shirttail - the tail of a shirt + in one's shirtsleeves - with one's coat off.
alleged - cited, quoted; produced in court, brought forward or adduced as legal ground, or as a reason
(mineral water bottle)
this + (see his picture).
farangistan (Persian) - Europe + Afghanistan + foreign.
szombat (Hungarian) - Saturday + sambat (Malay) - connect, tie, join together.
feature - a distinctive or prominent article or item in a newspaper, magazine, etc. + Sunday papers.
welcomed - made welcome, gladly received
aperitif - an alcoholic drink taken, before a meal, to stimulate the appetite. fig. + Taff.
wallad (Arabic) - son of, a child + ballad of Persse O'Reilly.
batter - to bruise, beat out of shape, or indent by blows or rough usage + Butt + (notebook 1924): '...never batted an eye'.
duty - a payment due and enforced by law or custom
Paradise Lost - a long epic poem by John Milton
nil - nothing, nonexistent + Nil (fr) - Nile.
ensemble - a woman's dress, hat, etc., as a complete whole + nil insimul (l) - nothing at the same time + tout ensemble (fr) - all together + in the altogether (Colloquial) - in the nude, naked.
easychair - a chair adapted for sitting or half reclining in in an easy posture, often furnished with arms and padded back
maharani (Hindustani) - wife of a maharajah
lock - to enclose, hem in, surround; Chiefly with in + (notebook 1924): 'look him plain in the face'.
Christmas + Issy.
face like end of time... (notebook 1924) [.04] [.06]
'Sunlight' soap
ruddy - Of the face, complexion, etc.: Naturally suffused with a fresh or healthy redness.
raw - having the skin removed, so that the flesh is exposed
charmer - one who uses spells and enchantments, or who has magic powers
dip - to plunge one's hand (or a ladle or the like) into water, etc., or into a vessel, esp. for the purpose of taking something out
propendulus (l) - hanging down in front + propendiculus (l) - a noose in front + culus (l) - arse + perpendicular.
loudspeaker - an apparatus that converts electrical impulses into sound, typically as part of a public address system or stereo equipment + poker (Slang) - penis.
seaserpent - any ophidian inhabiting the sea
siss - a hissing sound + "The Egyptian priests celebrated the Gods by chanting the seven vowels referred to by Demetrius (in the Mithriac Ritual) as the 'sounding letters'. Nicomachus (2nd. Cent.) mentions not only vowels and consonants but also 'unarticulated' sounds, reminiscent of the hissing speech to which Solinus alludes in connection with the black stone, Ixaxaar." (Kenneth Grant: Outer Gateways)
meditation - that kind of private devotional exercise which consists in the continuous application of the mind to the contemplation of some religious truth, mystery, or object of reverence + Vikramaditya (Hindustani) - royal patron of arts (literally 'sun of power').
Gujarti - an Indian language + gurgles.
parasite - fig. A person whose part or action resembles that of an animal parasite.
turkeycock - a male turkey; a strutting pompous person
lithia - the oxide of lithium, LiO + lithia (gr) - precious stones, jewelry + lithia water - mineral water containing lithium salts + Livia.
M.D. - abbreviation of Latin Medicinæ Doctor, doctor of medicine + MD, or Md, or My dears - in the "little language" of Swift's Journal to Stella, this denotes Stella (Esther Johnson) and Rebecca Dingley.
snooker - a game, played with balls on a billiard table + sure + SDV: when my reputed husband took a drink from out of the said bottle and he showed me a poker [which was [here] produced] with the remark: This is for Sneak.
bort (OF) - bastard + bort (Danish) - away + Henrik Ibsen: Borte!: "She was but a guest -- And now, she is gone."
wem (ger) - whom
wham - to strike violently + was
whim - a pun or play on words, a double meaning (obs.) + when
amnis (l) - river + omnes (l) - all + Vanitas, vanitas vanitatum, omnis vanitas (l) - Emptiness, emptiness of emptinesses, all empty [Vanity, vanity of vanities, all is vanity - Ecclesiastes]
nihil (l) - nothing + Ecclesiastes 1:9: 'there is no new thing under the sun'.
clothing - that clothes, investing, enveloping + William Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra IV.15.66-67: 'And there is nothing left remarkable / beneath the visiting moon'.
Ota - wife of Turgesius. She and her husband were pagan, and when they ruled Armagh, Ota held court on the high altar and prophesied in the cathedral.
wie wahr (ger) - how true + wahr (ger) - real, genuine + wee wife.
Turgesius on Thorgil - Viking who invaded Ireland in 832. He and his death were likewise violent.
woolsack - a large package or bale of wool; a seat made of a bag of wool for the use of judges when summoned to attend the House of Lords + sark (Scottish) - a shirt.
mode - to put (a person) into fashionable clothing; to be or become 'the mode' + made
heute (ger) - today + Leute (ger) - people + hoity-toity (Slang) - supercilious.
girlery - girls collectively; brothel (Slang) + gallery.
peerless - unequalled, matchless + princesses
pomposity - display of dignity or importance in deportment or language + bombasine - a twilled dress material.
fierte - haughtiness, pride; high spirit + vierte (ger) - fourth.
flounced - adorned or trimmed with a flounce or with flounces + flounce - 'an ornamental appendage to the skirt of a lady's dress, consisting of a strip gathered and sewed on by its upper edge around the skirt, and left hanging and waving.'
frangipane - a perfume prepared from, or imitating the odour of, the flower of the red jasmine
master + Masstab (ger) - ruler, measure.
whereby - by means of or by the agency of which; from which (as a source of information)
ephialtes - a demon supposed to cause nightmare; nightmare itself + Ephialtes (lit. "he who jumps upon") is also the Greek word for "nightmare", and Ephialtes was sometimes considered the daimon of nightmares.
exceed - to pass out of (boundaries, etc.); to transcend the limits of; to proceed beyond (a specified point)
simplex - simple + mandacium (l) - untruth, lie + simplex mendaciis (l) - simple in [his] lies + Horace: Odes I.5.5: 'simplex munditiis': 'simple in its elegance'.
Outis - name used by Ulysses to deceive the cyclops (literally 'no-man') + ous (gr) - ear + Otus and Ephialtes - sons of Iphimedia, queen of Aloeus, by Poseidon, whom she induced to make her pregnant by going to the seashore and disporting herself in the surf. They were strong and aggressive giants, growing by nine fingers every month nine fathoms tall at age nine, and only outshone in beauty by Orion. The brothers wanted to storm Mt. Olympus and gain Artemis for Otus and Hera for Ephialtes. Their plan, or construction, of a pile of mountains atop which they would confront the gods. Homer says they were killed by Apollo before they had any beards, consistent with their being bound to columns in the Underworld by snakes, with the nymph of the Styx in the form of an owl over them. According to another version of their struggle against the Olympians, alluded to so briefly that it must have been already familiar to the epic's hearers, they managed to kidnap Ares and hold him in a bronze jar, a storage pithos, for thirteen months, a lunar year. "And that would have been the end of Ares and his appetite for war, if the beautiful Eriboea, the young giants' stepmother, had not told Hermes what they had done," Dione related (Iliad 5.385–391). He was only released when Artemis offered herself to Otus. This made Ephialtes envious and the pair fought. Artemis changed herself into a doe and jumped between them. The Aloadae, not wanting her to get away, threw their spears and simultaneously killed each other. On a more positive front, the Aloadae were bringers of civilization, founding cities and teaching culture to humanity.
throat + 5 senses (touch missing) [.24-.26]
yerd = yird - Sc. and north. f. earth
nude - a nude figure in painting or sculpture; Of the human figure, or those parts of it which are usually clothed: Naked, unclothed, undraped + yes and no.
aye - As an affirmative response to a question: Yes, even so + eyes and nose.
vide (l) - look! see! + vide (fr) - empty.
Eirinn (erin) (gael) - dat. [to, for] Ireland + Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies: song: Let Erin Remember the Days of Old: 'Let Erin remember the days of old, Ere her faithless sons betray'd her'.
fadeless - that is exempt from fading or decay
beray - fig. To befoul, stain, disfigure.
irise - to become, suit, be suitable to + arise - to get up from sitting, lying, repose → 'Arise, Osirises' parallels 'Wake, Finnegans' + Iris (gr, l) - goddess of the rainbow; the rainbow + Isis, Osiris.
"the" at the end of FW + THE CHAPTER OF GIVING A MOUTH TO THE OSIRIS ANI, THE SCRIBE, AND TELLER OF THE OFFERINGS WHICH ARE MADE TO ALL THE GODS, WHOSE WORD IS TRUE, WHO SAITH:- I rise up out of the Egg in the Hidden Land. May my mouth be given unto me that I may speak therewith in the presence of the Great God, the Lord of the Tuat. Let not my hand and my arm be repulsed in the presence of the Chiefs (Tchatchau) of any god. I am Osiris, the Lord of Ra-stau. May I, the Osiris, the scribe Ani, whose word is true, have my portion with him who is on the top of the Steps (Osiris). According to the desire of my heart I have come forth from the Island of Nesersert, and I have extinguished the fire. (THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD)
poise - to place or keep in equilibrium, to balance
pont - a bridge + 'Why do I am alook alike a poss of porterpease?' (motif).
vignette - an ornamental or decorative design on a blank space in a book or among printed matter, esp. at the beginning or end of a chapter or other division, usually one of small size or occupying a small proportion of the space; spec. any embellishment, illustration, or picture uninclosed in a border, or having the edges shading off into the surrounding paper ['The Book of the Dead' papyri were ornamented with vignettes (for ch. XCV, the vignette depicted a goose)]
rainbow + in Egyptian hieroglyphics, a goose means 'son' + {after "the" there is vignette with rainbow on it: "rory end to the regginbrow was to be seen ringsome on the aquaface" (PICTURE)}.
overseer - one who oversees or superintends, a supervisor + 'The overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Nu, triumphant, saith': (frequent introduction in 'The Book of the Dead', including ch. XCV).
numen - spirit in objects, local deity, a presiding spirit; deity, divinity + "While Atherton rightly suggests that Joyce probably consulted Papyrus of Ani in writing Finnegans Wake, isolated passages in the book show that Joyce drew on another Theban recension of another deadman's book, the Papyrus of Nu... the opening invocations in chapters of Nu's Book of the Dead: "the steward of the overseer of the seal, Nu... begotten of the steward of the overseer of the seal, Amen-Hetap,... saith". The Wake's assimilation of these distinct papyri suggests not only how broadly Joyce studied this material, but also how organically he would have contoured all of it into designs of Finnegans Wake. Since each copy of the Book of the Dead has as its subject a real individual, each copy of the book inherently differs from all others; yet because two distinct books of the dead, one written for a scribe, and one for a steward of the overseer of the seals, might each contain traditionally prescribed chapters identical in all matters but those of naming and phrasing, the documents are at the same time collective and universal." (John Bishop: Joyce's Book of the Dark).
triumphant - that has achieved victory or success; rejoicing or exulting for or as for victory; splendid, glorious, magnificent
"Let me fly like a hawk, let me cackle like a goose, let me lay always like the serpent-goddess Neheb-ka." (THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD)
corncrake - a name (originally Scottish) of the bird also called Landrail, Crex pratensis, found in summer in the British Islands; it lives concealed among standing corn and the grass of the hayfields, whence its harsh grating voice may be heard + Ulysses.15.2183: 'Elijah's voice, harsh as a corncrake's'.
Ani - Egyptian scribe, subject of the Papyrus of Ani ('The Book of the Dead') + ALP + Anne Lynch's Dublin tea.
postern - a back door; a private door; any door or gate distinct from the main entrance + Budge: The Book of the Dead ch. CXXV: in it the deceased is obliged to name all parts of the Hall of double Maāti (Judgement Hall), including doors, posts, locks, pillars, posterns, etc., before he is permitted to pass through.
THE PRAYER OF ANI:- My heart, my mother; my heart, my mother! My heart whereby I came into being! May nought stand up to oppose me at [my] judgment, may there be no opposition to me in the presence of the Chiefs (Tchatchau) (THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD)
Budge: The Book of the Dead xvii: 'The very title "Book of the Dead" is unsatisfactory... it is no rendering whatsoever of their ancient Egyptian title... "Chapters of Coming Forth by Day"' + Budge: The Book of the Dead ch. LXIV: 'I am the Lord... who cometh forth out of the darkness'.
calendarist - one who calendars (events, days, etc.), one who assigns dates and periods + Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies: song: They Know Not My Heart [air: Coolan Das] + Samuel Ferguson: The Coolun (song) + colon, pederast (i.e. sodomy).
glamoury - magic (obs.)