sapphire - a precious stone of a beautiful transparent blue
chaplet - a string of beads; esp. One used for counting prayers, one third of the length of a rosary.
ring a rosy - a childrens singing game in which the players dance in a circle and at given signal squat
solve (l) - loosen! + sauve-qui-peut! (fr) - every man for himself! (literally 'save who can').
quipu - a device of the ancient Peruvians and others for recording events, keeping accounts, sending messages, etc., consisting of cords or threads of various colours, knotted in various ways.
(notebook 1924): 'BVM takes rosebuds from monks' mouth' (only last two words crayoned, although all probably intended) → The Catholic Encyclopedia 'Rosary': 'the word rosarius means a garland or bouquet of roses... An early legend... connected this name with a story of Our Lady, who was seen to take rosebuds from the lips of a young monk when he was reciting Hail Marys and to weave them into a garland which she placed upon her head'.
mische (ger) - mix + Mensch (ger) - man + Misch-Masch - household magazine written by young Lewis Carroll + mishe/tauf (motif).
Madge - pet-name for Margaret; vulva (Slang) + *J*
looking-glass (Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking-Glass)
fright - a person or thing of a shocking, grotesque, or ridiculous appearance
dutch - a costermonger's wife; gen. a wife; often old Dutch
sleeptalking - speaking during sleep
oui, oui (fr) - yes, yes
hessians - short for Hessian boots (a kind of high boot, with tassels in front at the top, first worn by the Hessian troops, and fashionable early in the 19th century).
sickly - causing sickness or ill-health; producing discomfort or nausea + silky
stocky - of stout and sturdy build; short and thick-set + stockings
Ulysses.13.159: 'at last she found what she wanted at Clery's summer sales'.
jumble - collect. sing. articles for a jumble-sale (a sale of miscellaneous cheap or second-hand articles at a charitable bazaar or the like)
salvage - to save and collect (waste material, esp. paper) for recycling
(to be lost, damaged, etc.) in the wash - i.e. in course of being washed
tidy - to arrange neatly; refl. to put one's hair, dress, etc. in order + Nephthys was normally portrayed as a young woman, wearing a headdress in the shape of a house and basket → PICTURE.
sosie (fr) - double, counterpart
sassy - impudent, saucy; vigorous, lively
ithel - a tamarisk, Tamarix aphylla, bearing panicles of pink flowers and minute leaves, native to western Asia and north-east Africa + "known as an "ethel" of instep length and with a real fur" [166.07]
athel - ancestry, origin; spec. noble ancestry, nobility + athel (Old English) - prince.
broke in shoes (notebook 1924) + breaks in my.
arch - Anat. One of the arches formed by the tarsal and metatarsal bones of the foot + (notebook 1924): 'arch trouble (shoe)'.
Isolde Blanchemains
elbow - a sharp bend in the course of a river, road, etc.
erne - an eagle + Erne Street Lower, Dublin.
betrow - to trust + betreue (ger) - care for + James Joyce: Exiles act II: 'I longed to be betrayed...'.
betray - to give up to, or place in the power of an enemy, by treachery or disloyalty
bother - petty trouble, worry; disturbance, 'fuss' + (notebook 1931): 'O bother!'
I must tell the truth (notebook 1931) → Young: Trial of Frederick Bywaters and Edith Thompson 41: (H. Curtis Bennet, examining Detective Inspector Richard Sellars) 'she said this, "Oh, God, oh, God, what can I do? Why did he do it? I did not want him to do it"; and then almost immediately afterwards, "I must tell the truth"? - Yes'.
latest boy (notebook 1931)
sore = sorry (dial.) + sure + Your lovely letter I have done smthg (notebook 1931).
coss - kiss (obs.) + cos - dial. and colloq. shortening of because.
cuss - vulgar pronunciation or attenuation of curse (v.) + (notebook 1931): 'I like her - she doesn't swear' → Young: Trial of Frederick Bywaters and Edith Thompson 187: (letter from Edith Thompson to Bywaters, trial exhibit 19) '"I like her because she doesn't swear." This is what you write'.
pretty + (notebook 1931): 'petit bonhomme' → Verrimst: Rondes et Chansons Populaires 136: La Mistenlaire (song): 'Dis-nous, p'tit bonhomme', que sais-tu donc faire?' (French The Mistentune: 'Tell us, little man, what can you do then?').
bonhomie - good nature; the quality of being a good fellow + Bonhomme [Fr. = good man.] - a member of an order of begging friars who came over to England in the 13th c + petit bonhomme (fr. slang) - penis + bonham (Irish) - suckling pig.
pig + Ppt (motif).
I shouldn't say she was pretty (notebook 1931) → Young: Trial of Frederick Bywaters and Edith Thompson 181: (letter from Edith Thompson to Bywaters, trial exhibit 17) 'I saw Molly this morning... She certainly looks years older than her years and I shouldn't say she was pretty now'.
cocksure - perfectly sure + cock - obscene term for penis.
taking her out (notebook 1931) → Young: Trial of Frederick Bywaters and Edith Thompson 45: (Cecil Whiteley, counsel for Bywaters, examining Bywaters) 'were you taking Mrs. Thompson out during that time?'
unlatch - to undo the latch or catch of (a door, etc.) + (opened his trouser fly).
cordon - Fortif. A course of stones along the line of junction of the rampart and parapet, or forming the coping of the escarp or inner wall of the ditch + garden.
ope - open
jack (Slang) - penis + (notebook 1931): 'and, oh Jack.'
Atem (ger) - breath + Atem (Tem) - creator in 'The Book of the Dead' + Up, guards, and at them! (motif).
obey my orders (notebook 1931) + "In the African systems of Obeah and Voodoo, this Light is known as Aub, or Ob (root of Obeah). The word "Ob" means "a serpent". It is the serpent called Kundali, or Kundalini, in the Indian Mysteries..." (Kenneth Grant: The Magickal Revival).
adorers + odours → "The Ophidian cults of Africa were purged of their tribal and contingent accretions during their fusion with the Draconian Tradition of Egypt... The application to the human body of the Ophidian processes was revealed in three principal degrees in which the secrets of sexual magick were demonstrated with the use of suvasinis or 'sweet smelling women' who represented the primal goddess and who formed Kaula Circle. (Kenneth Grant: Cults of the Shadow)
dote - to be infatuatedly fond of
fall for ---- - to be captivated or carried away by; to yield to the attractions of
loudspeaker - electro-acoustic transducer that converts electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard at a distance + lewd - lascivious, unchaste.
candle (Slang) - penis + not to be able or fit to hold a candle to - not fit to hold even a subordinate position to, nothing to be compared to.
(notebook 1931): ', can there?' → Young: Trial of Frederick Bywaters and Edith Thompson 186: (letter from Edith Thompson to Bywaters, trial exhibit 18) 'I had a doctor's bill in yesterday - I took it in myself as it happened so of course I kept and shall pay it myself - without saying it is even in and then there can be no question of who's to pay can there'.
horsepower - the power or rate of work of a horse in drawing
give away - to betray, expose (oneself, another person) to detection or ridicule
boyish - boy-like; puerile
mate - one of a wedded pair, a husband or wife; Now only, a fitting or worthy partner in marriage; Also (rarely), a lover, paramour.
twirler - one who or that which twirls
Passiflora - the genus of plants containing the Passion-flower (the name of plants of the genus Passiflora, consisting mostly of climbing shrubs, many of which have an edible fruit; so called because the parts of the flower, etc., were fancifully thought to resemble the instruments of Christ's Passion, or suggest its attendant circumstances).
untruth - a falsehood; a false or incorrect statement
tell - what one tells or has to tell; a tale, a statement, an account + (notebook 1924): 'What a tell!' → Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 172 (sec. 170): 'No longer content with the old sale as the noun corresponding to sell, in slang we have the new noun a (fearful) sell (an imposition); cf. also the American substantive tell (according to their tell, see Farmer and Henley)' (United States).