curragh - marshy waste ground; spec. the proper name of the level stretch of open ground in Co. Kildare, famous for its racecourse
Noord Amerikaans (Dutch) - North American
suid - pertaining to, an animal of, the family Suidæ or swine + Zuid Afrikaans (Dutch) = Suid Afrikaans (Afrikaans) - South African + Afer (l) - Africa.
tiara - a crown-like jewelled headdress worn by women on formal occasions + Tierra del Fuego - (Spanish for "Land of Fire") is an archipelago 73,753 km² off the southernmost tip of the South American mainland, across the Strait of Magellan. The southern point of the archipelago forms Cape Horn.
amber - of a clear yellowish brown; a yellowish translucent fossil resin, found chiefly along the southern shores of the Baltic. It is used for ornaments.
necklace - an ornament of precious stones or precious metal, beads, etc. worn round the neck + 7 items of clothing [.03-.06]
harness - ware, gear; the defensive or body armour of a man-at-arms or foot-soldier; the trappings or accoutrements of a horse
leathern - consisting or made of leather
jib - Naut. A triangular stay-sail stretching from the outer end of the jib-boom to the fore-topmast head in large ships, and from the bowsprit to the mast-head in smaller craft + cut of his jib - his personal appearance.
schein (ger) - appearance; shine + sheepskin
hairshirt - a shirt made of coarse animal hair worn next to the skin as a penance + Bédier: Le Roman de Tristan et Iseut 189 ('Dinas de Lidan'): 'Iseut la Blonde revêtit un cilice' (French 'Iseut the Blonde donned a hair-shirt').
Pelagius (Scotobrit) (notebook 1924) → The Catholic Encyclopedia 'Pelagius and Pelagianism': (of Pelagius) 'While the most trustworthy witnesses... are quite explicit in assigning Britain as his native country, as is apparent from his cognomen of Brito or Britannicus, Jerome (Præf. in Jerem., lib. I and III) ridicules him as a "Scot".
sash - a scarf, often with fringe at each end, worn by men, either over one shoulder or round the waist
paraplegia - paralysis of the lower limbs and a part or the whole of the trunk, resulting from an affection of some part of the spinal cord + parapelagios (gr) - along the sea (Armorica).
gallowglass (Irish) - a heavily-armed mercenary foot-soldier, usually Scottish or Norse, in the service of an Irish chieftain (from Irish gall: foreigner, and óglach: warrior) + (notebook 1924): 'Gallowglasses -sbirds foreign soldiers' (dash dittoes 'Gallow'; a line joins first word and last two words).
elevato - elevated in tone (direction in music) + elevato (it) - elevated.
college - a society of scholars incorporated within, or in connexion with, a University, or otherwise formed for purposes of study or instruction
Dubliners addressed Swift 'Mr Dane' (Dean) + MMLJ: going to the horse show with all the people over from England and American visitors all over in his grey half tall hat how do you and his fathom glasses how do you do Mr James to find out all the horses.
Sweyn Forkbeard - son of Harald Bluetooth, Danish king
bellied - big-bellied, corpulent; fig. inflated
boneless - without bones; fig. Wanting 'backbone'; without 'stamina' + Ivar the Boneless, Viking.
STRATHCLYDE - Kingdom ("Clyde Valley"), South-West Scotland. It was plundered by (among others) Ivar the Boneless, the Viking (d 873).
Aylesbury - the name of a town and vale in Buckinghamshire + Strathclyde, Aylesbury, Northumberland and Anglesey all ravaged by Vikings.
ANGLESEA - Road, South-East Dublin, between Ballsbridge (Northumberland Road) and Donnybrook (intersects Ailesbury Road) + ANGLESEY - County, North-West Wales; site of Holyhead, terminus of main Britain-Ireland rail-sea route; Edwin, King of Northumberland, briefly annexed Anglesey and Isle of Man, in early 7th cent. Among the many Viking raiders in the 9th and 10th centuries was Sweyn Forkbeard (d 1014).
joghovourt (Armenian) - people + Swift's yahoos + yoghourt.
Humpty Dumpty
sweepstaking - gambling in the way of sweepstakes
horsepower - the power or agency of a horse or horses as employed in driving machinery
Hayasdan (Armenian) - Armenia
vulcanology - the science or scientific study of volcanoes + wolk (Dutch) - cloud.
seaborn - born in or of the sea
existence + exaestuans (l) - boiling up + aestuarium (l) - estuary.
Pluto - Greek god of the underworld + plutor (l) - the rainer, he who sends rain + explutor (l) - the outrainer, he who send rain out + exploiter + exploder.
ANDES MOUNTAINS - The great mountain system of South America. Andesite is a type of lava first investigated in the Andes by C P Buch.
Pantelleria - an island between Sicily and Tunis. With an area of 83 km², it is the largest volcanic satellite island of Sicily + (*E*, *VYC*, *IJ*).
ministerium - the body of ordained ministers of the Lutheran church in any district, charged with the ruling of the congregation and the selection of candidates for clerical preferment + monasterium (l) - a monastery.
patrician - a person of noble birth or rank; a nobleman, aristocrat; Opp. to plebeian; a member of a heretical sect which arose in the fourth century, and held that the substance of the flesh was the work of the devil, not of God.
right enough - indeed, certainly + MMLJ: And now that reminds me of poor Marcus Lyons and poor Johnny and the four of us and there they were now listening right enough the four saltwater widowers and all they could remember remembore
mammon - the Aramaic word for 'riches' + Thomas Moore: War Song: Remember the Glories of Brien the Brave: 'Mononia! when Nature embellish'd the tint Of thy fields' + Joyce's note: 'Momonian' → Momonian - "of Munster" in pseudo Latin. The reference here is to Mark Lyons, who is Munster (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).
Thomas Moore, song: The Prince's Day: 'Tho' dark are our sorrows'
Margaret and Sweet William - lovers in an old English ballad ("Fair Margaret and Sweet William")
Swede - a native of Sweden
villam (Hungarian) - lightning
Lally Tompkins (*S*) [067.11] [096.19]
black print - Photogr. A print giving black lines on a white ground + Black Prince - Prince Edward 1330-76, Duke of Cornwall + "Antonymically inverting the sense of "photography" (Gr. photographia, "light-writing"), Joyce's sleep-descriptive "scotography" (Gr. skotos, "darkness") makes for a kind of "darkness-writing" whose developed product, the inversion of a well-articulated positive print, is a "partly obliterated negative" that captures the "Real Absence" of an extremely "Black Prince" who lies "reduced to nothing" in the "noughttime" (499.3) and so can only be captured in "black prints"." (John Bishop: Joyce's Book of the Dark).
extinct - no longer in existence; Of volcanos: permanently inactive.
wreak - pain or punishment inflicted in return for an injury, wrong, offence, etc. + wreck
NORMAN'S WOE - A reef on Cape Ann, Massachusets, US. Scene of legendary wreck of the "Hesperus." "Like a sheeted ghost, the vessel swept / Towards the reef of Norman's Woe" (Longfellow, The Wreck of the Hesperus).
Richard D'Alton Williams: The Barmaid Sighs + J.C. Mangan: The Time of the Barmecides (Barmecides were an 8th century Persian noble family) [.17]
landing - the action of coming to land or putting ashore + MMLJ: long long ago with Mullaly Lally when my heart knew no care the landing of Sir Arthur Casement in 1132
casemate - Fortif. A vaulted chamber built in the thickness of the ramparts of a fortress; Naut. An armoured enclosure for guns in a warship + Sir Roger Casement tried to arrange German weapons deal for Irish Easter Rising in 1916, but was arrested on landing in Tralee Bay + Julius Caesar (landing in Britain) + Lady Ceaser - legendary colonist of Ireland before the Deluge.
Battersby Bros - Dublin auctioneers, Westmoreland Street → "Bootersbay Sisters, like the auctioneer Battersby Sisters" [386.24] + queen bee.
whate - fortune, destiny, fate, luck + THE WHITE SHIP - The ship carrying Henry I's son William from Normandy to England, which sank (25 Nov 1120), drowning William and precipitating a contest for the crown + MMLJ: and the coronation of Brian by the his grace bishop James H J.P. Bishop Senior [in his shovel hat] and then there was the drowning of Pharoah
Pharaoh - the generic appellation of the ancient Egyptian kings + Exodus 14:28: 'And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them'.
pedestrian - one who goes or travels on foot
merkin - the female pudendum + merken (ger) - notice + Mark of Cornwall + "The youngest sister Ellen Mary (Flynn family) married a Matthew Callanan, sometime secretary of the Irish Farmers Club in Upper Sackville Streeet." (from biography by Peter Costello).
official - one who is invested with an office of a public nature, or has duties in connexion with some public institution + MMLJ: and they were all drowned in the sea the red sea and then poor Martin Cunningham out of the castle when he was drowned off Dunleary in the red sea and thank God there are no more of us. [Ay, ay. So he was.]
the Castle - in reference to Ireland, means specifically Dublin Castle, as the seat of the vice-regal court and administration; hence, in politics, the authority centred at Dublin Castle, the officials who administer the government of Ireland. Poor Martin Cunningham, of "Ulysses" and "Grace," held a respectable job in the Castle, drowned swimming off Dún Laoghaire on 10 July 1904.
suir - obs. form of sure + Suir river.
mourning paper - note-paper with a black edge + note-paper - paper of the various sizes and qualities now generally used for correspondence.
Saman - a sacred text or verse forming the third of the four kinds of Vedas; the name of the Veda thus formed; first native dynasty of Persia + Samhain (soun) (gael) - winter feast of the dead; November; All-hallows + samhan (sawan) (gael) - doze, swoon + Samen (ger) - seed + saman (Malay) - legal summons + someone
azurine - blue, azure + Arthurian.
deep - the deep part of the sea
sweep - to pass over the surface of (something) in the manner of a broom or brush
widdy - dial. or vulgar var. widow [Martin Cunningham's wife is associated with drunkenness and widowhood (Ulysses.15.3855: 'umbrella sways drunkenly... Under the umbrella appears Mrs Cunningham in merry widow hat'; Dubliners: 'Grace': 'Mr Cunningham... had married... an incurable drunkard')].
giddy - having a confused sensation of swimming or whirling in the head, with proneness to fall; affected with vertigo
wreath - flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes; to encircle with or as if with a wreath + writing
greatest + Grace's.
tribute + triput (l) - solemn religious dance.
grocery - the trade of a grocer (a retail merchant who sells foodstuffs)
monthly - a literary periodical magazine or review published once in each month + Grocery Traders' Monthly (periodical).
mand (Danish) - man + My Man Godfrey (film) + Humphrey.
Round Table
reincorporate - to incorporate again