scandalmonger - a person who spreads malicious gossip
familiar - a person with whom one has constant intercourse, an intimate friend or associate + (the ass).
Normand = Norman - a native or inhabitant of Normandy; one belonging to, or descended from, the mixed Scandinavian and Frankish race inhabiting that part of France + four provinces: N., S. [deas (gael), "south"], E., W.
Connachta (kunukhte) (gael) - Progenry of Conn ("intelligence"); W. province; anglic. Connacht, Connaught + Tuath-Mumhan, Deas-Mumhan, Thoir-Mumhan (tuemun, d'asmun, hirmun) (gael) - North Munster, South Munster, East Munster; anglic. Thomond, Desmond, Ormond.
medical + magical + musical.
all over the show = all over the shop - scattered about the place, spread out in every direction; following an erratic and undefined course; in a state of confusion.
in sum - (Expressed) in a few words, briefly or summarily; to conclude in few words; in brief, in short.
hum - a piece of humbug; an imposition, a hoax (slang or colloq.) + summum (l) - the top, highest point.
marriage feasts
stake - that which is placed at hazard; esp. a sum of money or other valuable commodity deposited or guaranteed, to be taken by the winner of a game, race, contest, etc. + (notebook 1931): 'statue stumbling' ('ing' not clear).
assembling - gathering together, meeting + The Rocky Road to Dublin (song).
courting - the paying of courteous attention, in order to win favour or love; paying of addresses, wooing + When McCarthy Took the Flure at Enniscorthy (song): 'and the sticks they all went whacking, and the skulls, faith, they were cracking, When McCarthy took the flure at Enniscorthy'.
wellfire = wellgrate - In the closing years of the 19th century a 'well-grate' was invented, in which the fire burns upon the hearth, combustion being aided by an air-chamber below + (a brick).
Stecker (ger) - plug
hoy - a heavy or clumsy person (obs.) + PHOENIX TAVERN, at corner of Werburgh Street and Skinner's Row; kept by James Hoey until closed after his death in 1773, it was a favorite spot for meetings of clubs and political societies, including the Freemasons and the Ouzel Galley Society.
Schotten (ger) - Scotchmen + suddenly + certainly.
Hell-fire club - club of reckless young men in early 18th century (Dublin had one) + Druids are said to have come to the Tallaght Hills. Giving rise to the legend that Tallaght in this case means, burial of the druid. upon Mount Seskin (the tallest of the Tallaght Hills) can be seen numerous stone structures, the one that lies atop this mountain is commonly referred to as, "The Hell Fire Club" and was built by a man called Speaker Connolly, some say it was built from a "fairy ring", an ancient Celtic monument similar to New Grange. Numerous lurid stories of wild behaviour and debauchery as well as occult practices and demonic manifestations have become part of the local folklore.
was ist das (ger) - what is that (term used in France for peephole) + vasistas (fr) - fanlight over door.
there's hair, like wire! - there's a girl with a lot of long and stiff hair! (catch-phrase of the early 20th century)
heaviest + Hephaestus - Greek god of fire, identified with Vulcan. Zeus threw him out of heaven and he was all day falling to earth.
kata (gr) - downwards + calamitas (l) - loss, injury, harm + allusion to the fall of Hephaestus from heaven (he was thrown down by Zeus).
vacuum - a space entirely empty of matter + Vulcanus (l) - god of fire (identified with Hephaestus).
Punch - the name of the principal character, a grotesque hump-backed figure, in the puppet-show called Punch and Judy
Ecclesiastes - the title of a book of the Old Testament, written in the person of Solomon, and traditionally ascribed to his authorship + Noe at Ecclesiastes, nonne (l) - Noah and Ecclesiastes, isn't it?
nonne - obs. form of nun
ninny - a simpleton, a fool; a child + niin (Finnish) - yes.
Eccles - Name of a town in Lancashire + Eccles cake - a kind of fancy cake.
hostel - a public house of lodging and entertainment for strangers and travellers; an inn, a hotel
an (Archaic) - if
scrape out - to dig out with the nails or claws; Also fig.
redress - to restore or bring back (a thing or person) to a proper state; to set (a person) right, by obtaining, or (more rarely) giving, satisfaction or compensation for the wrong or loss sustained; to remedy or remove (trouble or distress of any kind) + address
call it a night - to stop at least for the present whatever one has been doing
Finn's Hotel - on Leinster Street, Dublin, where Nora Joyce was, in Gogarty's words, "a slavey." From Finn's Hotel she eloped with Joyce to the continent.
siubhloir (shulor) (gael) - traveler, wayfarer, vagrant + Schuler (ger) - pupil + shooler (Irish) - beggar, wanderer, vagrant.
shakeup - an act of shaking up or being shaken up, or the result of this; a thorough or drastic change or rearrangement; a disturbing or unsettling experience.
plighter - one who or that which plights or pledges
palm - to conceal in the palm of the hand, as in cheating at cards or dice, or in juggling; to impose (a thing) fraudulently (on or upon a person); to pass off by trickery or fraud.
winker - one who winks (in various senses) (rare.)
et caetera et caeterorum (l) - and the others and the others + in saecula saeculorum (l) - for ever and ever.
mayhap - perhaps, maybe
hora - a Romanian and Israeli round-dance + hora (Czech ) - mountain + Hora (l) - "Lady": goddess, wife of Romulus + hora (l) - an hour, time + pro (l) - for + nubis (l) - a cloud; tempest + ora pro nobis (l) - pray for us.
lit. Donnerstag (ger) - Thursday
A Little Bit of Heaven (song)
Deimetuus (l) - fearer of God + (marriage announcement).
Fitz - the Anglo-French word for 'son'; chiefly Hist. in patronymic designations, in which it was followed by the name of a parent in the uninflected genitive. Some of these survive as surnames, e.g. Fitzherbert, Fitzwilliam, etc.; in later times new surnames of the kind have been given to the illegitimate children of royal princes.
Tartar - a native inhabitant of the region of Central Asia extending eastward from the Caspian Sea, and formerly known as Independent and Chinese Tartary
Sackvllle, Lionel Cranfield, 1st duke of Dorset - Irish viceroy (1750-54). Sackville (now O'Connell) Street bore his name.
WESTMORELAND STREET - Main thoroughfare, leading to College Green from Lower Sackville (now O'Connell) Street and O'Connell Bridge.
auspice - any divine or prophetic token; prosperous lead + Hospice for the Dying, Dublin.
BONNYBROOK - Townland, and Bonnybrook House, West of Coolock, North Dublin. There are no hospitals in the vicinity; the Hospice for the Dying is in South Dublin. See Donnybrook.
Carlisle Bridge, Dublin (now O'Connell Bridge)
barmaid - a female who sells food and drink at the bar of a tavern or hotel + bridesmaid - a woman who attends the bride at a wedding.
pontifical - pertaining or proper to a bishop or prelate + Pontifical Mass - solemn Mass celebrated by a bishop.
soddenly - in a sodden manner; heavily and dully; damply + suddenly shot.
Schotte (ger) - Scotchman
furtive + fortified + 'the '45' - Scotland's Jacobite defeat (1745).
there are no flies on - there is no fault to be found with, there are no blemishes in; there is nothing dishonest or 'shady' about (a transaction) + 'No flowers by request' (funeral notice).
mayhem - the willful and unlawful crippling or mutilation of another person + maybe
Ulysses.12.1583: 'Loans by post on easy terms. Any amount of money advanced on note of hand. Distance no object. No security'.
mof (Dutch) - 'jerry', 'kraut', 'hun' (term of abuse for German)
sweepstakes - a lottery in which the prize consists of the money paid by the participants + swastikas.
providential - resulting from divine providence; lucky, fortunate + (newspaper advertisements).
squeeze - a strong financial or commercial demand or pressure, esp. a restriction in the supply of money, credit, goods, etc.
pint - a vessel containing a pint
kick - an indentation in the bottom of a glass bottle, diminishing the internal capacity
gaa (Danish) - go + gaas (Danish) - goose + G.A.A. - Gaelic Athletic Association.
punch - a beverage now generally composed of wine or spirits mixed with hot water or milk and flavoured with sugar, lemons, and some spice or cordial; (boxing) a blow with the fist.
Gaelicize - to make Gaelic in form, quality or customs
'The lady with the lamp' - Florence Nightingale
barley - a hardy awned cereal (genus Hordeum), cultivated in all parts of the world
ars (l) - art + on one's ear - drunk + arse.
him and her
he and she