Hapi - Egyptian ape-headed god of the Nile River
hävn (Danish) - vengeance + happy heaven.
flurrish - obs. form of flourish
haine - hatred + Haines (Ulysses).
hurrish - to drive with the cry 'hurrish!' or 'hurroosh!'
hummum - an Oriental bathing establishment; a Turkish bath + amen
Weltall (ger) - universe + (cosmopolitan) + FDV: The Ondt was a weltall and raumybult abelboobied fellow bynear as altitudinous wee a schelling in kopfers. He was very sullemn & a sad chairmanlooking when he was not making spaces but, laus, when he was making spaces he was very mouch moor secred and wisechairmanlooking.
roomy - of ample dimensions; capacious, large + Raum (ger) - space + bult - obs. pa. tense of build (v.) + bult (Dutch) - hump, hill, hunch + Rumbold (hangman in Ulysses).
ablebodied + Abel.
near by - close by, close at hand + beinah so... wie (ger) - almost as...as.
altitudinous - Used affectedly for: high, lofty.
schelling - a silver coin formerly current in the Low Countries, of the value of 6 stivers or from 5d. to 712d. sterling + Schelling - German philosopher.
copper - copper money + Kopf (ger) - head.
sair = sore; serve + sair (Cornish) - artificer, wright, artisan + so + sehr (ger) - very + tsartsur (Arabic) - cockroach + tsratsar (Hebrew) - cricket.
solemn + sullen + Sir, Sir Solomon (song) + sol'am (Hebrew) - a type of locust.
chairman - the occupier of a chair of authority; spec. the person who is chosen to preside over a meeting, to conduct its proceedings, and who occupies the chair or seat provided for this function + charmant (fr) - charming, attractive + German-looking.
faces + Spass machen (ger) - to make jokes, have fun.
psyche - the soul, or spirit, as distinguished from the body; the mind
Laus (ger) - louse + laus (l) - praise + alas
wore - obs. pa. tense of be
ikey - a Jew or someone taken to be or resembling a Jew; also, a (Jewish) receiver, moneylender, etc.; a loafer + ikey (Egypt) - stonemason + eikon (gr) - likeness, image.
ware - obs. f. were (pa. tense of be)
mouche = much + mouche (fr) - fly.
most + moth.
muravej (Russian) = mrav (Serbian) - ant
him + when + FDV: Now when silbybilly Gracehoper had highkicked jingled through a jungle of love and debt debts and jangled through a jumble of life and doubts afterwards afterworse he was as sick sieck as a sinner sexton and as poor pooveroo as a churchprince, [wetting with waps drinking with drones, [bilking with the bugs,] horing with the hornets. Cricky, what a plight!] And when wheer the midges to wend himself hemsilf hemsylph he wist niet nut.
silly billy - a foolish or feeble-minded person
jingle - to proceed or move with a jingling sound + Wyndham Lewis compared Bloom's stream of consciousness in Ulysses to Mr Jingle's speech in Charles Dickens' The Pickwick Paper.
jangle - to make a discordant or unmusical noise; to sound or 'jingle' harshly or discordantly
jumble - a confused or disorderly mixture or assemblage, a medley
wet - to drink alcoholic liquor, to celebrate by drinking; to become wet + wedding + betting.
bumblebee - a large bee of the genus Bombus
drikke (Danish) - drink
notonecta - genus of aquatic bugs, 'water-boatmen' (swim on their backs) + FDV: [wetting with waps drinking with drones, [bilking with the bugs,] horing with the hornets. Cricky, what a plight!]
bilk - to elude, evade, escape from, 'give the slip' to
daddy-longlegs - a popular name for the crane fly + dung (beetle).
hora - a Romanian and Israeli round-dance + hor (Serbian) - chorus + hor (Danish) - adultery + whoring.
ladybird - the common name for the coleopterous insects belonging to the genus Coccinella + ladybirds (Slang) - lewd women.
ichneumon - a small parasitic hymenopterous insect, which deposits its eggs in or on the larva of another insect; upon which its larvæ feed when hatched; an ichneumon-fly + ich nehme die Gelegenheit (ger) - I avail myself of the opportunity.
dialectician - a master of argument or disputation, a logician + diagelao (gr) - to laugh at, mock, deride + aiteo (gr) - to ask for, beg + oikon (gr) - house.
sick + siech (ger) - infirm.
sexton - a church officer having the care of the fabric of a church and its contents, and the duties of ringing the bells and digging graves + sexton beetle - a burying beetle.
tanto - so much + tanto povero quanto (it) - as poor as.
quanto (l) - by how much, by as much as + poor as a church mouse - very poor + FDV: he was as sick sieck as a sinner sexton and as poor pooveroo as a churchprince,
wheer = where + FDV: And when wheer the midges to wend himself hemsilf hemsylph he wist niet nut.
midge - a popular name loosely applied to many small gnat-like insects + where the dickens (to turn).
what + vosh (Russian) - louse.
search + širše (Lithuanian) - wasp.
grub - food or provender of any kind
corpus - the body of a man or animal + carapace - the thick hard shield, made of chitin or bone, that covers part of the body of crabs, lobsters, tortoises, etc.
hospice - a house of rest and entertainment for pilgrims, travellers, or strangers, esp. one belonging to a religious order; also, generally, a 'home' for the destitute or the sick + hospes (l) - host.
alas + ali (Sanskrit) - bee.
wist - to know + hij wist niet (Dutch) - he did not know.
gnit - ? a nit + not + gnat.
bruco (it) - caterpillar + brouk (Czech) - beetle.
fuco (it) - drone (a male bee, especially a honeybee, that is characteristically stingless, performs no work, and produces no honey); also, wasp
saltamontes (sp) - grasshopper + sult (Norwegian) - hunger.
ossa (pl.) (l) - bones + aussi (fr) - also + osa (Russian, Serbian) - wasp + ogsaa (Danish) - also + (bare bones).
osi (Russian) - wasps
nichts (ger) - nothing
kopeck - Russian coin
Musca - genus of flies + 'Moscow gold' supposedly given to European socialists.
bag - to put into a bag + buy
titbit - a small and delicate or appetizing piece of food; a toothsome morsel, delicacy + buy a little bit of bread.
beebread - honey-comb with the honey in it (obs.)
Dio mio! (it) - my God! + William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet II.2.33: 'Romeo, Romeo' + Io - innermost of the four Galilean moons of the planet Jupiter and, with a diameter of 3,642 kilometres, the fourth-largest moon in the Solar System. It was named after the mythological character of Io, a priestess of Hera who became one of the lovers of Zeus. Other moons of Jupiter are also named after lovers of Zeus, the Greek equivalent of Jupiter.
crick - a painful spasmodic affection of the muscles of the neck, back, or other part, appearing as a sudden stiffness which makes it more or less impossible to move the part + cricket - an insect related to the grasshopper, the male of which makes a chirping noise.
corbicula - a part of the hinder leg of a bee adapted to carry pollen
plight - a bad state or condition
bog (Serbian) - god + o moj bog (Serbian irregular) = O moi bog (Russian) - O my God + bog (Norwegian) - book.
contrited - fig. Crushed or broken in spirit by a sense of sin, and so brought to complete penitence.
melancholy - sadness and depression of spirits; a condition of gloom or dejection, especially when habitual or constitutional + Melanchthon, Philipp (1497-1560) - German theologian.
slugger - a sluggard + slug (Swedish) - fly + Proverbs 6:6: 'Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise' (what diligence and industry ant uses in providing its food) + slobbered
heartily - with genuine sincerity; exceedingly, very
wallpaper - paper, usually printed in ornamental designs, used for covering the interior walls of buildings
lustre - a chandelier
flight - the series of stairs between any two landings; hence a series of steps, terraces, etc., ascending without change of direction + flight of steps (Slang) - thick slice of bread and butter.
staircases + styer - one who ascends or mounts + stueur (Danish) - clock + years.
mensa (l) - table + mensis (l) - month, months + {Gracehoper had eaten all his furniture and wasted all his time - winter has arrived}
Sessel (ger) - armchair + siècles (fr) - centuries.
ronge - variant of rounge (to gnaw, to champ) + FDV: [his high spirits were all giroflipgiroflep (he had eaten all the whilepaper, swallowed the lustres, devoured 40 flights of styearcases, chewed up all the mensas menses and seccles [ronged the records, made mouthballs of ephemerals,]
record - an account of some fact or event preserved in writing or other permanent form
Mund (ger) - mouth + mothball - a ball of naphthalene (sometimes mixed with other substances) used among stored fabrics to repel moths.
ephemerid - an insect belonging to the group Ephemeridæ + ephemeris - a book in which the places of the heavenly bodies and other astronomical matters are tabulated in advance for each day of a certain period + ephemeral - a markedly short-lived thing; living or lasting only for a day, as certain plants or insects do.
voracious - Of animals (rarely of persons, or of the throat): Eating with greediness; devouring food in large quantities + voras (Lithuanian) - spider.
glutinous - of the nature of glue or gluten; viscid, sticky, gluey + gluttonous - given to excess in eating; characterized by, or of the nature of, gluttony.
timepiece - an instrument for measuring and registering the passage of time; in a general sense, any kind of chronometer, including clocks and watches
termitary - a termites' nest
not so dusty - 'not so bad'
cicada - a homopterous insect with large transparent wings, living on trees or shrubs
nutriment - food, nourishment; nourishing food
chitinous - amorphous horny substance which covers some insects
chip - a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; a thin crisp slice of potato fried in deep fat + FDV: and voracioused vouracioused on the [very] timepiece in the ternitary — not too dusty [grab] a cicada for a ship so mity)]
meaty - having the flavour of meat; fig. (chiefly U.S.) Full of substance.
+ FDV: So [when Chrysalmis was
on the bare branches,] off he went from Tingandingenting; [his
high spirits were all giroflipgiroflep (he had eaten all the whilepaper,
swallowed the lustres, devoured 40 flights of styearcases, chewed up all the
and seccles [ronged
the records, made mouthballs of ephemerals,] and voracioused
on the [very] timepiece
in the ternitary — not too dusty [grab]
a cicada for a ship so mity)].
(Danish) - "a thing like no thing," "a mere nothing"
grille (ger) - grasshopper, cricket; whim, sad thought + aver grilli in capo (it) - to have a bee in one's bonnet, to be crazy (literally 'have crickets in the head').
nit - the egg of a louse or other insect parasitic on man or animals + Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646- 1716) - German philosopher.
Tasmania (he stands on his head to be really "antipodal") + FDV: He took a round stroll and he took a round stroll and he took a stroll till he was [quite] grilly in the head [& the leivnis leivenit liivnits leivnits in his hair] & that he thought he had the Tassmania Tossmania, and he came to Nixnixundnix when Chrysalmis was on the bare branches.
seas of the dead
tres- - 'very' + tris- - thrice + tre (it) - three + Trastevere - a district of Rome.
verme (it) - grub, maggot + vreme (Serbian) - time.
heaven + havre (fr) - haven, harbour + Le Havre - a city in France.
angels + engines, hull and poop (of ship).
hull - the body or frame of a ship, apart from the masts, sails, and rigging + to hull with the poop (Ulster Pronunciation) - to hell with the pope (Protestant slogan).
poop - the aftermost part of a ship, the stern; a stupid or ineffectual person; an act of breaking wind or of defecation + poop (Slang) - fæces.
flock - to come or go in great numbers, to troop
flue - any light floating particle + flue (Danish) - fly.
Hegel - German philosopher (1770-1831) → Hegel's tomes (Hegel was a voluminous writer) + hailstone - a pellet of hail + Hagel (ger) - hail + stoma (gr) - orifice, pore.
milliped - any one of the chilognathan myriapods, in which the numerous legs are usually placed on each of the segments in double pairs, except the three or four pairs immediately behind the head + mille pedes (l) - a thousand feet.
myriapod - a class of arthropodous animals, comprising the centipedes and millipedes + myrioi podes (gr) - ten thousand feet.
ugly + luglio (it) - July.
whizzle - to whizz or whistle
tournedos - a fillet steak of beef with a surrounding strip of fat + tornado - a very violent storm (now without implication of thunder), affecting a limited area, in which the wind is constantly changing its direction or rotating.
boreas - the north-wind + Bora - Adriatic wind + Bora Bora - one of the Society Islands (Polynesia) + Aurora Borealis + borboleta (Portuguese) - butterfly.
Bloch Ernst - (1885 - 1977), German Marxist philosopher whose Philosophie der Hoffnung ("Philosophy of Hope") was intended to complete what he considered Marxism's partial outlook on reality + bloha (Russian) - flea.
tall hats + Tegel (ger) - bluish green marl (a kind of soil consisting principally of clay mixed with carbonate of lime, forming a loose unconsolidated mass, valuable as a fertilizer) + tegel (Dutch) - tile + Hut (ger) - hat.
tatters + tetu (Hungarian) - louse + tetti (it) - roofs + tettis (Italian Dialect) - breasts, tits.
rushing + ruche (fr) - beehive + ruchak (Serbian) - lunch + FDV: The June snow as flocking thuckly on the hegelstones and the a lugly tornado the Boraborryellas blasting the sleets off the coppeeshops coppeehouses.
sleet - snow which has been partially thawed by falling through an atmosphere of a temperature a little above freezing-point, usually accompanied by rain or snow + slate - thin layers of rock used for roofing.
coffeehouse - a house of entertainment where coffee and other refreshments are supplied + Coppée, François (1842-1908) - French writer to whom Stanislaus Joyce compared James Joyce (Letters, II, 82) + coppe (Italian Dialect) - rooftiles.
Ragnarok - in Scandinavian mythology, the destruction of the gods or the twilight of the gods; spec. the last battle of this world, in which gods and men will be defeated by monsters and the sun will grow dark + ragno (it) - spider.
rigne - obs. form of reign (v.) + rignare (it) - to neigh.
irritant - causing irritation, physical or (rarely) mental; irritating