tough battle + Butt/Taff.
outrage - to do violence to; to subject to outrage; to wrong grossly, treat with gross violence or indignity
hinterland - the district behind that lying along the coast (or along the shore of a river); the 'back country'. Also applied spec. to the area lying behind a port, and to the fringe areas of a town or city + Hinterhand (ger) - back of the hand.
supply (pl. supplies) - provision of funds or food; (a quantity of) money or provisions supplied or to be supplied: now chiefly spec. the food and other stores necessary for an armed force.
supplication - humble or earnest petition or entreaty; humble prayer addressed to God + explain explication + FSTD: And be they gone to § splane splication. You bet they is. Fidelisat. Item. He was hardset then and he wanted to go (somewhere) while he was weeting. Utem. He wished to grieve on the good persons, that is the four gentlemen. Otem. And it was not a long time till he was feeling true forim he was godda purssia and it was a short time then till he was fooling mehaunt to and mehynte he was an injine robber. He So much so that he was at his thinker's aunts tanker's dance to give (the four gentlemen) a corse the presence (of a corse). Etem. He found the found pond pound; and they fond the hurtled stones; they fell in with the gravy duck; and he got the roast of the meat. Atem.
hoose = house (obs.) + on the house - at the expense of the tavern, saloon, etc.
lit. zuruckkehren (ger) - return, turn back
nose down - to head down, to turn down
sublation - the act of taking away, removal; In logic: denial + {the four and the rest of the customers are quite drunk - a report of supposedly known facts is compiled}
byebye - a colloquial and nursery variant of good-bye + by the by (phrase) + FSTD: With however what sublation of compensation in the radification of interpretation by the byeboys? Being they.
James Joyce: Gas from a Burner + George Bernard Shaw + (six names and addresses).
Saint Bruno - founder of Carthusians + Saint Bruno pipe tobacco + Giordano Bruno + FSTD: Mr. G.B.D. Ashburner, S. Bruno's Tobaggan Hill Drive,
faix (fr) - load, burden + Fox Goodman.
bell-chimes + FSTD: Mr Faixgood Bellchimbers,
Carolan - last of the ancient Irish bards (died 1738), blind at eighteen + FSTD: Carolan Crescent, M.I.I. Chattaway,
People's Park, Dún Laoghaire
Dieu-donné (fr) - God-given + Dieu-donné (French Colloquial) - of uncertain parentage + "— Trinathan partnick dieudonnay. Have you seen her?" [478.26]
pier + Ghazi Power - Irish journalist + "Ghazi Power, my tristy minstrel" [521.22] + FSTD: Hilly Gape, Poplar Park, Mr. Q.P. Dieudonney, the View, Gazey,
Archdeacon J.F.X.P. Coppinger
road + FSTD: Mr. Q.P. Peer, Mr. T.T. Erchdeakin, Multiple Lodge, Jeff Jiff Exby Rode,
F.E.R.T. - "Fortitudo ejus Rhodum tenuit" (His firmness guarded Rhodes). This is a tribute to Amadeus the Great (b.1249), the founder of the dynasty of Savoy. In 1310 he helped against the Saracens at the siege of Rhodes + fert - Irish monument to dead + fahrt fort (ger) - rides away.
bothan (buhan) (geal) - hut + Woeful Dane Bottom - valley in Gloucestershire, possibly site of a Danish defeat [340.09] [503.21] [594.12] + FSTD: Mr. W. K. Ferris-Fender, Fert Fort, Woovil Doon Botham
tout - a spy, an informer; one who solicits custom; one who surreptitiously watches the trials of race-horses, so as to gain information for betting purposes + *S*.
pump - to raise or move water or other fluid by means of a pump + FSTD: to whom onto whom ontowhom add adding the tout that pumped the stout
lank - a lanky or lean person
Sandy - a shortened form of the name Alexander, chiefly used in Scotland; Hence used as a nickname for a Scotchman + FSTD: that linked the lank that sold the sandy
next door - the (door of the) nearest or adjoining house
rotter - a thoroughly objectionable person
rook - to cheat; to defraud by cheating, esp. in gaming; to clean of money by fraud, extortion, or other means
rhymer - one who makes rimes or verses; esp. an inferior poet, a mere versifier
lap - to drink greedily up (like an animal) + lived + FSTD: that nextdoored the rotter that rooked the rhymer that lapped at the hoose that Joax pilled.
pill - to plunder, pillage, spoil + The House That Jack Built (nursery rhyme).
videlicet - that is to say + Fideli sat (l) - [it] suffices for the faithful one + fidelis (l) - faithful.
Roderic O'Connor - (d. 1198), king of Connaught and the last high king of Ireland; he failed to turn back the Anglo-Norman invasion that led to the conquest of Ireland by England + Rory O'Connor seized Four Courts, King's Inns Quay, Dublin, during Civil War, 1922 + Rurik - first king of the Russians [309.10]
sight + height.
perchpole - a long pole used by acrobat for climbing and balancing feats + Flowerpot on a pole (motif).
Luvah - male spirit in Blake's Vala, or the Four Zoas + love glove - a condom.
monarch - In early use, a sole and absolute ruler of a state + Manners maketh man (proverb).
you son of a bitch
some of us was
stunt - to irritate, provoke to anger; to check the growth or development of (a person, plant, etc.)
needle - a piece of magnetized steel used as an indicator of direction (in later use as a part of the compass), or in connexion with magnetic or electric apparatus such as the telegraph.
point out - to indicate the place or direction of (something) with the finger or otherwise; to indicate, direct attention to, show
noodle - a simpleton, a stupid or silly person; the head + FSTD: So many needles to ponk out to as many noodles as are company,
noddle - to nod (the head) quickly or slightly
tutti (it) - all
tempo (it) - time + FSTD: they noddling all about it all to time tuti to tempo,
decuman - very large, immense: usually of waves; Rom. Antiq. Belonging to the tenth cohort + decumanus (l) - of the tenth part; East-West line of Roman surveyors.
someone's number two - a person appointed to work closely with and support someone in an important job esp. if he leaves or becomes ill + number two - a person second in importance or rank to a head of a department, etc., a second in command + Document no. 2 - De Valera's alternative to the Treaty.
secretary bird - a punning term for a young woman employed as a secretary + secretary bird - African bird, eats snakes + [358.36-359.20]
Pandora's box - the gift of Jupiter to Pandora, a box enclosing the whole multitude of human ills, which flew forth when the box was foolishly opened by Epimetheus; according to a later version, the box contained all the blessings of the gods, which, on its opening, escaped and were lost, with the exception of hope, which was at the bottom of the box.
Poll an Phuca (poulafuke) (geal) - Hobgoblin's Hole, chasm on Liffey S.W. of Dublin; anglic. Poulaphoooka + paula bucca (l) - little mouth.
Solicitor General - a law-officer who takes the part of the state or crown in suits affecting the public interest + FSTD: (1 a) well that the secretary bird, [better known as Pandoria pandoria paullabucca whom they thought was more like a solicitor general,]
indiscriminatingly - in an indiscriminating manner, without discrimination
make believe - to pretend or imagine
autosuggestion - suggestion originating from oneself; spec. in Psychol., the subconscious realization of an idea suggested to oneself for adoption
schelm - a rascal (a term of abuse attributed to German speakers) + Shem + FSTD: indiscriminatingly made belief with mid authorsuggestion authorsaghastions authorsagastion from [Schelm the] Pelman
Pelman - the name of Christopher Louis Pelman, founder (in 1899) of the Pelman Institute for the Scientific Development of Mind, Memory and Personality in London, used attrib. to designate the system of memory training taught by this Institute + Penman
chicken pox - the common name for Varicella, a mild eruptive disease, bearing some resemblance to small-pox, and chiefly attacking children + {letter to *S* about *E*}.
Poll Beig (poul beg) (gael) - Little Hole; lighthouse, Dublin Bay + poule (fr) - hen + bec (fr) - beak.
will be the death of - to make (the speaker) laugh so much he might die of laughing + FSTD: to write some words some Words somewords to Senders [about her chilikin puck,] laughing that Poulebec would be the death of her,
majesty + FSTD: (2 b) that, well, that Maggie Madges tighe Tighe, the postulate auditressee,
postulate - claimed, required + post auditress.
auditress - a female hearer or auditor + postulated addressee + *I*
Diarmaid is Grainne (d'ir mid' is grani) (gael) - Freeman and Spearpoint; hero and heroine of Toraidheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghrainne; Diarmaid and Grania.
'Halt! Who goes there?' (sentry)
"T" + cup of tea → The Letter: teastain + FSTD: when her daremood's a grownian, is always on the who goes where haping hoping to Michal for the latter to turn up with a cupital capital cupital tea
ephemeral - Of insects, flowers, etc.: Existing for one day only, or for a very few days + The Letter: grand funeral.
come off - Of a play, film, etc.: to reach the end of a run.
General Post - formerly, the post or mail that was sent from the General Post Office in London, originally on certain days, latterly once a day, to all the post offices in the kingdom (opposed to the local 'penny' or 'two-penny' post); hence the first delivery in the morning is still officially designated the G.P. or General Post delivery.
likewise + FSTD: before her ephumeral comes off without any much father (3) which is parton parting parcel of the same goumeral's postoppage, it being loookwhyse lookwhyse on the whence blows wheather
mickle - much + so mickle = so much.
latter end - the concluding part (of a period etc.)
twaddle - to talk or write in a silly, empty, or trashy style
"L" + cubital - of the length of a cubit (forearm) + cubitalis (l) - pertaining to the elbow + lul (Dutch) - penis + Hieroglyphic sign of the cubit is represented by a section of the forearm assuming the outline of the recumbent sign of the Neter; in English, sign would be "L".