Aedes Christi et Spiritus Sancti (l) - Dwellingplace of Christ and the Holy Spirit + (notebook 1931): 'Aedes X. the house' → Bowman: The Story of Lewis Carroll: (of Carroll) 'In 1850 he went to Christ Church, Oxford, and from that time till the year of his death he was inseparably connected with "The House," as Christ Church college is generally called, from its Latin name "Ædes Christi," which means, literally translated, the House of Christ' (Oxford Slang).
Dodgefather Dodgson (notebook 1931) → Bowman: The Story of Lewis Carroll 4: (of Carroll) 'The Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson... was born Daresbury, in Cheshire, and his father was Rev. Charles Dodgson'.
spiritus (l) - spirit
sanction - Law. The specific penalty enacted in order to enforce obedience to a law + sancti (l) - holy.
breeze - to buzz as a breeze or gadfly + breathe
aures (pl.) (l) - ears + aura (l) - breeze + aura - the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place.
aureus (l) = aureas (Portuguese) - golden + Silence is golden (proverb).
navn (Danish) - name
Sade, Marquis de (1740-18 14) - French author of Juliette, Justine, etc. + Midas - king of Phrygia. Dionysus gave him power to turn all he touched into gold; he nearly starved. In a musical contest, he voted against Apollo, who gave him ass's ears. These ears were known to his barber, who whispered the secret to riven reeds, and they told the world + my dad.
or (fr) - gold
oreilles (fr) - ears + Persse O'Reilly.
eyelash - the row or line of hairs fringing the edge of the eye-lid + luscious - sweet and highly pleasing to the eye, ear, or mind + White eyeluscious = videlicat (l) - plainly, evidently.
muddy - Of the voice: Thick, esp. through drinking; morally impure or 'dirty' (now rare.) + (notebook 1924): 'Muddybroth! curse' → Bury: The Life of St. Patrick 92n: (of Saint Patrick cursing pagan neighbours working noisily on a Sunday) 'The curse mudebrod (or mudebroth) has not been explained'.
pursy - short-winded, asthmatic, puffy; fat, corpulent
riley - thick, turbid, muddy; angry, irritable, bad-tempered
get off - to start on a journey, or in a race; to have an orgasm (Slang) + where one gets off - the point beyond which one is not competent, entitled, or required to go + (notebook 1924): 'when do I get off'.
chiseller - a child or youngster, a youth; a swindler, cheat (colloq.) + FDV: — Eh, Johnny & where do we get off? / — Wulva! wulva!
Haltestelle (ger) - station, bus- or tram-stop + {Speaker is John}
LUCAN - Suburban village 9 miles West of Dublin, at the confluence of the Griffeen and Liffey Rivers; on the South bank of the Liffey.
vulva - Anat. The external organ of generation in the female; esp. the opening or orifice of that organ.
Atlantic City, New Jersey + Galway is on Atlantic coast.
onargus (l) = onagros (gr) - wild ass + Johnny Mac Dougal and his ass.
that is - accompanying (usu. following) an explanatory limitation or condition of a preceding statement
Tuaim (tum) (gael) - burial mound, tumulus; town, Co .Galway; anglic. Tuam + chewing.
Cabhan (kavan) (gael) - Hollow; N. central county; anglic. Cavan + FDV: — MacDougal, that is, coughing. I identify wd go near identifying you. That sample plucher you have is no good use to you either Johnny, my donkey, O. Number four, keep time.
(notebook 1924): 'identified by voice, cough, laugh, sneeze,' → Irish Times 2 Jan 1924, 6/6: 'Kerry Farm Raided': 'I could not see his face, but by his voice he was Mr Rice'.
stavros (gr) - cross + stavrotides (Modern Greek Artificial) - descendant of a cross + (notebook 1924): 'staurotides' → staurotides (fr) - stone crosses (according to Bradshaw's Handbook of Brittany, 1898).
Maho = Mahu - Used as the name of a devil + Magh-eo (mayo) (gael) - Yew-Plain; W. county; anglic. Mayo (in Connacht).
vesla (Serbian) - oars + wisteria - a type of climbing shrub with purple-blue flowers.
Yokhanan (Hebrew) - John + hat.
O'Maol Chonaire (o'mwel khunere) (gael) - descendant of Maol Chonaire ("follower of Conaire"); anglic. O Mulconry; (name of one of Four Masters, also of Finghin O Maol Chonaire, Archbishop of Tuam).
plucher (l) - beautiful, handsome + plughering (Irish) - coughing in a choking manner (from Irish plúchadh: choking, smothering, feeling of suffocation) + (notebook 1924): 'plucher (cough)' → Irish Independent 3 Jan 1924, 4/5: 'Return of Some Old Remedies. Garlic and Goats': 'I knew a man whose nickname in his locality in Tyrone was "Garlic George." He grew a garden full of it... If you had a cough he would say: "I'll cure you for nothin' in two days". And if you were courageous enough to stand the odour for that time you probably left your "plucher" behind you'.
west coast
Glwlwd of the Mghtwg Grwpp (Glewlwyd of the mighty grasp) - Arthur's gateman in The Mabinogion
Schotte (ger) - Scot, a native of Scotland + danke schon (ger) - thank you + Don Quixote + (notebook 1924): '*V* to J that cough is no use to you' (J is Johnny).
spread eagle - a representation of an eagle with body, legs, and both wings displayed, esp. as the emblem of various states or rulers, or as an inn-sign + eagle is emblem of Saint John + (crucifixion)
pull one's weight - to row with effect in proportion to one's weight; also fig., to perform one's share of work, to take one's share of responsibility
huschen (ger) - to slip away, scatter + {Speaker is Matthew}
hin (ger) - thither + hin (Welsh) - weather + hin (Irish Pronunciation) - hen + original sin - (Theol.): the innate depravity, corruption, or evil tendency of man's nature, in all individuals of the human race, held to be inherited from Adam in consequence of the Fall.
Hayden, Maria - famous 19th century American medium + Garden of Eden - the abode of Adam and Eve at their creation, Paradise.
ken - to recognize (at sight, or by some marks or tokens); to identify
Schuler (ger) - schoolboy, pupil + FDV: — Did you know D'ye ken a young scholar the name of Kevin that was minding shooing a hen gagag that found the dogumen number one?
psychical - of or pertaining to the soul or the mind; mental, as distinguished from physical
chirography - the art of writing or engrossing, handwriting + (automatic writing used in seances, e.g. in 'Psychic Messages from Oscar Wilde' by Travers Smith).
outer - one who or that which puts out, utters, or gives vent to + as others say.
Vaughan, Father Bernard, S. J. (1847-1922) - noted English preacher, original of Father Purdon in Grace, mentioned in Ulysses ("Yes, it was very probable that Father Bernard Vaughan would come again to preach. O, yes: a very great success. A wonderful man really"). In Buffalo Workbook #10: "Fr Bern. Vaughan granted privilege of portable altar." + Evan Vaughan - first Dublin postmaster, had a Post House in High Street.
posthorn - a horn formerly used by a postman or the guard of a mail-coach, to announce arrival
shoo - to scare or drive away (fowls, etc.) by calling out 'shoo' or by means of movement or gestures + (notebook 1924): 'to 'shoo a cow'.
Jespersen: Language, its Nature, Development and Origin 151 (VIII.6): 'a little girl... said... gagag for 'hen'' + Guinea bird - a guinea-hen or guinea-fowl.
poule (fr) - hen + pola (Serbian) - half + Pinte - hen in Reynard cycle + pint of Guinness.
illegible - not legible, that cannot be read + Wilde on fox hunters: 'the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable'.
uneligible - incapable of being elected, legally or officially disqualified for election to an office or position; unworthy of choice
sainted - enrolled among the saints, canonized; holy, sacred + sint (Norwegian) - angry.
sageness - the quality of being sage + Ireland, isle of saints and sages (phrase).
cry stinking fish - to speak badly of one's own profession, efforts, family etc.
I no way need you (Joyce's note)
stroke oar - the oar nearest the stern of a rowing-boat; the rower who handles this oar
handle - fig. That by which something is or may be taken hold of; one of two or more ways in which a thing may be taken or apprehended; a person's name, a nickname (slang.) + Joyce's note: 'quick handles'.
cock of the North - the brambling (a bird belonging to the finch-tribe); malt whisky liqueur from Scotland + Cock of the North - George, 5th duke of Gordon (1770-1836); raised the Gordon Highhanders (they are in Ulysses), fought in Spain, Corsica, Ireland. Also a well-known bagpipe tune.
matty - matted + mighty arm + Matthew
Ard Macha (ard mokhe) (gael) - Macha's (fem. perosnal name of legendary queen) Height; N. county and town; primatial see of Ireland.
due - under engagement or contract to be ready, be present, or arrive + FDV: — I no way need you, stroke oar, with nor your quick handles. Too far You're too far north and you're south so.
leal - loyal, true + FDV: — Now den now. He De man dat found it there dere he was de man dat put it dere [originally]. Am I right there dere? But Now there is another thing how did it come into your possession, that is the point I raise in so many words? Now in the case of temporalities you cannot have an effect without a cause or I will put it in another way. [As I am advised] There is a strong suspicion on young Kevin. Now have you a strong doubt [in your mind] upon him? Or Are you in your post, tell spell me that without a Kay.
protos (gr) - first + Prout, Father (1804-66) - pen name of F. S. Mahoney, Irish Jesuit, writer of light verse, best known for "The Bells of Shandon" + prout (l) - in proportion, just as + (notebook 1924): '*C* invent letter'.
ultimately - in a final or conclusive manner, definitely
poeta (l) = poeta (sp) - poet
reading + (is Kevin, who found the document, the man who wrote it?)
eschatology - the department of theological science concerned with 'the four last things: death, judgement, heaven, and hell'
Book of Kells - illuminated gospel book that is a masterpiece of the ornate Hiberno-Saxon style. It is probable that the illumination was begun in the late 8th century at the Irish monastery on the Scottish island of Iona and that after a Viking raid the book was taken to the monastery of Kells in County Meath, where it may have been completed in the early 9th century + Budge: The Book of the Dead.
counterpoint - the art of adding one or more melodies as accompaniment to a given melody or 'plain-song' according to certain fixed rules; the opposite point, the exact opposite, antithesis + (notebook 1924): 'in so many words'.
decoded + de corde (l) - from the heart + recordare (l) - to remember + What can't be cured must be endured (proverb).
aye - Indicating assent to a previous statement, and preliminary to a further or more forcible one + What the eye can't see, the heart can't grieve for (proverb).
obtain - to attain to, come into possession of
occasion - to be the occasion or cause of (something); to give ground for, give rise to, cause, bring about, esp. in an incidental or subsidiary manner