to rush against or upon, with all one's force, in a hostile way

brace - to clasp, fasten up tightly, gird + The Rakes of Mallow (song): 'Beauing, belleing, dancing, drinking, Breaking windows, cursing, sinking, Ever raking, never thinking'.

back - to get upon the back of, mount

spring - Of persons or animals: To bound or leap; to issue or come forth suddenly, to break out, esp. in a jet or stream.

shrink - to become reduced in size, volume, or extent

sway - to swing (a weapon or implement) about; dial. to swing (something) to and fro, or from one place to another + Zodiac: ram, bull, twins, crab, lion, virgin, scales, scorpion, archer, goat, water-carrier, fishes.

dart - to move like a dart; to spring or start with a sudden rapid motion; to shoot

buck - to copulate with; said of male rabbits and some other animals

sprinkle - to bedew, bespatter lightly, or powder (a thing or surface); to besprinkle

dossy - stylish, smart + dossi (it) - backs.


twist the tail (of a person) - to annoy, to coerce (someone)

summat - somewhat

gut - to clear out the contents or inside of; to empty thoroughly

erring - the action of the verb err; an instance of the same, a fault + herrings

gladful - full of gladness or joy + glad (Dutch) - slippery, cunning + (notebook 1924): 'gladfully' → Langdon: The Babylonian Epic of Creation 109: 'In Ubšukkinaku seat yourself together gladfully'.

Wessex - the name of a kingdom in south-west England in Anglo-Saxon times, used by Thomas Hardy as the name of the county in which his stories are set (corresponding approximately to Dorset, Somerset, Hampshire, and Wiltshire) and since used as a name for south-west England or this part of it.

kipper - a kippered fish (salmon, herring, etc.); now esp. a herring so cured

flip - to move or throw about with a flip or sudden jerk; to 'shoot'; to toss (a coin) with a flip

pot - to put up and preserve (flesh, butter, or other provisions, usually salted or seasoned), in a pot, jar, or other vessel + SDV: and reverend, he says, gut me but them herring was as joyful gladful as kippers could well be considering, flipping their tails little Coppingers, pot em,

flirty - characterized by or inclined to flirtation

gully - a channel or ravine worn in the earth by the action of water, esp. in a mountain or hill side + gile (gili) (gael) - brightness; beloved + SDV: the fresh little flirties, the dirty little brighteners gillybrighteners,

pickle - to pick in a small way, or a little at a time; to preserve in a pickling liquid

spratty - containing or consisting of sprats + SDV: so they were frizzle em pickle their spratties, [the little [smolty] gallockers,] the little salty ppopulators,

smolt - a young salmon in the stage intermediate between the parr and the grilse, when it becomes covered with silvery scales and migrates to the sea for the first time + (notebook 1924): 'peal & grilse (smolt tail) = small salmon' (only the two parenthesised words crayoned) Irish Statesman 30 Aug 1924, 800/1: 'Salmon by the Million. A New View': 'Peal or grilse may be defined as salmon which have been a short time in the sea... they have not quite lost the smolt shape of tail and head'.

Gallaghers, Betty - two moons, for gealach is Irish "moon, moonlight" + gealach (gyalokh) (gael) - brightness; moon + (notebook 1924): 'gallock gallockers'.

types of logic propositions by modality: Assertoric (or Assertorical or Assertory or Assertative)

zwolf (ger) - twelve + assertative, so help me god.

olfactus (l) - smell

tench - a freshwater and brackish water fish of the cyprinid (commonly called 'carp') family

superficies (l) - the upper side, top, surface + Vesica piscis [293.12] + let alpha be the extent of the superficies (A).

lambda (L)

scaliger (l) - ladder-carrier

pi (P) + pesak (Serbian) - sand.

average velocity

pectoral - of, pertaining to, situated or occurring in or upon, the breast or chest + (pectoral fins of fish).

salty - impregnated with salt; piquant

populator - one who or that which populates or peoples (to furnish or supply (a country, etc.) with inhabitants)

apodictic - of clear demonstration; established on incontrovertible evidence + types of logic propositions by modality: Apodictic (or Apodeictical or Apodeictic) by Kant applied to a proposition enouncing a necessary and hence absolute truth.

cockshot - anything stuck up as a convenient mark for missiles + "listening to the cockshyshooter's evensong evocation of the doomed but always ventriloquent Agitator" [056.04-06] + SDV: and, reverend, says he, as sure as my eggs is eggs for on cockshot,

nose + entre nous (French) - between us.

up and down - varying, changeable, unstable; directed, occurring, or taking place, alternately upward and downward

dippy - mad, foolish, mildly insane

libido - psychic drive or energy, particularly that associated with the sexual instinct, but also that inherent in other instinctive mental desires and drives

picnic + A...LP.

rigolo (fr) - comical + wriggling + regular + gigolo + SDV: all them little dippychippies upanddowndippies entre nous they was all of a rigolo regolo wriggolo doodah in testimonial to their natural concupiscence early bisexualism.

doodah - a state of tremulous excitement + all of a doodah - in a state of excitement; dithering + doodah (Irish) - a fool (from Irish: dúdálaidhe).

testimonial - verbal or documentary evidence