hedge school (Joyce's note) → hedge schools - clandestine, and at first open-air, schools in Ireland, made necessary by the anti-Catholic prohibitions of the 18th century; replaced after 1850 by National Schools + Crawford: Back to the Long Grass 125: (of African boys) 'each morning he springs from his mat to enter this vast library of Nature, poking into every nook of the forest in a far fresher way than we can poke into dry-as-dust books. And why not fresh, for this thing is, whereas the dry book merely tells about it. Surely, this is the meaning of that unfathomably French phrase for playing truant at school, "il fait l'ecole buissonnière"?" (French literally 'he goes to school in the bushes').

Beircheart (berkhert) (gael) - Anglo-Saxon saint settled in Co. Cork, d. 839 + Berched (Breton) - Brigid.

national school (Joyce's note) Irish Statesman 8 Mar 1924, 806/2: 'Our Barbarians': (of rural areas) 'there is little or nothing to educate the boy or girl who leaves a national school in such areas'.

antemeridian - of or belonging to the forenoon or 'morning' + (notebook 1924): 'I have had my lesson'.

brickpond - a pond in a brickfield + pond's brink + Jouce's note: 'brink' + spondeum (l) - vessel used in pouring libations + sponda (it) - riverbank + sponde (Dutch) - couch, bed.

rarest + Joyce's note: 'rare sight' Commelin: Nouvelle Mythologie, Grecque et Romaine 62: (of representations of the god Mercury) 'Il est rare de le voir assis' (French 'It is rare to see him seated').

landmark - an object set up to mark a boundary line; an object in the landscape, which, by its conspicuousness, serves as a guide in the direction of one's course; an event, which marks a period or turning-point in the history of a thing + Yellowstone National Park, United States + Joyce's note: 'landmarks' Lamy, Commentarium in Librum Geneseos I.258 (of Cain): 'He was the first to place landmarks in fields, and to build a city and to fortify it on all sides with walls' (Genesis 4:17).

boer (Dutch) - farmer, jack (in pack of cards) + Boer + 'The Wren. the Wren, The king of all birds, Saint Stephen's his day, Was caught in the furze' (song).

knave - a boy or lad employed as a servant; hence, a male servant or menial in general

Moors - a name for the Urdu or Hindustan language + Mars

paddle - to row with oars lightly or gently; to walk or move the feet about in mud or shallow water, to dabble with the feet, or the feet and hands, in shallow water.

pedal - humorously or affectedly used for 'foot' + FDV: FDV: There were several 29 daughters out of the national [hedge] school [(for I seem to remember it was a look before you leap year)] learning the lesson of life there attracted, as I could see, by the sight of the first human landmark who were there seated on the brink paddling with their feet in charming concert with his the snores of him the log who was stuck to the sod [as ever & anon her he murmoaned [over his treasure trove of the crown,] High hellskirt dig mean lily sort flasky.]

vouler-vouz jouer (French) - Do you want to play?

allo stesso posto (it) - at the same place + (notebook 1924): 'allo misto posto' + misto (it) - mixture, mixed + mesto (Serbian) - place + Mister Post (*V*).

yaouank (Breton) - young

tiptap - a repeated tapping or light knocking of alternating character, or the sound made by it + typists.

teens - the years of the life of any person (rarely, of the age of anything) of which the numbers end in -teen, i.e. from thirteen to nineteen; chiefly in phrases in, out of one's teens.

dactylogram - a finger-print + dactylographe (French) - typist.

nocturne - Painting. A night-piece, night-scene + nocturne (Slang) - whore + Joyce's note: 'Nocturne' Commelin: Nouvelle Mythologie, Grecque et Romaine 3: 'Most of the Italian people saw Night as a goddess; but the inhabitants of Brescia had made it into a god, called Noctulius or Nocturnus'.

attract &...' - - - '...repel (Joyce's note)

log - an inert or helpless person + Joyce's note: 'the log there'.

stuck to the sod (notebook 1924) Connacht Tribune 8 Mar 1924, 3/3: 'The West of Ireland': 'The age-old struggle of the tenants with those adverse conditions which in most cases never allowed them to rise much above the poverty line, and resulted in the emigration of the young and strong, were so discouraging that one wonders... not why progress has been so slow but how the considerable progress which has been made by those who "stuck to the sod" was at all possible'.

ever and oft - with constant reiteration, continually + (notebook 1923): 'ever & always' → Corkery: The Hounds of Banba 44: 'On the Heights': 'Am I to be kept always in the dark? Ever and always!'.

liquefy - jocular. To moisten or 'soak' with liquor or 'drink'.

vil (Breton) - ugly

absurdly + abasourdir (fr) - to dumbfound.

Dutcher - a Dutchman; in earlier use, a German

native - native language

unmoved - not moved by emotion or excitement; unaffected, undisturbed + (notebook 1924): 'visibly unmoved' Irish Independent 13 Feb 1923, 6/6: 'To-Day and Yesterday': '"I was rushing to church," said a young man... "Well," said the magistrate, who was visibly unmoved, "anyone who is good enough to go to church ought to be good enough to get there without breaking the law"'.

treasure trove - Crown (notebook 1924) treasure trove - anything of the nature of treasure which any one finds; treasure (gold or silver, money, plate, or bullion) found hidden in the ground or other place, the owner of which is unknown; In original use a merely descriptive phrase, of general application. But from an early period a distinction arose; treasure which had been lost (and not claimed), or voluntarily abandoned (of which the amount was naturally small and inconsiderable) was allowed to be kept by the first finder; while that which had been (certainly or presumably) hidden, was claimed by the Crown. This practically included all ancient treasure, and to this the name treasure trove was specifically restricted. To encourage the giving up of such treasure, when found, and to prevent the destruction of valuable antiquities, the Crown may award things found or their value to the finder. 

drunkard wears crown of *E* (notebook 1924)

dotter - one who or that which dots + dette er det bedste, min tykke smukke flaske (Danish) - this is the best, my fat beautiful bottle. 

bedstead - Strictly, the place occupied by a bed; but long ago transferred to the wooden or metal stand on which a bed is raised; the framework of a bed + bastard

diggy - a friend, pal, or other accquaintance

smuggy - grimy, smutty + FDV: paddling with their feet in charming concert with his the snores of him the log who was stuck to the sod [as ever & anon her he murmoaned [over his treasure trove of the crown,] High hellskirt dig mean lily sort flasky.]

flasky - ? belonging to a 'flask' or muddy pool + flask - a bottle, usually of glass, of spheroidal or bulbous shape, with a long narrow neck + "5. Whad slags of a loughladd would retten smuttyflesks," [141.08]

doff - to take off or 'raise' (the head-gear) by way of a salutation or token of respect + Joyce's note: '*V* doffs hat'.

reinforce - to strengthen, make stronger; to furnish with additional support

crown - the top of a hat or other covering for the head; esp. the flat circular top of the modern hat + (crown of thorns).

praise - the action or fact of praising + (notebook 1924): 'chorus of praise' + FDV: Among them the chorus of praise of girls Shaun after he had bowed to all the others full of human respect easily recognized his dear sister, Izzy.

goodwill - wellwishing; cheerful acquiescence or consent + (notebook 1924): 'goodwill girls'.

buzzy - buzzing + busy.

sie (ger) - she

bie (Norwegian) - bee + be.

*V* reads his hand (notebook 1924)

skitter - to move or run rapidly, to hurry about

fuss - a bustle or commotion out of proportion to the occasion + eighth Station of the Cross - women of Jerusalem weep over Christ.

pellmell - in a confused medley; in mingled confusion, promiscuously

jeune premier - an actor who plays the part of the principal lover or young hero

rosy - blushing, accompanied with blushes; bright, gladsome + Joyce's note: 'one rosy Smile' Moore's Melodies: ['St. Senanus and the lady'] But legends hint that had the maid / Till morning's light delayed; / And giv'n the saint one rosy smile, / She ne'er had left his lonely isle.' MS 47482b-26v, LPA: goodwill girls, ^+while, who they were all making a tremendous fuss about ^+of +^him & his rosy ^+rosyposy+^ smile & smelling his nice perfume [...]+^ | JJA 57:054 | May 1924 |

posy - having a flowery pattern, flowered; a bunch of flowers

muss - to crumple, to ruffle; to entangle, confuse + (notebook 1924): 'mussed his hair' Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 22: 'Gwendolyn McCormack danced over to her father and mussed his hair'.

frizzy - tightly curled

golliwog - a name invented for a black-faced grotesquely dressed (male) doll with a shock of fuzzy hair

loveletter - a letter written by a lover to the beloved, and expressing amatory sentiments

trayful - as much as a tray will hold + (notebook 1924): '*V* his curls like a trayfull of cloudberry tartlets'.

cloudberry - the 'berry' or fruit of Rubus Chamæmorus; the plant, a small erect sub-shrub allied to the raspberry, growing on high mountains in Wales, the north of Britain, and the north of Europe, and bearing one large white terminal flower, and a large well-flavoured orange-coloured fruit.

tartlet - a small tart

mighty - in a great degree; exceedingly, very

brood (Dutch) - bread, loaf + vowels in Irish are divided into broad (Irish: leathan) and slender (Irish: caol); vowels flanking a consonant will always agree, slender with slender and broad with broad (Irish: caol le caol agus leathan le leathan).

slim - slender, (gracefully) thin + (notebook 1924): 'broad by broad slender to slender'.

perfumed (Joyce's note) + perfumes.

peel off - to strip off or bare off + (notebook 1924): 'peel off' → Crawford: Thinking Black 158: 'Our roasting English tweeds make us envy the negro who peels to the waist'.

angelic - of superhuman nature, intelligence, innocence, purity, sweetness + (notebook 1924): 'in the train clocks they strike double, or two clocks at interval of two minutes the girls smell shaun (O let me!) Iiiii hm! O isnt it angelic!' + angelica - an aromatic plant used for preparing a candied confection.

savour - to give forth a (specified) scent or odour, to smell of something (arch.) + (notebook 1924): 'savoring of' → Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 4: 'a tale of an artist's rise to fame in a space of time so short as to savor of the Arabian Nights'.

thyme - a plant of the genus Thymus, comprising shrubby herbs with fragrant aromatic leaves, found chiefly in the Mediterranean region

parsley - a biennial umbelliferous plant (Petroselinum sativum), a native of the Mediterranean region, having white flowers, and aromatic leaves which in the commonly cultivated variety are finely divided and curled, and are used for seasoning and garnishing various dishes.

jumble - to mingle together or mix up in confusion or disorder + (notebook 1924): '*V* jumbled smell'.

bread crumb - a crumb of bread; esp. (in pl.) bread crumbled down for dressing fried fish, boiled ham, etc.

pouch - a mail-bag, esp. a smaller bag enclosed in another; also, a letter-carrier's bag

tactily = tactfully - in a tactful manner

jellybag - a bag for straining jelly through + jellybags (Slang) - scrotum.

Charlie Chaplin

Sistine Chapel + Lord Byron: Don Juan I.liv: 'Young Juan now was sixteen years of age'.

tell + froler (fr) - brush against.

killing - overpoweringly beautiful or attractive + (notebook 1924): 'killingest ladykiller'.

kindlily - in a kindly manner, with good nature and sympathy

hillo - a call used to hail a distant or occupied person; now, more often, to express surprise at an unexpected meeting

missy - an affectionate or playful appellation for a young girl

how are you at all? (Anglo-Irish/Hiberno-English phrase)

dollybag = Dorothy bag - a woman's handbag gathered at the top by a drawstring and slung by loops from the wrist + (notebook 1924): 'health of dollies *V*'.

Agatha (gr) - "good": virgin martyr (feast day: 5 FEBRUARY) + Agatha's lamb - one born in early February.

Bernadette, Saint - child visionary, the first to see Our Lady of Lourdes (whose feast day is 11 FEBRUARY)

columbus, columba (l) - dove, pigeon + L. Junius Moderatus Columella (l) - author of de re rustica.

Julianus (l) - "pertaining to Julius (Caesar) or to July": Roman proper name + Juliana, Saint - virgin martyr (feast day: 16 FEBRUARY).

Tobar Bainne (tuber bonyi) (gael) - Milk Well, village Co. Dublin; anglic. Toberbunny.

Eulalia (gr) - "Sweet-spoken": fem. name + Eulalia, Saint - virgin martyr (feast day: 12 FEBRUARY).