Dun Sinche (dun shinkhi) (gael) - Sinche's (fem. personal name) Fort; meteorological observatory W. of Dublin.

RUGBY - Town, Warwickshire, England. Rugby School, founded in the 16th cent, is known inter alia as the place where rugby football was invented + observatory of Rugby School. 

BALLAST OFFICE - The office of Ballast Master was created in the 17th century to carry out the extension of the embankment of the Liffey by walls and fill, or "ballast." It evolved into the authority supervising all Dublin harbour operations, with hqs in the Ballast Office on Westmoreland Row at O'Connell Bridge. The timeball on a staff on its roof fell daily at 1:00 PM true Dublin time; "worked by a wire from Dunsink" Bloom reflected + Ulysses.8.109: 'After one. Timeball on the ballastoffice is down. Dunsink time'.

language - to express in language, put into words

hellfire - the fire of hell; a member of a Hell-fire club + all's fair in love and war (phrase) + warfare.

loathe - to excite loathing or disgust in (a person, etc.) + love

Moses + Mars (l) - god of war.

ambivalent - entertaining contradictory emotions (as love and hatred) towards the same person or thing

diabolically - in a diabolical manner; devilishly, very wickedly or badly

this, that and the other - every sort (of), every possible or imaginable + Joyce's note: 'this & that & other' Irish Times 11 Apr 1924, 5/3: 'Evil Tendency. Immorality in Galway Deplored by Bishop. Warning to Girls. Influence of Dancing and Bad Literature': (quoting the Bishop of Galway) 'People talk a lot of nonsense about innocent girls and about seduction and this and that and the other. The blame lies upon the girls themselves'.

virtue - the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong

pro and con - for and against; in favour and in opposition

principality - the position, dignity, or dominion of a prince or chief ruler; sovereignty; supreme authority + Virtues, Principalities - orders of angels.

Droichead Atha (drihed ahe) (gael) - Bridge of the Ford; town between Counties Meath and Louth N. of Dublin + Upper O'Connell Street, Dublin, was Drogheda Street in 18th century.

kick up a dust - to cause trouble; to complain or act in a noisy manner + devil dust (Slang) - gunpowder + SDV: All the same You will swear you saw their shadows struggling & kicking up the [fallen] leaves [for the wind]? / — I will. /

Milesian - of or pertaining to Miletus, a city of Asia Minor, or to its inhabitants; of or pertaining to King Milesius or his people; rel. to the earliest Celts of Ireland (1300. B.C.), Irish + Milesius - father of Heber and Heremon who gave his name to the final of the legendary invasions of Ireland. The Milesians came from Spain and defeated and displaced the semi-divine Tuatha Dé Danann.

Bp. Hall Invis. World i. vii. (1847) 88 The presumption of those men, who have taken upon them to marshal these Angelical spirits. In the second [Hierarchy] of universal regency; finding Mights, to be the Generals of the heavenly Militia. In the third of special government, placing Powers, forty times more than Principalities: Mights, fifty more than Powers.

an giolla goillin (un gilegulin) (gael) - the devil + so help me God - the customary formula in a solemn oath.

toecap - a cap of leather covering the toe of a boot or shoe

headlong - Of heights, etc.: Such as one might fall headlong from, precipitous + Long Stone (Steyne) - a pillar formerly standing in Dublin, erected by the Vikings near their landing place.

kismet - (Islamic) the will of Allah + Stone of Destiny - another name for Lia Fáil [025.19]

Lorcan (lurkan) (gael) - diminutive of lorc, "fierce"; masc. personal name; anglic. Laurence + Saint Lorcan (Laurence) O'Toole - patron saint of Dublin.

they must have done wonderful work (notebook 1924) Connacht Tribune 29 Mar 1924, 2/6: 'Echo of Ballinasloe Raid': (part of a court examination into a claim for damages to house following a raid by armed men) 'His honor: What about the large press. How did they break that? - Witness: They jumped on it. - How long were they in the house? - About twenty minutes altogether. - They must have done wonderful work (laughter)'.

ecad - an organism modified by its environment + egad - Used as a softened oath.

parley - a conference for the debating of points in dispute; esp. Mil., an informal conference with an enemy, under a truce, for the discussion of terms, or the mutual arrangement of matters, as the exchange of prisoners; a discussion of terms.

meater - one who eats (butcher's) meat; a meat-eater + meteorite - a fallen meteor. 

VEGA - Brightest star in constellation Lyra. The annual meteor shower called the Lyrids radiate from a point near Vega + meat eaters versus vegetarians. 

dost = do (arhaic)

ay - As an affirmative response to a question: Yes, even so.

range - a form of fire-grate, fire-place, or cooking apparatus

fender - a metal frame placed in front of a fire to keep falling coals from rolling out into the room

alias - otherwise (called or named)

turfing iron - a tool for raising turf (PICTURE)

briar - a pipe made from the root (briarroot) of the tree heath

swap - an act, or the action, of 'swapping' or exchanging; an equal exchange

piff - an imitation of various sounds, as of that made by the swift motion of a bullet through the air; So piff-paff.

puff - a representation of the act of blowing in puffs; also, of blowing abruptly from the lips; hence, an expression of contempt

ersatz - artificial and inferior + Elsass-Lothringen (ger) = Alsace-Lorraine - Historically disputed region between France and Germany, East of the Rhine River. Ger, Elsass-Lothringen

wateringcan - a portable vessel for watering plants; now usually of tinned iron, and furnished with a long tubular spout, often ending with a rose for scattering the water

beer-belly + rebelling.


by chance - as it falls or fell out; without design; accidentally, incidentally

necessity - the constraining power of circumstances; the condition of being essential or indispensable

sham - Of immaterial things: Pretended, feigned, counterfeit; not genuine or true; 'sham fight': a mimic battle between two divisions of a military or naval force, either for exercise or display + sham (Slang) - champagne.

mere - having no greater extent, range, value, power, or importance than the designation implies; that is barely or only what it is said to be + mere (l) - pure (unmixed) wine.

only + woinos (gr) - wine + Voina i Mir (Russian) - War and Peace (book by L.N. Tolstoy).

betwixt = between + as between - 'as it regards, so far as it concerns, with respect or reference to'.

versicule - a versicle; a short verse or poem + scoticula (l) - little lash, little whip + Picts and Scots.

Caractacus - British chieftain who resisted the Romans (48-51) but was captured and sent to Rome + caricatures.

roman (fr) - novel

celebrate + sorrow.

expulsion - the action of expelling, or driving out by force (a person or thing)

Dane - a native or subject of Denmark; in older usage including all the Northmen who invaded England from the 9th to the 11th c. + Danos (Acc. pl.) (l) = Danos (gr) - the Danes + expulsion of the Danes - Battle of Clontarf, 1014 + Danaos - Greeks.

scusa! (it) - I beg your pardon

upright - Of persons: Adhering to or following correct moral principles; of unbending integrity or rectitude; morally just, honest, or honourable + upright man (Slang) - leader of criminal band.

Limba - a member of a West African people inhabiting Sierra Leone + lingua - a language + bucca (l) - cheek, face + lingua Romana in bucca Tuscana (l) - "A Tuscan (Etruscan) tongue in a Roman mouth", ie, Roman pronunciation and Tuscan syntax, is a definition of good Italian. 

O'Buachalla (o'bukheli) (gael) - descendant of Buachaill ("boy"); anglic. Buckley + Buckley's tuxedo.

facing + farce - to cram (the stomach, etc., oneself) with food; fig.; esp. To season, 'spice' (a composition, speech).

gibberish - unintelligible speech belonging to no known language, and supposed to be of arbitrary invention; inarticulate chatter, jargon + Vercingetorix (d. 46) - Gallic chieftain who revolted against Julius Caesar.

O'Deorain (o'd'oran) (gael) - descendant of Deoradhan (diminutive of deoradh, "exile, stranger").

finis (l) - limit, boundary, end + in fine (l) - in the end, as far as + O'Fiannaidhe (o'fini) (gael) - descendant of Fiannaidhe ("soldier").

music + muzhik (Russian) - peasant.

bashed - disconcerted, dismayed; having the surface beaten or smashed in + barbarians of the past.

O'Coingheallaigh (o'kinyali) (gael) - descendant of Coingheallach ("serving under conditions") + O'Cinnfhaolaidh (o'kineli) (gael) - descendant of Ceannfhaoladh ("wolf-head") + Daniel O'Connell

da (Russian) - yes

O'Donnghaile (o'donyali) (gael) - descendant of Donnghal ("brown-valor"); anglic. Donnelly + Dan Donnelly - 19th century Irish prizefighter, whose footprints have been preserved for posterity.

meed - to reward, recompense; to deserve, merit

in vino veritas - truth comes out under the influence of alcohol; a drunken person tells the truth + Voina i Mir (Russian) - War and Peace (book by L.N. Tolstoy) + viritim (l) - separately + virilitas (l) - manhood, virility.

ab- - from, away + lex (l) - law + ab chaos lex (l) - from chaos [comes] legislation.

nicht wahr? (ger) = niet waar? (Dutch) - right? isn't that true? + wehr- (ger) - to defend, fight.

bella (fem.) (l) - pretty, nice + bella (pl.) (l) - wars.

pia (l) - tender

pura (l) - clean, pure + O bella! O pia! O pura! (l) - O fair! O dutiful! O pure! + bella pia et pura (l) - pious and pure wars: Vico's idea.

handwaled - chosen or selected by hand; individually or carefully selected, picked + John 1:14: 'and dwelt among us'.

balbus (l) - stammering, that stammers + Balbus - Roman who tried to build a wall in Gaul.

all the same - equally acceptable or the contrary; in spite of what has been mentioned; even if circumstances had been otherwise; nevertheless, notwithstanding

clang - to emit a loud resonant ringing sound as of pieces of metal struck together, etc.

hellish - infernally, execrably + howl.

hull - the body or frame of a ship + Hell Opened to Christians - a 17th-century Italian tract by Jesuit author Pinamonti, G. P., which someone has shown to be the prime source of the hell-fire sermon in Portrait.