chuse - var. form of choose
put on the grill - to subject (a prisoner) to an interrogation involving the infliction of mental or physical suffering in order to bring about a confession or to secure information.
heckling - severe catechizing or cross-examination
Northern Ireland (Ulster)
red hand - a heraldic hand that is erect and open (called also badge of Ulster); in the very act of crime, having the evidences of guilt still upon the person; having the hands red with blood.
sordidly - in a sordid manner, basely, meanly, mercenarily + certainly
melano- - black + mono + -dactylism - condition of having (such or so many) digits + dactyl - Prosody. A metrical foot consisting of a long syllable followed by two short + melanodaktylismos (gr) - blackfingerism.
libation - liquid poured out to be drunk; hence a potation
Crimean - a native or inhabitant of Crimea
SDV: — Let me again. Now, this point. Did you know that one of these men two was, the man with the fender or the man with the coffin, if you prefer, was accused of a certain offence or of a choice of two evils, if you prefer it put that way? / — You hear things.
serially - in a series, in series, in serial arrangement
Bushes have eyes (Joyce's note) → Sauvé: Proverbes et Dictons de la Basse-Bretagne no. 191: 'Les buissons ont des yeux' (French 'Bushes have eyes').
hah - var. of ha (int.)
turpitude - baseness, vileness; depravity, wickedness
have one's way - to be allowed to follow or to enforce on others the course of action on which one is resolved + have one's way with - to have sex with someone, as in "He wanted to have his way with her."
Sheba + Bulls and Bears - speculators on rises and falls, respectively, on Stock Exchange.
clotheshorse - an upright wooden frame standing upon legs, with horizontal bars on which clothes are hung out to dry or air
orangepeel - the rind of an orange, esp. when separated from the pulp + Gerald Griffin: Orange and Green (song).
greengrocers + green coaters (lemon) + The Peeler and the Goat (song) + SDV: — Which one of the two for choice wd you favour if any? Are you an orangeman there any orangemen in your [family] tree? / — It all depends on what you mean by that? / — Have you ever reflected, witness, that the evil chosen might lead some way to unto good for toward the generality? /
sylvan - relating to or characteristic of wooded regions ("a shady sylvan glade")
bugger = damn - Used profanely in imprecations and exclamations, expressing emphatic objurgation or reprehension of a person or thing, or sometimes merely an outburst of irritation or impatience + buggery (Slang) - sodomy, homosexuality.
nas (nas) (gael) - omen + nass (ger) - wet + an ass and pair.
Souvenir of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Opening of The Gaiety Theatre 6: 'The snap-shot fiend now aims without remorse, And 'click!' he's got you, at your worst, of course. Thanks to X rays, the time will come no doubt When he will snappograph you wrong side out'.
quiz - to question, interrogate (a person)
third degree - U.S. Law. In defining the extent of criminality, the least serious grade of a particular crime.
laughing matter - (esp. in phr. it is no or not a laughing matter), a subject for laughter
tonedeaf - deaf to the tones of music; also transf. and fig., insensitive, lacking in perception
to boot - as well, in addition
pray + Bray, town, County Wicklow.
cathexis - the concentration or accumulation of mental energy in a particular channel + katheis (gr) - one by one.
empathy - the power of projecting one's personality into (and so fully comprehending) the object of contemplation
narcissism - self-love and admiration that find emotional satisfaction in self-contemplation. Narcissistic fixation was viewed by psychoanalysis as associated with inversion (a technical term for assumption of sexual role of opposite sex and homosexuality).
steatopygic - pertaining to or characterized by a steatopyga (a protuberance of the buttocks, due to an abnormal accumulation of fat in and behind the hips and thighs, found (more markedly in women than in men) as a racial characteristic of certain peoples, esp. the Hottentots and Bushmen of South Africa).
invert - Psychol. One whose sex instincts are inverted + sexual inversion - homosexuality.
begor - a mild oath + bugger (homosexuality).
nurse's sympathy
brun (fr) - brown + Browne/Nolan.
quadroon - one who is the offspring of a white person and a mulatto; one who has a quarter of Negro blood
Joyce's note: 'ass = fog *X*'
interference - the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding
pigeon = pidgin - a language as spoken in a simplified or altered form by non-natives, spec. as a means of communication between people not sharing a common language + Hemingway’s biographers record how he managed to steal a pigeon-a-day for dinner, from the Park Nationale, Paris.