haster - one who or that which hastens + east

waster - a squanderer, spendthrift + west + Haste makes waste (proverb).

plebiscite - a vote by the electorate determining public opinion on a question of national importance

show of hands - the holding up the hand above the head, as a means by which the members of an assembly indicate their vote or judgement upon a proposition

declaratory - stating the rights of the parties without specifying the action to be taken

effective - actual, de facto; existing in fact

deponent - one who gives written testimony under oath; a deponent verb; adj. Gram. Of verbs: Passive or middle in form but active in meaning: originally a term of Latin Grammar + defendant (*E*).

Saint Ives, Cornwall

William Shakespeare: King Lear III.2.60: KING LEAR: 'I am a man / More sinn'd against than sinning'.

Ernest Fenollosa: The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: 'A true noun, an isolated thing, does not exist in nature' (essay appeared in Liitle Review and in Ezra Pound's Instigations; Fenollosa had major impact on Pound).

bally - a euphemism for bloody, used as a vague intensive of general application; 'jolly', 'confounded' + -bally (Irish) - -town.

mufti - (in the Ottoman Empire) a deputy of the chief Muslim legal adviser to the Sultan; a Muslim jurist expert in the religious law.

own two

a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together - a steady, energetic, and systematic co-operation (The reference may be either to a boat, where all the oarsmen pull together with a long and strong pull at the oars; or it may be to the act of hauling with a rope, when a simultaneous strong pull is indispensable).

Hotchkiss - the name of B. B. Hotchkiss (1826-85), American inventor, used attrib. to designate certain cannon and rifles invented by him, and a machine-gun developed by his successors.

everready - always accessible or prepared; hence as n., a person or thing that is always ready; spec. (usu. with capital initials) a member of a territorial army or similar force that is liable to be mobilized at any time.

sieur - a respectful form of address or reference to a superior; master, 'sir'

groom - to tend or attend to carefully; to curry, feed, and generally attend to (a horse)

Samson - the name of the Hebrew hero whose exploits are recorded in Judges xiii-xvi + Sewell, Son and Simpson's horse repository, Mount Street, Dublin + John Jameson and Son, Dublin whiskey.

bred - reared, brought up, (properly) trained

Delilah - the name of the woman who betrayed Samson to the Philistines

stand - Of stallions: To be available as a stud.

horse-bay - stall for horse + Dublin Bay.

dan (Serbian) - day + noon till dawn + nine till ten + nun bis dann (ger) - now till then.

vites (l) - vines, grapevines + invites inspection + and vice versa - Used to imply the complementary statement without expressing it in words.

Mac Mainchin/Manachain (mok manikhin/monekhan) (gael) - son of Mainchin/Manachan (diminutive of manach, "monk") + {announcement of race horse sale}

Sabean - one of the ancient inhabitants of Yemen + In preface to Sauthenerom, first book of his Sabean Trilogy, Ripel states: "In respect to the Sauthenerom (The Book of the Law of Death) I can assert that it shall be considered the source of the true Necronomicon (The Book of Dead Names) - which is to say, the text from which consequently derived the Necronomicon... concerning the Sauthenerom, for now I am not permitted to make any revelations and, thus, I hide the mystery of this book's origin in the following words: 'And in the twilight of the Gods, knowledge was not lost, but light was hidden from the gaze of the uninitiated. The Gods drew back into the abyssal depths of infinite Void... From this point, I halt my regression in time toward pristine Light, ultimate expression of human becoming."

Mod - the yearly meeting of the Highland Association, for literary and musical competitions + est modus in rebus - there is moderation in things (Horace, Satires).

pro - for, in favour of + SDV:  — Me and Frisky Shorty was arguing friendly like on that over that old party. What we me and Frisky wants to know is thishere thisahere: supposing him guilty of to have taken his supposed epicene cond...ts license licenses respectively as regards them privates of males out for themselves in connection with and or alernately concomitantly with all respect common or neuter aspects to them public females as was detained by the metropolitan very properly very properly detained by the metropolitan in connection with this regrettable fact nuisance being in strict contravention of schedule in issued by the board of public works forests & waters bylaw regulating amusements section of our beloved park in pursuance me and Frisky have approached a reverend gentleman of the name of [Mr] Coppinger as was most obliging in the matter of explanations given to me and Frisky concerning the gift merits of the natural early concupiscence bisexualism besides citing the example of a valued friend of the reverend Coppinger Mr J. P. Cockshot as he owns a pretty maisonette fronting on to the south bluffs as was telling us how Mr Cockshot he tells him the reverend Coppinger as how he reckoned up to seven mile of a school of herring passing the Bloater Bay point from 12.A.M. on by the silent hour and reverend, he says, gut me but them herring was as joyful gladful as kippers could well be considering, flipping their tails little Coppingers, pot em, the fresh little flirties, the dirty little brighteners gillybrighteners, so they were frizzle em pickle their spratties, [the little [smolty] gallockers,] the little salty ppopulators, and, reverend, says he, as sure as my eggs is eggs for on cockshot, all them little dippychippies upanddowndippies entre nous they was all of a rigolo regolo wriggolo doodah in testimonial to their natural concupiscence early bisexualism. / — To holl wi' ye & yer coprulation coprulating! Pelagiarist! You're obsexed, man! So ye are!

explication - a detailed explanation of the meaning of something; the act of making clear or removing obscurity from the meaning of a word or symbol or expression etc.

asseveration - solemn affirmation, emphatic assertion, positive declaration

inmate - one who is the mate or associate of another or others in the same dwelling + intimate.

uncommon - uncommonly (in an uncommon or unusual degree; unusually, remarkably)


bosquet - a plantation in a garden, park, etc., of underwood and small trees + Bosquet (1810-61) - French marshal who said the charge of the Light Brigade was magnificent, but was it war? + waste paper basket - box, a basket (or box) into which waste paper is thrown. 

Dodder river, Dublin + twelve Dodecanese Islands.


chatty - given to chat or light easy talk + chat

host + Hosty.

comfy - alteration of comfortable

establishment - a public institution, a school, factory, house of business, etc.

Middlesex - county in England

party - the individual person concerned or in question; more vaguely, the person (defined by some adjective, relative clause, etc.) + (notebook 1924): 'old party'.

turpitude - baseness, vileness; depravity, wickedness

pock - a pustule or spot of eruption in any eruptive disease, esp. (since c 1700) in small-pox

mizzle - slight or drizzling rain, drizzle + measles - a specific infectious disease of man (in medical Latin called Rubeola and Morbilli), characterized by an eruption of rose-coloured papulæ arranged in irregular circles and crescents, preceded and accompanied by catarrhal and febrile symptoms.

grip - a seizure or twinge of pain; a spasm

gripe - an intermittent spasmodic pain in the bowels

gleet - a morbid discharge of thin liquid from a wound, ulcer, etc. (Now rare.)

sprue - a disease characterized by sore throat, raw tongue, and digestive disturbance, occurring esp. in tropical countries

caries - Pathol. Decay of the bones or teeth.

rabies - canine madness; hydrophobia: a contagious virus disease of dogs and other warm-blooded animals, which produces paralysis or a vicious excitability and in man causes a fatal encephalitis with throat spasm upon swallowing and convulsions.

numps - a silly or stupid person (Used chiefly in jocular address.) + mumps - an acute contagious viral disease characterized by fever and by swelling of the parotid glands.

dumps - a fit of melancholy or depression + twelve diseases (*O*).

concensus - obs. var. of consensus (agreement in opinion; the collective unanimous opinion of a number of persons)

gig - Naut. A light, narrow, clinker-built ship's boat, adapted either for rowing or sailing + gigsman - one of the crew of a ship's gig + jigsaw - a puzzle consisting of a picture printed on cardboard or wood and cut into various pieces of different shapes that have to be fitted together.

Burman - of or belonging to, a native of, Burma + buurman (Dutch) - neighbour + barman → "melancholia over everything in general, (night birman, you served him with natigal's nano!)" [040.24]

Bibel (ger) - Bible + Tower of Babel.

fict - fictitiously invented or devised + fact

finding - the result of a judicial examination or inquiry

obscene - expressing or suggesting unchaste or lustful ideas; impure, indecent, lewd + (notebook 1924): '*E* epicene' - Epicene is an adjective (sometimes substantive) for loss of gender distinction, often specific loss of masculinity.

take one's licence - to take one's leave

Norsex (no such county in England)

Divisional Court - a court constituted by two or more judges of the High Court to try cases from one of the divisions, when such cases are not suitable to be heard by a single judge + By the Judicature Act of 1873, the Courts of King's (Queen's) Bench, Common Pleas, Chancery, etc., became 'divisions' of the High Court of Justice, e.g. Chancery Division, King's Bench Division, Probate and Admiralty Division.

concomitantly - in company with others, unitedly, concurrently + SDV: supposing him guilty of to have taken his supposed epicene cond...ts license licenses respectively as regards them privates of males out for themselves in connection with and or alernately concomitantly with all respect common or neuter aspects to them public females

neuter - belonging to neither of two specified or usual categories + (notebook 1924): 'common or neuter' + nouns: masculine, common, neuter, feminine.