
ladylike - befitting a lady; resembling what pertains to a lady + Lady Dufferin: Lament of the Irish Emigrant (song): 'And the red was on your lip, Mary And the love-light in your eye' (John McCormack's Repertoire)

gas (Slang) - fun + gastric - relating to or involving the stomach.

gym - colloq. abbreviation of gymnasium or gymnastic(s + gymnos (gr) - naked.

jazz - a kind of ragtime dance; sexual intercourse (slang.)

jiggery pokery - deceitful or dishonest 'manipulation'; hocus-pocus, humbug + jigger (Slang) - bicycle.

kick start (e.g. in bicycle racing)

bump - to dance erotically or dance with the pelvis thrust forward; the impact of the stem of a boat against the stern or side of another boat in front of it: in boat-racing at the English Universities, the making of a 'bump' is the technical proof of one boat's overtaking and beating another + bumping races (e.g. in boat racing).

on the flat - on a smooth surface (refers to riding or training done with no obstacles) + flat race (e.g. in horse racing).

point to point - a horce race cross country with each rider choosing his own course + point to point race (e.g. in horse racing).

acclivous - rising with a slope, sloping upward, ascending + lasciviously.

windy - abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes

Rutland Square, Dublin, slopes uphill towards north side of city

insight - to furnish with sight, to give sight to + inciting.

rebellious - insubordinate, defying lawful authority; belonging to a party of rebels

saunter - a leisurely, careless, loitering walk or ramble; a stroll + centre.

Dunlop - well-known company manufacturing pneumatic tyres and sport goods, originally from Dublin + Dublin.

Dr Brereton (Galway) invented freewheel (notebook 1924) Connacht Tribune 9 Feb 1924, 4/6: 'Death of Dr W. W. Brereton': 'the death of Dr. William W. Brereton, which occurred at his residence, Prospect Hill, Galway... the first to have invented the chainless bicycle - although the venture did not prove a success. His brother and himself, however, had models of the freewheel bicycle long before that useful machine became so popular'.

handlebar - a transverse bar, usually curved, with a handle at each end, connected with the driving- or steering-wheel of a cycle, by which the vehicle is guided by hand.

barbell - a bar to which heavy discs are attached at each end (used in weightlifting)

brazenness - effrontery, impudence

cartilage - tough elastic tissue (mostly converted to bone in adults)

decartelize - to break up

visceral - affecting the viscera or bowels regarded as the seat of emotion

ptosis - drooping of the upper eyelid caused by muscle paralysis and weakness. Ptosis of the breast refers to drooping or sagging of the breast + ptosis (gr) - calamity.

allowance - permission, tolerance

fad - a crotchet, hobby, 'craze'

abdominal - of or pertaining to the abdomen

asprawl - in a sprawling posture, sprawling

vin (fr) - wine (damages liver) + 'By the Magazine Wall, zinzin, zinzin' (motif).

exorcise = exorcize - to drive out a supposed evil spirits from a person, place or thing, especially by an incantation or prayer + physical (fucking) exercise.

flush - to cleanse (a drain, etc.); to drive away (an obstacle) by means of a rush of water

threadworm - a worm of threadlike form, parasitic in the human rectum


perspire - to breathe out, to exhale; to give out watery fluid through the pores of the skin

lict - light (obs.) + licit - sanctioned by custom or morality especially sexual morality ("a wife's licit love").

lector - Eccl. An ecclesiastic belonging to one of the minor orders, whose duty originally consisted in reading the 'lessons'.

lobby - anteroom, a large entrance or reception room or area

ostiary - Eccl. A doorkeeper, esp. of a church.

dirt track - an unpaved track or course

skip - a large container for the reception and conveyance of materials or rubbish + (notebook 1924): 'Go out & skip' Connacht Tribune 12 Apr 1924, 5/3: 'Doing the Devil's Work': (quoting the Bishop of Galway about the evil tendencies of modern Irish girls) 'there has been a craze all over the country for dancing? What is the root of that craze? What is the attraction of dancing? It is physical exercise? If it is, go out and skip'.  

sportive - inclined to jesting or levity; disposed to a playful lightness of thought or expression + sportive (fr) - sportswoman.

greengrocer - a retail dealer in vegetables and fruit + greengrocer (Slang) - vulva.

monthlies - menses

PUNT (PUONI) - Ancient country, somewhere on East coast of Afrika; the Egyptians sent expeditions there to bring back incense and gold + cunt (Slang) - vulva. 


rawny (Anglo-Irish) - sickly person (from Irish ránaidhe: thin, lank) + rawnie (Gipsy) - lady.

oup-ra - name of ceremony of Opening of the Mouth in Egyptian myth

put one's foot in one's mouth - to say something that you regret; to say something stupid, insulting, or hurtful

stamp out - to extinguish (a fire) by trampling on it. Hence, transf. to extirpate (a disease, a heresy, etc.), suppress (a rebellion) by resorting to vigorous measures.

a bad egg - a person or a scheme that disappoints expectation

dietitian - one who professes or practises dietetics or some theory of diet

creature comforts - material comforts (such as food and clothing)

causerie - informal talk or discussion, esp. on literary topics; also, a chatty article or paragraph

muc (muk) (gael) - pig, swine

slop - wet feed (especially for pigs) consisting of mostly kitchen waste mixed with water or skimmed or sour milk

fatten - to grow or become fat


hippopotamian - belonging to, like, or suggesting a hippopotamus; huge, unwieldly

cocked - Of a fire-arm: With the cock drawn back, ready for firing when the trigger is pulled + keep one's weathereye open - to be watchful and alert, keep one's wits about one.

furnished - provided with whatever is necessary for a purpose (as furniture or equipment or authority)

lodger - one who resides as an inmate in another person's house, paying a certain sum periodically for the accommodation + (notebook 1923): 'a furnished lodger'.

tally - any tangible means of recording a payment or amount + upon the tally - on credit.

payment in music & personal company (notebook 1923) Schuré: Woman the Inspirer 14: 'Her tactful and fervent pleading enabled Frau Wesendonck to persuade her husband, in his generosity, to purchase a small house, roomy and convenient, just on the border of the estate... Wagner and his wife took up their residence in it... It was understood that the artist should pay the rent in music and his personal company'.

stupre - to violate (a woman) + stuprum (l) - debauchery, disgrace + stupefying

too friendly friend (notebook 1923)

mazurka - a lively Polish dance resembling the polka + -ovich, -evich (Russian) - son of.

Sackerson + sin (Serbian) - son + sukin syn (Russian) - son of a bitch + "As lover he [Sackerson] is piano-playing 'sukinsin of a vitch' stigmatized by Shaun" (John Gordon: Finnegans wake: a plot summary

vitch = fitch - vetch, the plant Vicia sativa + bitch

kommen (ger) - comming

alt (ger) - old

Pannonia - an ancient province of the Roman Empire. Pannonia was located over the territory of the present-day western half of Hungary with parts in Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

purpose + porpoise - a toothed sea mammal that is often confused with the bottle-nose dolphin.

studieren (ger) - to study + stuttering.

male + Maul (ger) - muzzle.

female + femur (l) - thigh.


At home with the music (M.W) (notebook 1923) Schuré: Woman the Inspirer 12: (Mathilde Wesendonck of Richard Wagner) 'if a concert was about to be given, or he was to conduct at one of Beethoven's symphonies, he played for me the different parts of the work, both before and after the rehearsal, until I felt quite at home with the music'.

ivory - collect. sing. and pl. The keys of a piano or similar instrument + spanks the ivory (Slang) - plays piano.

mistro (Danish) - distrust

melos (gr) - tune, air, song

undoing - the action of bringing to nought, destroying, or ruining

bane - ruin, fatal mischief, woful or hapless fate (chiefly poetical.)

succeeding years (notebook 1923) → Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 9: 'has continued through succeeding years'.

bask - to expose oneself to an ambient flood of genial warmth, as in the sunshine, the rays of a fire; to lie enjoying the heat which radiates upon one

lovehislowlap (Joyce's note) + lover's low lap.

inrodinately - extremely, extravagantly, beyond normal limits + inadequately.