palmwine - wine made from the sap of the palm-tree

breadfruit - the farinaceous fruit of a tree; esp. that furnished by Artocarpus incisa of the South Sea Islands, etc., of the size of a melon, and having a whitish pulp of the consistency of new bread.

sweetmeat - sweet food, as sugared cakes or pastry, confectionary (obs.); preserved or candied fruits, sugared nuts, etc.

milksop - a piece of bread soaked in milk

suasusu (Samoan) - milk

to be after - to be in pursuit of, trying to reach or get into the company of (a person), trying to get or do (a thing)

elder - an older, influential member of a family, tribe, or community

luk - obs. f. look

giorni (it) - days + Luke, Mark, John, Matthew (4 evangelists).

chalk up - to record with a chalk

day in day out - every day, daily; constantly or continuously; especially, of something that has become routine or monotonous

deeping - each of the sections (a fathom deep) of which a fishing-net is composed + dickens

scrimmage - to bustle about; to skirmish, quarrel

scruple - a thought or circumstance that troubles the mind or conscience; a doubt, uncertainty or hesitation in regard to right and wrong, duty, propriety, etc.; esp. one which is regarded as over-refined or over-nice, or which causes a person to hesitate where others would be bolder to act.

collar - to lay hold of, take or get possession of, appropriate, master

sireland - the land of one's birth, one's native country or fatherland + Ireland, my Sireland (song).

Mère l'Oye (fr) - Mother Goose

moonlike - like or resembling a moon + milk

slyly - cunningly, artfully + Eily Mavourneen, I See Thee before Me (song).

mo mhuirnin (muvurnin) (gael) - my darling

lady's maid - a woman servant whose special duty it is to attend to the toilet of a lady

turn one's coat - to change or abandon one's principles, desert one's party, apostatize + (notebook 1924): '*V* turns coat'.

tarry - to delay or be tardy in beginning or doing anything, esp. in coming or going; to wait before doing something

UGANDA - Country, East Africa, North of Lake Victoria; exports ivory, among other products + Thomas Moore, song: 'Tis Sweet to Think [air: Thady, You Gander]

mosse - measure of wine + A rolling stone gathers no moss (proverb).

prosperousness - the quality or condition of being prosperous; prosperity, success + FDV: Well, dear Shaun, Thou art passing hence, dear Shaun, from friends and parents dear, but may the moss of all peace and prosperity order gather your you rolling home!

foggy - Of air, mist, cloud, etc.: Thick, murky; of the nature of, or resembling, fog or thick mist + The Foggy Dew (song).

diamondize - to bedeck with, or as with, diamonds

hoopring - a ring consisting of a plain band; also, a finger-ring encircled with stones in a cut-down setting + (barrel) + FDV: May the foggy dews bediamond your hoops?

fireplug - a contrivance for connecting a hose, or the supply-pipe of a fire-engine, with a water-main in case of fire + fire-plug (Slang) - venereally-infected man.

filiality - the relation of a son or daughter to a parent

reinsure - to insure again; spec. to devolve the risk of an insurance on another insurer

bunghole - the hole in a cask, which is closed with the bung; transf. the anus (obs.) + FDV: May the fireplug of filiality safeguard your bunghole!

The Wind That Shakes the Barley (song) + (notebook 1924): 'wind (glow)' Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 75: 'The wind was glowing gustily'.

blew luck to (notebook 1924) Irish Independent 30 Apr 1924, 6/5: 'May Day Festivities and Traditions': 'The very wind on May Morn might be used for prophesying. As a rule, a south wind blew luck to Ireland and the Irish'.

loth - averse, reluctant, unwilling + Joyce's note: '*V* loth to go'

wind - to blow a blast on a wind-instrument, esp. a horn

royal Post (Joyce's note) Gallois: La Poste et les Moyens de Communication 200: (of an old post-office sign) 'dating from 1820, carries the armorial bearings of the Bourbons and the inscription: Royal Post'.

arrah - an expletive expressing emotion or excitement, common in Anglo-Irish speech

Macushla (means 'my pulse') - song John McCormack's Repertoire + "And low stole o'er the stillness the heartbeats of sleep." [403.05]

dreambook - a book containing interpretations of dreams

votre (fr) - your + Notre Dame.

nocturne - Mus. A composition of a dreamy character.

blancmange - a sweetmeat made of dissolved isinglass or gelatine boiled with milk, etc., and forming an opaque white jelly; fig. Flummery.

sunup - sunrise + Golden Syrup.

George IV (1762 - 1830) - king of England and Ireland, known as the First Gentleman of Europe. When he visited Ireland in 1821, the town of Dunleary (Dún Laoghaire) was renamed Kingstown. The Free State renamed it to Dun Laoghaire.   

goodship - goodness 

jinnyjos (Irish) - airborne seeds (e.g. dandelion's); thistledown + John Joyce (1849-1932) "My father had an extraordinary affection for me. He was the silliest man I ever knew and yet cruelly shrewd... I was very fond of him always, being a sinner myself... Hundreds of pages and scores of characters in my books came from him. His dry (or rather wet) wit and his expressions of face convulsed me often with laughter... I got from him his portraits, a waistcoat, a good tenor voice, and an extravagant licentious disposition (out of which, however, the greater part of any talent I have springs), but apart from these something else I cannot define." Letters, I, 312.

take the wind of - to scent or detect by or as by the wind

waterlogged - Of a ship, boat: Flooded with water by leakage or overflow so as to become impaired in buoyancy, heavy, and unmanageable + Waterloo.

Ulysses.4.434: 'On the Erin's King that day round the Kish' + (Parnell's death).

skiff - to row or scull in a skiff (a small sea-going boat, adapted for rowing and sailing); to move lightly and quickly, esp. so as barely to touch a surface + Schiff (ger) - ship.

Sruth na Maoile (sru nu mwili) (gael) - Sea-stream of the Bald-headland; sea between Ireland and Scotland; anglic. Moyle (poetic).

round up - to collect in a body, to collect or gather up in a round mass or ball

escapology - the methods and technique of escaping, esp. from captivity or danger; the calling of an escapologist (a performer skilled in extricating himself from knots, handcuffs, confinement in a box, etc.) + eschatology - the branch of theology that is concerned with such final things as death and judgment, heaven and hell and the end of the world.


alack - an exclamation originally of dissatisfaction, reprobation, or deprecation = 'pity or shame that it should be so'.

like the good man you are' (Joyce's note) → Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 15: 'McCormack... put an arm on the shoulder of his old-time comrade. "Run on into the house, now, like the good man you are"'.

FDV: We know you were loth to leave us & but, sure, you will turn up some day when your pocket is empty.

inside out - so that the inner side becomes the outer + cnoc (Irish) - hill (anglicised 'knock') + (notebook 1924): 'turn up when his pocket were empty'.

remittance - a sum of money sent from one place or person to another; also, the act of sending money, etc., to another place + Joyce's note: 'remittance (man)' → remittance man - an emigrant supported by money sent from home.

timus (gr) - heart

tenant - one who or that which inhabits or occupies any place

tussock - a tuft or clump forming a small hillock of grass, sedge, or the like; the tufted hair-grass, Aira cæspitosa, or other native grass growing in tussocks (PICTURE) + "while daisy winks at her pinker sister among the tussocks" [053.09-.10]

thicket - a dense growth of shrubs, underwood, and small trees (PICTURE) + tramtickets + (feet).

daisy roots (Rhyming Slang) - boots + PICTURE

buttercup - a name popularly applied to species of Ranunculus bearing yellow cup-shaped flowers (PICTURE) + FDV: Anyway may the grass grow quickly under your feet [or the daisies grow lightly over your toes].