someone's flesh creeps - somone feels great fear

mead - an alcoholic liquor made by fermenting a mixture of honey and water + What Are Little Girls Made Of, Made Of (nursery rhyme).

mard = merd - dung, excrement + mard (Persian) - man (human male). 

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, was an English author, mathematician, logician, anglican deacon and photographer. His most famous writings are ''Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'' and its sequel ''Through the Looking-Glass''.

dodge - a shifty trick, an artifice to elude or cheat

wonderland - an imaginary realm of wonder and faery; a country, realm, or domain which is full of wonders or marvels

flaunt - to display ostentatiously or obtrusively; to flourish, parade, show off

trance - a state of mental abstraction from external things; absorption, exaltation, rapture, ecstasy + Time and Western Man says all creative writing is done in a trance.

Titbits (periodical; Ulysses.4.467)

man + morn + Lewis Carroll invented a word game called Doublets, in which a player turns one word into another by altering a letter at a time, each step resulting in an existing word (e.g. mead, mard, made, marn).

put one's cards on the table - to show or make known one's intentions, plans, etc., to reveal one's resources + (breakfast).

thrate (Irish Pronunciation) - treat + Matthew 5:38: 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth'.

auditor - a hearer, listener; one of an audience; one who learns by oral instruction; an attendant on lectures, a disciple

torc (turk) (gael) - boar, hog

anonymous + anonymei (gr) - without name + anonyma (Slang) - demi-mondaine, woman of doubtful reputation.

lefthanded - awkward; clumsy, inapt; ill-omened, inauspicious, sinister; Of a marriage: Literally, one in which the bridegroom gives the bride his left hand instead of his right (as was the custom at morganatic weddings in Germany); hence, morganatic.

palinode - an ode or song in which the author retracts something said in a former poem; hence gen. a recantation + (King Mark supposedly got an anonymous letter).


suspicious + In preplay to Anonymay's left hinted palinode obviously inspiterable inspiterebbed by a sibspecious connexion.

connexion = connection - a personal relation of intercourse, intimacy, common interest, or action; sexual relation or intercourse.

note - to observe or mark carefully, to give heed or attention to, to notice closely

notes of admiration (Slang) - exclamation marks

semicolon - a punctuation-mark consisting of a dot placed above a comma (;)

screamer - an exclamation mark

gamma (gr) - letter G + gomma (it) - rubber + inverted comma - a mark, the same as that used in punctuation, but placed above the line as a quotation-mark: that at the beginning of the quotation or line is inverted, that at the end erect.

quote - a quotation mark + quoites (Slang) - buttocks.

punt (Dutch) - point, full stop + quite pointless.

farce - a dramatic work (usually short) which has for its sole object to excite laughter + face to face.


delict + dialect + J.C. Mardrus translated the Koran and the Arabian Nights into French.


culotte - a divided skirt + Roman Catholicism.

fugle - to cheat, trick + fugle (Danish) - birds.

gleeman - a professional entertainer at social gatherings; esp. a singer, musician, or minstrel

pants - pantaloons, trousers; underpants, panties, or shorts worn as an outer garment

outside + outsized - unusually large or heavy, too large.

duckboard - a boardwalk laid on a wet, muddy or cold surface for the safety of the people crossing or standing on it

love one another + law and order.

lov (Danish) - law + ardor (it) - heat.

biskop (Danish) - bishop + The Bay of Biscay (song).

reel - to walk with the body swinging violently from side to side; to make one's way in a swaying or staggering manner, esp. under the effects of intoxication

postoral - situated behind the mouth + pastoral

lector - Eccl. An ecclesiastic belonging to one of the minor orders, whose duty originally consisted in reading the 'lessons' + lector (l) - a reader.

epistole (gr) - written communication, letter + episteme (gr) - knowledge + epistemologia (gr) - science of knowing how, science of knowledge + epistolothemalogia (gr) - the science of that which is discussed in letters (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).

Dorf (ger) - village + Dear Dirty Dublin.

bunk - a box or recess in a ship's cabin, railway-carriage, lodging-house, etc., serving for a bed

The Death of Nelson (song): 'For England, home and beauty'

butt in - to thrust oneself unceremoniously and uninvited into an affair, discussion, etc.; to intrude, interfere without good reason

breach of contract - the breaking of any legal or moral bond or obligation

hic - an imitation of the sound of a hiccup, esp. as an interruption in the speech of a drunken person + hic (l) - here.

take hold - to grasp, seize

namer (Hebrew) - leopard; tiger

Numa Pompilius (l) - second king of Rome

Nemo (l) - No one: Ulixes' name + gnomon (gr) - one that knows, an interpreter + no more + (4-stage Viconian cycle).

counsel - to give or offer counsel or advice

Ecclesiast - 'The Preacher', i.e. Solomon considered as the author of the Book of Ecclesiastes; a church administrator.

resumption - the action of resuming, taking up, or commencing again + reason + presumption.

Foreign Office - the department of the 'Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs'; the building in which the business of this department is carried on

on the shove (Slang) - on the move

lay out - to take measures, frame one's conduct with a view to effecting a purpose or gaining an object; to take measures to win or get. Also, to scheme, plan to effect some purpose.

dossier - a bundle of papers or documents referring to some matter; esp. a bundle of papers or information about a person

plan - to devise, contrive, design (something to be done, or some action or proceeding to be carried out); to scheme, project, arrange beforehand. Also with on.

plot - a plan or scheme for the constitution or accomplishment of anything

edging - that which forms an edge to anything

whispering - reporting something secretly or confidentially; esp. secretly slanderous, talebearing, backbiting

peeler - a nickname given to members of the Irish constabulary, founded under the secretaryship (1812-18) of Mr. Robert Peel


dirt cheap - as cheap as dirt, exceedingly cheap

sovereign - a British gold coin of the (nominal) value of one pound

(so much) a skull - per person

Finsbury Park, London

backwoods - wild, uncleared forest-land; e.g. that of North America. Also a remote and sparsely inhabited region + backwards.

better + Battersea Park, London.

see to - to take special care about (a matter)

regent - one who is invested with royal authority by another; esp. one appointed to administer a kingdom during the minority, absence, or incapacity of the sovereign + Regent's Park, London + recent

refutation - the action of refuting or disproving a statement, charge, etc. + reputation

Oscar Wild is writing

go native - to turn to or relapse into savagery or heathenism

orange book - a report of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries dealing with marketing questions and published in orange covers + Yellow Book of Lecan - Irish manuscript.

Eastcheap, London + Chapelizod.

Basil Hallward - one of the three main male characters in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray [.29] + Basilios I Makedonikos - Byzantine emperor, murdered his predcessor + basileus (gr) - king.

avenue - a fine wide street + King's Avenue, Ballybough, Dublin + turn King's evidence - (of an accomplice in a crime) to offer himself as witness for the prosecution against other persons implicated.

for a moment - during a moment + mo (Slang) - moment + Genesis 4:15: 'the Lord set a mark upon Cain' + "Now I, the lord of Tuttu, am placing that inital T square of burial jade upright to your temple a moment." [486.14-.15]


chung (Chinese) - a crowd + Hwang Ch'êng - Imperial City (part of Peking).

fella (Pidgin) - fellow (serves numerous grammatical functions, such as plural marker or intensifier)

Humpty Dumpty (nursery rhyme) + number one.

topside (Pidgin) - superior + top sawyer - the sawyer who works the upper handle of a pit-saw.

blong (Beche-la-Mar) - of + longa (Beche-la-Mar) - to.

pidgin - a language as spoken in a simplified or altered form by non-natives, spec. as a means of communication between people not sharing a common language

sand (Danish) - true + Sackerson (*S*)