sole - punning allusion to soul + O Sole Mio (song).

upper - piece of leather that forms the part of a shoe or boot above the sole

hereupon - immediately following upon this (in time or consequence)

welt - a leather rim sewn around the edge of a shoe upper to which the sole is attached + Welt (ger) - world + Lord Byron: Fare Thee Well: 'Fare thee well! and if for ever, Still for ever, fare thee well'.

sewing's fun (Joyce's note)

wringle - to move sinuously, to writhe + ring is + Lord Byron: Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage IV.clxxxii: 'Time writes no wrinkle on thine azure brow'.

doth - do (arch.)

trost - trust (obs.) + Trost (ger) - consolation.

alms - charitable relief of the poor; charity + Goodbye, Sweetheart, Goodbye (song): 'For time doth thrust me from thine arms'.

Hoch! (ger) - hurrah! + (laugh).

'letterman (Holohan's cake)' (notebook 1923) → Mrs Holohan's Christmas Cake (song): 'As I sat in my window last evening, / A letterman came unto me'.


inflexibly - rigidly, firmly; unalterably + (notebook 1924): 'unflexibly yrs Mussolini' ('yrs' not clear).

An Phost (unfust) (gael) - The Mail

huck - to chaffer, bargain + huc (l) - to this place, hither + (onomat.) + luck.

split - denoting excessive laughter + (notebook 1924): 'something of an amusing nature' → Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 301: 'McCormack, at this juncture, allowed himself a smile. It preluded something of an amusing nature he presently related' + (lance thrust at Christ's side).

minstrel - used poet. or rhetorically for a musician, singer, or poet + Westminster + (notebook 1924): 'westminstrel'.

Jonathan Swift

blas (blos) (gael) - taster, flavor + bloss (ger) - bare + glossy.

hearty - cordial, genial, cheery

sonorous - Of sounds: Having a loud, deep, or resonant character + Stentor - loud-voiced herald in the Iliad. 

drudge - one employed in mean, servile, or distasteful work

lie doggo - to lie quiet, to remain hid

make the feathers fly - to cause a disturbance, to 'stir up' someone

woolly - having a wool-like texture, surface, or covering + Woolley, Frank - English cricketer. 

deep field - Cricket, that part of the field which is near the boundary, esp. behind the bowler.

troll - to sing (something) in the manner of a round or catch + to roll one's hoop - to mind one's own business + (notebook 1924): 'rolling yr hoop (bi)'.

whoop - a cry of 'whoop!', or a shout or call resembling this; spec. as used in hunting, esp. at the death of the game, or by N. American Indians, etc. as a signal or war-cry.

true to - consistent with, exactly agreeing with, 'faithful to'. Also true to type + prototypes.

sammen (Danish) - together + midsummer madness.

splatter - to splash continuously or noisily + splaid (splad') (gael) - spark.

splodher (Anglo-Irish) = spleodar (Irish) - cheerfulness, glee, joy + (notebook 1924): 'splodher' Leader 2 Aug 1924, 616/2: 'Our Ladies' Letter': 'Only for the war knocking the splodher out of me, I'd be inclined to take a trip'.

Johnny Magories - to the Irish of the central and eastern counties, "a hip or doghaw, the fruit of the dog-rose" 

hic, haec, hoc; hujus, hujus, hujus; huic, huic, huic (l) - this (male, female and neuter nominative; male, female and neuter genitive; male, female and neuter dative; as repeated in schools) + Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus (l) - 'Holy, Holy, Holy' (prayer) + (laughter).

gee pee O (notebook 1924) → G.P.O. - General Post Office.

salutary - conducive to well-being; calculated to bring about a more satisfactory condition, or to remedy some evil

sustain - to uphold, back up, give support to (a person's conduct, a cause, a course of action)

Genesis 27:11: 'Esau... is a hairy man'

sue - to follow (a person) as an attendant, companion, or adherent

parlous - perilous, dangerous; hazardous + beauty parlour - orig. U.S., an establishment in which the trade of a beauty specialist is carried on.

Swift (Swift/Sterne motif)

Mercury - a Roman divinity, identified from an early period with the Greek Hermes (son of Jupiter and Maia), the god of eloquence and feats of skill, the protector of traders and thieves, the presider over roads, the conductor of departed souls to the Lower World, and the messenger of the gods; represented in art as a young man with winged sandals and a winged hat, and bearing the caduceus + Joyce's note: 'Mercury' → Commelin: Nouvelle Mythologie, Grecque et Romaine 60: 'Le culte de Mercure' (French 'The cult of Mercury').

wheel - to move in a circle, spiral, or similar curve; to circle, revolve

sternly + star + Sterne.

gimlet eye - a sharp or piercing eye

stern - Of looks, bearing, gait: Indicating a stern disposition or mood; expressing grave displeasure + Stern (ger) - star.

as black as midnight (Joyce's note)

was ist los? (ger) - what is going on?

soufre (fr) - SULPHUR (alchemical element) + il souffle (fr) - he sighs + il souffert (fr) - he suffers.

SALT (alchemical element) + the salt of the earth - (after Matt. v. 13): the excellent of the earth; formerly, in trivial use, the powerful, aristocratic, or wealthy; now also applied to a person or persons of great worthiness, reliability, honesty, etc.

apart - to depart (from) (obs.) + Thomas Moore, song: One Bumper at Parting.

Thomas Moore, song: Shall the Harp, Then, Be Silent

besee - to look to, give heed to, attend to

sorelle (it) - sisters

engagement - the fact of being engaged to be married

thumping - that thumps, in various senses; beating, banging

Gloria - a name for each of several formulæ in Christian liturgical worship + gloria (l) - praise, honor.

gang - any band or company of persons who go about together or act in concert

voice - to express in words or with the voice

doxology - a short formula of praise to God, esp. one in liturgical use + doxologia (gr) - laudation, praising.

Suburra (l) - red-light district of Imperial Rome + suburbs.

surcease - the action, or an act, of bringing or coming to an end; cessation, stop; esp. a temporary cessation, suspension, or intermission + Circe.

all serene - a slang phr. for 'all's well', 'all right'

necklike - resembling a neck

Epsom Derby (a.k.a. The Derby) takes place on the first weekend in June + Darby and Joan - a jocose appellation for an attached husband and wife who are 'all in all to each other', especially in advanced years and in humble life + (notebook 1931): 'Derby & June' Young: Trial of Frederick Bywaters and Edith Thompson 208: (letter from Edith Thompson to Bywaters, trial exhibit 52) '8 years is such a long time - it's not now - it's later - when I'm 'Joan' and you're not grown old enough to be 'Darby''. 

retribution - recompense, in another life, for one's good or bad deeds in this world

churchhouse - a house belonging to the (or a) church, or used for church purposes + THE SCOTCH HOUSE - Public house on Burgh Quay. In Dublin pubs, the "smug" is a private partitioned alcove + (Hell). 

shunt - fig. To push aside or out of the way + Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus (l) - Holy, holy, holy (prayer) + T.S. Eliot: The Waste Land 434: 'Shantih shantih shantih' (end of poem).

felix (l) - happy + O felix culpa! (Exsultet) + Si vis esse felix, sequi pacem (l) - If you wish to be happy, follow peace.

park - to take up a position in or as in a park; to occupy a suitable or stationary position + Phoenix Park.

ease - comfort, absence of pain or trouble + Easter.

Seanad - the upper house of the parliament of the Republic of Ireland

pobal (pubel) (gael) - people, the public + Pobel (ger) - rabble.

reminder - something which reminds, or is intended to remind, one; mention made for the purpose of reminding + Senatus Populusque Romanus (l) - the Roman Senate and People (Imperial Roman motto).

Tuat - Egyptian Otherworld or Underworld + T.S. Eliot: The Waste Land 203: 'Twit twit twit'.

Sekhet Hetep, Sekhet Hetepet - Egyptian Elysian Fields (literally 'Field of Peace')

petty - of small importance, inconsiderable, trivial

squabble - a wrangle, dispute, brawl; a petty quarrel