Tullus Hostilius (672-640 B.C.) - 3d legendary king of Rome (REFERENCE)
recitant - one who recites or repeats + recitanda (l) - things worth reading aloud.
varsatile - obs. variant of versatile + varsity (Colloquial) - university.
ology - a branch of knowledge, science
Fukien - province, China + fucking.
P[ater]? F[ilius]? (l) - Father? Son? + piano? forte?
brathair (braher) (gael) - friar, brother-in-religion
sebastios (gr) - pertaining to Sebastos (gr. for Augustus)
Augustan - connected with the reign of Augustus Cæsar, the palmy period of Latin literature; hence applied to the period of highest purity and refinement of any national literature + William Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra I.5.73: 'My salad days'.
Cesare (Italian) Caesar
justly - with good reason or truth; rightly, properly + John 1:1: 'In the beginning was the Word' + Marcel Jousse studied the language of gesture.
John 1:14: 'Word made Flesh'.
case (Slang) - vulva + in the first place - at the beginning of the discussion of a matter, to start with.
supine - lying on one's back, lying with the face or front upward + (after intercourse).
verge (fr. slang) - penis + urge.
tauf- (ger) - baptize + mishe/tauf [.10]
tautological - repeating the same word, or the same notion in different words + too logical.
shingeller (Irish Pronunciation) - singular.
I + thou... art... Peter (Matthew 16:18).
subjunctive - a relative (obs. rare.); Gram. That is subjoined or dependent.
paltry - contemptibly small in amount, not worth considering
flippant - displaying unbecoming levity in the consideration of serious subjects or in behaviour to persons entitled to respect + flippant and serious.
onomatopeia - the formation of a name or word by an imitation of the sound associated with the thing or action designated + Flournoy: Des Indes à la planète Mars (1900), 103: calls the medium Helen Smith 'onomatopoioi' or 'onomatopoi' (describing her ability to create words) + on a matter poetic + (mishe).
amnis (l) - river + Kennedy: Latin Primer: 'Many nouns in -is we find to the Masculine assigned: amnis, axis, caulis, collis... etc.' + holly and ivy.
axis, pl. axes (l) - axle
collis, pl. colles (l) - hill
vectis, pl. vectes (l) - lever
vermis, pl. vermes (l) - worm
sodalis, pl. sodales (l) - mate, comrade, fellow + Amnis and [?] ignis, axis, collis, / vectis, vermis, like sodalis (l) - mnemnonic rhyme from a Latin schoolbook (Kennedy's Latin Primer).
stop - Gram. Short for 'full stop'.
fondness - foolish affection; unreasoning tenderness + fondness now.
twine - to separate, part, etc.
twos - a group or set of two persons or things; a pair, couple. Usually in pl.
noeuds (fr) - knots + moods.
furbelows - flounces on petticoats; frills of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim
farthingale - a hooped petticoat or circular pad of fabric around the hips, worn under women's skirts to extend and shape them (PICTURE)
undoubting - harbouring no doubts, confident
unbelieving - not giving belief + Seeing is believing - This familiar proverb expresses the commonly held assumption that visible reality equals truth.
dactyl - Prosody. A metrical foot consisting of a long syllable followed by two short + daktylizô (gr) - to finger.
point blank
ticklish - easily tickled; sensitive to tickling + English
namer - one who, or that which, gives a name or names + For nemo let me never say neminis or nemine (l) - mnemonic rhyme from a Latin schoolbook.
ending - conclusion, completion; the concluding part of a piece of work, a book, etc. + The Barber of Seville: song Ecco ridente in cielo (in final scene).
sipario (it) - curtain in theatre, stage curtain
stress - the overpowering pressure of some adverse force or influence
sunder - to dissolve connexion between two or more persons or things, to separate or part one from another
enliven - to give fuller life to; to animate, inspirit, invigorate physically or spiritually; to quicken (feelings) + thunder and lightning.
ay - Indicating assent to a previous statement, and preliminary to a further or more forcible one.
clasp - taking in the arms, embrace + Ulysses.3.47: 'They clasped and sundered, did the couplers will'.
deciduous - fig. Fleeting, transitory, perishing or disappearing after having served its purpose; Of plants and shrubs: Shedding foliage at the end of the growing season + (naked).
mikrokosmikon (gr) - a little small world + Necronomicon
mike - a rest, a period of idleness + light + Mick/Nick + (be born).
positively - definitely, downright; with assurance or confident assertion + 'Positively last appearance on any stage' (phrase).
alarm - a warning; the apparatus or mechanism which sounds the alarm
put on - to bring into action or operation; to cause to act
The Letter: must now close
hereby - by, through, or from this fact or circumstance; as a result of this
my seamless
amble - a leisurely walk (usually in some public place); Of a horse, mule, etc.: To move by lifting the two feet on one side together, alternately with the two feet on the other; hence, to move at a smooth or easy pace.
mitch - to shrink or retire from view, to lurk out of sight; to complain, whine + itching + Thomas Middleton: The Witch.
mizzle - to disappear suddenly; to run or slink away, decamp, vanish, take oneself off
sarve - obs. form of serve + starve.
gulp - to swallow in large draughts or morsels hastily or with greediness + Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies: song: One Bumper at Parting.
bumper - a cup or glass of wine, etc., filled to the brim, esp. when drunk as a toast
the more the merrier - the more people are at an event, the more fun you will have + Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies.
whenever - at whatever time, no matter when + Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies: song: Farewell! - But Whenever You Welcome the Hour.
Rev. William Tisdall - Irish clergyman whose attempted courtship of Stella was abruptly stopped by letter from Swift
Toole, John Lawrence (1830-1906) - English comic actor (Letters, III, 453)
tempos - pl. of tempo (rate of motion, pace, rhytmic recurrence)
fidget - to make movements indicative of impatience, restlessness, or uneasiness + tempus fugit (l) - time flees.
fiacre - a small four-wheeled carriage for hire, a hackney-coach + fiacal, fiacla (fikel, fikle) (gael) - tooth, teeth + fiaccole (it) - torches.
Monomark - a combination of letters and/or figures used as an identification mark for goods or personal property + monarch + man of ark (releasing birds) + Noah's ark.
undulant - fluctuating, rippling, having a form of waves
hoodie - the Hooded or Royston Crow, Corvus Cornix + hodie (l) - today + Hode (ger) - testicle.
tway - two
mew - a gull, esp. the common gull, Larus canus + newlaid.
freer - comp. of free; friar + mule let free.
Carthage - Rome's chief rival for Mediterranean supremacy + corsage - the upper part of a woman's dress.
bawl - to shout at the top of one's voice
Androcles - in a story by Aulus Gellius, in Shaw's play, Androcles takes a thorn from a lion's paw and on a subsequent occasion is not eaten by the lion + St. Andrew's Cross, Crux decussata, X-cross, X-frame or saltire cross is a common piece of equipment in BDSM dungeons. It typically provides restraining points for ankles, wrists, and waist. When secured to a saltire, the subject is restrained in a standing spreadeagle position.
sawdust - wood in the state of small particles, detached from a tree, plank, etc. in the process of sawing
Daniel in the lion's den
collie - a Scotch shepherd's dog + Daniel O Connell.
shack - a roughly built cabin or shanty of logs, mud, etc.; a house (U.S. slang.) + (notebook 1924): 'shack'.
Azores - islands of north Atlantic + azure - the clear blue colour of the unclouded sky, or of the sea reflecting it + a stor (astor) (gael) - my precious.
chorine - a chorus girl + a chairde (a khard'i) (gael) - friends, my friends.
heath - open uncultivated ground; an extensive tract of waste land
sistra - a musical instrument consisting of a thin oval metal frame furnished with transverse metal rods loosely fixed in it and a handle by which it was shaken; Originally peculiar to Egypt and the worship of Isis, but subsequently used in other Oriental countries.
So great was Bathsheba's beauty that it drove David, the Lord's anointed king, to adultery and murder. While Bathsheba's husband, Uriah the Hittite, was away in battle, David saw her bathing and summoned her to his quarters. Without apparent protest, she joined the king in adultery and married him after he arranged for Uriah to be killed in battle. Though her first son died, she made David promise that her second son, Solomon, would succeed him. When David was near death, she used this promise to block the elevation of his eldest surviving son, Adonijah. In 1 Chronicles 3:5, Solomon's mother is called Bath-shua + bean-sidhe (banshi) (gael) - fairy-woman.
peel - to take off one's clothes or outer garments; to strip + Peele, George (1558-97) - English playwright, author of David and Bathsheba + The Peeler and the Goat (song): 'Bansha peelers'.
houri - a nymph of the Muslim Paradise; Hence applied allusively to a voluptuously beautiful woman + Haar (ger) - hair + Uriah the Hittite - husband of Bathsheba, sent by David into the forefront of the battle and killed (2 Samuel, 11) + hourière (French Slang) - whore.
Octoroon - Zoe, title heroine of Boucicault's play + Orcus (l) - god of the dead + orco (Triestine Italian Dialect) - ogre.
hoar - to become hoary or grey-haired; fig. To grow old + hourière (fr. slang) - whore + heaving.